
1499 lines
40 KiB

SlideScript - minimalistic top-down scripting language.
(C) Copyright 2014-2021 Chris Dorman - some rights reserved (GPLv2)
View README file supplied with this software for more details
#include "inc/deps.h"
#include "inc/lexer.h"
#include "inc/util.h"
#include "inc/vars.h"
#include "inc/enc.h"
#include "inc/math.h"
#include "inc/md5.h"
#include "inc/network.h"
#include "inc/search.h"
#include "inc/inset.h"
// For slidescript compression algorithm
#include "inc/tar.h"
#include "inc/compression.h"
char *process_line(char *line)
char *tok_srch, *retbuf, *filebuf, *compbuf, *loopbuf;
//printf("%s", &line[strlen(line)-2]);
static char dirpathbuf[MAX_STRING_BUFSIZE];
tok_srch = strtok(line, "=\" ;");
/* reuse function */
/*else if(strncmp("temp",tok_srch,4) == 0)
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, " ");
/* if line starts with a comment, skip */
if(strncmp("#",tok_srch,1) == 0)
return NULL;
// Check for main calls from user in interactive
else if(strncmp("exit", tok_srch, 4) == 0)
x_error("ss:exit called");
else if(strncmp("version", tok_srch, 7) == 0)
x_warn(":ss:version: %s, type 'help' for function list\n", VERSION);
return NULL;
else if(strncmp("help", tok_srch, 4) == 0)
x_warn(":ss:help:\n%s", FUNCTION_HELP);
return NULL;
// Lets add if and loop statements, make this
// Somewhat usable as a language in other instances
// Loop
else if(strncmp("loop:", tok_srch, 4) == 0)
int loop_count, ii;
char *proc_return;
char *countbuf;
// We have an if statement
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, ";");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:loop statement requires arguments");
return NULL;
// Check if there's anything after the first quote
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 ||
strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0 ||
strcmp(tok_srch, " ") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:loop syntax error, missing argument?");
return NULL;
countbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, (strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) + 1));
*countbuf = '\0';
strcat(countbuf, parse_vars(tok_srch));
loop_count = atoi(countbuf);
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, ";");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:loop syntax error, missing last argument?");
return NULL;
// Check if there's anything after the first quote
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:if syntax error, missing first argument?");
return NULL;
loopbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, (strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) + 1));
*loopbuf = '\0';
strcat(loopbuf, parse_vars(tok_srch));
for(ii = 0; ii < loop_count; ii++)
proc_return = process_line(parse_vars(loopbuf));
if(proc_return != NULL)
printf("%s\n", proc_return);
return NULL;
// IF statement
else if(strncmp("comp:", tok_srch, 5) == 0)
// We have an if statement
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:if statement requires arguments");
return NULL;
// Check if there's anything after the first quote
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:if syntax error, missing first argument?");
return NULL;
// Make sure the end quote exists
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:if syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
compbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, (strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) + 1));
strcpy(compbuf, parse_vars(tok_srch));
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:if statement requires two compared arguments");
return NULL;
// Check if there's anything after the first quote
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:if syntax error, missing second argument?");
return NULL;
// Make sure the end quote exists
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:if syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
if(atoi(compbuf) == atoi(parse_vars(tok_srch)) &&
strncmp(compbuf, parse_vars(tok_srch), strlen(compbuf)) == 0)
return "true";
return "false";
// Change directory
else if(strncmp("backdir", tok_srch, 7) == 0)
int chdir_return = chdir("..");
if(chdir_return < 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:backdir, failed to move directory location");
// Move files using rename()
else if(strncmp("move",tok_srch,4) == 0 || strncmp("mv", tok_srch, 2) == 0)
char orig_fn[MAX_STRING_BUFSIZE]; // Should never be more than 6 characters
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing filename?");
return NULL;
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) < MAX_STRING_LEN)
strcpy(orig_fn, parse_vars(tok_srch));
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing first filename?");
return NULL;
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing second filename?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:move syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
int rename_return = rename(orig_fn, parse_vars(tok_srch));
if(rename_return < 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:move, failed to move file");
return NULL;
// Show current directory.
else if(strncmp("showpath", tok_srch, 8) == 0 || strncmp("pwd", tok_srch, 3) == 0)
// Get current directory, if it errors, return NULL
if (getcwd(retbuf, sizeof(dirpathbuf)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
// All good, return path
return dirpathbuf;
// Change directory
else if(strncmp("chdir", tok_srch, 5) == 0 || strncmp("cd", tok_srch, 2) == 0)
char *dirname;
int chdir_return;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:chdir syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:chdir syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
dirname = parse_vars(tok_srch);
chdir_return = chdir(dirname);
if(chdir_return < 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:chdir, error changing directory");
return NULL;
else if(strncmp("showdir", tok_srch, 7) == 0 || strncmp("ls", tok_srch, 2) == 0)
char *dirname;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
dirname = ".";
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL && dirname == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:showdir syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
if(dirname == NULL)
dirname = parse_vars(tok_srch);
struct dirent **files;
int nn, dirstr_size;
nn = scandir (dirname, &files, NULL, alphasort);
if (nn < 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:showdir, failed to open directory");
return NULL;
dirstr_size = 14;
for (int jj = 0; jj < nn; jj++)
struct dirent *ent = files [jj];
dirstr_size += (strlen(ent->d_name)+3);
retbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, dirstr_size);
sprintf(retbuf, "%s\n", "ss:showdir:");
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++)
struct dirent *ent = files [ii];
strcat(retbuf, ent->d_name);
strcat(retbuf, "\n");
for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) { free (files [ii]); }
free (files);
return retbuf;
else if(strncmp("decompress",tok_srch,10) == 0)
char *filename;
struct tar_t *archive = NULL;
int fd;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:decompress syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:decompress syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
filename = parse_vars(tok_srch);
FILE *in;
char origsize[128];
char filedecout[MAX_FILENAME_LEN+5];
in = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(in == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, failed to open tar for compression");
return NULL;
sprintf(filedecout, "uncompressed.tar");
sprintf(origsize, "%ld", fsize(in));
uint32_t deco_return = ss_decompress(filename, filedecout);
retbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, (sizeof(deco_return) + strlen(filename) + strlen(origsize) + 40));
sprintf(retbuf, "ss: %s: decompressed: %s -> %u", filename, origsize, deco_return);
// open existing file
if ((fd = open(filedecout, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
x_warn("ss:warn:decompress, failed to tar open archive");
return NULL;
// read in data
if (tar_read(fd, &archive, '1') < 0) {
x_warn("ss:warn:decompress, failed to read archive");
return NULL;
// perform operation
if(tar_extract(fd, archive, 0, NULL, '1') < 0) { // extract entries
x_warn("ss:warn:decompress, error occured");
return NULL;
close(fd); // don't bother checking for fd < 0
return retbuf;
/* Compression function of tar */
else if(strncmp("compress",tok_srch,8) == 0)
char filename[MAX_FILENAME_LEN+1]; // Files to be added into the archive
char comp_size[128];
struct tar_t *archive = NULL;
int fd;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress syntax error, missing archive name...");
return NULL;
// Save tarball filename
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) < MAX_FILENAME_LEN)
sprintf(filename, "%s", parse_vars(tok_srch));
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, filename too long!");
return NULL;
if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) == -1){
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, failed to open new archive");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, missing file path (what are we gonna compress?)");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
int argc = 0;
char *argv[MAX_FILES];
char *p2 = strtok(tok_srch, " ");
while (p2 && argc < MAX_FILES-1)
argv[argc++] = p2;
p2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
argv[argc] = 0;
const char **tarin = (const char **) &argv[0];
if (tar_write(fd, &archive, argc, tarin, '1') < 0) {
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, failed to create tar archive");
return NULL;
close(fd); // don't bother checking for fd < 0
FILE *in;
char origsize[128];
char file_comp[MAX_FILENAME_LEN+9];
char filedecout[MAX_FILENAME_LEN+10];
in = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(in == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:compress, failed to open tar for compression");
return NULL;
sprintf(file_comp, "", filename);
sprintf(filedecout, "%s.tar.1", filename);
sprintf(origsize, "%ld", fsize(in));
sprintf(comp_size, "%s", origsize);
for(uint32_t i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
uint32_t comp_return = ss_compress(filename, file_comp, i);
uint32_t deco_return = ss_decompress(file_comp, filedecout);
if(atoi(comp_size) < (int)comp_return && comp_return != 0 && deco_return != 0 && i != 1)
retbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, sizeof(deco_return) + sizeof(comp_return) + strlen(file_comp) + 40);
sprintf(retbuf, "ss: %s: compressed: %u -> %u", file_comp, deco_return, comp_return);
sprintf(comp_size, "%u", comp_return);
printf("pass %u decompressed/compressed: %u/%u\n", i, deco_return, comp_return);
// Remove the decompressed version for sanity check
return retbuf;
/* mkdir function, and mkfile functions */
else if(strncmp("mkdir",tok_srch,5) == 0)
int parsed;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkdir syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkdir syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
parsed = file_exists(parse_vars(tok_srch));
if(parsed == 1)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkdir, file exists");
return NULL;
// Create directory if need pe
int mkpret = mkpath(parse_vars(tok_srch), 0755);
if(mkpret == -1)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkdir, failed to make directory");
return NULL;
else if(strncmp("mkfile",tok_srch,5) == 0)
int parsed;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkfile syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkfile syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
parsed = file_exists(parse_vars(tok_srch));
if(parsed == 1)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkfile, file exists");
return NULL;
// Create directory if need pe
int mkpret = mkpath(parse_vars(tok_srch), 0755);
if(mkpret == -1)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkfile, failed to form parent path, attempting to write file.");
FILE *cfile = fopen(parse_vars(tok_srch), "w");
if(cfile == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:mkfile, failed to open file");
return NULL;
fprintf(cfile, "%d", '\0');
return NULL;
/* time function */
else if(strncmp("time",tok_srch,4) == 0)
char *parsed;
parsed = ss_time();
return strip_nl(parsed);
/* isfile function */
else if(strncmp("isfile",tok_srch,5) == 0)
int parsed;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:isfile syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:isfile syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
parsed = file_exists(parse_vars(tok_srch));
if(parsed == 1)
return "1";
return "0";
/* isdir function */
else if(strncmp("isdir",tok_srch,5) == 0)
int parsed;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:isdir syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"")==NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:isdir syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
parsed = is_dir(parse_vars(tok_srch));
if(parsed < 1)
return "0";
return "1";
/* print function */
else if(strncmp("print",tok_srch,5) == 0)
char *parsed;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:print syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
parsed = parse_vars(tok_srch);
if(parsed != NULL)
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:print syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
return parsed;
x_warn("ss:warn:print compulation error, no argument?");
return NULL;
/* sleep function */
else if(strncmp("sleep",tok_srch,5) == 0)
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, " ");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:sleep syntax error, need trailing integer for operation");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:sleep syntax error, need trailing integer for operation");
return NULL;
/* if there is a new line, remove it */
if(tok_srch[strlen(tok_srch)-1] == '\n')
tok_srch[strlen(tok_srch)-1] = 0;
return NULL;
// Calc function, some math involved! //
else if(strncmp("calc",tok_srch,5) == 0)
char *expr_return;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:calc syntax error, missing quotes around equation");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || (strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0))
x_warn("ss:warn:calc syntax error, missing equation?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:calc syntax error, missing ending quote?");
return NULL;
expr_return = ss_expr(parse_vars(tok_srch));
return expr_return;
/* Networking, listen */
else if(strncmp("netlisten",tok_srch,9) == 0)
char srch[MAX_NETSRCH_BUF];
char port[7]; // Should never be more than 6 characters
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing beginning quote");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing address?");
return NULL;
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) < 7)
strcpy(port, parse_vars(tok_srch));
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, port too long?");
return NULL;
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing search string?");
return NULL;
strcpy(srch, parse_vars(tok_srch));
/* strtok to the socket response */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing return string?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:netlisten syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
snet_listen(atoi(port), srch, parse_vars(tok_srch));
return NULL;
/* Networking, listen */
else if(strncmp("nethttp",tok_srch,7) == 0)
char port[7]; // Should never be more than 6 characters
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing port value?");
return NULL;
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) < 7)
strcpy(port, parse_vars(tok_srch));
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(atoi(parse_vars(tok_srch)) == 1 || atoi(parse_vars(tok_srch)) == 0)
snet_http(atoi(port), atoi(parse_vars(tok_srch)));
x_warn("ss:warn:nethttp syntax error, fork = 1, not 0");
return NULL;
return NULL;
/* Networking, connect */
else if(strncmp("nettoss",tok_srch,10) == 0)
char address[MAX_ADDRESS_BUF];
char port[7];
/* strtok to filename of function */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* Check to see if syntax is correct */
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missig address?");
return NULL;
/* open file */
strcpy(address, parse_vars(tok_srch));
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) > 6)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, port too long");
return NULL;
strcpy(port, parse_vars(tok_srch));
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, send string");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:nettoss syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
strcpy(data, parse_vars(tok_srch));
snet_toss(address, atoi(port), data);
return NULL;
/* ss encrypt function */
else if(strncmp("encode", tok_srch,6) == 0)
char *var_conv;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:encode syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:encode syntax error, encode string?");
return NULL;
var_conv = parse_vars(tok_srch);
if(var_conv != NULL)
char *encrp;
encrp = ss_encrypt(var_conv);
return encrp;
x_warn("ss:warn:encode returned NULL!");
return NULL;
/* ss decrypt function */
else if(strncmp("decode", tok_srch,6) == 0)
char *var_conv;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:decode syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:decode syntax error, missing decode data?");
return NULL;
var_conv = parse_vars(tok_srch);
if(var_conv != NULL)
char *decrp;
decrp = ss_decrypt(var_conv);
return decrp;
x_warn("ss:warn:decode returned NULL!");
return NULL;
/* builtin md5 function */
else if(strncmp("md5",tok_srch,3) == 0)
char *file_line, *catfile, *file_md5_val;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:md5 syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:md5 syntax error, need filename");
return NULL;
file_line = parse_vars(tok_srch);
file_md5_val = md5_file(file_line);
catfile = ss_concat(file_md5_val, file_line);
retbuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, strlen(catfile)+1);
strcpy(retbuf, catfile);
return retbuf;
/* system execute function */
else if(strncmp("exec", tok_srch, 4) == 0 || strncmp("~", tok_srch, 1) == 0)
char *cmd_line;
int return_val;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:exec syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:exec syntax error, missing execution switch?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:exec syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
cmd_line = parse_vars(tok_srch);
return_val = system(cmd_line);
if(return_val != 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:exec returned error code");
return NULL;
else if(strncmp("search",tok_srch,6) == 0)
char filename[MAX_FILENAME_BUFSIZE];
char *search_str, *retval;
FILE* search_file = NULL;
/* strtok to filename of function */
bzero(filename, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* Check to see if syntax is correct */
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing filename");
return NULL;
/* open file */
if(MAX_FILENAME_LEN < atoi(parse_vars(tok_srch)))
x_warn("ss:warn:search, filename too long");
return NULL;
strcat(filename, parse_vars(tok_srch));
search_file = fopen(filename, "r");
/* Check if file exists and can be opened */
if(search_file == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:search, failed to open file");
return NULL;
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing write data?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:search syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
search_str = parse_vars(tok_srch);
retval = strip_nl(ss_search(filename, search_file, search_str));
return retval;
} /* search function */
/* write */
else if(strncmp("write",tok_srch,5) == 0)
char *filename;
char *file_content;
FILE* write_file = NULL;
/* strtok to filename of function */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* Check to see if syntax is correct */
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing filename");
return NULL;
/* open file */
filename = parse_vars(tok_srch);
write_file = fopen(filename, "w");
/* Check if file exists and can be opened */
if(write_file == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:write, failed to open file");
return NULL;
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing write data?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:write syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
file_content = parse_vars(tok_srch);
fprintf(write_file, "%s\n", file_content);
return NULL;
} /* write function */
/* read function */
else if(strncmp("read",tok_srch,4) == 0)
unsigned long read_size;
char read_line[1024];
char *filename, *dynfile;
FILE *read_file = NULL;
/* strtok to filename of function */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:read syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:read syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:read syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* Pull any variables out of the file name
that may be, and BAM, variable fill! */
filename = parse_vars(tok_srch);
/* open file */
read_file = fopen(filename, "r");
/* Check if file was opened successfully */
if(read_file == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:read, failed to open '%s'", filename);
return NULL;
fseek(read_file, 0L, SEEK_END);
read_size = ftell(read_file);
dynfile = qmalloc(QM_SS, read_size);
char *nullbyte = "\0";
strcpy(dynfile, nullbyte);
while(fgets(read_line, sizeof(read_line), read_file) != NULL)
strcat(dynfile, read_line);
return strip_nl(dynfile);
} /* read function */
/* Cat function, writes to end of file specified */
else if(strncmp("cat",tok_srch,3) == 0)
unsigned long read_size;
char read_line[1024];
char filename[2048+1], *dynfile;
FILE *read_file = NULL;
/* strtok to filename of function */
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing filename?");
return NULL;
if(strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch)) < 2048)
strcpy(filename, parse_vars(tok_srch));
x_warn("ss:warn:cat, filename too long");
return NULL;
/* open file */
read_file = fopen(filename, "r");
/* strtok to the content that will be written to file */
if(read_file == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat, failed to open file");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing write data?");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:cat syntax error, missing end quote?");
return NULL;
fseek(read_file, 0L, SEEK_END);
read_size = ftell(read_file);
dynfile = qmalloc(QM_SS, read_size);
strcpy(dynfile, "\0");
while(fgets(read_line, sizeof(read_line), read_file) != NULL)
strcat(dynfile, read_line);
filebuf = qmalloc(QM_SS, (read_size + strlen(parse_vars(tok_srch))));
read_file = fopen(filename, "w");
sprintf(filebuf, "%s%s", dynfile, parse_vars(tok_srch));
fprintf(read_file, "%s", filebuf);
return NULL;
} /* cat function */
else if(strncmp("delete", tok_srch, 6) == 0) {
char *del_filename;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "\"");
if(tok_srch == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:delete syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(tok_srch, " \n") == 0)
x_warn("ss:warn:delete syntax error, missing filename");
return NULL;
if(strtok(NULL, "\"") == NULL)
x_warn("ss:warn:delete syntax error, missing quote?");
return NULL;
/* Pull variables out of filename if any */
del_filename = parse_vars(tok_srch);
if(access(del_filename, F_OK) == 0)
if(access(del_filename, W_OK) == 0)
return NULL;
x_warn("ss:warn:delete, file not accessible");
return NULL;
x_warn("ss:warn:delete, file not found");
return NULL;
else if(strcmp(tok_srch, "\n") != 0 && strcmp(tok_srch, "") != 0) {
if(tok_srch[strlen(tok_srch)-1] == '\n')
return NULL;
int varc = get_var_count();
char *varname_tmp = tok_srch;
char *bq_check;
tok_srch = strtok(NULL, "=");
// Check for back quotes, return string with backquotes processed
bq_check = strip_nl(parse_vars(parse_bq(tok_srch)));
// Don't check if variable is blank, if so let it fly!
set_var(varc, varname_tmp, bq_check);
printf("ss: var '%s' -> %s\n", varname_tmp, get_var_data(varname_tmp));
return NULL;