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<p>Eventually, compression will be 100% working but tends to be slow and a proof
of concept for sheer size. The encoding / decoding is more than perfect for what
it does and for the sake of file checking, md5 does also exist in SlideScript
for file checking.</p>
<h2>Encoding and decoding</h2>
SlideScript has its own encoding algorithm unique to itself. In the future, I do
plan on allowing the trigger change of encode stepping to give the user their own
ability to give their twist to the encoding. This makes password encoding or decoding
a bit more secure. Examples:
# Read a file and encode its contents
read "docs/README.txt" | encode "%PIPE%" | fileenc=%PIPE%
print "Encoded: %fileenc%"
decode "%fileenc%" | filedec=%PIPE%
print "Decoded: %filedec%"
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