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<title>SlideScript ~ The Lazy Language</title>
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<meta name="description" content="SlideScript is a micro stripting language with the intent to give the world an effective shell like experience with the ability to use a sloppy syntax! SlideScript can do simple every day shell tasks like manipulating and working with files, and directories, piping, variable support, and backquoting, with a bit of spice like: built-in md5, and encoder / decoder, webserver, networking functions, tar and compression functions, PLUS MORE!" />
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<p>Welcome to the world of SlideScript! To make it simple, SlideScript
is the lazy language and has a very laid-back script parser. What does
that mean for you? Well, you can take what's comfortable with you and
implement it into a SlideScript ready form-factor with just a bit of
behind the scenes information on how SlideScript works!<br /><br />
SlideScript is early in development but supports a heap of features
right out the gate:
<li>Dynamic memory management, it's extremely lightweight</li>
<li>Supports variables, in an adaptive way *wink*</li>
<li>Piping support, just like your average *nix shell</li>
<li>Supports backquoting</li>
<li>Supports perl-like variable dumping, for reuse of same variables</li>
<li>Supports *nix local file execution for access to personal programs</li>
<li>Supports file read, write, catenation, and deletion</li>
<li>Built-in lightweight grep-like support</li>
<li>Built-in calculation functions w/ floating decimal</li>
<li>Built-in networking functions for machine to machine file toss</li>
<li>Built-in micro web server, because why not? :)</li>
<li>PATH variable functionality for use as a shell</li>
<li>Commands processed at CLI or in-script will look for
local executables after going through built-in functions.</li>
<li>[WIP] compression algorithm based on local
LZ78 projects (proof-of-concept)</li>
<br />
As of being shy of 6,000 lines of C, with this much functionality,
my goal is to bring SlideScript up to par as a functioning language
and Shell implementation along the way! Flexibility, power, and
lightweight is what we strive for in the future development of
SlideScript, yet be as independent as possible. SlideScript requires
next to nothing in terms of dependencies, and has proven to be quite
cross-platform compatible!
<h3>Get SlideScript:</h3>
2022-05-20 02:49:54 -07:00
Windows (32 bit): <a href="download/"></a><br />
Linux (64 bit): <a href="download/"></a><br />
2022-05-20 02:49:54 -07:00
Android/RPi (arm64): <a href="download/"></a><br /><br />
SlideScript is available as source on
<a href="">NotABug</a>.
2021-06-09 22:35:19 -07:00
git clone
2021-06-09 22:45:50 -07:00
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OR latest download source (
<a href="">ZIP</a> &amp;
<a href="">TAR.GZ</a><br />
<h3>IRC server</h3>
IP/Port:<br />
Main hang channel: <b>#theroot</b><br />
FreeBox channel: <b>#freebox</b><br />
FreonLinux channel: <b>#freonlinux</b>
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&copy; Chris Dorman, 2021 <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a> - Software GPLv2 licensed<br />
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