Password again:
Below forms: The nickname form can be left blank and
will be substituted with your username.
Default Nickname:
Autoconnect/focus channel:
Server (IP:Port) :

Welcome to " . $GLOBALS['desc']; ?>
Don't have an account? Create one here!

\n", FILE_APPEND); $_SESSION['idleirc-nick'] = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['nick'])); } if (isset($_POST['channel']) && $_POST['channel']!="") { file_put_contents("users/$username.php", "\n", FILE_APPEND); $_SESSION['idleirc-channel'] = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['channel'])); } if (isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password']!="") { file_put_contents("users/$username.php", "\n", FILE_APPEND); $_SESSION['idleirc-pass'] = md5($_POST['password']); } if ($allowMultiServer == "true") { if (isset($_POST['servaddr']) && $_POST['servaddr']!="") { file_put_contents("users/$username.php", "\n", FILE_APPEND); $_SESSION['idleirc-servaddr'] = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['servaddr'])); } if (isset($_POST['servport']) && $_POST['servport']!="") { file_put_contents("users/$username.php", "\n", FILE_APPEND); $_SESSION['idleirc-servport'] = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['servport'])); } } header("refresh: 0;url=index.php"); } else { header("refresh: 0;url=index.php"); } } if (isset($_GET['register']) && $_GET['register'] == "go") { if(isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password'] != "" && isset($_POST['password-again']) && $_POST['password-again'] != "" && $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password-again']) { if(isset($_POST['username']) && $_POST['username'] != "") { $username = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])); $password = md5($_POST['password']); $channame = isset($_POST['channel']) && ($_POST['channel'] !== "") ? htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['channel'])) : $default_channel; $nickname = isset($_POST['nick']) && ($_POST['nick'] !== "") ? htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['nick'])) : $username; $servaddr = isset($_POST['servaddr']) && ($_POST['servaddr'] !== "") ? htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['servaddr'])) : $server; $servport = isset($_POST['servport']) && ($_POST['servport'] !== "") ? htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['servport'])) : $port; file_put_contents("users/$username.php", "\n"); file_put_contents("users/.$username.first", "First time, start up\n"); $_SESSION['idleirc-user'] = $username; $_SESSION['idleirc-nick'] = $nickname; $_SESSION['idleirc-pass'] = $password; $_SESSION['idleirc-channel'] = $channame; $_SESSION['idleirc-servaddr'] = $servaddr; $_SESSION['idleirc-servport'] = $servport; header("refresh: 0;url=index.php"); } else { echo "Please prove a username..."; } } else { echo "ERROR: Passwords did not match..."; } } // If web frontend is trying to login, process and connect if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do']=="login" && isset($_POST['submitBtn']) && isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password']!=""){ $name = isset($_POST['username']) && ($_POST['username'] !== "") && file_exists("users/" . $_POST['username'] . ".php") ? htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['username'])) : "Unnamed"; if(file_exists("users/$name.php")) { include("users/$name.php"); if(md5($_POST['password']) == $userpass) { $_SESSION['idleirc-user'] = $name; $_SESSION['idleirc-nick'] = $usernickname; $_SESSION['idleirc-pass'] = $userpass; $_SESSION['idleirc-channel'] = $userchannel; $_SESSION['idleirc-servaddr'] = $userserver; $_SESSION['idleirc-servport'] = $userserverport; header("refresh: 0;url=index.php"); } else { echo "ERROR: Failed to login: password incorrect."; } } else { echo "ERROR: Password for $name does not match"; } } ?> <?php echo $title . " " . $version ?> >
Back to IRC\n"; echo "
\n" . $logcontents . "
\n"; } } else if(isset($_GET['settings'])) { $username = $_SESSION['idleirc-user']; $logcontents = file_get_contents("users/$username.log"); if(file_exists("users/$username.php")) { include("users/$username.php"); } else { $userpass = ""; } if(isset($_SESSION['idleirc-pass']) && $userpass != "" && $userpass == $_SESSION['idleirc-pass']) { echo "\n"; ?>

Leave fields blank that you'd not like set. Fill in what you'd want to change and hit set. Settings will be saved and session will be updated

Default Nickname:
Autoconnect/focus channel:
New password:
Server (IP:Port) :
"; $get = file_get_contents("users/" . $_SESSION['idleirc-user'] . ".log"); echo $get; echo ""; ?>