
28 lines
817 B

/* reply database */
struct {
char *quote;
char *reply;
} dictionary [] = {
{"xD", "Whats so funny now?"},
{"k\r\n", "Can you not."},
{"anime", "Okay. I am sorry you don't have a life, but I am going to stab you now."},
{"time to eat", "if you were a bot, no eating is required ;)"},
{"dinner", "if you were a bot, no eating is required ;)"},
{"food", "if you were a bot, no eating is required ;)"},
{">.>", "<.<"},
{">_>", ">.>"},
{"<.<", ">_>"},
{"*bot*: install gentoo", "fien."},
{"*bot*, install gentoo", "fien."},
{"*bot*: are you a bot", "Nofuckingshit"},
{"*bot*, are you a bot", "Nofuckingshit"},
{"wat", "what*"},
{"wut", "what*"},
{"weeaboo", "go die, weeaboo for life c:"},
{":(", "whats wrong?"},
{":c", "whats with the sad faces?"},
{"D:", "no sad faces!"},
//{"", ""},
{0, 0}