
1058 lines
40 KiB

// SSB - Simple Social Board - Simple layout
// (C) Chris Dorman, 2012 - 2020
// License: CC-BY-NC-SA version 3.0
//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include "config.php";
include "functions.php";
include "bbcode.php";
// check if flatfile database location is populated
mkdir("ssb_db", 0777);
mkdir("ssb_db/users", 0777);
mkdir("ssb_db/posts", 0777);
mkdir("ssb_db/uploads", 0777);
mkdir("ssb_db/friends", 0777);
$username = $_SESSION['ssb-user'];
//$_SESSION['ssb-topic'] = $ssbtopic;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
<title><?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($ssbtitle)); ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=.55, shrink-to-fit=yes"><meta name="description" content="<?php echo htmlentities($ssbtitle) . " - " . $desc; ?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="minimum.css">
<body <?php if($_GET['do']=="pubmsg" || $_GET['do']=="privmsg") { echo "onload=\"UpdateTimer();\""; } ?>>
<script type="text/javascript">
function wrapBBCode(tag) {
var msgInput = document.getElementById('msg');
var content = msgInput.value;
var selectedContent = content.substring(msgInput.selectionStart, msgInput.selectionEnd);
var beforeContent = content.substring(0, msgInput.selectionStart);
var afterContent = content.substring(msgInput.selectionEnd, content.length);
msgInput.value = beforeContent + '[' + tag + ']' + selectedContent + '[/' + tag + ']' + afterContent;
function userTag(tag) {
var msgInput = document.getElementById('msg');
var content = msgInput.value;
var beforeContent = content.substring(0, msgInput.selectionStart);
var afterContent = content.substring(msgInput.selectionEnd, content.length);
msgInput.value = beforeContent + '@' + tag + afterContent;
<div class='contain'>
<div id="navbar">
<?php if(isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) && isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { ?>
<a href="minimum.php?forms=post">create post</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?userfeed=<?php echo $username; ?>">your profile</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=userctrl">settings</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=logout">logout</a><br />
<a href="minimum.php">feed</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=friends">friends</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=about">about</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=users" title="Public users!">users</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="minimum.php?forms=login">login</a> &bull;
<a href="minimum.php?do=about">about</a>
<?php } ?>
<div class='title'><?php echo $ssbtitle; ?></div>
if(isset($username) && isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass']) && $_GET['do']!="avatarlocation") {
// PM notifications
$notifications = "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".notifications";
$handle = fopen($notifications, "r");
echo "<div class='notifications'>";
echo "<table><tr><td><a class='button' href='?do=clrnote'>Clear notifications</a></td></tr>";
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
echo "<tr><td>" . $line . "</td></tr>";
} else {
echo "<tr><td>No notifications</td></tr>";
echo "</table></div><br />";
$forms = $_GET['forms'];
$id = $_GET['pid'];
if($forms=="register") {
else if($forms=="login") {
else if($forms=="friendreq") {
else if($forms=="changepass") {
else if($forms=="deleteacct") {
else if($forms=="avatarupload") {
else if($forms=="post")
else if($forms=="clean")
else { echo "ERROR: Unknown form-name<br>"; }
else if(isset($_GET['notify']))
$notify = $_GET['notify'];
if($notify=="1") { echo "Error: User not found"; }
else if($notify=="2") { echo "Error: Incorrect password provided"; }
else if($notify=="3") { echo "Error: Please fill out all the text boxes"; }
else if($notify=="4") { echo "Error: The provided passwords did not match"; }
else if($notify=="5") { echo "Error: Special characters cannot be used in your username"; }
else if($notify=="6") { echo "Error: This username is already in use"; }
else { echo "Error: unknown error... this is quite unusual..."; }
else if(isset($_GET['userfeed']))
$userid = $_GET['userfeed'];
// Make sure we're friends or is my account.
include "ssb_db/users/" . $userid . ".php";
if ($accttype == "private") {
if (isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) {
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
// If private, and user is following. Allow
if($userid == ${"friend" . $x}) {
echo "<table><tr><td>";
echo "<div class='avatar' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=" . $userid . "');\" title='User Avatar'></div><br />";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<h3>User information</h3>";
echo "Username: " . $userid . "@" . $domain . "<br />";
echo "Full name: " . $user_fullname . "<br />";
echo "<h3>User posts</h3>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
// Check if viewing your own profile
if($userid == $username)
echo "<table><tr><td>";
// Get user avatar if set
echo "<div class='avatar' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=" . $userid . "');\" title='User Avatar'></div><br />";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<h3>User information</h3>";
echo "Username: " . $userid . "@" . $domain . "<br />";
echo "Full name: " . $user_fullname . "<br />";
echo "<h3>User posts</h3>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
// Lets generate the users feed now.
foreach(array_reverse(glob("ssb_db/posts/post_" . $userid . "_" . "*.php")) as $postfile) {
//echo $postfile;
include $postfile;
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
if($postowner == ${"friend" . $x}) {
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>&nbsp;reply</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
if($postowner == $username)
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>&nbsp;reply</a> &bull; <a href='minimum.php?do=delpost&user=$username&pid=$postid'>delete post</i></a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
echo "<!-- Gen done...-->";
echo "<h3>User information</h3>";
echo "<table><tr><td>";
// Get user avatar if set
if(isset($user_avatar)) { echo "<img class='avatar' src='ssb_db/uploads/" . $user_avatar . "' title='User Avatar'><br />"; }
echo "</td><td>";
// If not friend, allow to send friend request from right here!
$friend = 0;
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
// If private, and user is following. Allow
if($userid == ${"friend" . $x}) {
$friend = 1;
if($friend!=1) {
echo "<a class='button' href='minimum.php?do=sendfr&user=$userid'>Send friend request</a><br /><br />";
echo "Username: " . $userid . "@" . $domain . "<br />";
echo "Full name: " . $user_fullname;
echo "</td></tr></table>";
foreach(array_reverse(glob("ssb_db/posts/post_" . $userid . "_" . "*.php")) as $postfile) {
//echo $postfile;
include $postfile;
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>&nbsp;reply</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
else if(isset($_GET['view']) && isset($_GET['user']))
$puser = $_GET['user'];
$id = $_GET['view'];
$postc = file_get_contents("ssb_db/posts/reply_" . $puser . "_" . $id . ".count");
include "ssb_db/posts/post_" . $puser . "_" . $id . ".php";
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
for($x = 1; $x <= $postc; $x++) {
$reply_content = ${"reply" . $x};
$reply_user = ${"reply" . $x . "_user"};
$reply_date = ${"reply" . $x . "_date"};
echo "<div class='reply'>";
echo "<table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style='background-image: url(\"index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$reply_user\");' title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h4><a onclick=\"userTag('$reply_user');\">$reply_user</a><span style='font-size: 8px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$reply_date</span></h4></td></tr></table>";
echo "<div class='reply_content'>" . bbcode_format($reply_content) . "</div>";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<br />";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) {
echo "Login to reply...";
} else {
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
if($puser == ${"friend" . $x}) {
$z = "1";
replyForm($id, $puser);
// Its you dummy
if($puser == $username) {
$z = "1";
replyForm($id, $puser);
echo "Not following! Follow to reply...<br />";
else if(isset($_GET['do']))
$do = $_GET['do'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
$date = date("YmdHis"); // timestamp in year, month, date, hour, minute, and second.
$titledate = date("m-d-Y h:i:sa"); // time stamp for people to read xD
if(isset($_FILES["file"]["name"]) && isset($username)) {
$uploaded = array(); // empty array for upload names
// File selected, upload!
for($i=0; $i<count($_FILES["file"]["name"]); $i++)
$allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "bmp", "ico", "GIF", "JPEG", "JPG", "PNG", "BMP", "ICO");
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]);
$extension = end($temp);
if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/jpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-jpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-jpg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/jpg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/pjpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-png")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/bmp")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-icon")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "application/octet-stream")
// || ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "video/mp4")
// || ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "video/ogg")
// || ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "video/webm")
// || ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "video/x-flv")
// || ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "video/mp4v-es")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/png")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == ""))
&& ($_FILES["file"]["size"][$i] < $user_max_upload)
&& in_array($extension, $allowedExts))
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"][$i] > 0)
echo $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " - Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"][$i] . "<br />";
if(file_exists("ssb_db/uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]))
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " exists.<br />";
$randstring = getRandString("32");
"ssb_db/uploads/" . $randstring . "." . $extension);
array_push($uploaded, $randstring . "." . $extension);
echo "Success: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " (" . tomb($_FILES["file"]["size"][$i]) . ") uploaded...<br />";
//rename("ssb_db/uploads/" . $FILES["file"]["name"][$i], "ssb_db/uploads/" . $username . "_" . $date . $extension);
// Check if there was actually an issue
if($_FILES["file"]["size"] == "0") {
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " is too large, or is a invalid filetype";
} // end of for loop
$srchcont = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['body']));
$srchcont .= " "; // doesn't find tag if there's not a fucking whitespace
$checkForUserTag = searchForUserTag($srchcont);
$taggedUser = substr($checkForUserTag, 1, -1);
if(file_exists("ssb_db/users/" . $taggedUser . ".name")) {
if($taggedUser!=$postowner) {
$tagged_notifications = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $taggedUser . ".notifications");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $taggedUser . ".notifications", "<b>$username</b> <a href='index.php?view=$pid&user=$postowner'>tagged you in a comment</a>\n" . $tagged_notifications);
$body = nl2br(htmlentities(stripcslashes($_POST['body'])));
//$username = stripcslashes(htmlentities($username));
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
$post_file = "ssb_db/posts/post_" . $username . "_" . $date . ".php";
$post_attachments = "<br />";
$post_string = "<?php\n\$postowner = \"" . $username . "\";\$postid=\"" . $date . "\";\$postdate=\"" . $titledate . "\";\$postcontent = \"" . $body . "<br />";
$attachments = array();
foreach($uploaded as &$upload)
if(file_exists("ssb_db/uploads/" . $upload)) {
array_push($attachments, "<div class='attachment'><a href='ssb_db/uploads/" . $upload . "'><img src='ssb_db/uploads/" . $upload . "'></a></div>");
foreach($attachments as &$attachvar)
$post_attachments .= $attachvar;
$post_string_end = "\";\n?>\n";
file_put_contents($post_file, $post_string . $post_attachments . $post_string_end);
file_put_contents("ssb_db/posts/" . $date . ".post", "post_" . $username . "_" . $date . ".php");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/posts/reply_" . $username . "_" . $date . ".count", "0");
echo "Post processed... Redirecting in 3 seconds, if redirection fails, <a href=\"minimum.php?view=$date&user=$username\">Click Here</a><br />";
//header( "refresh: 3; url=?view=$date&user=$username" );
echo "ERROR: Missing post data! Select an image to upload or let us know whats up!<br />";
if(isset($_FILES["file"]["name"]) && isset($username)) {
$date = date("YmdHis"); // timestamp in year, month, date, hour, minute, and second.
for($i=0; $i<count($_FILES["file"]["name"]); $i++)
$allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "bmp", "ico", "png");
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]);
$extension = end($temp);
if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-gif")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/jpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-jpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-jpg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/jpg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/pjpeg")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-png")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/bmp")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/x-icon")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == "image/png")
|| ($_FILES["file"]["type"][$i] == ""))
&& ($_FILES["file"]["size"][$i] < $user_max_upload)
&& in_array($extension, $allowedExts))
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"][$i] > 0)
echo $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " - Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"][$i] . "<br>";
if(file_exists("ssb_db/uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i]))
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " exists.<br>";
"ssb_db/uploads/" . $username . "_" . $date . "." . $extension);
$oldcontent = file_get_contents("ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php", $oldcontent . "<?php \$user_avatar = \"" . $username . "_" . $date . "." . $extension . "\"; ?>\n");
echo "Avatar uploaded and set! <a href='minimum.php'>Redirecting</a> in 3 seconds...";
header("refresh: 3;url=minimum.php");
} else {
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"][$i] . " is too large, or is a invalid filetype";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
echo "<h2>Community</h2>";
foreach(array_reverse(glob("ssb_db/users/"."*.name")) as $userfile) {
$userhandle = file_get_contents($userfile);
include "ssb_db/users/" . $userhandle . ".php";
if($accttype == "public") {
echo "<div class='attachment'>";
echo "<a href='minimum.php?userfeed=$userhandle'>$userhandle</a>";
echo "</div>";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
if(!isset($_GET['pid']) or !file_exists("ssb_db/posts/" . $_GET['pid'] . ".post")) { echo "ERROR: Post ID is not set, or invalid"; } else {
if(isset($_POST['reply']) && isset($username) && $_POST['body']!="")
$pid = $_GET['pid'];
$post_file_name = file_get_contents("ssb_db/posts/$");
include "ssb_db/posts/" . $post_file_name;
$srchcont = stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['body']));
$srchcont .= " ";
$checkForUserTag = searchForUserTag($srchcont);
$taggedUser = substr($checkForUserTag, 1, -1);
if(file_exists("ssb_db/users/" . $taggedUser . ".name")) {
if($taggedUser!=$postowner) {
$tagged_notifications = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $taggedUser . ".notifications");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $taggedUser . ".notifications", "<b>$username</b> <a href='index.php?view=$pid&user=$postowner'>tagged you in a comment</a>\n" . $tagged_notifications);
$replydate = date("m-d-Y h:i:sa"); // time stamp for people to read xD
$body = nl2br(htmlentities(stripcslashes($_POST['body'])));
//$username = stripcslashes(htmlentities($username));
$old_content = file_get_contents("ssb_db/posts/" . $post_file_name);
$reply_count = file_get_contents("ssb_db/posts/reply_" . $postowner . "_" . $pid . ".count");
$reply_count = $reply_count+1;
$post_string = "<?php \n\$reply" . $reply_count . " = \"" . $body . "\";\$reply" . $reply_count . "_user = \"" . $username . "\"; \$reply" . $reply_count . "_date = \"" . $replydate . "\";\n?>\n";
file_put_contents("ssb_db/posts/" . $post_file_name, $old_content . $post_string);
file_put_contents("ssb_db/posts/reply_" . $postowner . "_" . $pid . ".count", $reply_count);
if($username!=$postowner) {
$owner_notifications = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $postowner . ".notifications");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $postowner . ".notifications", "<b>$username</b> <a href='index.php?view=$pid&user=$postowner'>replied to your post</a>\n" . $owner_notifications);
echo "If you're seeing this; redirection failed: <a href=\"?view=$pid&user=$postowner\">Click Here</a><br>";
header( "Location: minimum.php?view=$pid&user=$postowner" );
echo "ERROR: Missing form data<br>";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
if($user_password === $_SESSION['ssb-pass']) {
if(isset($_GET['user']) && $_GET['user']!="" && isset($_GET['pid']) && $_GET['pid']!="") {
if(file_exists("ssb_db/posts/post_" . stripslashes($_GET['user']) . "_" . stripslashes($_GET['pid']) . ".php") && $username == stripslashes($_GET['user'])) {
$postuser = $_GET['user'];
$pid = $_GET['pid'];
unlink("ssb_db/posts/" . $pid . ".post");
unlink("ssb_db/posts/post_" . $postuser . "_" . $pid . ".php");
unlink("ssb_db/posts/reply_" . $postuser . "_" . $pid . ".count");
echo "Post successfully deleted! <a href='index.php'>redirecting</a> in 3 seconds...<br />";
header("refresh: 3;url=minimum.php");
} else { echo "ERROR: post doesn't exist or YOU ARE NOT THE OWNER OF SAID POST... THIS incident has been recorded!"; file_put_contents("ssb_db/log.txt", "Post deletion error: IP <" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "> post not found or not users post: post_" . $postuser . "_" . $pid . ".php\n"); }
} else { echo "ERROR: USER and PID variables not set!"; }
} else { echo "ERROR: PASSWORD FOR USER INCORRECT! IP LOGGED!"; file_put_contents("ssb_db/log.txt", "PASS MISMATCH: IP <" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "> Cookie spoofing detected from remote client!!!\n"); }
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
if($user_password === $_SESSION['ssb-pass']) {
unlink("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".notifications");
header("Location: minimum.php");
} else { echo "ERROR: PASSWORD FROM COOKIE INCORRECT! IP RECORDED!"; file_put_contents("ssb_db/log.txt", "PASS MISMATCH: IP <" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "> Cookie spoofing detected from remote client!!!\n"); }
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
if($user_password === $_SESSION['ssb-pass']) {
unlink("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".pending");
header("Location: minimum.php?do=friends");
} else { echo "ERROR: PASSWORD FROM COOKIE INCORRECT! IP RECORDED!"; file_put_contents("ssb_db/log.txt", "PASS MISMATCH: IP <" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "> Cookie spoofing detected from remote client!!!\n"); }
// Server admin can just delete ssb_db
if($_POST['password']!="" && $_POST['password']==$pw)
$db_content = glob("ssb_db/" . '*', GLOB_MARK);
foreach($db_content as $file)
echo "Database Cleaned<br>";
echo "ERROR: Wrong Password<br>";
// grab session values and send friend request functions.
if($do=="sendfr") {
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
if(isset($_POST['user']) || isset($_GET['user'])) {
//check if user exists first lol
if(isset($_POST['user'])) {
$givenUser = htmlentities(stripcslashes($_POST['user']));
} else {
$givenUser = htmlentities(stripcslashes($_GET['user']));
//check if user exists first lol
if(file_exists("ssb_db/users/" . $givenUser . ".php")) {
include "ssb_db/users/" . $givenUser . ".php";
if($accttype == "private") {
sendFriendRequest($_SESSION['ssb-user'], $givenUser);
echo "Follow request sent to " . $givenUser . " <a href='minimum.php?do=friends'>redirecting</a> in 3 seconds";
header("refresh: 3;url=minimum.php?do=friends");
} else if($accttype == "public") {
acceptPublicFriendRequest($username, $givenUser);
header("Location: minimum.php?do=friends");
} else {
echo "ERROR: Issues parsing account type...";
} else {
echo "Error: Provided username does not exist in the database!";
} else {
echo "Error: users not set in GET value...";
if($do=="accfr") {
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
if(isset($_GET['user']) && isset($_GET['friend'])) {
acceptFriendRequest(stripslashes($_GET['user']), stripslashes($_GET['friend']));
echo "Accepted friend request from " . htmlentities(stripslashes($_GET['friend'])) . " <a href='minimum.php?do=friends'>redirecting</a> in 3 seconds";
header("refresh: 3;url=minimum.php?do=friends");
} else {
echo "Error: users not set in GET &amp; SESSION value...";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
// Beginning of user control panel
echo "<h3>User control panel</h3>";
echo "<a class='button' href='minimum.php?forms=changepass'>Change password</a><br />";
echo "<a class='button' href='minimum.php?forms=avatarupload'>Upload avatar</a><br />";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
// Beginning password change
// inputs
$oldPassInput = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['oldpass']));
$newPassInput = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['password']));
$passwordAgainInput = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['password_again']));
include "ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php";
if(sha1(md5($oldPassInput)) == $user_password) {
if($newPassInput == $passwordAgainInput) {
$oldcontent = file_get_contents("ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php");
$passString = "<?php \$user_password = \"" . sha1(md5($newPassInput)) . "\"; ?>\n";
file_put_contents("ssb_db/users/" . $username . ".php", $oldcontent . $passString);
echo "Password changed, <a href='minimum.php'>redirecting</a> in 3 seconds";
$_SESSION['ssb-user'] = null;
$_SESSION['ssb-pass'] = null;
header("refresh: 3;url=minimum.php");
} else { echo "ERROR: password incorrect! IP recorded for constant monitoring of possible bots!"; file_put_contents("ssb_db/log.txt", "PASS MISMATCH: IP <" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "> Cookie spoofing detected from remote client!!!\n"); }
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
//check if friend is set
if(!isset($_GET['friend'])) { echo "ERROR: No username defined!"; exit(1); } else {
// set friend username
$friendNick = htmlentities(stripslashes($_GET['friend']));
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
if($friendNick == ${"friend" . $x}) {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var httpObject = null;
var link = "";
var timerID = 0;
var friendNick = "<?php echo $friendNick; ?>";
var nickName = "<?php echo $_SESSION['ssb-user']; ?>";
var userColor = "<?php echo $_SESSION['ssb-color'];; ?>";
// Get the HTTP Object
function getHTTPObject() {
if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return null;
// Change the value of the outputText field
function setHtml() {
if(ajaxVar.readyState == 4){
var response = ajaxVar.responseText;
var msgBox = document.getElementById("msgs");
msgBox.innerHTML += response;
msgBox.scrollTop = msgBox.scrollHeight;
// Change the value of the outputText field
function setAll() {
if(ajaxVar.readyState == 4){
var response = ajaxVar.responseText;
var msgBox = document.getElementById("msgs");
msgBox.innerHTML = response;
msgBox.scrollTop = msgBox.scrollHeight;
// Implement business logic
function serverWrite() {
ajaxVar = getHTTPObject();
if (ajaxVar != null) {
link = "chatserver.php?nick="+nickName+"&friend="+friendNick+"&msg="+document.getElementById('msg').value;"GET", link , true);
ajaxVar.onreadystatechange = setHtml;
function getInput() {
// Send the server function the input
var userInput = document.getElementById('msg');
// Clean out the input values
var msgBar = document.getElementById("msg");
msgBar.value = "";
// Implement business logic
function serverReload() {
ajaxVar = getHTTPObject();
//var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
if (ajaxVar != null) {
link = "chatserver.php?get=<?php echo $friendNick; ?>";"GET", link , true);
ajaxVar.onreadystatechange = setAll;
function UpdateTimer() {
setTimeout(UpdateTimer, 1000);
function keypressed(e) {
<div class="replycontain">
// Header
include "ssb_db/users/" . $friendNick . ".php";
echo "<h3><a href='?userfeed=" . $friendNick . "'>" . $friendNick . ": " . $user_fullname . "</a></h3>";
<div id="msgs">
echo "<div class=\"msgbox\">";
echo "</div>";
<div id="msgbox" style="padding-left: 6px;" onkeyup="keypressed(event);">
<button onclick="javascript:wrapBBCode('i');">Italic</button>
<button onclick="javascript:wrapBBCode('u');">Underline</button>
<button onclick="javascript:wrapBBCode('b');">Bold</button>
<button onclick="javascript:wrapBBCode('img');">Image</button>
<button onclick="javascript:wrapBBCode('url');">URL</button><br />
<textarea style="width: 98%;" name="msg" id="msg"></textarea>
<button style="width: 50px;" onclick="getInput();">Send</button>
} // Check friend end
} // Check loop end
} // GET friend set end
} // session check end
} // function end
echo "<h2>About</h2>";
echo "<div class='dllink'><a class='button' href='download/securespace-v1.0.0.apk'>Download for Android!</a></div>";
echo $desc;
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "$ssbtitle statistics: ";
echo "; ";
echo "; ";
if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass'])) { loginForm(); } else {
$friendpend = "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".pending";
$handle = fopen($friendpend, "r");
echo "<h3>Friend requests</h3> <a class='button' href='?do=clrpending'>Clear history</a> <a class='button' href='?forms=friendreq'>Send friend request</a>";
echo "<div class='notifications'>";
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
echo "Pending friend request from " . $line . "! <a class='button' href='?do=accfr&friend=" . $line . "&user=" . $username . "'>Accept</a><br />";
} else {
echo "No pending friend requests<br />";
echo "</div>";
// Friends list if you have any.
echo "<h3>Friends list</h3><br />";
$friendc = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
if($friendc == "0")
echo "<b style='color:red;'>We're sorry... no friends found on your user account...</b>";
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
echo "<table class='friendslist'>";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
if(isset(${"friend" . $x})) {
echo "<tr><td>" . ${"friend" . $x} . "</td><td><a class='button' href='?userfeed=" . ${"friend" . $x} . "'>View user profile</a></td><td><a class='button' href='?do=privmsg&friend=" . ${"friend" . $x} . "'>Private message</a></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
$username = $_POST['username'];
if(file_exists("ssb_db/users/$username.php")) {
if($user_password==sha1(md5($_POST['password']))) {
$pass = $user_password;
$user = $username;
$color = $user_color;
$_SESSION['ssb-user'] = $user;
$_SESSION['ssb-pass'] = $pass;
$_SESSION['ssb-color'] = $color;
header("Location: minimum.php");
} else {
echo "Wrong password!";
} else {
echo "User $username not found!";
// Push user avatar to specific avatar image location
if(isset($_GET['user'])) {
$user = htmlentities(stripslashes($_GET['user']));
include "ssb_db/users/" . $user . ".php";
if(file_exists("ssb_db/uploads/" . $user_avatar)) {
echo "Direct to: ssb_db/uploads/" . $user_avatar;
header("Location: ssb_db/uploads/" . $user_avatar . "");
} else {
echo "Direct to: data/defaultprofile.png";
header("Location: data/defaultprofile.png");
} else {
echo "User is NOT set!";
$_SESSION['ssb-user'] = null;
$_SESSION['ssb-pass'] = null;
header("Location: minimum.php?forms=login");
if($_POST['username']!="" && $_POST['password']!="" && $_POST['password-again']!="" && $_POST['fullname']!="" && isset($_POST['acct'])) {
if($_POST['password']==$_POST['password-again']) {
if(!preg_match('/[^a-z0-9]/i', $_POST['username'])) {
if(!file_exists("ssb_db/users/" . $_POST['username'] . ".php")) {
$colors = array("0000ff", "9900cc", "0080ff", "008000", "ededed");
$acct = $_POST['acct'];
file_put_contents("ssb_db/users/" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])) . ".php", "<?php\n\$accttype = \"" . $acct . "\";\n\$user_password = \"" . sha1(md5($_POST['password'])) . "\";\n \$user_color = \"" . $colors[array_rand($colors)] . "\"; \$user_fullname = \"" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['fullname'])) . "\"; \$user_avatar = \"../../data/defaultprofile.png\"; \n?>");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/users/" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])) . ".name", stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])));
file_put_contents("ssb_db/users/" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])) . ".postnumber", "0");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])) . ".count", "0");
file_put_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['username'])) . ".php", "<?php ?>\n");
header("Location: minimum.php");
} else {
header("Location: minimum.php?notify=6");
} else {
header("Location: minimum.php?notify=5");
} else {
header("Location: minimum.php?notify=4");
} else {
header("Location: minimum.php?notify=3");
header("Location: minimum.php");
else if (!isset($_SESSION['ssb-user']) || !isset($_SESSION['ssb-pass']))
// Watch feed, lets generate pages while we're at it
$pagecall = $_GET['page'];
$postcount = 1;
if(isset($pagecall) && $pagecall!="")
if($pagecall == "1")
$poststart = $postcount;
$poststart = ($pagecall - 1) * 15; // 15 posts per page
$poststart = $postcount;
// Lets actually generate some feed now.
foreach(array_reverse(glob("ssb_db/posts/*.post")) as $postfile) {
$postphp = file_get_contents($postfile);
include "ssb_db/posts/$postphp";
$friendcount = file_get_contents("ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".count");
include "ssb_db/friends/" . $username . ".php";
for($x = 1; $x <= $friendcount; $x++)
if($postowner == ${"friend" . $x}) {
// Found a post, post count goes up!
if($poststart == "1" && $postcount < ($poststart + 15)) {
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>reply</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
if($poststart > "1" && $postcount > $poststart && $postcount < ($poststart + 15)) {
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>reply</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
if($postowner == $username)
// Found a post, post count goes up!
if($poststart == "1" && $postcount < ($poststart + 15)) {
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>reply</a> &bull; <a href='minimum.php?do=delpost&user=$username&pid=$postid'>delete post</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
if($poststart > "1" && $postcount > $poststart && $postcount < ($poststart + 15)) {
echo "<div class='post'><table><tr><td><div class='avatar_small' style=\"background-image: url('index.php?do=avatarlocation&user=$postowner');\" title='User Avatar'></div></td><td><h3>$postowner<span style='font-size: 11px; padding-left: 6px; color: #808080;'>$postdate</span><br /><a href='minimum.php?view=$postid&user=$postowner'>reply</a> &bull; <a href='minimum.php?do=delpost&user=$username&pid=$postid'>delete post</a></h3></td></tr></table>";
echo "" . bbcode_format($postcontent) . "";
echo "</div><br />\n";
// Page button generation
echo "<div class='page-controls'>";
if($poststart > "1") {
$prevpage = $poststart / 15;
echo "<a href='minimum.php?page=$prevpage'>Prev page</a>";
if($poststart == "1" && $postcount > ($poststart + 15)) {
echo "<a href='minimum.php?page=2'>Next page</i></a>";
if($poststart > "1" && $postcount > ($poststart + 15)) {
$nextpage = ($poststart / 15) + 2;
echo "&bull; <a href='minimum.php?page=$nextpage'>Next page</i></a>";
echo "</div>";
<br /><br />
<center style="background-color: #555555; padding 3px;">Powered By SSB <?php echo $version; ?></center>
</div> <!-- main contain -->