
85 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File

* This file is part of SSB. code was used from
* Modified by Chris Dorman
* Removed some stuff to make it simpler.
// based on
// modified by
// please keep credits, thank you :-)
// document your changes.
function convertYoutubeURL($string) {
$id = $matches[0];
return $id;
function bbcode_format($str) {
$simple_search = array(
$simple_replace = array(
"<a href='$1' title='$2 - $1'>$2</a>",
"<a href='$1'><img src='$1' class='attachment_chat' /></a>",
"<a href='$1' title='$1'>$1</a>",
"<span style='font-family: $1;'>$2</span>",
"<span style='color: $1;'>$2</span>",
"<iframe width='560' height='315' src='$1' frameborder='0' allow='accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture' allowfullscreen></iframe>",
// Do simple BBCode's
$str = preg_replace ($simple_search, $simple_replace, $str);
// Do <blockquote> BBCode
$str = bbcode_quote ($str);
return $str;
function bbcode_quote ($str) {
//added div and class for quotes
$open = '<blockquote>';
$close = '</blockquote>';
// How often is the open tag?
preg_match_all ('/\[quote\]/i', $str, $matches);
$opentags = count($matches['0']);
// How often is the close tag?
preg_match_all ('/\[\/quote\]/i', $str, $matches);
$closetags = count($matches['0']);
// Check how many tags have been unclosed
// And add the unclosing tag at the end of the message
$unclosed = $opentags - $closetags;
for ($i = 0; $i < $unclosed; $i++) {
$str .= '</div></blockquote>';
// Do replacement
$str = str_replace ('[' . 'quote]', $open, $str);
$str = str_replace ('[/' . 'quote]', $close, $str);
return $str;