32 lines
1011 B

--- SOFM ---
SOFM (Simple online file manager) is a file manager written in PHP.
This software is released under the GPLv3.
--- Usage ---
*Extract SOFM anywhere and chmod 776 users/
*Modify config.php to your standards.
*Connect to SOFM from any web browser.
--- Changelog ---
11/22/2020 - v1.2.1
*CSS modifications
*Directory creation bug fixes
*Redirection fixes, navigation bar modifications
*Check for directory backspacing (..)
*Added file mimetypes for upload (extensions included)
11/4/2020 - v1.1.0
*Other subtle CSS changes, W3S verified
*Fixed some mimetypes, and added file extensions to database
*Modifications to about page
*Removed two step linking for registeration and login
*Removed unneeded code from past projects.
*Modified footer / header.php
11/3/2020 - v1.0.1
*CSS cleanup, and re-work
*Modified header / footer files from parsing text to parsing via php for usage of the server side functions
--- Licensing and copyright:
(C) Copyright 2014-2020 Chris Dorman - Some rights reserved