
54 lines
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Contains the default settings for freshly created worlds.
Please do not modify in order to not get any configuration-related errors
after updating all other files but this
Contains the per-world specific settings.
You may modify this one but pay attention, as some settings may cause
unwanted side effects when claims were made.
-- Width and length of claims in nodes
-- !! Distorts the claim locations along the X and Z axis !!
-- Type: Integer, positive, even number
s_protect.claim_size = 16
-- Height of claims in nodes
-- !! Distorts the claim locations along the Y axis !!
-- Type: Integer, positive
s_protect.claim_height = 150
-- Defines the Y offset where the 0th claim should start in the underground
-- Example of claim (0,0,0): Ymin = -(50) = -50, Ymax = 150 - (50) - 1 = 99
-- Type: Integer
s_protect.start_underground = 50
-- Only allows claiming above this Y value
-- To disable this limit, set the value to 'nil'
-- Type: Integer or nil
s_protect.underground_limit = -300
-- Returns the claim stick when unclaiming the area
-- Type: Boolean
s_protect.claim_return = true
-- Players will need to claim the area (or have access to it) to dig
-- Digging will be still allowed in the underground,
-- as defined by the setting 's_protect.underground_limit'
-- Type: Boolean
s_protect.claim_to_dig = false
-- Allows players to list their areas using '/area list'
-- Type: Boolean
s_protect.area_list = true
-- Limits the amount of claims per player
-- Doubled limit for players with the 'simple_protection' privilege
-- Type: Integer
s_protect.max_claims = 200