VOXCONVERT: allow to specify a directory as input

Martin Gerhardy 2022-02-02 20:43:44 +01:00
parent 5ae8885cdb
commit ac3c0c7c3c
2 changed files with 80 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -213,63 +213,25 @@ app::AppState VoxConvert::onInit() {
voxel::SceneGraph sceneGraph;
for (const core::String& infile : infiles) {
const io::FilePtr inputFile = filesystem()->open(infile, io::FileMode::SysRead);
if (!inputFile->exists()) {
Log::error("Given input file '%s' does not exist", infile.c_str());
_exitCode = 127;
return app::AppState::InitFailure;
const bool inputIsImage = inputFile->isAnyOf(io::format::images());
if (!inputIsImage && srcPalette) {
core::Array<uint32_t, 256> palette;
io::FileStream palStream(inputFile.get());
const size_t numColors = voxelformat::loadPalette(inputFile->name(), palStream, palette);
if (numColors == 0) {
Log::error("Failed to load palette from input file");
if (filesystem()->isReadableDir(infile)) {
core::DynamicArray<io::Filesystem::DirEntry> entities;
filesystem()->list(infile, entities);
Log::info("Found %i entries in dir %s", (int)entities.size(), infile.c_str());
int success = 0;
for (const io::Filesystem::DirEntry &entry : entities) {
const core::String fullpath = core::string::format("%s/%s", infile.c_str(), entry.name.c_str());
if (!handleInputFile(fullpath, sceneGraph, srcPalette, exportPalette, dumpSceneGraph)) {
if (success == 0) {
Log::error("Could not find a valid input file in directory %s", infile.c_str());
return app::AppState::InitFailure;
if (!voxel::initMaterialColors((const uint8_t*)palette.begin(), numColors * 4, "")) {
Log::error("Failed to initialize material colors from input file");
return app::AppState::InitFailure;
if (inputIsImage) {
Log::info("Generate from heightmap");
const image::ImagePtr& image = image::loadImage(inputFile, false);
if (!image || !image->isLoaded()) {
Log::error("Couldn't load image %s", infile.c_str());
return app::AppState::InitFailure;
voxel::Region region(0, 0, 0, image->width(), 255, image->height());
voxel::RawVolume* volume = new voxel::RawVolume(region);
voxel::SceneGraphNode node;
node.setVolume(volume, true);
voxel::RawVolumeWrapper wrapper(volume);
voxelutil::importHeightmap(wrapper, image);
} else {
io::FileStream inputFileStream(inputFile.get());
voxel::SceneGraph newSceneGraph;
if (!voxelformat::loadFormat(inputFile->name(), inputFileStream, newSceneGraph)) {
Log::error("Failed to load given input file");
if (!handleInputFile(infile, sceneGraph, srcPalette, exportPalette, dumpSceneGraph)) {
return app::AppState::InitFailure;
if (dumpSceneGraph) {
for (voxel::SceneGraphNode &node : newSceneGraph) {
if (exportPalette) {
const core::String &paletteFile = core::string::stripExtension(infile) + ".png";
if (!srcPalette) {
Log::info(" .. not using the input file palette");
@ -366,6 +328,70 @@ core::String VoxConvert::getFilenameForLayerName(const core::String &inputfile,
return modelPath;
bool VoxConvert::handleInputFile(const core::String &infile, voxel::SceneGraph &sceneGraph, bool srcPalette,
bool exportPalette, bool dumpSceneGraph) {
const io::FilePtr inputFile = filesystem()->open(infile, io::FileMode::SysRead);
Log::info("Handle input file %s", infile.c_str());
if (!inputFile->exists()) {
Log::error("Given input file '%s' does not exist", infile.c_str());
_exitCode = 127;
return false;
const bool inputIsImage = inputFile->isAnyOf(io::format::images());
if (!inputIsImage && srcPalette) {
core::Array<uint32_t, 256> palette;
io::FileStream palStream(inputFile.get());
const size_t numColors = voxelformat::loadPalette(inputFile->name(), palStream, palette);
if (numColors == 0) {
Log::error("Failed to load palette from input file");
return false;
if (!voxel::initMaterialColors((const uint8_t*)palette.begin(), numColors * 4, "")) {
Log::error("Failed to initialize material colors from input file");
return false;
if (inputIsImage) {
Log::info("Generate from heightmap");
const image::ImagePtr& image = image::loadImage(inputFile, false);
if (!image || !image->isLoaded()) {
Log::error("Couldn't load image %s", infile.c_str());
return false;
voxel::Region region(0, 0, 0, image->width(), 255, image->height());
voxel::RawVolume* volume = new voxel::RawVolume(region);
voxel::SceneGraphNode node;
node.setVolume(volume, true);
voxel::RawVolumeWrapper wrapper(volume);
voxelutil::importHeightmap(wrapper, image);
} else {
io::FileStream inputFileStream(inputFile.get());
voxel::SceneGraph newSceneGraph;
if (!voxelformat::loadFormat(inputFile->name(), inputFileStream, newSceneGraph)) {
Log::error("Failed to load given input file");
return false;
if (dumpSceneGraph) {
for (voxel::SceneGraphNode &node : newSceneGraph) {
if (exportPalette) {
const core::String &paletteFile = core::string::stripExtension(infile) + ".png";
if (!srcPalette) {
Log::info(" .. not using the input file palette");
return true;
void VoxConvert::exportLayersIntoSingleObjects(voxel::SceneGraph& sceneGraph, const core::String &inputfile) {
Log::info("Export layers into single objects");
int n = 0;

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ private:
glm::ivec3 getArgIvec3(const core::String &name);
core::String getFilenameForLayerName(const core::String& inputfile, const core::String &layerName, int id);
bool handleInputFile(const core::String &infile, voxel::SceneGraph &sceneGraph, bool srcPalette, bool exportPalette,
bool dumpSceneGraph);
void usage() const override;
void mirror(const core::String& axisStr, voxel::SceneGraph& sceneGraph);