
212 lines
4.9 KiB

* OpenModsLib build file.
* @author Arkan <>
// Pre-execute
buildscript {
repositories {
// General deps
// Minecraft Forge
maven {
name = 'Forge'
url = ''
maven {
name 'OpenMods Third Party'
url ''
dependencies {
classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.3-SNAPSHOT'
classpath 'net.thesilkminer.gradle.translationchecker:TranslationChecker:1.1'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
// Dependencies
dependencies {
compile project(":OpenModsLib") // Load OpenModsLib from submodule
compile group: 'info.openmods', name: 'calc', version: '0.3'
compile "info.computercraft:ComputerCraft-API:1.80pr0"
compile "info.openmods:OpenPeripheralCore-API:"+opc_api_version
// Jar data
version = mc_version + "-" + mod_version
def String git(String... arguments) {
def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
executable = 'git'
args = arguments.toList()
standardOutput = out
def String gitHash() {
git 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'
def String gitBranch() {
git 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'
def env = System.getenv()
def in_jenkins = false
def jenkinsManifest = manifest {
if (env.BUILD_TAG != null) { // If this works, we'll assume we're in Jenkins atleast.
attributes("Jenkins-Build": "true", "Jenkins-Tag": env.BUILD_TAG, "Jenkins-ID": env.BUILD_ID)
in_jenkins = true
} else {
attributes("Jenkins-Build": "false")
def branch = in_jenkins ? env.GIT_BRANCH.minus("origin/") : gitBranch()
def hash = gitHash()
if (branch != null && !branch.equals("master")) {
version += "-" + branch
if (env.BUILD_NUMBER != null) {
version += "-snapshot-" + env.BUILD_NUMBER
def gitManifest = manifest {
if (branch != null) {
attributes("Git-Branch": branch, "Git-Hash": hash)
// Setup Forge plugin
minecraft {
version = mc_version + "-" + forge_version
runDir = "run"
mappings = mcp_mappings
replaceIn 'openblocks/'
replace '$VERSION$', mod_version
replace '$OP-API-VERSION$', opc_api_version
replace '$LIB-VERSION$', project(':OpenModsLib').mod_version
replace '$NEXT-LIB-VERSION$', project(':OpenModsLib').next_mod_version
replaceIn "openblocks/api/"
replace '$API-VERSION$', api_version
processResources { "version", mod_version "mc_version", mc_version
// Process
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
include '**/*.info'
expand 'version':mod_version, 'mc_version':mc_version
// Copy anything else directly
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
exclude '**/*.info'
rename '(.+_at.cfg)', 'META-INF/$1'
// Jar tasks
// Generate FML Coremod manifest
ext.fmlManifest = manifest {
"FMLAT": "openblocks_at.cfg",
if (project.hasProperty('keyStore')) {
task signJar(type: SignJar, dependsOn: reobfJar) {
keyStore = project.keyStore
alias = project.keyStoreAlias
storePass = project.keyStorePass
keyPass = project.keyStoreKeyPass
inputFile = jar.archivePath
outputFile = jar.archivePath
build.dependsOn signJar
// Merge Jenkins and Git manifests to form final manifest in final release jar
jar {
manifest {
from jenkinsManifest, gitManifest, fmlManifest
ext.sourcesPath = new File(new File(new File(buildDir, "sources"), "main"), "java")
task apiJar(type: Jar) {
baseName "OpenBlocks-API"
version api_version
from sourceSets.main.output
include 'openblocks/api/**'
manifest {
from jenkinsManifest, gitManifest
task apiSrcJar(type: Jar) {
baseName "OpenBlocks-API"
version api_version
classifier 'sources'
from sourcesPath
include 'openblocks/api/**'
manifest {
from jenkinsManifest, gitManifest
artifacts {
archives apiJar
archives apiSrcJar
task updateTranslations(type: net.thesilkminer.gradle.plugin.translationchecker.tasks.TranslationCheckTask) {
modId = "openblocks"
templateFileName = "en_us.lang"
task checkTranslations(type: net.thesilkminer.gradle.plugin.translationchecker.tasks.TranslationCheckTask) {
modId = "openblocks"
dryRun = true
templateFileName = "en_us.lang"
task wrapper (type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = "2.14"