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-Added the active_indicator[] element, which can draw a percent-based part of an image over another image, using a defined meta field.
-Added support for the /give command
-Added support for default furnaces
-In Dynamic Lists, non-cubic nodes will now display in their proper form using the item_image[] element.
-Fixed the hotbar's functionality on mobile. Tapping each slot now switches the wield index properly.
-Fixed the "Press this or ESC to continue" window on mobile. Pressing the button now properly opens the inventory, rather than closing the form.
-Added a workaround for mobile users being unable to place blocks. The Aux button can now place blocks as well.
-To help with aiming the Aux button, a crosshair is now shown on mobile, as the regular one is permanently disabled by the Android Client.
-Mobile's Aux key and extra crosshair can both be disabled in the settings.
-Test items can now be disabled in the settings.
-The hotbar HUD should now scale properly across different screen resolutions.
-The game will no longer crash when you use an unknown item.
-Right-clicking while holding a worn tool will no longer magically repair it.