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Complete and Total Lua-Only Inventory Rewrite [lua_inv]
Modding API Reference
A table of data attached to various objects, to allow for extra custom data to be added, which can be controlled via its own callbacks.
### Constructors:
* lua_inv.metadata(parent) - Create a new metadata object. The "parent" should be the object that owns this. See MetaDataParent below.
### Fields [Read-Only]:
* data - The table where the metadata's key/value pairs are actually stored.
* parent - A reference to the owner of the MetaData. If there is none, this will instead contain {orphaned = true}
### Functions:
* :allow_change(key, value) - Check if setting the key/value pair is allowed. Returns a boolean indicating permission.
* :on_change(key, value) - Simulate effects of setting the key/value pair. Returns the final value.
* :contains(key) - Returns true if the value that they key contains is anything other than nil.
* :get(key) - Returns the exact value that this key contains, or nil if it doesn't exist.
* :remove(key) - Sets the value at the given key to nil.
* :set_string(key, value) - Sets the given value, converting to a string if necessary. Returns the final value or false if it failed.
* :get_string(key) - Gets the value at the given key as a string. If it doesn't exist, "" is returned.
* :set_int(key, value) - Sets the given value, converting to a whole number if necessary. Returns the final value or false if it failed.
* :get_int(key) - Gets the value at the given key as a whole number. If it doesn't exist or isn't a number, 0 is returned.
* :set_float(key, value) - Sets the given value, converting to a number if necessary. Returns the final value or false if it failed.
* :get_float(key) - Gets the value at the given key as a number. If it doesn't exist or isn't a number, 0 is returned.
* :to_table() - Returns a writable copy of this MetaData's data table.
* :from_table(table) - Clears all of the previous data and adds every key/value pair within the provided table. Returns self.
* :equals(MetaData) - Returns true if the provided MetaData has all the same key/value pairs as this one. Callbacks aren't considered for this.
* :serialize() - Returns a JSON string representing all the key/value pairs in the data table.
### Global Callbacks (Use with caution):
* lua_inv.register_metadata_allow_change(function(MetaData, key value)) - Create a permission function that applies to all MetaData objects.
* lua_inv.register_metadata_on_change(function(MetaData, key value)) - Create an on-change modifier function for all MetaData objects.
### Operators:
* MetaData == MetaData - An alternate way to check if two MetaData objects have all the same key/value data.
Any object can be considered if set as a MetaData's parent. They gain special functionality for possessing the following functions:
* metadata_allow_change(Parent, MetaData, k, v) - Apply a special permission function to the owned MetaData that it wouldn't normally have.
* metadata_on_change(Parent, MetaData, k, v) - Apply a special transformation function to the owned MetaData that it wouldn't normally have.
A reference to a slot that can hold an item. Unlike the normal kind, these are most often accessed directly via reference.
When you make a change to one, there is usually no need to "commit" the change by using set_stack in the inventory.
### Constructors:
* lua_inv.itemstack(name, count, wear, meta, parent) - The normal way to create a new ItemStack.
-- name: The name of the item, usually in the format of modname:itemname. Defaults to ""
-- count: How many of this object you wish to create. Defaults to 1.
-- wear: Number/100 for how close this item is to breaking. If the count is higher than 1, only the stack's top item will have the wear. Defaults to 0.
-- meta: A key/value table that will be supplied to this item's MetaData. Defaults to an empty table. Can't accept an entire MetaData object; use :to_table() instead.
-- parent: The object that owns this ItemStack, usually expected to be an inventory. See ItemStackInInventoryParent below.
* lua_inv.itemstack_from_string(String) - Create an ItemStack based on a provided ItemString.
* lua_inv.itemstack_from_userdata(UserData) - Port a UserData-type ItemStack into a lua_inv-type one.
* lua_inv.itemstack_to_userdata(ItemStack) - The opposite of the above. Export an ItemStack back into a regular UserData item.
### Fields [Read-Only]:
* parent - A reference to the owner of the ItemStack. If there is none, this will instead contain {orphaned = true}
### Special MetaData Fields
* description - If present, this will be shown as the description of the item.
* inventory_image - If present, this filename will be used for the item's sprite.
* frames - If present, overrides the amount of frames in an item's animation.
* speed - If present, overrides the animation speed of the item.
* frame_template - If present, this will be used to grab the next frame's image, by formatting it with the current frame number.
-- If both frames and frame_template are in the MetaData, you can animate an itemstack even if its definition lacks the _lua_inv_animation function.
### Functions:
* :allow_change(key, value) - Check if setting the key/value pair is allowed. Returns a boolean indicating permission.
* :on_change(key, value) - Simulate effects of setting the key/value pair. Returns the final value.
* :after_change(key, init, final) - Simulate effects after successfully setting the key's value from init to final. Returns nothing.
* :metadata_allow_change(MetaData, key, value) - Apply a special permission function to the owned MetaData that it wouldn't normally have.
* :metadata_on_change(MetaData, key, value) - Apply a special transformation function to the owned MetaData that it wouldn't normally have.
* :is_empty() - Returns true if this doesn't contain anything.
* :is_full() - Returns true only if the stack's count is equal to its max count.
* :get_name() - Returns the internal name of the item that this contains.
* :set_name(name) - Change the name of the contained item. Setting "" will instead erase it. Returns the final name.
* :get_count() - Returns the amount of items this stack contains.
* :set_count(count) - Set the amount of items that this stack contains. Setting 0 will instead empty it. Returns the final number.
* :get_wear() - Returns how worn out the top item is, from 0 to 100.
* :set_wear(wear) - Set this object's wear. If it's over 100, the count will be decremented. Returns the final wear.
* :get_meta() - Returns the MetaData of this stack.
* :get_total_size() - Returns the count, except the last item is counted as a partial item according to how worn the stack is.
* :get_description() - Returns the description of this item, or a custom description if the MetaData contains it.
* :get_inventory_image() - Attempts to create an inventory image for this item. If it doesn't exist, it attempt to make a cube formspec element.
* :get_animation(frame) - Returns ItemStackAnimation if defined in the registration or MetaData. Returns nil otherwise.
* :get_wear_visual() - Returns a colored bar for a formspec or HUD, representing how worn the item is.
* :to_string() - Returns an itemstring that represents this item.
* :get_stack_max() - Returns the maximum count that this item can have. Defaults to 99 for unknown items.
* :get_free_space() - Returns the amount of items that this can gain before it reaches the stack_max.
* :is_known() - Returns true if this item has an existing definition.
* :get_definition() - Returns this item's entry in minetest.registered_items if it exists.
* :has_custom_tool_capabilities() - Returns true if tool_capabilities were set for this item.
* :get_tool_capabilities() - Returns custom tool capabilities if set, its definition's capabilites if defined, or the hand's capabilities.
* :set_tool_capabilities(table) - Set a table of custom tool capabilities to apply to this item. Returns nothing.
* :add_wear(wear) - Add an amount of wear to this item. Works the same as set_wear.
* :is_similar(ItemStack) - By default, returns true if this item's name and MetaData match the provided ItemStack. Custom conditions may be set.
* :add_item(ItemStack) - Attempt to put ItemStack into this stack. ItemStack will contain the leftovers, if any. Returns self.
* :item_fits(ItemStack) - Return true if ItemStack is similar to this, and there is enough free space to fit all of ItemStack.
* :take_item(count) - Take the desired amount of items from this stack and return it.
* :peek_item(count) - Copy the desired amount of items from this stack and return it.
* :serialize() - Returns a JSON string representing the contents of this ItemStack.
### Global Callbacks (Use with caution):
* lua_inv.register_itemstack_allow_change(function(ItemStack, key, value)) - Create a permission function to apply to all ItemStacks.
* lua_inv.register_itemstack_on_change(function(ItemStack, key, value)) - Create an on_change function to apply to all ItemStack.
* lua_inv.register_itemstack_after_change(function(ItemStack, key, init, final)) - Create a function to apply after all changes to ItemStacks.
### Definition Entries for minetest.register_item:
* _lua_inv_allow_change(self, key, value) - Set a restriction for how this item can be changed. Return a boolean to indicate permission.
* _lua_inv_on_change(self, key, value) - Do something whenever this item is changed. Return a value to change it.
* _lua_inv_after_change(self, key, init, final) - Do something after this item is changed.
* _lua_inv_metadata_allow_change(self, meta, key, value) - Set a restriction for how this item's MetaData can be changed. Return false to prevent it.
* _lua_inv_metadata_on_change(self, meta, key, value) - Do something whenever the MetaData of this item is changed.
* _lua_inv_is_similar(self, other) - Set a custom condition when checking if this item should be considered similar to another.
* _lua_inv_add(self, other) - Specify custom behavior for adding other into self.
* _lua_inv_on_use(self, user, pointed_thing) - Like on_use, but this one supports lua_inv itemstacks and will NOT replace default behavior.
* _lua_inv_on_place(self, placer, pointed_thing) - Like on_place, but this provides a lua_inv itemstack instead.
* _lua_inv_on_secondary_use(self, placer, pointed_thing) - Like on_secondary_use, but this provides a lua_inv itemstack instead.
* _lua_inv_animation(self, frame) - If used, this should return an ItemStackAnimation.
### Operators:
* ItemStack + ItemStack - Attempt to add the second ItemStack into the first, like in the ItemStack:add_item function.
* ItemStack == ItemStack - Returns true if both ItemStacks have the same name, count, wear, and MetaData contents.
* ItemStack < ItemStack - Returns true if the total size of the first ItemStack is less than the second.
* ItemStack <= ItemStack - Returns true if the total size of the first ItemStack is less than or equal to the second.
When an Inventory is the parent of an ItemStack, it has the following fields:
* inv - The actual Inventory object that the ItemStack belongs to.
* list - The name of the Inventory list that the ItemStack is in.
* index - The specific index within the Inventory's list that the ItemStack is in.
A mini-definition table used to specify how an object should be animated. It uses the fields in the list below.
Note that when used, the item's inventory_image should provide a vertical animation strip so the animation works in formspecs.
* frames - The amount of frames in the animation.
* speed - The time (in milliseconds) that each frame is shown. Optional; default is (1000 / frames)
* frame_template - The name of the file of each individual frame. Use %d in place of a specific frame number, so that string.format will work with it.
A reference to a table of lists of itemstacks. Once a list is set, it sticks with the same set of ItemStacks for as long as it possibly can.
Every slot is set via reference, and items are added and removed simply by directly changing the contents of contained ItemStacks.
### Constructors:
* lua_inv.inventory(parent, allow_change, on_change, after_change) - Create a new inventory with many optional values.
-- parent: The object that owns this. If there is none, it will instead be {orphaned = true}
-- allow_change(self, InventoryChange): A function used to allow or disallow items from being moved or changed. See InventoryChange below.
-- on_change(self, InventoryChange): A function called when a change would occur in the Inventory. See InventoryChange below.
-- after_change(self, InventoryChange): A function called after a change occurs in the Inventory. See InventoryChange below.
* lua_inv.inventory_from_serialized_string(serial, new_inv) - Load the given inventory with deserialized data.
-- serial: Data from a past use of Inventory:serialize(). Must manually prepend it with "return " including the space.
-- new_inv: The inventory reference to put the data in. Must already exist, typically from the same lua_inv.inventory call that created the serialzed inventory.
### Fields [Read-Only]:
* data - The table of lists that this inventory contains, indexed by listname.
* width - The table of widths for each list, indexed by listname.
* callbacks - A table of the functions that were provided to the constructor, indexed by function names.
* parent - A reference to the owner of the Inventory. If there is none, this will instead contain {orphaned = true}
### Functions:
* :get_allow_change() - Return the allow_change function that was passed to the Constructor. Defaults to a function that always returns true.
* :get_on_change() - Return the on_change function that was passed to the Constructor. Defaults to an empty function.
* :get_after_chagne() - Return the after_change function that was passed to the Constructor. Defaults to an empty function.
* :allow_change(self, InventoryChange) - Returns true or false if a given change is allowed in this inventory.
* :on_change(self, InventoryChange) - Applies callbacks when a change would be set in this inventory.
* :after_change(self, InventoryChange) - Applies callbacks after a change is set in this inventory.
* :is_empty(listname) - Returns true if every ItemStack in every list in this inventory is empty. If listname is provided, only that list is checked for emptiness.
* :get_size(listname) - Returns the amount of ItemStacks in a given list.
* :set_size(listname, size) - Change the size of a given list. If it's shortened, ItemStacks will be deleted. If size is 0, the whole list is deleted.
* :get_width(listname) - Returns the given width of a list, usually only relavent for crafting. Defaults to 1.
* :set_width(listname, width) - Sets the Inventory's width. Returns the width if successful, or false otherwise.
* :get_stack(listname, index) - Returns the ItemStack from the given list's index.
* :set_stack(listname, index, ItemStack)- Swap the provided ItemStack into the ItemSlot found in the given listname and index.
* :get_list(listname) - Returns a read-only table based on the provided list name.
* :set_list(listname, list) - Swap the contents of an entire list with those of the provided list.
* :get_lists() - Get the read-only table that this Inventory contains.
* :set_lists(listname, lists) - Completely overwrite the contents of an Inventory with the provided lists.
* :add_item(listname, ItemStack) - Add the ItemStack into the inventory. It will try to find a similar slot to fill, before trying an empty slot.
* :room_for_item(listname, ItemStack) - Return true if there is at least one slot in the list that can fit the provided ItemStack.
* :contains_item(listname, ItemStack, match_meta) -Check if the list already contains the provided ItemStack. May optionally check MetaData too.
* :remove_item(listname, ItemStack, match_meta) -Remove the requested item from the list and return said item. May optional check MetaData too.
* :serialize() - Returns a JSON string representing the contents of this Inventory.
### Global Callbacks (Use with caution):
* lua_inv.register_inventory_allow_change(function(Inventory, InventoryChange)) - Create a permission function to apply to all Inventories.
* lua_inv.register_inventory_on_change(function(Inventory, InventoryChange)) - Create an on_change function to apply to all Inventories.
* lua_inv.register_inventory_after_change(function(Inventory, InventoryChange)) - Create a function to apply after all changes to Inventories.
### Definition Entries for minetest.register_node:
* _lua_inv_inventory(pos) - Overrides behavior for creating an inventory at the given position. Usually useful for setting list sizes right away.
This has a couple variations, depending on the type of change that occurs in an inventory.
* ItemStack :set_name, :set_count, :set_wear
type = "set",
stack = ItemStack,
key = key,
val = value, --Only when allow_change and on_change sends the callback
init_val = initial_value, --Only when after_change sends the callback
final_val = final_value, --Only when after_change sends the callback
* Inventory:set_stack
type = "swap",
stack1 = ItemStack, --The one that could have been retrieved by ItemStack:get_stack() before the swap
stack2 = ItemStack, --The one that was inputted into Inventory:set_stack to trigger the swap.
A Lua Table representation of a line in a Formspec. As a table, it can easily have dynamic behaviors upon being converted into a Formspec String.
### Constructors:
* lua_inv.formspec_element(name, arguments, to_string) - The usual way to create an element for a Dyanamic Formspec.
name: The name of the element. You will usually want this to match one of Minetest's Formspec Element types, unless you set to_string.
arguments: A table of arguments. See below for examples.
to_string: A function to define custom behavior for turning this into a Formspec string. See below for details.
* lua_inv.default_formspec_element_to_string(FormspecElement) - The default for to_string. Turns a FormspecElement table into a formspec string.
* lua_inv.formspec_element_from_string(String) - This function will interpret a formspec string and create a FormspecElement table based off of it.
### Arguments:
A regular Formspec Element will separate values by either a semi-colon or a comma.
A semi-colon separates two entire arguments.
A comma separates sub-arguments, which would then go into their own specific table.
For example: list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]
The arguments for the above "list" Formspec Element would be represented as such:
[1] = "current_player",
[2] = "main",
[3] = {[1] = 0, [2] = 5},
[4] = {[1] = 8, [2] = 4},
### :to_string(self, player, formname, fields)
* self - The FormspecElement table that this function belongs to.
* player - The Player that this is being shown to.
* formname - The name of the form that will be sent to the player when the final formspec is shown.
* fields - Optional. Will be present if the player did something that would require feedback and a new formspec to be formed. Works like regular Minetest.
### Subclasses:
* lua_inv.dynamic_list(inv_location, listname, x, y, w, h, start_index, slot_bg)- Like a list[], except it's a grid of buttons to form a lua_inv-compatible UI.
* lua_inv.stack_mode_selector(x, y) - Meant to be paired with dynamic_list to offer more options for moving around ItemStacks.
* lua_inv.drop_item_button(x, y) - Provides a way for formspecs with dynamic lists to drop items onto the ground.
* lua_inv.active_indicator(x, y, w, y, base_img, cover_img, var)- Like an image[], except var% of cover_img will be drawn over base_img.
This is essentially a formspec that is built to use FormspecElement as defined above.
It can be set up to use a page structure pretty easily, just by using the related page functions.
Every Dynamic Formspec requires at least one page to do anything. The first added page will have have an index of 1.
### Constructors:
lua_inv.dynamic_formspec() - The standard method for creating a DynamicFormspec. Note that at least one page must always be created for it to be usable.
lua_inv.dynamic_formspec_from_string(formspec) - This is a way to automatically interpret and convert an existing formspec string into a DynamicFormspec.
### Fields [Read-Only]:
* elems - A table of all the pages of FormspecElements.
* pageTitles - A table of each page's title.
* meta - The primary MetaData object that belongs to the formspec, typically used by each FormspecElement for communication.
* temp_meta - A secondary MetaData object, which is cleared after each time the formspec is changed or closed.
* size_w - The width of this formspec, which applies to all pages.
* size_h - The height of this formspec, which applies to all pages.
* tabs_hidden - If true, the tabheader[] element will no longer be shown if the formspec has multiple pages.
### Functions
* :get_fs_size() - Returns (width, height) that will be applied to all pages in this formspec.
* :set_fs_size(w, h) - Set the width and height of all pages in this formspec to the given numbers.
* :set_tabs_hidden(bool) - Set to true to disable the tabheader[] shown when there is more than 1 page. Useful for making your own navigation.
* :size(n) - Returns the number of FormspecElements in the given page. N defaults to 1.
* :get(index, n) - Returns Page n's FormspecElement at the given index. N defaults to 1.
* :set(index, FormspecElement, n) - Replace Page n's FormspecElement at the given index with a new one, or deletes it if the second argument is nil. N defaults to 1.
* :add(FormspecElement, n) - Add the given FormspecElement to Page n the end of the list. N defaults to 1.
* :del(index, n) - Remove the FormspecElement of Page n at the given index. N defaults to 1.
* :page_add(title) - Add a new page with the given title. Returns the page's index to allow formspec elements to be added to it.
* :page_count() - Returns the total number of pages.
* :page_get(n) - Returns the page at the specified index, if it exists.
* :page_title(n) - Returns the name given to the page at the specified index.
* :page_del(n) - Deletes the page at the given index. Any pages that were after it will be pushed back in the list to fill the space.
* :page_current() - Returns the currently displayed page.
* :page_switch(n) - Switches the formspec to instead show the given page. If n is a number but out of bounds, it will wrap around.
* :form(Player, formname, fields) - Build a presentable formspec string out of all existing FormspecElements according to their to_string method.
### Global Callbacks (Use with caution):
* lua_inv.register_on_formspec_open(function(player, formname, DynamicFormspec))
-- The given function will be called whenever any formspec is shown to a player or updated.
* lua_inv.register_on_formspec_close(function(player, formname, DynamicFormspec, fields))
-- The given function will be called whenever any formspec is properly closed.
An internal manager is used to keep track of DynamicFormspec states. Also comes with helpful functions.
* lua_inv.get_df_meta(Player) - Returns two MetaData objects tied to the Player's open DynamicFormspec. It's important as it allows FormspecElements to communicate.
-- meta: For more persistent variables that are kept even after the DynamicFormspec is closed.
-- temp_meta: For less persistent variables that get deleted when the DynamicFormspec is closed or updated. Occasionally needed to fix cases of looping or other oddities in formspecs.
* lua_inv.show_formspec(Player, formname, DynamicFormspec) - The official method to showing a DynamicFormspec in a way that indicates lua_inv compatability.
A subclass of a DynamicFormspec that is given to all players. It's a lua_inv compatible recreation of a basic survival inventory formspec.
### Methods:
* lua_inv.survival_inventory.form() - Builds the DynamicFormspec to be shown to the player. It has a custom element to show a 2D image or 3D model on the owner based of their properties.
* lua_inv.survival_inventory.ref(Player) - Builds the Player's Inventory, with the Player as its parent, with allow_change and after_change callbacks.
Although mainly for internal use, it comes with a few tools that may be useful in various cases.
### Fields:
* lua_inv.player_inventory - A table, indexed by player names, which can be used to access a player's inventory or inventory formspec.
-- inv: A link to the player's Inventory.
-- form: A link to the DynamicFormspec shown to the player to let them interact with their inventory.
### Methods:
* lua_inv.get_player_wielded_item(player) - Get the ItemStack that the player is wielding.
* lua_inv.set_player_wielded_item(player, itemstack) - Set the ItemStack that the playee is wielding. A Userdata item may be sent instead, and will automaticall be converted.
* lua_inv.update_held_item_data(player) - Update internal information about the wielded item's tool_capabilities. Automatically called for most use cases.
A separate table of these is maintained to keep track of node inventories and ensure that they are readily accessible.
### Constructor:
lua_inv.fetch_node_inventory(pos, keep_nil) - Returns a node inventory for the given position, and creates one if it didn't already exist.
-- keep_nil: Optional. If true, this function will return nil instead of creating a new inventory.
A table of these is maintained to allow them to appear in formspecs.
Note that unlike other inventory types, these are NOT saved automatically. For these, you should implement persistence yourself, if necessary.
### Constructor:
lua_inv.create_detached_inventory(name, input_parent, allow_change_func, on_change_func, after_change_func) - Returns a new detached inventory.
-- name: The name of the detached inventory, used to fetch it later.
-- The other arguments work the same as lua_inv.inventory()
-- Note that you are not allowed to create a detached inventory using the name of one that already exists. This will cause an error.
### Method:
lua_inv.get_detached_inventory(name) - Returns a detached inventory indexed by the given name, if it exists.
[Misc. Functions]
* lua_inv.change_involves_list(inv, change, listname) - If the change table has an involved stack in the given inv and listname, return the stack.
* lua_inv.set_list_take_only(inv, change, listname) - Use in an allow_change callback to prevent players from placing items in the given listname.
* lua_inv.tiles_to_cube_textures({tiles}) - Converts a table of tiles from an object's properties into a table of textures for an entity.
* lua_inv.update_hotbar(player) - Update the player's hotbar visuals in the event of a change. Automatically called for most use cases.
[Default Support Functions]
* lua_inv.default.chest_override(name) - Overrides the named chest so its behaviors properly use lua_inv.
* lua_inv.default.furnace_override(name) - Overrides the named furnace so its behaviors properly use lua_inv.
* lua_inv.default.shelf_override(name, groupname, listname, slot_bg) - Overrides the named shelf to work with lua_inv.
-- groupname: Only items with this groupname will be allowed on the shelf.
-- listname: The name of the shelf's inventory's main list.
-- slot_bg: The name of the image that will be shown in the shelf's slots to indicate the type of item it can accept.