Added the correct code for pulling changes from GIT
stripped some personal date replacing with generic info.
NathanSalapat 2014-10-07 09:18:26 -05:00
parent b9d1186248
commit 074fae2448
1 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
for i in ${MODS}; do
echo "$i" #Prints the current directory, useful for debugging and logs
echo "$i" #Prints the current directory, useful for debugging and logs, pointless right now.
cd $i #Moves into the current directory, VERY IMPORTANT
ls #Runs the update call for GIT 'obviously not right now'
git pull #Runs the update call for GIT
cd -; #Moves back up to the parent directory
done #Once all directories have cycled through this ends the loop
#Now that all files are updated copy them to the main directory.
#rsync ./home/nathan/Mintest_Git ./home/nathan/.minetest/mods
#Rename the folders that need it. This must be filled out manually.