Android: use correct method to get asset path

MoNTE48 2021-04-05 22:40:18 +02:00
parent 1a0ef21d71
commit 65545614a5
1 changed files with 28 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -163,22 +163,29 @@ static std::string javaStringToUTF8(jstring js)
// Calls static method if obj is NULL
static std::string getAndroidPath(
jclass cls, jobject obj, jmethodID mt_getAbsPath, const char *getter)
static std::string getAndroidPath(jclass cls, jobject obj,
jmethodID mt_getAbsPath, const char *getter, bool external = false)
// Get getter method
jmethodID mt_getter;
if (obj)
mt_getter = jnienv->GetMethodID(cls, getter, "()Ljava/io/File;");
mt_getter = jnienv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, getter, "()Ljava/io/File;");
// Call getter
jobject ob_file;
if (obj)
ob_file = jnienv->CallObjectMethod(obj, mt_getter);
ob_file = jnienv->CallStaticObjectMethod(cls, mt_getter);
if (external) {
jclass cls_Env = jnienv->FindClass("android/app/NativeActivity");
jmethodID mt_getExtPath = jnienv->GetMethodID(cls_Env, getter,
ob_file = jnienv->CallObjectMethod(obj, mt_getExtPath, nullptr);
} else {
// Get getter method
jmethodID mt_getter;
if (obj) {
mt_getter = jnienv->GetMethodID(cls, getter, "()Ljava/io/File;");
ob_file = jnienv->CallObjectMethod(obj, mt_getter);
} else {
mt_getter = jnienv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, getter,
ob_file = jnienv->CallStaticObjectMethod(cls, mt_getter);
// Call getAbsolutePath
auto js_path = (jstring) jnienv->CallObjectMethod(ob_file, mt_getAbsPath);
@ -188,23 +195,20 @@ static std::string getAndroidPath(
void initializePathsAndroid()
// Get Environment class
jclass cls_Env = jnienv->FindClass("android/os/Environment");
jobject obj = app_global->activity->clazz;
// Get File class
jclass cls_File = jnienv->FindClass("java/io/File");
// Get getAbsolutePath method
jmethodID mt_getAbsPath = jnienv->GetMethodID(cls_File,
"getAbsolutePath", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
std::string path_storage = getAndroidPath(cls_Env, nullptr,
mt_getAbsPath, "getExternalStorageDirectory");
std::string path_data = getAndroidPath(nativeActivity, app_global->activity->clazz, mt_getAbsPath,
path_user = path_storage + DIR_DELIM + "Android/data/";
path_share = path_data;
path_locale = path_data + DIR_DELIM + "locale";
path_cache = getAndroidPath(nativeActivity,
app_global->activity->clazz, mt_getAbsPath, "getCacheDir");
path_user = getAndroidPath(nullptr, obj, mt_getAbsPath,
"getExternalFilesDir", true);
path_share = getAndroidPath(nativeActivity, obj, mt_getAbsPath,
path_locale = path_share + DIR_DELIM + "locale";
path_cache = getAndroidPath(nativeActivity, obj, mt_getAbsPath,
void showInputDialog(const std::string &acceptButton, const std::string &hint,