did it all over again

MultiCoders 2016-01-09 18:53:55 +07:00
commit 2435773213
34 changed files with 1849 additions and 0 deletions

abms.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- lol
if wool_world then
nodenames = {'default:dirt_with_grass'},
interval = 0,
chance = 100,
action = function(pos)
minetest.add_node(pos, {name = 'wool:white'})

config.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- make it so that you can craft the admin sword
admin_craft = false
-- make the world into wool!
wool_world = false

cooking.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- makes a cooking recipe
-- pretty self explainable
-- make coal with wood stuffz
type = 'cooking',
recipe = 'group:wood',
output = 'random_cool_stuff:charcoal',
cooktime = 12,
-- make coal with tree stuffz
type = 'cooking',
recipe = 'group:tree',
output = 'random_cool_stuff:charcoal',
cooktime = 10,
-- cook a kebab with a raw kebab
-- cook time is seconds
type = 'cooking',
recipe = 'random_cool_stuff:raw_kebab',
output = 'random_cool_stuff:cooked_kebab',
cooktime = 5,

crafting.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
-- create cotton with grass
output = 'farming:cotton',
recipe = {
{'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'},
{'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}
-- creates a barrel
output = 'random_cool_stuff:barrel',
recipe = {
{'default:stick', 'group:wood', 'default:stick'},
{'default:stick', '', 'default:stick'},
{'default:stick', 'group:wood', 'default:stick'},
-- raw kebab
output = 'random_cool_stuff:raw_kebab',
recipe = {
-- cooked kebab
output = 'random_cool_stuff:cooked_kebab',
recipe = {
-- knife
output = 'random_cool_stuff:knife',
recipe = {
-- salt
output = 'random_cool_stuff:salt',
recipe = {
replacements = {
{'random_cool_stuff:knife', 'random_cool_stuff:knife'},
-- change config.txt to make the admin sword craftable
if admin_craft then
output = 'random_cool_stuff:admin_swrd',
recipe = {

craftitem.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- crafitem crafts items, its basically a tool, but with no effects!
-- here we are making a salt lump
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:salt_lump', {
description = 'a salt made of lumps',
inventory_image = 'random_salt_lump.png',
-- here we are making salt
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:salt', {
description = 'salt, what more can I say?',
inventory_image = 'random_salt.png',
-- here we make the cutting knife
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:poo_lump', {
description = 'for smearing on people',
inventory_image = 'poo_lump.png',
-- here we are making the charcoal
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:charcoal', {
description = 'great fuel',
inventory_image = 'random_charcoal.png'

credits.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Most graphical design by Nathan Salapat
Coding taught by Nathan Salapat
the rest by me

depends.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

foods.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-- the comment below shows the original way to make food
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:raw_kebab', {
description = 'raw indonesion food',
inventory_image = 'random_raw_kebab.png',
on_use = minetest.item_eat(2)
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:cooked_kebab', {
description = 'still looks disgusting',
inventory_image = 'random_cooked_kebab.png',
on_use = minetest.item_eat(7)
creates a table called food table
the first thing, as defined in for i in ipairs function is what we craft
the seconds thing is the description
the third thing is the inventory image, does not need .png but lets add it for clarification
if you want dont add an inventory image
the 4th thing is the amount of health you get after eating it
you can create tables like these for other things too...
like fuel recipes, cooking
use this method because it is more efficent
-- in this table, you put in food XD
local food_table = { -- craft, desc, invimg, health
{'raw_kebab', 'raw indonesian food', 'raw_kebab.png', 4},
{'cooked_kebab', 'still looks disgusting', 'cooked_kebab.png', 12},
-- here we order the order of what we put where
for i in ipairs(food_table) do
local craft = food_table[i][1]
local desc = food_table[i][2]
local invimg = food_table[i][3]
local health = food_table[i][4]
-- here we tell what does desc mean and what it does on use, and what does craft mean...
minetest.register_craftitem('random_cool_stuff:'..craft, {
description = desc,
inventory_image = 'random_'..invimg,
on_use = minetest.item_eat(health),

fuels.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-- makes a fuel recipe
-- recipe is basically fuel
-- burntime is seconds
-- cook stuff with charcoal
type = 'fuel',
recipe = 'random_cool_stuff:charcoal',
burntime = 22
-- cook stuff with sticks
type = 'fuel',
recipe = 'default:stick',
burntime = 4
-- cook stuff with cotton
type = 'fuel',
recipe = 'farming:cotton',
burntime = 6
-- cook stuff with wool
type = 'fuel',
recipe = 'group:wool',
burntime = 9

functions.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- function for the paricle..
function gray_particle_system(pos)
amount = 50,
time = 0, -- 0 is infinity
minpos = {x = pos.x - 0.25, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 0.25}, -- the minimum position
maxpos = {x = pos.x + 0.25, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 0.25}, -- the maximum position
minvel = {x = .1, y = -.3, z = .1}, -- the minimum direction/speed
maxvel = {x = .4, y = -.5, z = .1}, -- the maximum direction/speed
minacc = {x = .2, y = .2, z = .2}, -- the minimum acceleration speed
minacc = {x = .3, y = .3, z = .3}, -- the maximum acceleration speed
minexptime = 1, -- minimum single particle expiration time
minexptime = 1, -- maximum single particle expiration time
minsize = 1, -- the minimum size
maxsize = 2, -- the maximum size
collisiondetection = true, -- collision detection
texture = 'random_poo_particle.png',
vertical = false, -- particles only go vertically
-- playername = 'singleplayer'
-- the line above makes it only singleplayer

init.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
-- if this is true, then run this file
-- we determine if this is true in config.txt
if admin_craft then
if bed_kill then
if wool_world then
this is how you use a for loop!
im commenting this out because I dont need it for this mod, yet!
and it will be a comment for the same reason
I am putting it in init.lua because it is easier to find the mini tutorial here...
I am putting all learning material in init.lua :)
for i = 1, 150
this counts from 1 to 150, and it does the function seperatly each time, so it does 1(pos.y + 1, pos.x + 1) the first time
and then when it does it another time it does 2(pos.y + 1, + pos.x + 1)
this would be the same since 1 * 2 = 1
that is why numbers mess it up!
different numbers mess it up in different patterns :P
minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, {name = 'random_cool_stuff:some_node'})
this is the function, in this case we show what we want to do to this variable, which we put inside *name*
minetest.set_node({x = pos.x + i, y = pos.y + i, z = pos.z}, {name = 'some_mod:some_node'})
we add i to x and y, so we basically create a stairway to heaven that is 150 blocks up!
we have to with which node we are doing this though, and that is what name is for
because you have to end all loops...
i stands for index
for i = 1, 150 do
minetest.set_node({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, {name = 'default:dirt'})
-- the reason that code does not work is because this must happen when something else happens
-- for example when you place a block, then this would happen
-- however I do not need this
-- If i would put this in a file it would be in abms.lua :)

license.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
Copyright © 2015 Nikoloz
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.

models/random_barrel.obj Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
# Blender v2.73 (sub 7) OBJ File: 'Survival_Barrel.blend'
# www.blender.org
mtllib barrel.mtl
o Cylinder.001
v 0.000000 0.143105 -0.500000
v 0.000000 0.243105 -0.500000
v 0.154509 0.143105 -0.475528
v 0.154509 0.243105 -0.475528
v 0.293893 0.143105 -0.404509
v 0.293893 0.243105 -0.404509
v 0.404509 0.143105 -0.293893
v 0.404509 0.243105 -0.293893
v 0.475528 0.143105 -0.154509
v 0.475528 0.243105 -0.154509
v 0.500000 0.143105 -0.000000
v 0.500000 0.243105 -0.000000
v 0.475528 0.143105 0.154508
v 0.475528 0.243105 0.154508
v 0.404509 0.143105 0.293892
v 0.404509 0.243105 0.293892
v 0.293893 0.143105 0.404508
v 0.293893 0.243105 0.404508
v 0.154508 0.143105 0.475528
v 0.154508 0.243105 0.475528
v -0.000000 0.143105 0.500000
v -0.000000 0.243105 0.500000
v -0.154509 0.143105 0.475528
v -0.154509 0.243105 0.475528
v -0.293893 0.143105 0.404508
v -0.293893 0.243105 0.404508
v -0.404509 0.143105 0.293892
v -0.404509 0.243105 0.293892
v -0.475528 0.143105 0.154508
v -0.475528 0.243105 0.154508
v -0.500000 0.143105 -0.000001
v -0.500000 0.243105 -0.000001
v -0.475528 0.143105 -0.154509
v -0.475528 0.243105 -0.154509
v -0.404508 0.143105 -0.293893
v -0.404508 0.243105 -0.293893
v -0.293892 0.143105 -0.404509
v -0.293892 0.243105 -0.404509
v -0.154508 0.143105 -0.475529
v -0.154508 0.243105 -0.475529
v 0.000000 0.143105 -0.475683
v 0.146994 0.143105 -0.452402
v 0.146994 0.243105 -0.452402
v 0.000000 0.243105 -0.475683
v 0.279599 0.143105 -0.384836
v 0.279599 0.243105 -0.384836
v 0.384836 0.143105 -0.279600
v 0.384836 0.243105 -0.279600
v 0.452401 0.143105 -0.146994
v 0.452401 0.243105 -0.146994
v 0.475683 0.143105 -0.000000
v 0.475683 0.243105 -0.000000
v 0.452401 0.143105 0.146994
v 0.452401 0.243105 0.146994
v 0.384836 0.143105 0.279599
v 0.384836 0.243105 0.279599
v 0.279599 0.143105 0.384835
v 0.279599 0.243105 0.384835
v 0.146994 0.143105 0.452401
v 0.146994 0.243105 0.452401
v -0.000000 0.143105 0.475683
v -0.000000 0.243105 0.475683
v -0.146994 0.143105 0.452401
v -0.146994 0.243105 0.452401
v -0.279600 0.143105 0.384835
v -0.279600 0.243105 0.384835
v -0.384836 0.143105 0.279599
v -0.384836 0.243105 0.279599
v -0.452401 0.143105 0.146994
v -0.452401 0.243105 0.146994
v -0.475683 0.143105 -0.000001
v -0.475683 0.243105 -0.000001
v -0.452401 0.143105 -0.146995
v -0.452401 0.243105 -0.146995
v -0.384835 0.143105 -0.279600
v -0.384835 0.243105 -0.279600
v -0.279599 0.143105 -0.384836
v -0.279599 0.243105 -0.384836
v -0.146993 0.143105 -0.452402
v -0.146993 0.243105 -0.452402
v 0.000000 -0.242248 -0.500000
v 0.000000 -0.142248 -0.500000
v 0.154509 -0.242248 -0.475528
v 0.154509 -0.142248 -0.475528
v 0.293893 -0.242248 -0.404509
v 0.293893 -0.142248 -0.404509
v 0.404509 -0.242248 -0.293893
v 0.404509 -0.142248 -0.293893
v 0.475528 -0.242248 -0.154509
v 0.475528 -0.142248 -0.154509
v 0.500000 -0.242248 -0.000000
v 0.500000 -0.142248 -0.000000
v 0.475528 -0.242248 0.154508
v 0.475528 -0.142248 0.154508
v 0.404509 -0.242248 0.293892
v 0.404509 -0.142248 0.293892
v 0.293893 -0.242248 0.404508
v 0.293893 -0.142248 0.404508
v 0.154508 -0.242248 0.475528
v 0.154508 -0.142248 0.475528
v -0.000000 -0.242248 0.500000
v -0.000000 -0.142248 0.500000
v -0.154509 -0.242248 0.475528
v -0.154509 -0.142248 0.475528
v -0.293893 -0.242248 0.404508
v -0.293893 -0.142248 0.404508
v -0.404509 -0.242248 0.293892
v -0.404509 -0.142248 0.293892
v -0.475528 -0.242248 0.154508
v -0.475528 -0.142248 0.154508
v -0.500000 -0.242248 -0.000001
v -0.500000 -0.142248 -0.000001
v -0.475528 -0.242248 -0.154509
v -0.475528 -0.142248 -0.154509
v -0.404508 -0.242248 -0.293893
v -0.404508 -0.142248 -0.293893
v -0.293892 -0.242248 -0.404509
v -0.293892 -0.142248 -0.404509
v -0.154508 -0.242248 -0.475529
v -0.154508 -0.142248 -0.475529
v 0.000000 -0.242248 -0.475683
v 0.146994 -0.242248 -0.452402
v 0.146994 -0.142248 -0.452402
v 0.000000 -0.142248 -0.475683
v 0.279599 -0.242248 -0.384836
v 0.279599 -0.142248 -0.384836
v 0.384836 -0.242248 -0.279600
v 0.384836 -0.142248 -0.279600
v 0.452401 -0.242248 -0.146994
v 0.452401 -0.142248 -0.146994
v 0.475683 -0.242248 -0.000000
v 0.475683 -0.142248 -0.000000
v 0.452401 -0.242248 0.146994
v 0.452401 -0.142248 0.146994
v 0.384836 -0.242248 0.279599
v 0.384836 -0.142248 0.279599
v 0.279599 -0.242248 0.384835
v 0.279599 -0.142248 0.384835
v 0.146994 -0.242248 0.452401
v 0.146994 -0.142248 0.452401
v -0.000000 -0.242248 0.475683
v -0.000000 -0.142248 0.475683
v -0.146994 -0.242248 0.452401
v -0.146994 -0.142248 0.452401
v -0.279600 -0.242248 0.384835
v -0.279600 -0.142248 0.384835
v -0.384836 -0.242248 0.279599
v -0.384836 -0.142248 0.279599
v -0.452401 -0.242248 0.146994
v -0.452401 -0.142248 0.146994
v -0.475683 -0.242248 -0.000001
v -0.475683 -0.142248 -0.000001
v -0.452401 -0.242248 -0.146995
v -0.452401 -0.142248 -0.146995
v -0.384835 -0.242248 -0.279600
v -0.384835 -0.142248 -0.279600
v -0.279599 -0.242248 -0.384836
v -0.279599 -0.142248 -0.384836
v -0.146993 -0.242248 -0.452402
v -0.146993 -0.142248 -0.452402
vt 0.387030 0.670837
vt 0.346104 0.670837
vt 0.346104 0.618474
vt 0.387030 0.618474
vt 0.349770 0.615886
vt 0.390697 0.615886
vt 0.390697 0.668249
vt 0.349770 0.668249
vt 0.390697 0.729806
vt 0.349770 0.729806
vt 0.390697 0.794531
vt 0.349770 0.794531
vt 0.390697 0.856087
vt 0.349770 0.856087
vt 0.390697 0.908450
vt 0.349770 0.908450
vt 0.357103 0.917292
vt 0.316177 0.917292
vt 0.316177 0.864929
vt 0.357103 0.864929
vt 0.316177 0.803372
vt 0.357103 0.803372
vt 0.316177 0.738648
vt 0.357103 0.738648
vt 0.316177 0.677091
vt 0.357103 0.677091
vt 0.316177 0.624728
vt 0.357103 0.624728
vt 0.352541 0.776915
vt 0.311615 0.776915
vt 0.311615 0.724552
vt 0.352541 0.724552
vt 0.407791 0.903427
vt 0.366864 0.903427
vt 0.366864 0.841870
vt 0.407791 0.841870
vt 0.366864 0.777146
vt 0.407791 0.777146
vt 0.366864 0.715589
vt 0.407791 0.715589
vt 0.366864 0.663226
vt 0.407791 0.663226
vt 0.387030 0.911038
vt 0.346104 0.911038
vt 0.346104 0.858675
vt 0.387030 0.858675
vt 0.346104 0.797118
vt 0.387030 0.797118
vt 0.387030 0.732393
vt 0.346104 0.732393
vt 0.495503 0.743888
vt 0.488910 0.744944
vt 0.476286 0.705666
vt 0.482234 0.702603
vt 0.237676 0.830133
vt 0.243623 0.827069
vt 0.267635 0.860481
vt 0.262915 0.865252
vt 0.224393 0.743888
vt 0.230986 0.744944
vt 0.230986 0.786243
vt 0.224393 0.787298
vt 0.452275 0.672255
vt 0.456994 0.667484
vt 0.482234 0.828584
vt 0.476286 0.825520
vt 0.488910 0.786243
vt 0.495503 0.787298
vt 0.495516 0.788848
vt 0.488924 0.787792
vt 0.488924 0.746493
vt 0.495516 0.745438
vt 0.243609 0.825520
vt 0.237662 0.828584
vt 0.224407 0.788848
vt 0.230999 0.787792
vt 0.419225 0.647980
vt 0.422256 0.641968
vt 0.482247 0.830133
vt 0.476300 0.827069
vt 0.224407 0.745437
vt 0.230999 0.746493
vt 0.267621 0.858932
vt 0.262901 0.863703
vt 0.380374 0.635218
vt 0.381418 0.628553
vt 0.457008 0.865252
vt 0.452288 0.860481
vt 0.297654 0.643517
vt 0.300684 0.649529
vt 0.267635 0.673804
vt 0.262915 0.669033
vt 0.338492 0.630103
vt 0.339536 0.636767
vt 0.237676 0.704152
vt 0.243623 0.707216
vt 0.300670 0.883207
vt 0.297640 0.889219
vt 0.422269 0.890768
vt 0.419239 0.884756
vt 0.339522 0.635218
vt 0.338478 0.628553
vt 0.381431 0.630102
vt 0.380387 0.636767
vt 0.339522 0.895969
vt 0.338478 0.902634
vt 0.381431 0.904183
vt 0.380387 0.897518
vt 0.300671 0.647980
vt 0.297640 0.641968
vt 0.422269 0.643517
vt 0.419239 0.649529
vt 0.380373 0.895969
vt 0.381418 0.902634
vt 0.338492 0.904183
vt 0.339536 0.897518
vt 0.267621 0.672255
vt 0.262902 0.667483
vt 0.457008 0.669033
vt 0.452288 0.673804
vt 0.419225 0.883207
vt 0.422256 0.889219
vt 0.243610 0.705666
vt 0.237662 0.702603
vt 0.297654 0.890768
vt 0.300684 0.884756
vt 0.452275 0.858932
vt 0.456994 0.863703
vt 0.482247 0.704152
vt 0.476300 0.707216
vt 0.383364 0.671591
vt 0.342437 0.671591
vt 0.342437 0.619228
vt 0.383364 0.619228
vt 0.308844 0.615886
vt 0.308844 0.668249
vt 0.308844 0.729806
vt 0.308844 0.794531
vt 0.308844 0.856087
vt 0.308844 0.908450
vt 0.291701 0.670605
vt 0.332628 0.670605
vt 0.332628 0.722968
vt 0.291701 0.722968
vt 0.332628 0.784525
vt 0.291701 0.784525
vt 0.332628 0.849250
vt 0.291701 0.849250
vt 0.311615 0.838472
vt 0.270688 0.838472
vt 0.270688 0.776915
vt 0.270688 0.724552
vt 0.362008 0.625807
vt 0.402934 0.625807
vt 0.402934 0.678170
vt 0.362008 0.678170
vt 0.402934 0.739727
vt 0.362008 0.739727
vt 0.402934 0.804451
vt 0.362008 0.804451
vt 0.402934 0.866008
vt 0.362008 0.866008
vt 0.402934 0.918371
vt 0.362008 0.918371
vt 0.383364 0.911792
vt 0.342437 0.911792
vt 0.342437 0.859429
vt 0.383364 0.859429
vt 0.342437 0.797872
vt 0.383364 0.797872
vt 0.383364 0.733148
vt 0.342437 0.733148
vt 0.493953 0.747100
vt 0.487361 0.748156
vt 0.474737 0.708878
vt 0.480684 0.705815
vt 0.237676 0.828698
vt 0.243623 0.825634
vt 0.267635 0.859045
vt 0.262915 0.863817
vt 0.222844 0.747100
vt 0.229437 0.748156
vt 0.229437 0.789455
vt 0.222844 0.790510
vt 0.450725 0.675467
vt 0.455445 0.670696
vt 0.480684 0.831796
vt 0.474737 0.828732
vt 0.487361 0.789455
vt 0.493953 0.790510
vt 0.495516 0.787412
vt 0.488924 0.786357
vt 0.488924 0.745058
vt 0.495516 0.744002
vt 0.242060 0.828732
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vt 0.224407 0.787412
vt 0.230999 0.786356
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vt 0.420707 0.645180
vt 0.482247 0.828698
vt 0.476300 0.825634
vt 0.224407 0.744002
vt 0.230999 0.745058
vt 0.266072 0.862144
vt 0.261352 0.866915
vt 0.378824 0.638430
vt 0.379869 0.631765
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vt 0.452288 0.859045
vt 0.297654 0.642081
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vt 0.262915 0.667597
vt 0.338492 0.628667
vt 0.339536 0.635332
vt 0.237676 0.702717
vt 0.243623 0.705780
vt 0.299121 0.886419
vt 0.296091 0.892431
vt 0.422269 0.889333
vt 0.419239 0.883320
vt 0.337973 0.638430
vt 0.336929 0.631765
vt 0.381431 0.628667
vt 0.380387 0.635332
vt 0.337973 0.899181
vt 0.336929 0.905846
vt 0.381431 0.902747
vt 0.380387 0.896082
vt 0.299122 0.651192
vt 0.296091 0.645180
vt 0.422269 0.642081
vt 0.419239 0.648094
vt 0.378824 0.899181
vt 0.379868 0.905846
vt 0.338492 0.902747
vt 0.339536 0.896082
vt 0.266072 0.675467
vt 0.261352 0.670695
vt 0.457008 0.667597
vt 0.452288 0.672369
vt 0.417676 0.886419
vt 0.420706 0.892431
vt 0.242060 0.708878
vt 0.236113 0.705815
vt 0.297654 0.889333
vt 0.300684 0.883320
vt 0.450725 0.862144
vt 0.455445 0.866915
vt 0.482247 0.702717
vt 0.476300 0.705780
usemtl None
s 1
f 1/1 2/2 4/3 3/4
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f 17/22 18/21 20/23 19/24
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f 37/48 38/47 40/50 39/49
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f 8/81 48/82 50/76 10/75
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f 37/78 77/77 75/85 35/86
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f 40/93 80/94 44/90 2/89
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f 11/122 51/121 49/127 9/128
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f 85/136 86/8 88/10 87/137
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f 89/138 90/12 92/14 91/139
f 91/139 92/14 94/16 93/140
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f 97/146 98/145 100/147 99/148
f 99/149 100/150 102/151 101/30
f 101/30 102/151 104/152 103/31
f 103/153 104/154 106/155 105/156
f 105/156 106/155 108/157 107/158
f 107/158 108/157 110/159 109/160
f 109/160 110/159 112/161 111/162
f 111/162 112/161 114/163 113/164
f 113/165 114/166 116/167 115/168
f 115/168 116/167 118/169 117/170
f 119/171 120/172 82/132 81/131
f 117/170 118/169 120/172 119/171
f 83/173 122/174 121/175 81/176
f 92/177 132/178 134/179 94/180
f 105/181 145/182 143/183 103/184
f 81/176 121/175 159/185 119/186
f 87/187 127/188 125/189 85/190
f 108/191 148/192 150/193 110/194
f 103/184 143/183 141/195 101/196
f 90/197 130/198 132/178 92/177
f 119/186 159/185 157/199 117/200
f 85/190 125/189 122/174 83/173
f 106/201 146/202 148/192 108/191
f 88/203 128/204 130/198 90/197
f 101/196 141/195 139/205 99/206
f 117/200 157/199 155/207 115/208
f 104/209 144/210 146/202 106/201
f 82/211 124/212 123/213 84/214
f 120/215 160/216 124/212 82/211
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f 115/208 155/207 153/223 113/224
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o Cylinder
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v 0.277435 0.500000 -0.277435
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v 0.277435 0.500000 0.277435
v -0.000000 -0.500000 0.392352
v -0.000000 0.500000 0.392352
v -0.277435 -0.500000 0.277435
v -0.277435 0.500000 0.277435
v -0.392352 -0.500000 -0.000000
v -0.392352 0.500000 -0.000000
v -0.277435 -0.500000 -0.277435
v -0.277435 0.500000 -0.277435
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v 0.346794 -0.250000 -0.346794
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v 0.490440 -0.250000 0.000000
v 0.346794 0.250000 0.346794
v 0.346794 -0.250000 0.346794
v -0.000000 0.250000 0.490440
v -0.000000 -0.250000 0.490440
v -0.346794 0.250000 0.346794
v -0.346794 -0.250000 0.346794
v -0.490440 0.250000 -0.000000
v -0.490440 -0.250000 -0.000000
v -0.346794 0.250000 -0.346794
v -0.346794 -0.250000 -0.346794
v 0.241740 0.500000 -0.241741
v -0.000000 0.500000 -0.341873
v 0.341873 0.500000 0.000000
v 0.241740 0.500000 0.241741
v -0.000000 0.500000 0.341873
v -0.241741 0.500000 0.241740
v -0.341873 0.500000 -0.000000
v -0.241741 0.500000 -0.241740
v 0.263927 0.403206 -0.263927
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v 0.263927 0.403206 0.263927
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v -0.263927 0.403206 0.263927
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v -0.263927 0.403206 -0.263927
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vt 0.443962 0.234188
vt 0.829319 0.056419
vt 0.973776 0.076811
vt 0.973776 0.239942
vt 0.829319 0.260334
vt 0.794424 0.024977
vt 0.938881 0.045368
vt 0.938881 0.208500
vt 0.794424 0.228891
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vt 0.438948 0.970245
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vt 0.442557 0.133633
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vt 0.587015 0.317156
vt 0.442557 0.337548
vt 0.833610 0.299149
vt 0.978068 0.319541
vt 0.978068 0.482672
vt 0.833610 0.503064
vt 0.969280 0.812257
vt 0.853928 0.927608
vt 0.690797 0.927608
vt 0.575445 0.812257
vt 0.575445 0.649125
vt 0.690797 0.533774
vt 0.853928 0.533774
vt 0.969280 0.649125
vt 0.417533 0.319541
vt 0.561990 0.299149
vt 0.561990 0.503064
vt 0.417533 0.482672
vt 0.026480 0.154025
vt 0.170937 0.133634
vt 0.170937 0.337548
vt 0.026480 0.317157
vt 0.378346 0.045368
vt 0.522804 0.024977
vt 0.522803 0.228891
vt 0.378346 0.208500
vt 0.413241 0.076811
vt 0.557698 0.056420
vt 0.557698 0.260334
vt 0.413241 0.239943
vt 0.027884 0.050665
vt 0.172342 0.030273
vt 0.172342 0.234188
vt 0.027884 0.213796
vt 0.185070 0.345497
vt 0.329528 0.325105
vt 0.329528 0.529020
vt 0.185070 0.508628
vt 0.408913 0.195709
vt 0.553371 0.175318
vt 0.553370 0.379233
vt 0.408912 0.358840
vt 0.174696 0.146505
vt 0.319153 0.126113
vt 0.319153 0.330027
vt 0.174696 0.309636
vt 0.162025 0.401574
vt 0.112593 0.534845
vt 0.058861 0.521872
vt 0.112830 0.376370
vt 0.275816 0.970245
vt 0.286310 0.944909
vt 0.160465 0.854893
vt 0.185800 0.844399
vt 0.160465 0.691761
vt 0.185800 0.702256
vt 0.275816 0.576410
vt 0.286310 0.601745
vt 0.438948 0.576410
vt 0.428454 0.601745
vt 0.554299 0.691762
vt 0.528964 0.702256
vt 0.907967 0.580128
vt 0.973553 0.720777
vt 0.920475 0.866607
vt 0.779826 0.932193
vt 0.633996 0.879115
vt 0.568410 0.738466
vt 0.621488 0.592636
vt 0.762137 0.527050
vt 0.095770 0.675989
vt 0.040494 0.675970
vt 0.112495 0.817145
vt 0.058754 0.830081
vt 0.161836 0.950450
vt 0.112623 0.975621
vt 0.163404 0.400082
vt 0.114017 0.533370
vt 0.060281 0.520416
vt 0.114200 0.374895
vt 0.097244 0.674520
vt 0.041968 0.674520
vt 0.114017 0.815670
vt 0.060281 0.828625
vt 0.163404 0.948958
vt 0.114200 0.974146
usemtl None
s off
f 178/253 162/254 164/255 179/256
f 179/257 164/258 166/259 181/260
f 181/261 166/262 168/263 183/264
f 183/265 168/266 170/267 185/268
f 185/269 170/270 172/271 187/272
f 187/273 172/274 174/275 189/276
f 162/277 176/278 200/279 194/280
f 191/281 176/282 162/283 178/284
f 189/285 174/286 176/287 191/288
f 161/289 163/290 165/291 167/292 169/293 171/294 173/295 175/296
f 173/297 190/298 192/299 175/300
f 190/298 189/285 191/288 192/299
f 175/301 192/302 177/303 161/304
f 192/302 191/281 178/284 177/303
f 171/305 188/306 190/307 173/308
f 188/306 187/273 189/276 190/307
f 169/309 186/310 188/311 171/312
f 186/310 185/269 187/272 188/311
f 167/313 184/314 186/315 169/316
f 184/314 183/265 185/268 186/315
f 165/317 182/318 184/319 167/320
f 182/318 181/261 183/264 184/319
f 163/321 180/322 182/323 165/324
f 180/322 179/257 181/260 182/323
f 161/325 177/326 180/327 163/328
f 177/326 178/253 179/256 180/327
f 194/329 200/330 208/331 202/332
f 176/278 174/333 199/334 200/279
f 174/333 172/335 198/336 199/334
f 172/335 170/337 197/338 198/336
f 170/337 168/339 196/340 197/338
f 168/339 166/341 195/342 196/340
f 166/341 164/343 193/344 195/342
f 164/343 162/277 194/280 193/344
f 201/345 202/346 208/347 207/348 206/349 205/350 204/351 203/352
f 200/330 199/353 207/354 208/331
f 199/353 198/355 206/356 207/354
f 198/355 197/357 205/358 206/356
f 197/359 196/360 204/361 205/362
f 196/360 195/363 203/364 204/361
f 195/363 193/365 201/366 203/364
f 193/365 194/367 202/368 201/366

models/random_leafy_bed.obj Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
# Blender v2.74 (sub 2) OBJ File: ''
# www.blender.org
mtllib survival_leafy_bed.mtl
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vn 0.048100 0.998400 0.030500
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vn -0.287300 0.067800 -0.955400
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 0.287300 0.067800 0.955400
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn -0.339100 0.940700 0.000000
vn -0.205200 0.932100 -0.298500
vn 0.000000 0.944900 -0.327300
vn -0.210700 0.956900 0.200100
vn 0.000000 0.975400 0.220600
vn 0.256400 -0.389200 0.884800
vn 0.000000 -0.376600 0.926400
vn -0.256400 -0.389200 -0.884800
vn 0.000000 -0.376600 -0.926400
usemtl Material.001
s 1
f 1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1 4/4/1
f 5/5/2 6/6/2 7/7/2 8/8/2
f 9/9/3 10/10/3 11/11/3 12/12/3
f 13/13/4 14/14/4 15/15/4 16/16/4
f 17/17/5 8/18/5 7/19/5 18/20/5
f 19/21/6 20/22/6 21/23/6 22/24/6
f 23/25/7 24/26/7 25/27/7 26/28/7
f 24/26/8 19/21/8 22/24/8 25/27/8
f 27/29/5 28/30/5 12/31/5 11/32/5
f 28/30/5 17/17/5 18/20/5 12/31/5
f 6/33/9 29/34/9 18/35/9 7/36/9
f 29/34/10 9/9/10 12/12/10 18/35/10
f 14/37/11 30/38/11 31/39/11 15/40/11
f 30/38/12 1/1/12 4/4/12 31/39/12
f 25/27/13 22/24/13 32/41/13 33/42/13
f 33/43/14 32/44/14 1/1/14 30/38/14
f 26/28/15 25/27/15 33/42/15 34/45/15
f 34/46/16 33/43/16 30/38/16 14/37/16
f 35/47/17 36/48/17 37/49/17 38/50/17
f 38/51/18 37/52/18 9/9/18 29/34/18
f 39/53/19 35/47/19 38/50/19 40/54/19
f 40/55/20 38/51/20 29/34/20 6/33/20
f 23/25/21 26/28/21 34/45/21 41/56/21
f 41/57/22 34/58/22 14/14/22 13/13/22
f 36/48/23 42/59/23 43/60/23 37/49/23
f 37/52/24 43/61/24 10/10/24 9/9/24
f 44/62/21 39/53/21 40/54/21 45/63/21
f 45/64/25 40/65/25 6/6/25 5/5/25
f 22/24/26 21/23/26 46/66/26 32/41/26
f 32/44/27 46/67/27 2/2/27 1/1/27
f 46/68/28 47/69/28 48/70/28 2/71/28
f 47/69/29 45/64/29 5/5/29 48/70/29
f 21/23/21 20/22/21 47/72/21 46/66/21
f 20/22/21 44/62/21 45/63/21 47/72/21
f 43/73/30 49/74/30 50/75/30 10/6/30
f 49/74/31 41/57/31 13/13/31 50/75/31
f 42/59/21 51/76/21 49/77/21 43/60/21
f 51/76/21 23/25/21 41/56/21 49/77/21
f 31/78/5 4/79/5 52/80/5 53/81/5
f 53/81/5 52/80/5 17/17/5 28/30/5
f 15/82/5 31/78/5 53/81/5 16/83/5
f 16/83/5 53/81/5 28/30/5 27/29/5
f 36/48/32 35/47/32 54/84/32 55/85/32
f 55/85/21 54/84/21 19/21/21 24/26/21
f 42/59/33 36/48/33 55/85/33 51/76/33
f 51/76/34 55/85/34 24/26/34 23/25/34
f 35/47/35 39/53/35 44/62/35 54/84/35
f 54/84/36 44/62/36 20/22/36 19/21/36
f 4/79/5 3/86/5 56/87/5 52/80/5
f 52/80/5 56/87/5 8/18/5 17/17/5
f 10/6/37 50/75/37 27/88/37 11/89/37
f 50/75/38 13/13/38 16/16/38 27/88/38
f 2/71/39 48/70/39 56/90/39 3/91/39
f 48/70/40 5/5/40 8/8/40 56/90/40

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# Blender v2.74 (sub 2) OBJ File: ''
# www.blender.org
mtllib survival_sleeping_bag.mtl
o Cube.002
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v 0.438256 -0.237014 -0.445205
v 0.472603 -0.376458 -0.445205
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v 0.500000 -0.376458 0.337781
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v 0.500000 -0.376458 1.109777
v -0.463662 -0.237014 1.109777
v -0.500000 -0.376458 1.109777
v -0.439622 -0.309831 0.337781
v -0.500000 -0.376458 0.337781
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v 0.131040 -0.176978 -0.310682
v 0.269301 -0.500000 -0.449784
v -0.269301 -0.500000 -0.449784
v 0.131040 -0.167302 1.324487
v -0.131040 -0.167302 1.324487
v -0.269301 -0.500000 1.449784
v 0.269301 -0.500000 1.449784
v 0.131040 -0.177113 1.109777
v -0.131040 -0.177113 1.109777
v 0.131040 -0.206973 0.337781
v -0.131040 -0.206973 0.337781
v -0.269301 -0.500000 1.109777
v 0.269301 -0.500000 1.109777
v -0.269301 -0.500000 0.337781
v 0.269301 -0.500000 0.337781
v -0.262933 -0.237014 1.500000
v 0.262933 -0.237014 1.500000
v -0.283539 -0.376458 1.500000
v 0.283539 -0.376458 1.500000
v 0.262933 -0.237014 -0.500000
v -0.262933 -0.237014 -0.500000
v 0.283539 -0.376458 -0.500000
v -0.283539 -0.376458 -0.500000
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vt 1.098037 0.333027
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vt 0.450150 1.405895
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vt 0.543562 1.069786
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vt 0.545318 1.405895
vt 0.326830 0.677820
vt 1.098038 0.677820
vt 1.098996 0.851337
vt 0.328165 0.833402
vt 0.402937 0.621962
vt 0.347183 -0.149190
vt -0.321854 0.677820
vt -0.455986 0.832383
vt 0.348940 1.404390
vt 1.489219 0.309263
vt 0.739940 -0.275602
vt 0.747405 -0.450947
vt 1.312793 0.677820
vt 1.434424 0.832383
vt 0.348940 -0.485298
vt -0.322424 0.603186
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vt 0.545318 -0.483793
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vt 0.739940 1.195657
vt 0.842223 1.216266
vt 0.849688 1.405354
vt -0.510781 0.309263
vt 0.747405 0.425677
vt 0.739940 0.250331
vt 0.842223 0.270940
vt 1.312591 0.603186
vt 1.489219 0.701584
vt -0.133183 0.172904
vt 0.638911 0.172904
vt 0.638911 0.326285
vt -0.133183 0.326285
vt -0.421184 0.192318
vt -0.473234 0.326285
vt 0.326519 0.603186
vt 1.098038 0.603186
vt 1.374527 0.192318
vt 1.426577 0.326285
vt 0.939682 0.256700
vt 0.946772 0.436293
vt 0.939682 1.202026
vt 0.946772 1.381619
vn -0.979200 -0.200200 -0.034400
vn 0.256400 -0.389200 -0.884800
vn 0.974400 -0.208700 0.083500
vn -0.256400 -0.389200 0.884800
vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
vn -0.265000 0.963700 0.032500
vn -0.063200 0.997900 -0.016200
vn -0.096400 0.994000 -0.050900
vn 0.979200 -0.200200 -0.034400
vn 0.980000 -0.199200 0.000000
vn -0.974400 -0.208700 0.083500
vn -0.980000 -0.199200 0.000000
vn -0.308100 0.948000 -0.079800
vn -0.904700 0.424600 -0.034100
vn -0.252700 0.967400 0.016700
vn -0.966500 0.245000 0.076100
vn 0.308100 0.948000 -0.079800
vn 0.904700 0.424600 -0.034100
vn 0.268300 0.961600 0.057900
vn 0.908600 0.417700 0.002700
vn -0.101600 0.951400 0.290800
vn -0.287500 0.056700 0.956100
vn 0.252700 0.967400 0.016700
vn 0.966500 0.245000 0.076100
vn 0.147500 0.983800 -0.102100
vn 0.287500 0.056700 -0.956100
vn -0.268300 0.961600 0.057900
vn -0.908600 0.417700 0.002700
vn -0.287500 0.056700 -0.956100
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn -0.147500 0.983800 -0.102100
vn 0.000000 0.953200 -0.302300
vn 0.287500 0.056700 0.956100
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.101600 0.951400 0.290800
vn 0.000000 0.929400 0.369100
vn 0.096400 0.994000 -0.050900
vn 0.000000 0.999300 -0.038700
vn 0.063200 0.997900 -0.016200
vn 0.000000 0.999000 -0.045600
vn 0.265000 0.963700 0.032500
vn 0.000000 0.998900 0.046200
vn 0.256400 -0.389200 0.884800
vn 0.000000 -0.376600 0.926400
vn -0.256400 -0.389200 -0.884800
vn 0.000000 -0.376600 -0.926400
usemtl Material
s off
f 32/1/1 20/2/1 3/3/1 11/4/1
f 55/5/2 22/6/2 7/7/2 35/8/2
f 28/9/3 24/10/3 5/11/3 15/12/3
f 51/13/4 17/14/4 1/15/4 39/16/4
f 48/17/5 35/18/5 7/19/5 16/20/5
f 44/21/6 33/22/6 4/23/6 10/24/6
f 38/25/7 42/26/7 9/27/7 2/28/7
f 42/26/8 44/21/8 10/24/8 9/27/8
f 40/29/5 46/30/5 15/31/5 5/32/5
f 46/30/5 48/17/5 16/20/5 15/31/5
f 22/33/9 26/34/9 16/35/9 7/36/9
f 26/34/10 28/9/10 15/12/10 16/35/10
f 17/37/11 30/38/11 12/39/11 1/40/11
f 30/38/12 32/1/12 11/4/12 12/39/12
f 9/27/13 10/24/13 31/41/13 29/42/13
f 29/43/14 31/44/14 32/1/14 30/38/14
f 2/28/15 9/27/15 29/42/15 18/45/15
f 18/46/16 29/43/16 30/38/16 17/37/16
f 13/47/17 14/48/17 27/49/17 25/50/17
f 25/51/18 27/52/18 28/9/18 26/34/18
f 8/53/19 13/47/19 25/50/19 21/54/19
f 21/55/20 25/51/20 26/34/20 22/33/20
f 38/25/21 2/28/21 18/45/21 49/56/21
f 49/57/22 18/58/22 17/14/22 51/13/22
f 14/48/23 6/59/23 23/60/23 27/49/23
f 27/52/24 23/61/24 24/10/24 28/9/24
f 34/62/25 8/53/25 21/54/25 53/63/25
f 53/64/26 21/65/26 22/6/26 55/5/26
f 10/24/27 4/23/27 19/66/27 31/41/27
f 31/44/28 19/67/28 20/2/28 32/1/28
f 19/68/29 54/69/29 56/70/29 20/71/29
f 54/69/30 53/64/30 55/5/30 56/70/30
f 4/23/31 33/22/31 54/72/31 19/66/31
f 33/22/32 34/62/32 53/63/32 54/72/32
f 23/73/33 50/74/33 52/75/33 24/6/33
f 50/74/34 49/57/34 51/13/34 52/75/34
f 6/59/35 37/76/35 50/77/35 23/60/35
f 37/76/36 38/25/36 49/56/36 50/77/36
f 12/78/5 11/79/5 47/80/5 45/81/5
f 45/81/5 47/80/5 48/17/5 46/30/5
f 1/82/5 12/78/5 45/81/5 39/83/5
f 39/83/5 45/81/5 46/30/5 40/29/5
f 14/48/37 13/47/37 43/84/37 41/85/37
f 41/85/38 43/84/38 44/21/38 42/26/38
f 6/59/39 14/48/39 41/85/39 37/76/39
f 37/76/40 41/85/40 42/26/40 38/25/40
f 13/47/41 8/53/41 34/62/41 43/84/41
f 43/84/42 34/62/42 33/22/42 44/21/42
f 11/79/5 3/86/5 36/87/5 47/80/5
f 47/80/5 36/87/5 35/18/5 48/17/5
f 24/6/43 52/75/43 40/88/43 5/89/43
f 52/75/44 51/13/44 39/16/44 40/88/44
f 20/71/45 56/70/45 36/90/45 3/91/45
f 56/70/46 55/5/46 35/8/46 36/90/46

nodes.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
-- no one knows why, but why the fuck not!
-- stupid barrel
-- note to self, when drawing crap, you can use code to delete all white space - go to wiki for more info XD
-- paramtype light adds shadowing instead of making the mesh dark
-- parmatype 2 facedir means block faces where you place it
local barrel_formspec =
'size[8, 9]' ..
'list[current_name;main;0,0.3; 8,4;]'..
'list[current_player;main;0,4.85; 8,1;]'..
'list[current_player;main;0,6.08; 8,3;8]'..
minetest.register_node('random_cool_stuff:barrel', {
description = 'its a barrel!',
drawtype = 'mesh',
mesh = 'random_barrel.obj',
tiles = {'random_barrel.png'},
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2},
paramtype = 'light',
paramtype2 = 'facedir',
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string('formspec', barrel_formspec)
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Barrel')
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size('main', 8*4)
can_dig = function(player, pos)
local meta = minetest.get._meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return inv:is_empty('main')
-- all this crap is optional, but why the fuck not waste our time??
on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, form_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
minetest.log('action', player:get_player_name()..
' moves stuff in barrel at ' ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
minetest.log('action', player:get_player_name()..
' moves stuff to barrel at ' ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
minetest.log('action', player:get_player_name()..
' takes stuff from bbarrel at '..minetst.pos_to_string(pos))
-- this is the ending of the barrel
-- I wrote the above for clarification reasons since I am mentally disabled
-- the leafy bed!!!
minetest.register_node('random_cool_stuff:leafy_bed', {
description = 'a leaf of beds',
drawtype = 'mesh',
mesh = 'random_leafy_bed.obj',
tiles = {'random_leafy_bed.png'},
groups = {snappy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1},
paramtype = 'light',
paramtype2 = 'facedir',
selection_box = {
type = 'fixed',
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.2, 1.5}, -- right, bottom, back, left, top, front
collision_box = {
type = 'fixed',
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.2, 1.5}, -- right, bottom, back, left, top, front
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
local n = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) -- get the location of the placed node, n is the variable
if not n or not n.param2 then -- if there is no coordiantes then remove the node and place it in inventory
minetest.remove_node(pos) -- removes the node
return true
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(n.param2) -- figure out where the node is facing, n is the variable
local p = {x = pos.x + dir.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + dir.z} -- the placement, y shouldnt change, another variable
local n2 = minetest.get_node_or_nil(p) -- wtf
local def = minetest.registered_items[n2.name] or nil -- WTF
if not n2 or not def or not def.buildable_to then --remove the node if it isnt placeable
return true
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker)
beds.on_rightclick(pos, clicker)
if bed_kill then
local health = clicker:get_hp() -- WTF
clicker:set_hp(health - 20) -- leafy beds give you rashes!
local health = clicker:get_hp() -- WTF
clicker:set_hp(health - 4) -- leafy beds give you rashes!
-- end of the leafy bed
-- the salt ore
minetest.register_node('random_cool_stuff:salt_ore', {
description = 'salt ore, needs cutting',
tiles = {'default_stone.png^random_salt_ore.png'},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky = 3},
drop = 'random_cool_stuff:salt_lump',
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
-- make the poo
minetest.register_node('random_cool_stuff:poo_block', {
description = 'its poo!',
tiles = {'random_poo_block.png'},
groups = {soil = 1, crumbly = 2},
drop = 'random_cool_stuff:poo_lump',
-- here are some particles
-- here we are executing the poo particle function
after_place_node = function(pos) gray_particle_system(pos)
-- use chance to show the chance of happening
-- interval is seconds
-- this makes it so when you break dirt there is 1/15 chance to get gravel
-- alaways use override! its better!
minetest.override_item('default:dirt_with_grass', {
drop = {
items = {
items = {'default:gravel'},
rarity = 15
items = {'default:dirt'},
-- this makes it so when you break dirt there is 1/15 chance to get gravel
-- alaways use override! its better!
minetest.override_item('default:dirt', {
drop = {
items = {
items = {'default:gravel'},
rarity = 15
items = {'default:dirt'},
-- this makes it so when you break glass you get glass fragments
minetest.override_item('default:glass', {
drop = {
items = {

ores.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- this is how you make a salt ore
ore_type = 'sheet',
ore = 'random_cool_stuff:salt_ore',
wherein = 'default:stone',
clust_size = 2,
height_min = .3100,
height_max = 200,
noise_params = {offset = 0, scale = 3, spread = {x = 250, y = 250, z = 250}, seed = 23, octaves = 2, persist = 0.70} -- what does this do?

readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
it's a mod, pretty self explainable too...
Cook any wood and make coal
cotton, sticks, wool and charcoal for fuel
Kebab (raw and cooked) (craftable and cookable)
1/20 chance to find gravel when breaking dirt (I think)
Barrels (very buggy)
Cotton with grass
Admin sword
Leafy Bed - (gives you a rash!)
Tutorial within the code
Config.txt to make code editable easily :)
poo block and poo lump(wtf)
salt stuffz
Bags (backpacks)
Barrels (its realeased but needs some MAJOR debugging!)
ADD BAMBOO!!!!! (Bamboo stick/sword is reccomended for training, or whipping your children ]:-)
Add (if possible) maple tree
Add maple Syrup which you can get by right clicking a tool knife on a tree
When you break beds you get 2 sticks 2 wood and 2 wool
Give use to salt

textures/poo_lump.png Normal file

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textures/random_barrel.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 296 B

textures/random_knife.png Normal file

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tools.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- machete sounds weird, so im calling it cool_swrd
-- steal for realizm, cuz what would minetest be without realizm?
-- interestingly enough, the bronze sword is more durable than the steel one...
-- whoever wrote this game failed at life...
minetest.register_tool('random_cool_stuff:admin_swrd', {
description = 'its a cool swrd!(?)',
inventory_image = 'random_cool_swrd.png',
tool_capabilities = {
full_punch_interval = 1, -- interval of punching, remember not to make it OP!!!
max_drop_level = 100, -- im not sure what this does, but let's make it OP
groupcaps = {
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 4, [2] = 2, [3] = 1.5}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for dirt stuff
choppy = {times = {[1] = 7, [2] = 5, [3] = 3}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for wood stuff
snappy = {times = {[1] = 1.5, [2] = 1, [3] = 0.75}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for snappy(?) stuff
cracky = {times = {[1] = 11, [2] = 9, [3] = 7}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for mining stuff
damage_groups = {fleshy = 18} -- this sword is badass and kicks 9 hearts off of you MLG-PRO style
-- this is the knife
minetest.register_tool('random_cool_stuff:knife', {
description = 'omg, it is a knife, who are you going to kill now??!!!',
inventory_image = 'random_knife.png',
wield_scale = {x = 3.5, y = 3, z = 1}, -- depth, height, thickness
tool_capabilities = {
full_punch_interval = 0.7,
max_drop_level = 100,
groupcaps = {
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 5, [2] = 3, [3] = 1.5}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for dirt stuff
choppy = {times = {[1] = 9, [2] = 7, [3] = 5}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for wood stuff
snappy = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 0.75, [3] = 0.5}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for snappy(?) stuff
cracky = {times = {[1] = 15, [2] = 12, [3] = 10}, uses = 50, maxlevel = 3}, -- for mining stuff
damage_groups = {fleshy = 14}