
173 lines
7.5 KiB

// Minor housekeeping logic
boolean specialBranch = env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master") || env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("develop")
// String to use in a property that determines artifact pruning (has to be a String not a number)
String artifactBuildsToKeep = "1"
if (specialBranch) {
artifactBuildsToKeep = "10"
// Needed due to the Copy Artifact plugin deciding to implement an obnoxious security feature
// that can't simply be turned off
// Flag for Jenkins to discard attached artifacts after x builds
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactNumToKeepStr: artifactBuildsToKeep))
* Main pipeline definition for building the engine.
* It uses the Declarative Pipeline Syntax.
* See https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax
* This pipeline uses Jenkins plugins to collect and report additional information about the build.
* - Warnings Next Generation Plugin (https://plugins.jenkins.io/warnings-ng/)
* To record issues from code scans and static analysis tools, e.g., CheckStyle or Spotbugs.
* - Git Forensics Plugin (https://plugins.jenkins.io/git-forensics/)
* To compare code scans and static analysis against a reference build from the base branch.
* - JUnit Plugin (https://plugins.jenkins.io/junit/)
* To record the results of our test suites from JUnit format.
pipeline {
agent {
label 'ts-engine && heavy && java11'
stages {
// declarative pipeline does `checkout scm` automatically when hitting first stage
stage('Setup') {
steps {
echo 'Automatically checked out the things!'
sh 'chmod +x gradlew'
sh './gradlew --version'
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Jenkins sometimes doesn't run Gradle automatically in plain console mode, so make it explicit
sh './gradlew --console=plain clean extractConfig extractNatives distForLauncher testDist'
archiveArtifacts '''
stage('Unit Tests') {
steps {
sh './gradlew --console=plain unitTest'
post {
always {
// Gradle generates both a HTML report of the unit tests to `build/reports/tests/*`
// and XML reports to `build/test-results/*`.
// We need to upload the XML reports for visualization in Jenkins.
// See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html#test_reporting
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/unitTest/*.xml'
stage('Publish') {
when {
expression {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'artifactory-gooey', \
usernameVariable: 'artifactoryUser', \
passwordVariable: 'artifactoryPass')]) {
sh '''./gradlew \\
--console=plain \\
-Dorg.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true \\
publish \\
-PmavenUser=${artifactoryUser} \\
script {
// Trigger the Omega dist job to repackage a game zip with modules
if (env.JOB_NAME.equals("Terasology/engine/develop")) {
build job: 'Terasology/Omega/develop', wait: false
} else if (env.JOB_NAME.equals("Terasology/engine/master")) {
build job: 'Terasology/Omega/master', wait: false
} else if (env.JOB_NAME.equals("Nanoware/Terasology/develop")) {
build job: 'Nanoware/Omega/develop', wait: false
} else if (env.JOB_NAME.equals("Nanoware/Terasology/master")) {
build job: 'Nanoware/Omega/master', wait: false
stage('Analytics') {
steps {
sh './gradlew --console=plain check -x test'
post {
always {
// the default resolution when omitting `defaultBranch` is to `master`
// this is wrong in our case, so explicitly set `develop` as default
// TODO: does this also work for PRs with different base branch?
discoverGitReferenceBuild(defaultBranch: 'develop')
recordIssues(skipBlames: true, enabledForFailure: true,
tool: checkStyle(pattern: '**/build/reports/checkstyle/*.xml'),
qualityGates: [
[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_HIGH', unstable: false], // mark stage "failed" on new high findings
[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_NORMAL', unstable: false], // mark stage "failed" on new normal findings
[threshold: 1, type: 'TOTAL_HIGH', unstable: true], // mark stage "unstable" on existing high findings
[threshold: 1, type: 'TOTAL_NORMAL', unstable: true] // mark stage "unstable" on existing normal findings
recordIssues(skipBlames: true, enabledForFailure: true,
tools: [
spotBugs(pattern: '**/build/reports/spotbugs/*.xml', useRankAsPriority: true),
pmdParser(pattern: '**/build/reports/pmd/*.xml')
recordIssues(skipBlames: true, enabledForFailure: true,
tool: taskScanner(includePattern: '**/*.java,**/*.groovy,**/*.gradle', \
lowTags: 'WIBNIF', normalTags: 'TODO', highTags: 'ASAP'))
stage('Documentation') {
steps {
sh './gradlew --console=plain javadoc'
step([$class: 'JavadocArchiver', javadocDir: 'engine/build/docs/javadoc', keepAll: false])
recordIssues skipBlames: true, tool: javaDoc()
stage('Integration Tests') {
steps {
sh './gradlew --console=plain integrationTest'
post {
always {
// Gradle generates both a HTML report of the unit tests to `build/reports/tests/*`
// and XML reports to `build/test-results/*`.
// We need to upload the XML reports for visualization in Jenkins.
// See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html#test_reporting
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/integrationTest/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true