Removed what's been merged to plantlife
Textures are still there in the "old" folder
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-- Settings for generation of stuff (at map-generation time)
Lilypads_Max_Count = 320 -- absolute maximum number in an area of 80x80x80 nodes
Lilypads_Rarity = 33 -- larger values make lillypads more rare (100 means chance of 0 %)
Seaweed_Max_Count = 320 -- absolute maximum number in an area of 80x80x80 nodes
Seaweed_Rarity = 33 -- larger values make lillypads more rare (100 means chance of 0 %)
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-- MM: all temperature values have nothing to do with the circumstances under which real plants grow
-- MM: they are just used to get a result that looks "good" or more or less believable
-- LiLy PaDS
abstract_along_shore.grow_lilypad = function(pos)
local right_here = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
local lily_type = math.random(1,2)
if lily_type == 1 then
minetest.add_node(right_here, {name="along_shore:lilypads_"..math.random(1,4), param2=math.random(0,3)})
if lily_type == 2 then
if minetest.get_modpath("flowers_plus") ~= nil then
local LiLy_PaDS = {
for i in pairs(LiLy_PaDS) do
local NR = LiLy_PaDS[i][1]
local PaD = LiLy_PaDS[i][2]
local chance = math.random(1,4)
if chance == NR then
minetest.add_node(right_here, {name=PaD, param2=math.random(0,3)})
minetest.add_node(right_here, {name="along_shore:lilypads_"..math.random(1,4), param2=math.random(0,3)})
surface = {"default:water_source"},
max_count = Lilypads_Max_Count,
rarity = Lilypads_Rarity,
min_elevation = 1,
max_elevation = 40,
near_nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"},
near_nodes_size = 4,
near_nodes_vertical = 1,
near_nodes_count = 1,
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
temp_max = -0.22, -- MM: checked perlin values ingame, seemed to make sense
temp_min = 0.22, -- MM: checked perlin values ingame, seemed to make sense
-- Sea WeeD
abstract_along_shore.grow_seaweed = function(pos)
local right_here = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
minetest.add_node(right_here, {name="along_shore:seaweed_"..math.random(1,4), param2=math.random(1,3)})
surface = {"default:water_source"},
max_count = Seaweed_Max_Count,
rarity = Seaweed_Rarity,
min_elevation = 1,
max_elevation = 40,
near_nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"},
near_nodes_size = 4,
near_nodes_vertical = 1,
near_nodes_count = 1,
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
-- seaweed at beaches
-- MM: not satisfied with it, but some beaches should have some algae
surface = {"default:water_source"},
max_count = Seaweed_Max_Count,
rarity = Seaweed_Rarity,
min_elevation = 1,
max_elevation = 40,
near_nodes = {"default:sand"},
near_nodes_size = 1,
near_nodes_vertical = 0,
near_nodes_count = 3,
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
temp_max = -0.64, -- MM: more or less random values, just to make sure it's not everywhere
temp_min = -0.22, -- MM: more or less random values, just to make sure it's not everywhere
surface = {"default:sand"},
max_count = Seaweed_Max_Count*2,
rarity = Seaweed_Rarity/2,
min_elevation = 1,
max_elevation = 40,
near_nodes = {"default:water_source"},
near_nodes_size = 1,
near_nodes_vertical = 0,
near_nodes_count = 3,
plantlife_limit = -0.9,
temp_max = -0.64, -- MM: more or less random values, just to make sure it's not everywhere
temp_min = -0.22, -- MM: more or less random values, just to make sure it's not everywhere
@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
local title = "Along the Shore"
local version = "0.0.3"
local version = "0.0.4"
local mname = "along_shore"
abstract_along_shore = {}
print("[Mod] "..title.." ["..version.."] ["..mname.."] Loaded...")
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
local quite_flat = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -7/16, 1/2}
local super_flat = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -15/32--[[<-flickers if smaller]], 1/2}
-- LiLy PaDS
minetest.register_alias("trunks:lilypad", "along_shore:lilypad_1")
local LiLy_PaDS = { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} }
for i in pairs(LiLy_PaDS) do
local NR = LiLy_PaDS[i][1]
local iNV = NR - 1
minetest.register_alias("trunks:lilypad_"..NR, "along_shore:lilypad_"..NR)
minetest.register_node("along_shore:lilypads_"..NR, {
description = "Lily Pad",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
"along_shore_lilypads_"..NR..".png^[transformFY", -- mirror
inventory_image = "along_shore_lilypads_"..NR..".png",
wield_image = "along_shore_lilypads_"..NR..".png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
sunlight_propagates = true,
buildable_to = true,
walkable = false,
node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = super_flat},
selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = quite_flat},
groups = {dig_immediate=3,not_in_creative_inventory=iNV},
drop = "along_shore:lilypads_1",
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
liquids_pointable = true,
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local pt = pointed_thing
local direction = minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir())
if minetest.get_node(pt.above).name=="air" then
minetest.set_node(pt.above, {name="along_shore:lilypads_"..math.random(1,4), param2=direction})
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
return itemstack
-- Sea WeeD
minetest.register_alias("along_shore:pondscum_1", "along_shore:seaweed_1")
local PoND_SCuM = { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} }
for i in pairs(PoND_SCuM) do
local NR = PoND_SCuM[i][1]
local iNV = NR - 1
minetest.register_node("along_shore:seaweed_"..NR, {
description = "Seaweed",
--drawtype = "signlike", -- MM: idea here is: you can smack it against a wall and it stays there
drawtype = "nodebox", -- MM: think rotation is more important than previous idea
tiles = {
"along_shore_seaweed_"..NR..".png^[transformFY", -- mirror
inventory_image = "along_shore_seaweed_2.png",
wield_image = "along_shore_seaweed_2.png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
sunlight_propagates = true,
buildable_to = true,
walkable = false,
node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = super_flat},
selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = quite_flat},
groups = {dig_immediate=2,not_in_creative_inventory=iNV,flower=1},
drop = "along_shore:seaweed_1",
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
liquids_pointable = true,
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local pt = pointed_thing
local direction = minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir())
if minetest.get_node(pt.above).name=="air" then
minetest.set_node(pt.above, {name="along_shore:seaweed_"..math.random(1,4), param2=direction})
if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
return itemstack
@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ Credit for textures of "along_shore"
../along_shore/textures (along_shore_empty.png) (Mossmanikin)
../along_shore/textures along_shore_seaweed_1Darker.png Neuromancer, VanessaE
../along_shore/textures/old (along_shore_empty.png) (Mossmanikin)
along_shore_lilypads_1.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer
along_shore_lilypads_2.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer
along_shore_lilypads_3.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer
along_shore_lilypads_4.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer
along_shore_pondscum_1.png Neuromancer
along_shore_seaweed_1.png Neuromancer, VanessaE
along_shore_seaweed_2.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer, VanessaE
along_shore_seaweed_3.png Mossmanikin, Neuromancer, VanessaE
flowers_waterlily_22.5.png Mossmanikin, VanessaE
flowers_waterlily_45.png Mossmanikin, VanessaE
flowers_waterlily_67.5.png Mossmanikin, VanessaE
../along_shore/textures/old & unused along_shore_pondscum_1.png Neuromancer
lillypad3Flower16x.png Neuromancer
LillyPad3x16.png Neuromancer
lillyPad5x16.png Neuromancer
Before (image error) Size: 589 B After (image error) Size: 589 B |
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Before (image error) Size: 153 B After (image error) Size: 153 B |
Before (image error) Size: 499 B After (image error) Size: 499 B |
Before (image error) Size: 568 B After (image error) Size: 568 B |
Before (image error) Size: 509 B After (image error) Size: 509 B |
Before (image error) Size: 347 B After (image error) Size: 347 B |
Before (image error) Size: 703 B After (image error) Size: 703 B |
along_shore/textures/along_shore_seaweed_1.png → along_shore/textures/old/along_shore_seaweed_1.png
Before (image error) Size: 358 B After (image error) Size: 358 B |
along_shore/textures/along_shore_seaweed_2.png → along_shore/textures/old/along_shore_seaweed_2.png
Before (image error) Size: 364 B After (image error) Size: 364 B |
along_shore/textures/along_shore_seaweed_3.png → along_shore/textures/old/along_shore_seaweed_3.png
Before (image error) Size: 383 B After (image error) Size: 383 B |
along_shore/textures/along_shore_seaweed_4.png → along_shore/textures/old/along_shore_seaweed_4.png
Before (image error) Size: 301 B After (image error) Size: 301 B |
Before (image error) Size: 358 B After (image error) Size: 358 B |
Before (image error) Size: 491 B After (image error) Size: 491 B |
Before (image error) Size: 519 B After (image error) Size: 519 B |
Before (image error) Size: 507 B After (image error) Size: 507 B |
Before (image error) Size: 512 B After (image error) Size: 512 B |
Before (image error) Size: 460 B After (image error) Size: 460 B |
Before (image error) Size: 556 B After (image error) Size: 556 B |
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