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-- path.lua
-- Functions for pathpredicting, put in a separate file.
-- Naming conventions:
-- 'index' - An index of the train.path table.
-- 'offset' - A value in meters that determines how far on the path to walk relative to a certain index
-- 'n' - Referring or pointing towards the 'next' path item, the one with index+1
-- 'p' - Referring or pointing towards the 'prev' path item, the one with index-1
-- 'f' - Referring to the positive end of the path (the end with the higher index)
-- 'b' - Referring to the negative end of the path (the end with the lower index)
-- New path structure of trains:
-- path - path positions. 'indices' are relative to this. At the moment, at.round_vector_floor_y(path[i])
-- is the node this item corresponds to, however, this will change in the future.
-- path_node - (reserved)
-- path_cn - Connid of the current node that points towards path[i+1]
-- path_cp - Connid of the current node that points towards path[i-1]
-- When the day comes on that path!=node, these will only be set if this index represents a transition between rail nodes
-- path_dist - The total distance of this path element from path element 0
-- path_dir - The direction of this path item's transition to the next path item, which is the angle of conns[path_cn[i]].c
-- path_speed- Populated by the LZB system. The maximum speed (velocity) permitted in the moment this path item is passed.
-- (this saves brake distance calculations every step to determine LZB control). nil means no limit.
-- path_ext_f/b - how far path[i] is set
-- path_trk_f/b - how far the path extends along a track. beyond those values, paths are generated in a straight line.
-- path_req_f/b - how far path items were requested in the last step
--Distance and index:
-- There is an important difference between the path index and the actual distance on the track: The distance between two path items can be larger than 1,
-- but the corresponding index increment is still 1.
-- Indexes in advtrains can be fractional values. If they are, it means that the actual position is interpolated between the 2 adjacent path items.
-- If you need to proceed along the path by a specific actual distance, it does NOT work to simply add it to the index. You should use the path_get_index_by_offset() function.
-- creates the path data structure, reconstructing the train from a position and a connid
-- Important! train.drives_on must exist while calling this method
-- returns: true - successful
-- nil - node not yet available/unloaded, please wait
-- false - node definitely gone, remove train
function advtrains.path_create(train, pos, connid, rel_index)
local posr = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos)
local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, train.drives_on)
if not node_ok then
return node_ok
local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(connid, #conns)
train.index = rel_index
train.path = { [0] = { x=posr.x, y=posr.y+rhe, z=posr.z } }
train.path_cn = { [0] = connid }
train.path_cp = { [0] = mconnid }
train.path_dist = { [0] = 0 }
train.path_dir = {
[0] = advtrains.conn_angle_median(conns[mconnid].c, conns[connid].c)
train.path_speed = { }
advtrains.occ.set_item(, posr, 0)
2018-05-29 06:53:34 -07:00
return true
-- Sets position and connid to properly restore after a crash, e.g. in order
-- to save the train or to invalidate its path
-- Assumes that the train is in clean state
-- if invert ist true, setrestore will use the end index
function advtrains.path_setrestore(train, invert)
local idx = train.index
if invert then
idx = train.end_index
local pos, connid, frac = advtrains.path_getrestore(train, idx, invert, true)
train.last_pos = pos
train.last_connid = connid
train.last_frac = frac
-- Get restore position, connid and frac (in this order) for a train that will originate at the passed index
-- If invert is set, it will return path_cp and multiply frac by -1, in order to reverse the train there.
function advtrains.path_getrestore(train, index, invert)
local idx = index
local cns = train.path_cn
if invert then
cns = train.path_cp
local fli = atfloor(index)
advtrains.path_get(train, fli)
if fli > train.path_trk_f then
fli = train.path_trk_f
if fli < train.path_trk_b then
fli = train.path_trk_b
return advtrains.path_get(train, fli),
(idx - fli) * (invert and -1 or 1)
-- Invalidates a path
-- this is supposed to clear stuff from the occupation tables
-- This function throws a warning whenever any code calls it while the train steps are run, since that must not happen.
-- The ignore_lock parameter can be used to ignore this, however, it should then be accompanied by a call to train_ensure_init
-- before returning from the calling function.
function advtrains.path_invalidate(train, ignore_lock)
if advtrains.lock_path_inval and not ignore_lock then
atwarn("Train ",train.train_id,": Illegal path invalidation has occured during train step:")
if train.path then
for i,p in pairs(train.path) do
advtrains.occ.clear_item(, advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(p))
train.path = nil
train.path_dist = nil
train.path_cp = nil
train.path_cn = nil
train.path_dir = nil
train.path_speed = nil
train.dirty = true
--atdebug(, "Path invalidated")
-- Keeps the path intact, but invalidates all path nodes from the specified index (inclusive)
-- onwards. This has the advantage that we don't need to recalculate the whole path, and we can do it synchronously.
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
function advtrains.path_invalidate_ahead(train, start_idx, ignore_when_passed)
if not train.path then
-- the path wasn't even initialized. Nothing to do
local idx = atfloor(start_idx)
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
if(idx <= train.index - 0.5) then
if ignore_when_passed then
--atdebug("ignored passed")
advtrains.path_print(train, atwarn)
error("Train "": Cannot path_invalidate_ahead start_idx="+idx+" as train has already passed!")
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
-- leave current node in path, it won't change. What might change is the path onward from here (e.g. switch)
local i = idx + 1
while train.path[i] do
advtrains.occ.clear_item(, advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(train.path[i]))
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
i = i+1
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
train.path_trk_f=math.min(idx, train.path_trk_f)
2020-06-12 03:32:46 -07:00
-- callbacks called anyway for current node, because of LZB
advtrains.run_callbacks_invahead(, train, idx)
-- Prints a path using the passed print function
-- This function should be 'atprint', 'atlog', 'atwarn' or 'atdebug', because it needs to use print_concat_table
function advtrains.path_print(train, printf)
printf("path_print: tid =",," index =",train.index," end_index =",train.end_index," vel =",train.velocity)
if not train.path then
printf("path_print: Path is invalidated/inexistant.")
printf("i: CP Position Dir CN Dist Speed")
for i = train.path_ext_b, train.path_ext_f do
if i==train.path_trk_b then
printf("--Back on-track border here--")
printf(i,": ",train.path_cp[i]," ",train.path[i]," ",train.path_dir[i]," ",train.path_cn[i]," ",train.path_dist[i]," ",train.path_speed[i])
if i==train.path_trk_f then
printf("--Front on-track border here--")
-- Function to get path entry at a position. This function will automatically calculate more of the path when required.
-- returns: pos, on_track
function advtrains.path_get(train, index)
if not train.path then
error("For train "": path_get called but there's no path set yet!")
if index ~= atfloor(index) then
error("For train "": Called path_get() but index="..index.." is not a round number")
local pef = train.path_ext_f
-- generate forward (front of train, positive)
while index > pef do
local pos = train.path[pef]
local connid = train.path_cn[pef]
local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns
if pef == train.path_trk_f then
node_ok, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
if not node_ok then error("For train "": Path item "..pef.." on-track but not a valid node!") end
adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid, train.drives_on)
pef = pef + 1
if adj_pos then
advtrains.occ.set_item(, adj_pos, pef)
-- If we have split points, notify accordingly
local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, #next_conns)
if #next_conns==3 and adj_connid==1 and train.points_split and train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(adj_pos)] then
--atdebug(id,"has split points restored at",adj_pos)
mconnid = 3
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + nextrail_y
train.path_cp[pef] = adj_connid
train.path_cn[pef] = mconnid
train.path_dir[pef] = advtrains.conn_angle_median(next_conns[adj_connid].c, next_conns[mconnid].c)
train.path_trk_f = pef
-- off-track fallback behavior
adj_pos = advtrains.pos_add_angle(pos, train.path_dir[pef-1])
--atdebug("Offtrack overgenerating(front) at",adj_pos,"index",peb,"trkf",train.path_trk_f)
train.path_dir[pef] = train.path_dir[pef-1]
train.path[pef] = adj_pos
train.path_dist[pef] = train.path_dist[pef-1] + vector.distance(pos, adj_pos)
train.path_ext_f = pef
local peb = train.path_ext_b
-- generate backward (back of train, negative)
while index < peb do
local pos = train.path[peb]
local connid = train.path_cp[peb]
local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns
if peb == train.path_trk_b then
node_ok, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
if not node_ok then error("For train "": Path item "..peb.." on-track but not a valid node!") end
adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid, train.drives_on)
peb = peb - 1
if adj_pos then
advtrains.occ.set_item(, adj_pos, peb)
-- If we have split points, notify accordingly
local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, #next_conns)
if #next_conns==3 and adj_connid==1 and train.points_split and train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(adj_pos)] then
2020-06-14 03:24:30 -07:00
-- atdebug(id,"has split points restored at",adj_pos)
mconnid = 3
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + nextrail_y
train.path_cn[peb] = adj_connid
train.path_cp[peb] = mconnid
train.path_dir[peb] = advtrains.conn_angle_median(next_conns[mconnid].c, next_conns[adj_connid].c)
train.path_trk_b = peb
-- off-track fallback behavior
adj_pos = advtrains.pos_add_angle(pos, train.path_dir[peb+1] + math.pi)
--atdebug("Offtrack overgenerating(back) at",adj_pos,"index",peb,"trkb",train.path_trk_b)
train.path_dir[peb] = train.path_dir[peb+1]
train.path[peb] = adj_pos
train.path_dist[peb] = train.path_dist[peb+1] - vector.distance(pos, adj_pos)
train.path_ext_b = peb
if index < train.path_req_b then
train.path_req_b = index
if index > train.path_req_f then
train.path_req_f = index
return train.path[index], (index<=train.path_trk_f and index>=train.path_trk_b)
-- interpolated position to fractional index given, and angle based on path_dir
-- returns: pos, angle(yaw), p_floor, p_ceil
function advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train, index)
local i_floor = atfloor(index)
local i_ceil = i_floor + 1
local frac = index - i_floor
local p_floor = advtrains.path_get(train, i_floor)
local p_ceil = advtrains.path_get(train, i_ceil)
-- Note: minimal code duplication to path_get_adjacent, for performance
local a_floor = train.path_dir[i_floor]
local a_ceil = train.path_dir[i_ceil]
local ang = advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(a_floor, a_ceil)
return vector.add(p_floor, vector.multiply(vector.subtract(p_ceil, p_floor), frac)), (a_floor + frac * ang)%(2*math.pi), p_floor, p_ceil
-- returns the 2 path positions directly adjacent to index and the fraction on how to interpolate between them
-- returns: pos_floor, pos_ceil, fraction
function advtrains.path_get_adjacent(train, index)
local i_floor = atfloor(index)
local i_ceil = i_floor + 1
local frac = index - i_floor
local p_floor = advtrains.path_get(train, i_floor)
local p_ceil = advtrains.path_get(train, i_ceil)
return p_floor, p_ceil, frac
local function n_interpolate(s, e, f)
return s + (e-s)*f
-- This function determines the index resulting from moving along the path by 'offset' meters
-- starting from 'index'. See also the comment on the top of the file.
function advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, offset)
local advtrains_path_get = advtrains.path_get
-- Step 1: determine my current absolute pos on the path
local start_index_f = atfloor(index)
local end_index_f = start_index_f + 1
local c_idx = atfloor(index + offset)
local c_idx_f = c_idx + 1
local frac = index - start_index_f
advtrains_path_get(train, math.min(start_index_f, end_index_f, c_idx, c_idx_f))
advtrains_path_get(train, math.max(start_index_f, end_index_f, c_idx, c_idx_f))
local dist1, dist2 = train.path_dist[start_index_f], train.path_dist[start_index_f+1]
local start_dist = dist1 + (dist2-dist1)*frac
-- Step 2: determine the total end distance and estimate the index we'd come out
local end_dist = start_dist + offset
local c_idx = atfloor(index + offset)
-- Step 3: move forward/backward to find real index
-- We assume here that the distance between 2 path items is never smaller than 1.
-- Our estimated index is therefore either exact or too far over, and we're going to go back
-- towards the origin. It is therefore sufficient to query path_get a single time
-- How we'll adjust c_idx
-- Desired position: -------#------
-- Path items : --|--|--|--|--
-- c_idx : ^
while train.path_dist[c_idx] < end_dist do
c_idx = c_idx + 1
while train.path_dist[c_idx] > end_dist do
c_idx = c_idx - 1
-- Step 4: now c_idx points to the place shown above. Find out the fractional part.
dist1, dist2 = train.path_dist[c_idx], train.path_dist[c_idx+1]
frac = (end_dist - dist1) / (dist2 - dist1)
assert(frac>=0 and frac<1, frac)
return c_idx + frac
function advtrains.path_clear_unused(train)
local i
for i = train.path_ext_b, train.path_req_b - PATH_CLEAR_KEEP do
advtrains.occ.clear_item(, advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(train.path[i]))
train.path[i] = nil
train.path_dist[i-1] = nil
train.path_cp[i] = nil
train.path_cn[i] = nil
train.path_dir[i] = nil
train.path_ext_b = i + 1
--[[ Why exactly are we clearing path from the front? This doesn't make sense!
for i = train.path_ext_f,train.path_req_f + PATH_CLEAR_KEEP,-1 do
advtrains.occ.clear_item(, advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(train.path[i]))
train.path[i] = nil
train.path_dist[i] = nil
train.path_cp[i] = nil
train.path_cn[i] = nil
train.path_dir[i+1] = nil
train.path_ext_f = i - 1
end ]]
train.path_trk_b = math.max(train.path_trk_b, train.path_ext_b)
--train.path_trk_f = math.min(train.path_trk_f, train.path_ext_f)
train.path_req_f = math.ceil(train.index)
train.path_req_b = math.floor(train.end_index or train.index)
-- Scan the path of the train for position, without querying the occupation table
-- returns index, or nil if pos is not on the path
function advtrains.path_lookup(train, pos)
local cp = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos)
for i = train.path_ext_b, train.path_ext_f do
if vector.equals(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(train.path[i]), cp) then
return i
return nil
-- Projects the path of "train" onto the path of "onto_train_id", and returns the index on onto_train's path
-- that corresponds to "index" on "train"'s path, as well as whether both trains face each other
-- index may be fractional
-- returns: res_index, trains_facing
-- returns nil when path can not be projected, either because trains are on different tracks or
-- node at "index" happens to be on a turnout and it's the wrong direction
-- Note - duplicate with similar functionality is in train_step_b() - that code combines train detection with projecting
function advtrains.path_project(train, index, onto_train_id)
local base_idx = atfloor(index)
local frac_part = index - base_idx
local base_pos = advtrains.path_get(train, base_idx)
local base_cn = train.path_cn[base_idx]
local otrn = advtrains.trains[onto_train_id]
-- query occupation
local occ = advtrains.occ.get_trains_over(base_pos)
-- is wanted train id contained?
local ob_idx = occ[onto_train_id]
if not ob_idx then
return nil
-- retrieve other train's cn and cp
local ocn = otrn.path_cn[ob_idx]
local ocp = otrn.path_cp[ob_idx]
if base_cn == ocn then
-- same direction
return ob_idx + frac_part, false
elseif base_cn == ocp then
-- facing trains - subtract index frac
return ob_idx - frac_part, true
-- same path item but no common connections - deny
return nil