
93 lines
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Imports Irrlicht ' compiler error here? Look at the next comment
Imports Irrlicht.Video
Imports Irrlicht.Core
Imports Irrlicht.Scene
' PROBLEMS with this source?
' Some solutions wich might help:
' - If your compiler complains that 'Irrlicht' cannot be found,
' add the Irrlicht.NET.dll file (in bin\Win32-VisualStudio) as Reference
' in the solution browser.
' - It compiles, but your program throws an exception like this:
' "An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Unknown Module.
' Additional information: File or assembly name Irrlicht.NET, or one of its dependencies,
' was not found."
' Solution: You are missing the file Irrlicht.DLL. Copy it where Visual studio can find it.
' For example where this program is.
' Example application using Irrlicht.NET
' A little bit more complicated than the C++ hello world example,
' but hey, its the only one yet. Give me some time.
Module Module1
' The main entry point for the application.
Sub Main()
' start up the engine
Dim device As New IrrlichtDevice(Irrlicht.Video.DriverType.OPENGL)
device.ResizeAble = True
device.WindowCaption = "Irrlicht.NET VisualBasic example 01 - Hello World"
' load some textures
Dim texSydney As ITexture = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture("..\..\media\sydney.bmp")
Dim texWall As ITexture = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture("..\..\media\wall.bmp")
Dim texLogo As ITexture = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture("..\..\media\irrlichtlogoaligned.jpg")
' load the animated mesh of sydney
Dim mesh As Irrlicht.Scene.IAnimatedMesh = device.SceneManager.GetMesh("..\..\media\sydney.md2")
If mesh Is Nothing Then
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Could not load mesh ..\..\media\sydney.md2, exiting.", "Problem starting program")
End If
' add a camera, a test scene node and the animated mesh to the scene
Dim cam As ICameraSceneNode = device.SceneManager.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS(Nothing, 100, 100, -1)
cam.Position = New Vector3D(20, 0, -50)
Dim node As ISceneNode = device.SceneManager.AddCubeSceneNode(15, Nothing, -1, New Vector3D(30, -15, 0))
node.SetMaterialTexture(0, texWall)
node = device.SceneManager.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh, Nothing, -1)
node.SetMaterialTexture(0, texSydney)
node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.LIGHTING, False)
' disable mouse cursor
device.CursorControl.Visible = False
' start drawing loop
Dim fps As Integer = 0
While device.Run() = True
If device.WindowActive Then
device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(True, True, New Color(0, 100, 100, 100))
' draw the logo
device.VideoDriver.Draw2DImage(texLogo, New Position2D(10, 10), New Rect(0, 0, 88, 31), New Rect(New Position2D(0, 0), device.VideoDriver.ScreenSize), New Color(255, 255, 255, 255), False)
If (fps <> device.VideoDriver.FPS) Then
fps = device.VideoDriver.FPS
device.WindowCaption = "Irrlicht.NET Visual Basic example 01 - Hello World [" + device.VideoDriver.Name + "] fps:" + fps.ToString
End If
End If
End While
End Sub
End Module