
291 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#pragma once
#pragma unmanaged
#include "..\\..\\include\\irrlicht.h"
#pragma managed
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "Position2D.h"
#include "KeyCodes.h"
namespace Irrlicht
/// <summary>
/// An enum for all event types
/// </summary>
__value public enum EventType
/// <summary> An event of the graphical user interface. </summary>
GUIEvent = 0,
/// <summary> A mouse input event. </summary>
//! <summary> A key input evant. </summary>
//! <summary> A log event </summary>
namespace GUI
/// <summary>
//! Enumeration for all events which are sendable by the gui system
/// </summary>
__value public enum GUIEvent
//! A gui element has lost its focus.
//! A gui element has got the focus.
//! A gui element was hovered.
//! A hovered gui element was left
//! A button was clicked.
//! A scrollbar has changed its position.
//! A checkbox has changed its check state.
//! A new item in a listbox was seleted.
//! An item in the listbox was selected, which was already selected.
//! A file has been selected in the file open dialog
//! A file open dialog has been closed without choosing a file
//! 'Yes' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'No' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'OK' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'Cancel' was clicked on a messagebox
//! In an editbox was pressed 'ENTER'
//! The tab was changed in an tab control
//! A menu item was selected in a (context) menu
//! The selection in a combo box has been changed
}// end namespace GUI
//! Enumeration for all mouse input events
__value public enum MouseInputEvent
/// <summary> Left mouse button was pressed down. </summary>
PressedDownLeft = 0,
/// <summary> Right mouse button was pressed down. </summary>
/// <summary> Middle mouse button was pressed down. </summary>
/// <summary> Left mouse button was left up. </summary>
/// <summary> Right mouse button was left up. </summary>
/// <summary> Middle mouse button was left up. </summary>
/// <summary> The mouse cursor changed its position. </summary>
/// <summary> The mouse wheel was moved. Use Wheel value in event data to find out
/// in what direction and how fast. </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Struct for holding event data. An event can be a gui, mouse or keyboard event.
/// Use the Type property to find out what type of event this is.
/// Please note that the properties of this class are not typesafe, for example if you read
/// the MouseInputEvent property although the event type is KeyInput, the result
/// will be undefined.
/// This may look a little bit strange, but this interface was created in
/// this way to reflect the original C++ Irrlicht interface and to increase speed.
/// </summary>
public __value class Event
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a Irrlicht.NET event from a native C++ Irrlicht event.
/// </summary>
Event(irr::SEvent e)
: NativeEvent(e)
/// <summary>
/// Returns type of event. Based of this type, you can call further methods to
/// find out more about that event. For example if it was a mouse input event
/// (MouseInput), use the MouseInputType property.
/// Please note that this system is not very typesafe, for example if you read
/// the MouseInputEvent property although the event type is KeyInput, the result
/// will be undefined.
/// This may look a little bit strange, but this interface was created in
/// this way to reflect the original C++ Irrlicht interface and to increase speed.
/// </summary>
__property EventType get_Type()
return (EventType)NativeEvent.EventType;
/// <summary>
/// Returns type of mouse event, if Type of this event is MouseInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property MouseInputEvent get_MouseInputType()
return (MouseInputEvent)NativeEvent.MouseInput.Event;
/// <summary>
/// Returns mouse wheel delta, usually 1.0 or -1.0. Only valid if
// Type of this event is MouseInput and MouseInputType is
/// MouseWheel, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property float get_MouseWheelDelta()
return NativeEvent.MouseInput.Wheel;
/// <summary>
/// Returns position of mouse. Only valid if Type of this event is MouseInput,
/// otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property Core::Position2D get_MousePos()
return Core::Position2D(NativeEvent.MouseInput.X, NativeEvent.MouseInput.Y);
/// <summary>
/// Returns character corresponding to the key (0, if not a character).
/// Only valid if Type of this event is KeyInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property __wchar_t get_KeyCharacter()
return NativeEvent.KeyInput.Char;
/// <summary>
/// Returns key code of the pressed key.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is KeyInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property KeyCode get_Key()
return (KeyCode)NativeEvent.KeyInput.Key;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the key was pressed down, and false if it was left up.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is KeyInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_KeyPressedDown()
return (bool)NativeEvent.KeyInput.PressedDown;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if shift was pressed also.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is KeyInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_KeyShift()
return (bool)NativeEvent.KeyInput.Shift;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if control was pressed also.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is KeyInput, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property bool get_KeyControl()
return (bool)NativeEvent.KeyInput.Control;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text if this was a log event.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is LogText, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property System::String* get_LogText()
// for this, we'll add a type check at least.
if (NativeEvent.EventType != irr::EET_LOG_TEXT_EVENT)
throw new System::Exception("Irrlicht Event problem: The event is not a log text, but you're trying to get the log text. Don't do that.");
return new System::String(NativeEvent.LogEvent.Text);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text if this was a log event.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is GUIEvent, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property GUI::GUIEvent get_GUIEventType()
return (GUI::GUIEvent)NativeEvent.GUIEvent.EventType;
/// <summary>
/// Returns caller of a gui event.
/// Only valid if Type of this event is GUIEvent, otherwise undefined.
/// </summary>
__property GUI::IGUIElement* get_GUIEventCaller();
irr::SEvent NativeEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Interface of an object wich can receive events.
/// </summary>
public __gc __interface IEventReceiver
/// <summary>
/// called if an event happened. Should return true if event was processed
/// </summary>
bool OnEvent(Event e);