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// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Amundis
// Heavily based on the OpenGL driver implemented by Nikolaus Gebhardt
// and OpenGL ES driver implemented by Christian Stehno
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in Irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer.h"
#include "IGPUProgrammingServices.h"
#include "IShaderConstantSetCallBack.h"
#include "IMaterialRendererServices.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "COGLES2Driver.h"
#include "EVertexAttributes.h"
#include "COGLES2Texture.h"
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
namespace irr
namespace video
//! Constructor
COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer( video::COGLES2Driver* driver,
s32& outMaterialTypeNr, const c8* vertexShaderProgram,
const c8* pixelShaderProgram,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback,
video::IMaterialRenderer* baseMaterial,
s32 userData )
: Driver( driver ), CallBack( callback ), BaseMaterial( baseMaterial ), FileSystem( 0 ),
Program( 0 ), UserData( userData ), UniformStringTable( 0 ), UniformCount( 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
setDebugName( "COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer" );
//entry points must always be main, and the compile target isn't selectable
//it is fine to ignore what has been asked for, as the compiler should spot anything wrong
//just check that GLSL is available
if ( BaseMaterial )
if ( CallBack )
init( outMaterialTypeNr, vertexShaderProgram, pixelShaderProgram );
//! constructor only for use by derived classes who want to
//! create a fall back material for example.
COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer( COGLES2Driver* driver,
io::IFileSystem* fs,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback,
IMaterialRenderer* baseMaterial,
const char* const * uniformStringTable,
const u32& uniformCount,
s32 userData )
: Driver( driver ), CallBack( callback ), BaseMaterial( baseMaterial ), FileSystem( fs ),
Program( 0 ), UserData( userData ), UniformStringTable( uniformStringTable ),
UniformCount( uniformCount )
if ( BaseMaterial )
if ( CallBack )
//! Destructor
if ( CallBack )
if ( Program )
glDeleteProgram( Program );
Program = 0;
if ( BaseMaterial )
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::init( s32& outMaterialTypeNr,
const c8* vertexShaderProgram,
const c8* pixelShaderProgram,
bool registerMaterial )
outMaterialTypeNr = -1;
if ( Program == 0 && !createProgram() )
if ( vertexShaderProgram )
if ( !createShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShaderProgram, "" ) )
if ( pixelShaderProgram )
if ( !createShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, pixelShaderProgram, "" ) )
if ( !linkProgram() )
// register myself as new material
if ( registerMaterial )
outMaterialTypeNr = Driver->addMaterialRenderer( this );
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::initFromFiles( s32 &outMaterialTypeNr,
const c8 *vertexShaderFile,
const c8 *pixelShaderFile,
bool registerMaterial )
if ( !createProgram() )
os::Printer::log( "Could not create shader program.", ELL_ERROR );
if ( !readVertexShader( vertexShaderFile ) )
os::Printer::log( "Error reading fixed pipeline vertex shader.", ELL_ERROR );
if ( !readFragmentShader( pixelShaderFile ) )
os::Printer::log( "Error reading fixed pipeline fragment shader.", ELL_ERROR );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < EVA_COUNT; ++i )
glBindAttribLocation( Program, i, sBuiltInVertexAttributeNames[i] );
if ( !linkProgram() )
os::Printer::log( "Error linking fixed pipeline shader program.", ELL_ERROR );
if ( registerMaterial )
outMaterialTypeNr = Driver->addMaterialRenderer( this );
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::reloadFromFiles( const c8 *vertexShaderFile,
const c8 *pixelShaderFile )
GLsizei shaderCount;
GLuint shaderHandles[2];
glGetAttachedShaders( Program, 2, &shaderCount, shaderHandles );
glDetachShader( Program, shaderHandles[0] );
glDeleteShader( shaderHandles[0] );
glDetachShader( Program, shaderHandles[1] );
glDeleteShader( shaderHandles[1] );
if ( !readVertexShader( vertexShaderFile ) )
os::Printer::log( "Error reading fixed pipeline vertex shader.", ELL_ERROR );
if ( !readFragmentShader( pixelShaderFile ) )
os::Printer::log( "Error reading fixed pipeline fragment shader.", ELL_ERROR );
if ( !linkProgram() )
os::Printer::log( "Error linking fixed pipeline shader program.", ELL_ERROR );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::readShader( GLenum shaderType, const c8* shaderFile )
wchar_t buf[512];
io::IReadFile* file = 0;
file = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile( shaderFile );
if ( !file )
swprintf( buf, 512, L"Could not open shader file : %S", shaderFile );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR );
return false;
const long size = file->getSize();
if ( !size )
swprintf( buf, 512, L"%S shader file is empty", shaderFile );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR );
return false;
c8* shader = new c8[size+1];
file->read( shader, size );
shader[size] = 0;
bool success = createShader( shaderType, shader, shaderFile );
delete shader;
return success;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::readVertexShader( const c8 *vertexShaderFile )
return readShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShaderFile );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::readFragmentShader( const c8 *fragmentShaderFile )
return readShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShaderFile );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::OnRender( IMaterialRendererServices* service,
E_VERTEX_TYPE vtxtype )
// call callback to set shader constants and attributes
if ( CallBack && Program )
CallBack->OnSetAttribute( this, UserData );
CallBack->OnSetConstants( this, UserData );
return true;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::PostRender( IMaterialRendererServices* service,
E_VERTEX_TYPE vtxtype )
// call callback to unset shader attributes
if ( CallBack && Program )
CallBack->OnUnSetAttribute( this, UserData );
return true;
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::OnSetMaterial( const video::SMaterial& material,
const video::SMaterial& lastMaterial,
bool resetAllRenderstates,
video::IMaterialRendererServices* services )
if ( material.MaterialType != lastMaterial.MaterialType || resetAllRenderstates )
if ( Program )
glUseProgram( Program );
//let callback know used material
if ( CallBack )
CallBack->OnSetMaterial( material );
//if (BaseMaterial)
//BaseMaterial->OnSetMaterial(material, material, true, this);
//for (u32 i=0; i<MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i)
// Driver->setActiveTexture(i, material.getTexture(i));
Driver->setBasicRenderStates( material, lastMaterial, resetAllRenderstates );
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::OnUnsetMaterial()
glUseProgram( 0 );
//if (BaseMaterial)
// BaseMaterial->OnUnsetMaterial();
//! Returns if the material is transparent.
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::isTransparent() const
return BaseMaterial ? BaseMaterial->isTransparent() : false;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::createProgram()
Program = glCreateProgram();
return true;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::createShader( GLenum shaderType, const char* shader, const char* shaderFile )
GLuint shaderHandle = glCreateShader( shaderType );
os::Printer::log("Loading shader", shaderFile);
glShaderSource( shaderHandle, 1, &shader, NULL );
glCompileShader( shaderHandle );
int status = 0;
glGetShaderiv( shaderHandle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status );
if ( !status )
wchar_t buf[512];
swprintf( buf, 512, L"GLSL shader failed to compile : %S", shaderFile );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_ERROR );
// check error message and log it
int maxLength = 0;
GLsizei length;
glGetShaderiv( shaderHandle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength );
char *pInfoLog = new char[maxLength];
glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderHandle, maxLength, &length, pInfoLog );
os::Printer::log( reinterpret_cast<const c8*>( pInfoLog ), ELL_ERROR );
delete [] pInfoLog;
return false;
glAttachShader( Program, shaderHandle );
return true;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::linkProgram()
glLinkProgram( Program );
int status = 0;
glGetProgramiv( Program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status );
if ( !status )
os::Printer::log( "GLSL shader program failed to link", ELL_ERROR );
// check error message and log it
int maxLength = 0;
GLsizei length;
glGetProgramiv( Program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength );
char *pInfoLog = new char[maxLength];
glGetProgramInfoLog( Program, maxLength, &length, pInfoLog );
os::Printer::log( reinterpret_cast<const c8*>( pInfoLog ), ELL_ERROR );
delete [] pInfoLog;
return false;
// get uniforms information
int num = 0;
glGetProgramiv( Program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &num );
int maxlen = 0;
glGetProgramiv( Program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &maxlen );
if ( maxlen == 0 && num != 0 )
os::Printer::log( "GLSL: failed to retrieve uniform information", ELL_ERROR );
return false;
c8 *buf = new c8[maxlen];
UniformInfo.reallocate( num );
core::array<core::stringc> names( num );
core::array<SUniformInfo> uni( num );
for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i )
memset( buf, 0, maxlen );
GLint size;
SUniformInfo ui;
glGetActiveUniform( Program, i, maxlen, 0, &size, &ui.type, reinterpret_cast<char*>( buf ) );
ui.location = glGetUniformLocation( Program, buf );
uni.push_back( ui );
names.push_back( buf );
delete [] buf;
for ( int i = 0; i < UniformCount; ++i )
int j;
for ( j = 0; j < num; ++j )
if ( names[j] == UniformStringTable[i] )
if ( j < num )
UniformInfo.push_back( uni[j] );
wchar_t buf[512];
swprintf( buf, 512, L"Unable to find uniform : %S", UniformStringTable[i] );
os::Printer::log( buf, ELL_WARNING );
SUniformInfo blank;
blank.location = -1;
blank.type = GL_INVALID_ENUM;
UniformInfo.push_back( blank );
return true;
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setBasicRenderStates( const SMaterial& material,
const SMaterial& lastMaterial,
bool resetAllRenderstates )
// forward
Driver->setBasicRenderStates( material, lastMaterial, resetAllRenderstates );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setVertexShaderConstant( const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count )
return setPixelShaderConstant( name, floats, count );
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setVertexShaderConstant( const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, please use high level shader call instead.", ELL_WARNING );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setVertexShaderPointer( const c8* name, const void* pointer,
s32 size, bool normalized, u16 stride )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
return false;
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::enableVertexShaderPointer( const c8* name )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::disableVertexShaderPointer( const c8* name )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setPixelShaderConstant( const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
return false;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setUniform( int index, const void* data, int count )
SUniformInfo& ui = UniformInfo[index];
if ( ui.location == -1 )
return false;
switch ( ui.type )
case GL_FLOAT:
glUniform1fv( ui.location, count, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniform2fv( ui.location, count, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniform3fv( ui.location, count, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniform4fv( ui.location, count, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniformMatrix2fv( ui.location, count, false, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniformMatrix3fv( ui.location, count, false, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniformMatrix4fv( ui.location, count, false, static_cast<const GLfloat*>( data ) );
glUniform1iv( ui.location, count, static_cast<const GLint*>( data ) );
return !Driver->testGLError();
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setTextureUnit( const c8* name, int unit )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
return false;
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::enableMaterialTexture( const c8* name, int materialId )
ITexture * t = Driver->getTextureByIndex( materialId );
COGLES2Texture * tex = reinterpret_cast<COGLES2Texture*>( t );
if ( !tex )
return false;
int unit = tex->getOGLES2TextureName();
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + unit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, unit );
return setTextureUnit( name, unit );
bool COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::disableMaterialTexture( int materialId )
COGLES2Texture * tex = reinterpret_cast<COGLES2Texture*>( Driver->getTextureByIndex( materialId ) );
if ( !tex )
return false;
int unit = tex->getOGLES2TextureName();
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + unit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
return true;
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::setPixelShaderConstant( const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount )
os::Printer::log( "Cannot set constant, use high level shader call.", ELL_WARNING );
IVideoDriver* COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::getVideoDriver()
return Driver;
void COGLES2SLMaterialRenderer::useProgram()
glUseProgram( Program );
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr