
325 lines
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-- scoreboards
local storage = wormball.storage
wormball.show_multi_scores = function( arena , player , scores )
local leaderboard = scores
local player_list = ""
if not leaderboard or not leaderboard[1] then return end
for idx , winner_table in ipairs( leaderboard ) do
local max_len = 30
local p_name = winner_table [ 2 ]
local name_len = string.len( winner_table [ 2 ] )
if name_len > 20 then
p_name = string.sub(p_name, 1, 20)
name_len = 20
local pts = tostring( winner_table [ 1 ] )
local pts_len = string.len( pts )
local spaces = max_len - name_len - pts_len
player_list = player_list .. p_name
for i = 1, spaces do
player_list = player_list .. " "
player_list = player_list .. pts .. ","
local formspec = "formspec_version[4]"..
"label[2.5,0.5;Multiplayer Scores]"..
"label[3,1.5;" .. arena.name .. "]"..
"textlist[0.5,2.5;7,6;;".. player_list ..";1;true]"
minetest.show_formspec(player, 'multiscoreboard', formspec)
wormball.show_singleplayer_leaderboard = function( arena_name , playername )
if not arena_lib.get_arena_by_name('wormball', arena_name ) then return false end
local arena_id, arena = arena_lib.get_arena_by_name('wormball', arena_name )
local leaderboard = arena.singleplayer_leaderboard
local player_list = ""
if not leaderboard or not leaderboard[1] then return end
for idx , winner_table in ipairs( leaderboard ) do
local max_len = 30
local p_name = winner_table [ 2 ]
local name_len = string.len( winner_table [ 2 ] )
if name_len > 20 then
p_name = string.sub(p_name, 1, 20)
name_len = 20
local pts = tostring( winner_table [ 1 ] )
local pts_len = string.len( pts )
local spaces = max_len - name_len - pts_len
player_list = player_list .. p_name
for i = 1, spaces do
player_list = player_list .. " "
player_list = player_list .. pts .. ","
local formspec = "formspec_version[4]"..
"label[3,1.5;" .. arena_name .. "]"..
"textlist[0.5,2.5;7,6;;".. player_list ..";1;true]"
minetest.show_formspec(playername, 'scoreboard', formspec)
arena_lib.on_celebration('wormball', function(arena, winner_name)
--reset player textures back to the texture they were... (wormball sets player textures to clear)
for pl_name,stats in pairs(arena.players) do
if not(arena_lib.is_player_spectating(pl_name)) then
--for now, arena_lib only supports single winners... change this when it supports multiple winners
if type(winner_name) == 'string' then
if arena.mode == 'singleplayer' then
-- leaderboard will be a table with the following format
-- {
-- {score,plname}
-- {score,plname}
-- }
-- it will always be ordered, with the highest score first.
local new_highscore = false
local leaderboard = arena.singleplayer_leaderboard
local score = arena.players [ winner_name ] .score
if not leaderboard then leaderboard = {} end
if # leaderboard == 0 then
leaderboard [ 1 ] = { score , winner_name }
new_highscore = true
local insert = true
for idx , winner_table in ipairs( leaderboard ) do
if winner_table [ 2 ] == winner_name then --if the player already has a score on the board...
if score > winner_table[1] then -- new higher score achieved... we will now remove the old score so we can input the new score at the correct location
table.remove(leaderboard , idx )
else -- the score wasn't higher, so no need to insert a new score
insert = false
if insert then
for idx , winner_table in ipairs( leaderboard ) do
if score > winner_table [ 1 ] then
table.insert( leaderboard , idx , { score , winner_name } )
if idx == 1 then
new_highscore = true
--arena_lib.change_arena_property(winner_name, 'wormball', arena.name, "singleplayer_leaderboard", leaderboard)
--arena_lib.change_arena_property('wormball' , 'wormball' , arena.name , "singleplayer_leaderboard" , leaderboard )
--save (update) the highscore data to disk
arena.singleplayer_leaderboard = leaderboard
local serial = minetest.serialize(arena.singleplayer_leaderboard)
storage:set_string(arena.name .. "_highscores", serial )
if new_highscore then
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena, 'New High Score!', 2 ,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena, 'Game Over!', 2 ,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
minetest.after( 3 , function( arena , score , leaderboard )
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena , 'You had ' .. score .. ' pts!', 3 ,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
minetest.after( 3 , function( arena , score , leaderboard )
for pl_name , stats in pairs(arena.players_and_spectators) do
wormball.show_singleplayer_leaderboard( arena.name , pl_name )
end , arena , score , leaderboard )
end , arena , score , leaderboard )
else --arena.mode == 'multiplayer'
arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena, 'New High Score!', 2 ,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
table.insert( arena.multi_scores , 1 , { arena.players[ winner_name ] .score , winner_name } )
local scores = arena.multi_scores
if minetest.get_modpath( 'panel_lib' ) then
minetest.after( 2 , function( arena , scores )
for pl_name , stats in pairs(arena.players_and_spectators) do
wormball.show_multi_scores( arena , pl_name , scores )
-- show the scoreboard here
end , arena , scores )
-- --Highscores are stored per number of players...
-- --in a crash report, highscore was nil... WHY!? #BUG
-- --crash (hopefully) prevented with nil check... place debug code here
-- --note: crash occured when arena edit mode was entered while arena had crashed due to another bug, and the arena was still active (in_celebration)
-- --note2: this will also prevent crashes due to arena editors messing with the highscores table.
-- local highscore = arena.highscores[arena.num_players]
-- if not highscore then --nil check
-- local highscore_tbl = arena.highscores
-- highscore_tbl[arena.num_players] = {'pl_name_placeholder',0}
-- arena_lib.change_arena_property(nil, 'wormball', arena.name, highscores, highscore_tbl)
-- if arena.mode == 'singleplayer' then
-- local splb = arena.singleplayer_leaderboard
-- table.insert(splb, {})
-- highscore = {'pl_name_placeholder',0}
-- end
-- --old highscore info if existing
-- local high_name = highscore[1] or ''
-- local high_num = highscore[2] or 0
-- --current winner pts
-- local winner_pts = arena.players[winner_name].score
-- --HUD info sent to players
-- arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena, winner_name..' won with '..winner_pts.. ' pts!', 9,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
-- arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, 'Highscore: '..high_name.. ' '..high_num, 9,nil,0x0000FF)
-- --if highscore was broken, 2 sec later, another HUD info abt that...
-- if high_num < winner_pts then
-- --set highscore info
-- arena.highscores[arena.num_players] = {winner_name,winner_pts} --could this have cause the bug?
-- minetest.after(2,function(arena,winner_name,winner_pts)
-- arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("title", arena, 'NEW HIGH SCORE '.. arena.num_players ..' PLAYER!', 7,'sumo_win',0xAEAE00)
-- arena_lib.HUD_send_msg_all("hotbar", arena, 'Highscore: '..winner_name.. ' '..winner_pts, 7,nil,0x0000FF)
-- end,arena,winner_name,winner_pts)
-- end