
83 lines
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Don't change the variables' names if you don't know what you're doing
(skywars_settings.variable_name = value)
-- The table that stores all the global variables, don't touch this.
skywars_settings = {}
-- Where players will be teleported when a match ends.
skywars_settings.hub_spawn_point = {x = -177, y = 8.5, z = 247}
-- The time between the loading state and the start of the match.
skywars_settings.loading_time = 10
-- The time to wait before the loading phase starts. It gets triggered when the minimium amount of players has been reached to start the queue.
skywars_settings.queue_waiting_time = 10
-- The time between the end of the match and the respawn at the hub.
skywars_settings.celebration_time = 3
-- What's going to appear in most of the lines printed by murder.
skywars_settings.prefix = "Skywars > "
-- The players walking speed when ther're playing a match
skywars_settings.player_speed = 1
-- The match duration in seconds
skywars_settings.timer = 600
For X and Y, 0.0 and 1.0 represent opposite edges of the game window, for example:
* [0.0, 0.0] is the top left corner of the game window
* [1.0, 1.0] is the bottom right of the game window
* [0.5, 0.5] is the center of the game window
-- The texture background for the kit menu
skywars_settings.hud__kit_background = "Kits.png"
-- The width of the bacgkround texture in real coordinates,
-- a unit of measurement which is roughly around 64 pixels, but
-- varies based on the screen density and scaling settings of the client
skywars_settings.background_width = 12
-- The height of the bacgkround texture in real coordinates
skywars_settings.background_height = 12
-- The x position of the first buttons row
skywars_settings.starting_x = 1.7
-- The y position of the first buttons row
skywars_settings.starting_y = 6.9
-- The horizontal distance betweek buttons in real coordinates
skywars_settings.distance_x = 3.4
-- The vertical distance betweek buttons in real coordinates
skywars_settings.distance_y = 3
-- The amount of buttons in a row
skywars_settings.buttons_per_row = 3
-- The buttons width in real coordinates
skywars_settings.buttons_width = 2.2
-- The buttons height in real coordinates
skywars_settings.buttons_height = 2