
16 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

Tip: Don't hesitate to visit our website !
Tip: A official version of Minetest on Android is now available on the "Google Play Store" or on "F-Droid".
Advice: If you don't want to see your buildings stolen or grieffed then think of the areas!
Tip: If there is any problem, consult one of the server's admins/moderators!
Don't hesitate to show us your discoveries on the forum (biomes, mapgen's bugs, buildings,...).
Advice: Even if you are on a Creative server, you can take a pole and fishing, it's funny!
Tip: You can use worms, but also fish as bait, with them you will have more chances to get wonderful and rare items!
Tip: The u_skins mod allow you to change the appearance of your avatar through the icon at the bottom right of your inventory.
Tip: The inbox mod allow you to transmit messages to offline players, use the command "/mail <name> <msg>".
Don't hesitate to send us an issue from our Github if you want us to resolve a problem you found!
Tip: Use the diplazer tools to build more easily!
Tip: Use /mapfix in a shadow area to bring the light!
Tip: With the latest update of mesecons, wall levers are now switched on and off using right click. / Astuce : Avec la dernière MAJ de mesecons, les leviers s'activent avec un clic droit.
Tip: Think about the "bonemeal" if you want your trees grow instantly, just use some bonemeal of your saplings!
Tip : Use /report <message> to report something to the moderators and the administrator.