20 lines
606 B
20 lines
606 B
-- Converts HSL to RGB (input and output range: 0 - 255)
function HSL(h, s, l)
if s == 0 then return l,l,l end
h, s, l = h/256*6, s/255, l/255
local c = (1-math.abs(2*l-1))*s
local x = (1-math.abs(h%2-1))*c
local m,r,g,b = (l-.5*c), 0,0,0
if h < 1 then r,g,b = c,x,0
elseif h < 2 then r,g,b = x,c,0
elseif h < 3 then r,g,b = 0,c,x
elseif h < 4 then r,g,b = 0,x,c
elseif h < 5 then r,g,b = x,0,c
else r,g,b = c,0,x
return math.ceil((r+m)*256),math.ceil((g+m)*256),math.ceil((b+m)*256)
-- HSL to RGB converter by Taehl
-- https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2126