
98 lines
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-- Declaring variables
local health = 0
local position = {x=0, y=0, z=0}
local lightlevel = 0
grue = {players = {}}
minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) -- Adds connected players to the table.
local name = player:get_player_name()
local tname = grue.players[name]
if not tname then
grue.players[name] = { timer = 0, warned = false } -- This ties the timer and the "warned" flag to individual players, instead of to the server itself.
minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) -- Removes disconnected players from the table. No need to hang on to that info.
local name = player:get_player_name()
grue.players[name] = nil
-- Function for retrieving settings
local function get_setting_value(name, default)
local value = minetest.settings:get("grue_" .. name)
if type(value) == "nil" then value = default end -- Checks if the retrieved value is "nil". If so, returns the default value supplied to the function.
return tonumber(value)
-- Configurable variables.
local maxlight = get_setting_value("maxlight", 1) -- Max light level that the Grue can attack in
local soundvolume = get_setting_value("soundvolume", 1) -- Multiplier for how loud the audio clips are.
local warntime = get_setting_value("warntime", 5)-- Time before you are warned about getting eaten by a Grue
local deathtime = get_setting_value("deathtime", 10) -- Time after getting warned before you are eaten by a Grue
-- Main function, checking every tick.
for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local name = player:get_player_name()
local tname = grue.players[name]
local health = player:get_hp()
local position = player:get_pos()
position.y = position.y + 0.5 -- Done to ensure the code doesn't check the block underneath the player by accident.
local node = minetest.get_node(position)
if node.name == 'ignore' then -- Ensures people don't die due to loading issues
tname.timer = 0
tname.warned = false
if health > 0 then -- Making sure the player isn't dead. The Grue is only interested in live prey.
local lightlevel = minetest.get_node_light(position,nil)
if lightlevel == nil then break end
if lightlevel <= maxlight then -- Checking to see if the local light level is low enough
tname.timer = tname.timer + dtime
if (tname.warned == false) and (warntime ~= 0) then -- Checking to see if the player has already been warned. Skips if player set warntime to 0
if tname.timer >= warntime then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.")
while soundvolume > 0 do -- Hacky way of supporting values greater than 1, since increasing the gain doesn't seem to do anything.
minetest.sound_play("grue_warning", {pos = position, gain = soundvolume, max_hear_distance = 8,})
soundvolume = soundvolume - 1
tname.warned = true
tname.timer = 0
soundvolume = get_setting_value("soundvolume", 1) -- Reset sound value
if tname.timer >= deathtime then --This is the part where you die
player:set_hp(0, set_hp)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You have been eaten by a Grue.")
while soundvolume > 0 do
minetest.sound_play("grue_attack", {pos = position, gain = soundvolume, max_hear_distance = 8,})
soundvolume = soundvolume - 1
tname.warned = false
tname.timer = 0
soundvolume = get_setting_value("soundvolume", 1) -- Reset sound value
else -- Resetting variables now that the player is in a better lit area.
tname.timer = 0
tname.warned = false
else -- Resetting variables in the event the player died to other circumstances
tname.timer = 0
tname.warned = false