
658 lines
17 KiB

-- @module lcurl
--- Create HTTP multipart/formdata object.
-- @treturn[1] httpform new curl HTTP Post object context
function form() end
--- Create Easy object
-- @tparam[opt] table options
-- @treturn[1] easy new curl easy object
-- @usage
-- c = curl.easy{
-- url = '',
-- [curl.OPT_VERBOSE] = true,
-- }
function easy() end
--- Create Multi object
-- @tparam[opt] table options
-- @treturn[1] multi new curl multi object
-- @usage
-- m = curl.multi{
-- socketfunction = handle_socket;
-- timerfunction = start_timeout;
-- }
function multi() end
--- Create Share object
-- @tparam[opt] table options
-- @treturn[1] share new curl share object
function share() end
--- Returns libcurl version as human readable string
function version() end
--- Returns libcurl version as table
-- @tparam[opt] string param specific version info
-- @treturn[1] table full version into if `param` was not specify
-- @return[2] specific info parameter
-- @usage
-- proto = curl.version_info('protocols')
-- if proto.HTTP then ... -- libcurl support http protocol
function version_info() end
--- File description table.
-- Representation for `struct curl_fileinfo`
-- @table curl_fileinfo
-- @tfield string filename
-- @tfield integer filetype
-- @tfield integer time
-- @tfield integer perm
-- @tfield integer uid
-- @tfield integer gid
-- @tfield integer size
-- @tfield integer hardlinks
-- @tfield integer flags
-- @tfield table strings can have this string fields: `time`, `perm` , `user` , `group`, `target`
--- HTTP multipart/formdata object
-- @type httpform
--- Add new part to form.
-- @tparam string name provide the name of this part
-- @tparam string content actual data to send
-- @tparam[opt] string type provides the content-type for this part
-- @tparam[opt] table headers specifies extra headers for the form POST section
-- @return[1] self
function add_content() end
--- Add new part to form.
-- @tparam string name provide the name of this part
-- @tparam string filename provides the filename field in the content header
-- @tparam string content actual data to send
-- @tparam[opt] string type provides the content-type for this part
-- @tparam[opt] table headers specifies extra headers for the form POST section
-- @return[1] self
function add_buffer() end
--- Add new part to form.
-- @tparam string name provide the name of this part
-- @tparam string path path to file that contain actual data to send
-- @tparam[opt] string type provides the content-type for this part
-- @tparam[opt] string filename provides the filename field in the content header.
-- By default it is basename of path.
-- @tparam[opt] table headers specifies extra headers for the form POST section
-- @return[1] self
function add_file() end
--- Add new part to form.
-- @tparam string name provide the name of this part
-- @tparam[opt] string filename provides the filename field in the content header.
-- @tparam[opt] string type provides the content-type for this part
-- @tparam[opt] table headers specifies extra headers for the form POST section
-- @tparam number size stream size in bytes
-- @tparam function/object reader
-- @param[opt] context reader context
-- @return[1] self
-- @see easy:setopt_readfunction
function add_stream() end
--- Serialize multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain.
-- @return[1] string serialized data
-- @usage print(post:get())
function get() end
--- Serialize multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain.
-- Writer function can return true or number of written bytes.
-- Also if function does not return anything is considered as success.
-- @tparam function writer
-- @param[opt] context writer context
-- @return[1] self
-- @usage
-- t = {}
-- post:get(table.insert, t)
-- print(table.concat(t))
function get() end
--- Serialize multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain.
-- This call same as httpform:get(writer.write, writer)
-- @tparam object writer
-- @return[1] self
-- @usage
-- f =
-- post:get(f)
function get() end
--- Free multipart/formdata.
function free() end
--- Curl error object
-- @type error
--- Get the error category.
-- @treturn string string of error category (curl.ERROR_XXX constants)
-- @usage
-- if err:category() == curl.ERROR_EASY then
-- -- proceed easy error
-- end
function category ()end
--- Get the number value of error.
-- @treturn number number of error (curl.E_XXX constants)
function no ()end
--- Get the error name.
-- @treturn string error name (e.g. "UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL", "BAD_OPTION")
function name ()end
--- Get the error description.
-- @treturn string error description (e.g. "Login denied")
function msg ()end
--- Get the full error description.
-- @treturn string string that contain name, message and number of error
function __tostring ()end
--- Easy curl object
-- @type easy
--- Perform a file transfer
-- @return[1] self
function perfom() end
--- URL encodes the given string
-- @tparam string url
-- @return[1] encoded url
function escape() end
--- URL decodes the given string
-- @tparam string url
-- @return[1] decoded url
function unescape() end
--- Re-initializes all options previously set.
-- @treturn easy self
function reset() end
--- Pause and unpause a connection.
-- @tparam number mask set of bits that sets the new state of the connection (one of PAUSE_XXX constant)
-- @treturn easy self
function pause() end
--- End easy session
function close() end
--- Set options.
-- @tparam number|table opt one of `curl.OPT_XXX` constant or options table
-- @param ... value
-- @treturn easy self
-- @usage
-- c:setopt(curl.OPT_URL, "")
-- c:setopt(curl.OPT_READFUNCTION,
-- function(t, n) return table.remove(t) end,
-- {"1111", "2222"}
-- )
-- url = '',
-- [curl.OPT_VERBOSE] = true,
-- }
function setopt() end
--- Reset option to default value.
-- @tparam number opt one of `curl.OPT_XXX` constant or options table
-- @treturn easy self
-- @usage
-- c:unsetopt(curl.OPT_URL)
-- c:unsetopt(curl.OPT_READFUNCTION)
function unsetopt() end
--- Get information.
-- @tparam number info one of `curl.INFO_XXX` constant
-- @return value
-- @usage
-- print(c:getinfo(curl.INFO_EFFECTIVE_URL))
-- print(c:getinfo(curl.INFO_TOTAL_TIME))
-- print(c:getinfo(curl.INFO_RESPONSE_CODE))
function getinfo() end
--- Set writer function.
-- A callback accepting one or two parameters.
-- The first is the writer context if any, and the second is a string with the data to be written.
-- Function must return `true` (any non number true value) or full data length or nothing to continue operation.
-- Otherwise the transfer will be aborted with an error.
-- @tparam function writer
-- @param[opt] context writer context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_writefunction() end
--- Set writer function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_writefunction(writer.write, writer)
-- @tparam object writer
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_writefunction() end
--- Set header function.
-- A callback accepting one or two parameters.
-- The first is the writer context if any, and the second is a string with the data to be written.
-- Function must return `true` (any non number true value) or full data length or nothing to continue operation.
-- Otherwise the transfer will be aborted with an error.
-- @tparam function writer
-- @param[opt] context writer context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_headerfunction() end
--- Set header function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_headerfunction(writer.header, writer)
-- @tparam object writer
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_headerfunction() end
--- Set reader function.
-- A callback accepting one or two parameters.
-- The first is the reader context if any, and the second is the maximum amount of data to be read.
-- You can ignore second argument and pass as mach data as you need. lcurl can split data.
-- Function must return data to continue operation. To stop operation it must return empty string or nil or nothing.
-- Otherwise the transfer will be aborted with an error.
-- @tparam function reader
-- @param[opt] context reader context
-- @return[1] self
-- @usage
-- local counter = 10
-- c:setopt_readfunction(function()
-- if counter > 0 then
-- counter = counter - 1
-- return 'a'
-- end
-- end)
function setopt_readfunction() end
--- Set reader function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_readfunction(, reader)
-- @tparam object reader
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_readfunction() end
--- Set progress function.
-- A callback accepting four or five parameters.
-- The first is the reader context if any, the second is the total number
-- of bytes expected to be downloaded in this transfer,
-- the third is the number of bytes downloaded so far,
-- the fourth is the total number of bytes expected to be uploaded
-- in this transfer, and the fifth is the number of bytes uploaded so far.
-- Function must return `true` or `1` or nothing to continue operation.
-- Otherwise the transfer will be aborted with an error `ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK`.<br/>
-- !!! NOTE !!! This is differents form libcurl API. In libcurl returning a non-zero
-- value from this callback will cause libcurl to abort the transfer and return.
-- This done to be consisted with writefunction that should return `true` to continue.
-- @tparam function progress
-- @param[opt] context progress context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_progressfunction() end
--- Set progress function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_progressfunction(progress.progress, progress)
-- @tparam object progress
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_progressfunction() end
--- Set seek callback function.
-- A callback accepting two or three parameters.
-- The first is the seek context if any, the second is the `origin` value
-- same as in function from io library. Can be (`cur`, `set` and `end`).
-- The third parameter is offset or position in input stream.
-- If stream can not be seeking and need stop current transfer operation
-- function have to raise Lua error or returns `nil` and error message.
-- To indicate success function have to return any truthy value
-- In other case Function must return `true` or `1` or nothing to continue operation.
-- False value indicate that while the seek failed, libcurl is free to work
-- around the problem if possible.
-- !!! NOTE !!! This is differents form libcurl API by swapping parameters in callback.
-- It done to be compatiable with Lua io library.
-- @tparam function seek
-- @param[opt] context seek context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_seekfunction() end
--- Set seek callback function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_seekfunction(, seek)
-- @tparam object stream
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_seekfunction() end
--- Set debug callback function.
-- A callback accepting two or three parameters.
-- The first is the debug context if any, the second is the `data_type` value
-- which represent what kinde of data is passed. This value can be one of
-- The third parameter is data itself.
-- Any errors and returning values from this callback are ignored.
-- @tparam function debug
-- @param[opt] context debug context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_debugfunction() end
--- Set debug callback function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_debugfunction(debug.debug, debug)
-- @tparam object debug
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_debugfunction() end
--- Set match callback function.
-- A callback accepting two or three parameters.
-- The first is the match context if any, the second is the pattern string,
-- the third is the string to match to pattern.
-- Function must return truthy value to indicate that string match to pattern.
-- If function raise error or return nil and error message then it indicate
-- that curl should interrupt current transfer operation.
-- False value indicate that strind does not match to pattern
-- @tparam function match
-- @param[opt] context match context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_fnmatch_function() end
--- Set match callback function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_fnmatch_function(match.match, match)
-- @tparam object match
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_fnmatch_function() end
--- Set chunk begin function.
-- A callback accepting two or three parameters.
-- The first is the chunk context if any, the second is the @{curl_fileinfo} table.
-- The third parameter contains number of chunks remaining per the transfer.
-- Function must return truthy value or nothing to indicate that transfer can begin.
-- If function raise error or return nil and error message then it indicate
-- that curl should interrupt current transfer operation.
-- False value indicate that curl should skip this chunk.
-- @tparam function chunk_bgn
-- @param[opt] context chunk context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_chunk_bgn_function() end
--- Set chunk begin function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_chunk_bgn_function(context.chunk_bgn, context)
-- @tparam object context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_chunk_bgn_function() end
--- Set chunk end function.
-- A callback accepting zero or one parameter.
-- The only parameter is the chunk context if any.
-- Function must return truthy value or nothing to indicate that transfer can continue
-- otherwise it indicate that curl should interrupt current transfer operation.
-- @tparam function chunk_end
-- @param[opt] context chunk context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_chunk_end_function() end
--- Set chunk begin function.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_chunk_end_function(context.chunk_end, context)
-- @tparam object context
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_chunk_end_function() end
--- Set HTTP multipart/formdata.
-- Caller does not have to save data.
-- @tparam httpform data
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_httppost() end
--- Set HTTP multipart/formdata.
-- @tparam string data
-- @tparam[opt=#data] number length
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_postfields() end
--- Set curl share object.
-- Caller does not have to save data.
-- @tparam share data
-- @return[1] self
function setopt_share() end
--- Muli curl object
-- @type multi
--- Add Easy object.
-- Caller must ensure that easy object is alive until end of operation.
-- @treturn multi self
-- @tparam easy handle
function add_handle() end
--- Remove Easy object.
-- @tparam easy handle
-- @treturn multi self
function remove_handle() end
--- reads/writes available data from each easy handle.
-- @treturn number handles number of active easy handles
function perfom() end
--- Read multi stack informationals.
-- Note. If curl_multi_remove_handle fail then there no error occure but handle jast stay in multi handle.
-- @tparam[opt] remove remove easy handle if it done.
-- @treturn[1] number 0 there no informationals
-- @treturn[2] easy handle
-- @treturn[2] boolean true
-- @treturn[3] easy handle
-- @treturn[3] nil
-- @treturn[3] error error code
function info_read() end
--- Set options.
-- @tparam number|table opt one of `curl.OPT_MULTI_XXX` constant
-- @param ... value
-- @treturn multi self
-- @usage
-- c:setopt(curl.OPT_MULTI_MAXCONNECTS, 10)
-- c:setopt{maxconnects = 10}
function setopt() end
--- Perform socket action.
-- @tparam[opt=curl.SOCKET_TIMEOUT] number socket
-- @tparam[opt=0] number mask
-- @treturn multi self
-- @usage
-- c:socket_action()
-- c:socket_action(sock_fd, curl.CSELECT_IN)
-- c:socket_action(sock_fd, curl.CSELECT_OUT)
function socket_action() end
--- Set timer callback.
-- @tparam function timer timer callback
-- @param[opt] context timer context
-- @treturn multi self
function setopt_timerfunction() end
--- Set timer callback.
-- This call same as easy:setopt_writefunction(timer.timer, timer)
-- @tparam userdata|table timer timer object
-- @treturn multi self
function setopt_timerfunction() end
--- Polls on all easy objects in a multi object.
-- @tparam[opt] number timeout milliseconds timeout. By default it is `multi:timeout()`.
-- @treturn number number of affected objects
function wait() end
--- How long to wait for action before proceeding.
-- @treturn number timeout milliseconds timeout
function timeout() end
--- End multi session.
function close() end
--- Share curl object
-- @type share
--- Set options.
-- @tparam number|table opt one of `curl.OPT_SHARE_XXX` constant
-- @param ... value
-- @treturn share self
-- @usage
-- c:setopt(curl.OPT_SHARE_SHARE, curl.LOCK_DATA_COOKIE)
-- c:setopt{share = curl.LOCK_DATA_COOKIE}
function setopt() end
--- End share session.
function close() end