
80 lines
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# project information
project_name: minetest
project_url: ""
project_logo: ""
project_blurb: "[{{ project_name|capitalize }}]({{ project_url }}) (server) is a near-infinite-world block sandbox game and a game engine, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like."
project_lsio_github_repo_url: "{{ project_name }}"
project_blurb_optional_extras_enabled: false
# supported architectures
- { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"}
- { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"}
- { arch: "{{ arch_armhf }}", tag: "arm32v7-latest"}
# development version
development_versions: false
# container parameters
common_param_env_vars_enabled: true
param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}"
param_usage_include_net: false
param_usage_include_env: true
- { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London." }
param_usage_include_vols: true
- { vol_path: "/config/.minetest", vol_host_path: "/path/to/data", desc: "Where minetest stores config files and maps etc." }
param_usage_include_ports: true
- { external_port: "30000", internal_port: "30000/udp", port_desc: "Port Minetest listens on." }
param_device_map: false
cap_add_param: false
# optional container parameters
opt_param_usage_include_env: true
- { env_var: "CLI_ARGS", env_value: "\"--gameid minetest --port 30000\"", desc: "Optionally specify any [CLI variables]( you want to launch the app with" }
# application setup block
app_setup_block_enabled: true
app_setup_block: |
You can find the world maps, mods folder and config files in /config/.minetest.
If you want to override the advertised port, ensure you add --port in your CLI_ARGS AND ensure the internal port reflects the change, ie;
if you set your advertised port to 40000 with --port 40000 then your ports declaration should be 40000:40000/udp
Client and server must be the same version, please browse the tags here to pull the appropriate version for your server:{{ project_name }}/tags
# changelog
- { date: "06.08.22:", desc: "Update irrlicht deps."}
- { date: "02.05.22:", desc: "Allow specifying the advertised port."}
- { date: "17.03.22:", desc: "Install forked irrlicht, add zstd." }
- { date: "19.01.22:", desc: "Rebasing to alpine 3.15." }
- { date: "02.06.20:", desc: "Rebasing to alpine 3.12." }
- { date: "19.12.19:", desc: "Rebasing to alpine 3.11." }
- { date: "12.07.19:", desc: "Bugfix to support multiple CLI variables." }
- { date: "28.06.19:", desc: "Rebasing to alpine 3.10." }
- { date: "03.06.19:", desc: "Adding custom cli vars to options." }
- { date: "23.03.19:", desc: "Switching to new Base images, shift to arm32v7 tag." }
- { date: "04.03.19:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.9 to compile 5.0.0 minetest with new build args." }
- { date: "14.01.19:", desc: "Add pipeline logic and multi arch." }
- { date: "08.08.18:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.8, build from latest release tag instead of master." }
- { date: "03.01.18:", desc: "Deprecate cpu_core routine lack of scaling." }
- { date: "08.12.17:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.7." }
- { date: "30.11.17:", desc: "Use cpu core counting routine to speed up build time." }
- { date: "26.05.17:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.6." }
- { date: "14.02.17:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.5." }
- { date: "25.11.16:", desc: "Rebase to alpine linux, move to main repo." }
- { date: "27.02.16:", desc: "Bump to latest version." }
- { date: "19.02.16:", desc: "Change port to UDP, thanks to slashopt for pointing this out." }
- { date: "15.02.16:", desc: "Make minetest app a service." }
- { date: "01.02.16:", desc: "Add lua-socket dependency." }
- { date: "06.11.15:", desc: "Initial Release." }