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* Kaidan - A user-friendly XMPP client for every device!
* Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Kaidan developers and contributors
* (see the LICENSE file for a full list of copyright authors)
* Kaidan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* In addition, as a special exception, the author of Kaidan gives
* permission to link the code of its release with the OpenSSL
* project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that
* use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute the
* linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
* modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of
* the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
* do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
* Kaidan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Kaidan. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
// Qt
#include <QObject>
// Kaidan
#include "ClientWorker.h"
class QSize;
class Database;
class DataFormModel;
class RosterDb;
class MessageDb;
class QXmppClient;
* @class Kaidan Kaidan's Back-End Class
* @brief This class will initiate the complete back-end, including the @see Database
* connection, viewing models (@see MessageModel, @see RosterModel), etc.
* This class will run in the main thread, the XMPP connection and the database managers
* run in other threads.
class Kaidan : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(ClientWorker* client READ client CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(AvatarFileStorage* avatarStorage READ avatarStorage NOTIFY avatarStorageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(PresenceCache* presenceCache READ presenceCache CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(TransferCache* transferCache READ transferCache CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(ServerFeaturesCache* serverFeaturesCache READ serverFeaturesCache CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(quint8 connectionState READ connectionState NOTIFY connectionStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString connectionStateText READ connectionStateText NOTIFY connectionStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(quint8 connectionError READ connectionError NOTIFY connectionErrorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(PasswordVisibility passwordVisibility READ passwordVisibility WRITE setPasswordVisibility NOTIFY passwordVisibilityChanged)
* State which specifies in which way a password is shown on the account transfer page
enum PasswordVisibility {
PasswordVisible, ///< The password is included in the QR code and shown as plain text.
PasswordVisibleQrOnly, ///< The password is included in the QR code but not shown as plain text.
PasswordInvisible ///< The password is neither included in the QR code nor shown as plain text.
static Kaidan *instance();
* Constructs Kaidan's main object and initializes all components / threads.
* @param enableLogging true to enable logging, otherwise false
Kaidan(bool enableLogging = true, QObject *parent = nullptr);
* Returns the application window size stored in the settings file.
* @return the application window size
Q_INVOKABLE QSize applicationWindowSize() const;
* Stores the application window size in the settings file to be restored
* on the next application start.
* @param size size of the application window
Q_INVOKABLE void storeApplicationWindowSize(const QSize &size) const;
* Connects to the XMPP server and logs in to it.
* The username and password are retrieved from the settings file.
Q_INVOKABLE void logIn();
* Connects to the server and requests a data form for account registration.
Q_INVOKABLE void requestRegistrationForm();
* Logs out of the XMPP server.
* This disconnects the client from the server.
* When disconnected, the connectionStateChanged signal is emitted.
Q_INVOKABLE void logOut();
* Returns the current ConnectionState
quint8 connectionState() const
return quint8(m_connectionState);
QString connectionStateText() const;
* Returns the last connection error.
quint8 connectionError() const;
* Sets the visibility of the password on the account transfer page.
void setPasswordVisibility(PasswordVisibility passwordVisibility);
* Returns the visibility of the password on the account transfer page.
PasswordVisibility passwordVisibility() const;
ClientWorker *client() const
return m_client;
AvatarFileStorage* avatarStorage() const
return m_caches->avatarStorage;
PresenceCache* presenceCache() const
return m_caches->presCache;
TransferCache* transferCache() const
return m_caches->transferCache;
ServerFeaturesCache *serverFeaturesCache() const
return m_caches->serverFeaturesCache;
VCardCache *vCardCache() const
return m_caches->vCardCache;
Settings *settings() const
return m_caches->settings;
Database *database() const;
* Adds XMPP URI to open as soon as possible
void addOpenUri(const QString &uri);
* Connects to the server by the parsed credentials (bare JID and password) from a given XMPP URI (e.g. from scanning a QR code) like "xmpp:user@example.org?login;password=abc"
* The URI is used in the following cases.
* Login attempt (LoginByUriState::Connecting is returned):
* xmpp:user@example.org?login;password=abc
* Pre-fill of JID for opening login page (LoginByUriState::PasswordNeeded is returned):
* xmpp:user@example.org?login;password=
* xmpp:user@example.org?login;password
* xmpp:user@example.org?login;
* xmpp:user@example.org?login
* xmpp:user@example.org?
* xmpp:user@example.org
* In all other cases, LoginByUriState::InvalidLoginUri is returned.
* @param uri string which can be an XMPP login URI
* @return the state which specifies how the XMPP login URI was used
Q_INVOKABLE quint8 logInByUri(const QString &uri);
* Emitted when a data form for registration is received from the server.
* @param dataFormModel received model for the registration data form
void registrationFormReceived(DataFormModel *dataFormModel);
* Emitted when an out-of-band URL for registration is received from the
* server.
* @param outOfBandUrl URL used for out-of-band registration
void registrationOutOfBandUrlReceived(const QString &outOfBandUrl);
* Emitted to request a registration form from the server which is set as the
* currently used JID.
void registrationFormRequested();
* Emitted when the account registration failed.
* @param error received error
* @param errorMessage message describing the error
void registrationFailed(quint8 error, const QString &errorMessage);
* Emitted to log in to the server with the set credentials.
void logInRequested();
* Emitted to log out of the server.
* @param isApplicationBeingClosed true if the application will be terminated directly after logging out, false otherwise
void logOutRequested(bool isApplicationBeingClosed = false);
void avatarStorageChanged();
* Emitted, when the client's connection state has changed (e.g. when
* successfully connected or when disconnected)
void connectionStateChanged();
* Emitted when the connection error changed.
* That is the case when the client failed to connect or it succeeded to connect after an error.
void connectionErrorChanged();
* Emitted when there are no (correct) credentials and new ones are needed.
* The client will be in disconnected state when this is emitted.
void credentialsNeeded();
* Emitted when an authenticated connection to the server is established with new credentials for the first time.
* The client will be in connected state when this is emitted.
void loggedInWithNewCredentials();
* Raises the window to the foreground so that it is on top of all other windows.
void raiseWindowRequested();
* Opens the view with the roster and empty chat page.
void openChatViewRequested();
* Opens the chat page for a given chat.
* @param accountJid JID of the account for that the chat page is opened
* @param chatJid JID of the chat for that the chat page is opened
void openChatPageRequested(const QString &accountJid, const QString &chatJid);
* Emitted when the removal state of the password on the account transfer page changed.
void passwordVisibilityChanged();
* Show passive notification
void passiveNotificationRequested(QString text);
* XMPP URI received
* Is called when Kaidan was used to open an XMPP URI (i.e. 'xmpp:kaidan@muc.kaidan.im?join')
void xmppUriReceived(QString uri);
* Emitted when changing of the user's password finished succfessully.
void passwordChangeSucceeded();
* Emitted when changing the user's password failed.
* @param errorMessage message describing the error
void passwordChangeFailed(const QString &errorMessage);
* Emitted, when a contact was muted/unmuted.
void notificationsMutedChanged(const QString& jid);
* Deletes the account data from the client and server.
void deleteAccountFromClientAndServer();
* Deletes the account data from the configuration file and database.
void deleteAccountFromClient();
public slots:
* Set current connection state
void setConnectionState(Enums::ConnectionState connectionState);
* Sets a new connection error.
void setConnectionError(ClientWorker::ConnectionError error);
* Receives messages from another instance of the application
void receiveMessage(quint32, const QByteArray &msg)
// currently we only send XMPP URIs
* Returns whether notifications are enabled for the given contact.
bool notificationsMuted(const QString& jid);
* Sets the notifications to muted/unmuted.
* @param muted true if notifications should be muted
* @param jid JID of the entity for that notifications should be muted or unmuted
void setNotificationsMuted(const QString& jid, bool muted);
* Initializes the database and the corresponding thread.
void initializeDatabase();
* Initializes the caches.
void initializeCaches();
* Initializes the client worker and the corresponding thread.
* @param enableLogging true to enable logging, otherwise false
void initializeClientWorker(bool enableLogging = true);
Database *m_database;
QThread *m_dbThrd;
MessageDb *m_msgDb;
RosterDb *m_rosterDb;
QThread *m_cltThrd;
ClientWorker::Caches *m_caches;
ClientWorker *m_client;
QString m_openUriCache;
Enums::ConnectionState m_connectionState = Enums::ConnectionState::StateDisconnected;
ClientWorker::ConnectionError m_connectionError = ClientWorker::NoError;
static Kaidan *s_instance;