
73 lines
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2012-10-04 12:52:03 -07:00
local message = {
EN = {
help_description = "Commandes linked to factions",
help_info_create = "Create your faction.",
help_info_list = "Display the list of the registered factions on this server.",
help_info_invite = "The player supplied is now a member of your faction.",
help_info_disband = "Disband the faction.",
help_info_description = "Set the description with the text supplied",
help_info_set_free = "(Dis)Allows everyone to join your faction.",
help_info_info = "Display informations about the faction",
help_info_join = "You join the faction, if it exist.",
help_info_leave = "You leave your current faction.",
help_info_kick = "You kick the player from your faction.",
create_faction = "The faction '$1' has been created by $2.",
inexistant_faction = "The faction '$1' don't exist.",
existant_faction = "The faction '$1' exist already.",
delete_faction = "The faction '$1' was disbanded by $2.",
not_free_to_join = "You need to be invited by '$1' for joining them",
allow_free_join_true = "The faction $1 now allows players to freely join them",
allow_free_join_false = "The faction $1 is now a private faction.",
new_faction_description = "The faction $1 got a new description : $2",
player_join_faction = "$1 joined the faction $2",
player_quit_faction = "$1 left the faction $2",
player_invited = "$1 has been invited in the faction by $2",
player_kicked = "$1 has been kicked from the faction by $2",
self_already_in_faction = "You already belong to this faction",
already_in_faction = "$1 already belong to this faction",
already_in_another_faction = "You belong to an another faction : $1. Quit it for join a new one.",
self_no_faction = "You don't belong to a faction",
no_faction = "$1 don't belong to a faction",
missing_argument = "Missing arguments : $1",
no_faction_registered = "There is no faction registered yet.",
insufficient_privilege = "Your privileges are insufficient.",
current_faction = "Current faction : $1",
inexistant_player = "This player don't exist or is offline.",
FR = {
help_description = "Commandes liées aux factions.",
help_info_create = "Crée votre faction.",
help_info_list = "Affiche la liste des factions de ce serveur.",
help_info_invite = "Integre le joueur à votre faction.",
help_info_disband = "Dissout la faction.",
help_info_description = "Etablis la nouvelle description de votre faction",
help_info_set_free = "(Des)Autorise tout le monde à rejoindre votre faction.",
help_info_info = "Affiche des informations à propos de la faction.",
help_info_join = "Vous rejoignez la faction, si elle existe.",
help_info_leave = "Vous quittez votre faction actuelle.",
help_info_kick = "Vous expulsez ce joueur de votre faction.",
create_faction = "La faction $1 vient d'être créee par $2",
inexistant_faction = "La faction $1 n'existe pas.",
existant_faction = "La faction $1 existe déjà.",
delete_faction = "La faction $1 a été dissoute par $2.",
not_free_to_join = "Vous ne pouvez rejoindre $1 que sur invitation de leur part.",
allow_free_join_true = "La faction $1 est désormais ouverte à tous les joueurs.",
allow_free_join_false = "La faction $1 est désormais privée.",
new_faction_description = "La faction $1 a une nouvelle description : $2",
player_join_faction = "$1 vient de rejoindre la faction $2.",
player_quit_faction = "$1 vient de quitter la faction $2.",
player_invited = "$1 a été invité dans la faction par $2.",
player_kicked = "$1 a été expulsé de la faction par $2.",
self_already_in_faction = "Vous appartenez déja à cette faction.",
already_in_faction = "$1 appartient déja à cette faction.",
already_in_another_faction = "Vous appartenez déja à une autre faction : $1. Quittez la pour en rejoindre une nouvelle.",
self_no_faction = "Vous n'appartenez à aucune faction.",
no_faction = "$1 n'appartient a aucune faction.",
missing_argument = "Arguments manquant : $1.",
no_faction_registered = "Il n'existe aucune faction pour le moment.",
insufficient_privilege = "Vous ne possèdez pas les privilèges requis.",
current_faction = "Faction actuelle : $1.",
inexistant_player = "Ce joueur n'existe pas ou est non connecté.",
localisation.register_translations("factions", message)