JannisX11 b191e74071 Add Merge Vertices by Distance action
Improve mesh UV rotating, add helper lines
Select All now works for vertices, faces etc.
Add mesh submenu to edit menu
Fix texture animation timeline not always updating
Fix issue with saving project settings
Improve import support for OBJ models, closes #1009
Fix #1071 Bucket paint tool only works on 1st texture animation frame
Fix #1070 builtin/generated not a valid java item parent
Fix #1069 Cannot customize toolbars
Add titles to toolbar separators in customize dialog
2021-09-25 14:47:41 +02:00

1240 lines
38 KiB

const Painter = {
currentPixel: [-1, -1],
brushChanges: false,
current: {/*texture, image*/},
selection: {},
mirror_painting: false,
lock_alpha: false,
erase_mode: false,
edit(texture, cb, options) {
if (!options.no_undo) {
Undo.initEdit({textures: [texture], bitmap: true})
if (texture.mode === 'link') {
texture.source = 'data:image/png;base64,' + texture.getBase64()
texture.mode = 'bitmap'
texture.saved = false
var instance = Painter.current[options.method === 'jimp' ? 'image' : 'canvas']
Painter.current[options.method === 'jimp' ? 'canvas' : 'image'] = undefined
var edit_name = options.no_undo ? null : (options.edit_name || 'edit texture');
if (options.use_cache &&
texture === Painter.current.texture &&
typeof instance === 'object'
) {
if (options.method === 'jimp') {
instance = cb(instance) || instance
} else {
instance = cb(instance) || instance
if (options.no_update === true) {
if (options.method === 'jimp') {
Painter.current.image.getBase64(Jimp.MIME_PNG, function(a, dataUrl){
if (!options.no_undo) {
} else {
if (!options.no_undo) {
} else {
if (options.method === 'jimp') {
Painter.current.texture = texture'data:image/png;base64,', ''), 'base64')).then(function(image) {
image = cb(image) || image
Painter.current.image = image
image.getBase64(Jimp.MIME_PNG, function(a, dataUrl){
if (!options.no_undo) {
} else {
Painter.current.texture = texture
var c = Painter.current.canvas = Painter.getCanvas(texture)
c = cb(c) || c;
if (!options.no_undo) {
setAlphaMatrix(texture, x, y, val) {
if (!Painter.current.alpha_matrix) Painter.current.alpha_matrix = {}
var mx = Painter.current.alpha_matrix;
if (!mx[texture.uuid]) mx[texture.uuid] = {};
if (!mx[texture.uuid][x]) mx[texture.uuid][x] = {};
if (mx[texture.uuid][x][y]) {
val = Math.max(val, mx[texture.uuid][x][y])
mx[texture.uuid][x][y] = val
getAlphaMatrix(texture, x, y) {
return Painter.current.alpha_matrix
&& Painter.current.alpha_matrix[texture.uuid]
&& Painter.current.alpha_matrix[texture.uuid][x]
&& Painter.current.alpha_matrix[texture.uuid][x][y];
// Preview Brush
startPaintToolCanvas(data, e) {
if (!data.intersects && == 'color_picker') {
var preview = Preview.selected;
if (preview && preview.background && preview.background.imgtag) {
let bg_pos =' ').map(v => parseFloat(v));
let bg_size = parseFloat(;
var ctx = Painter.getCanvas(preview.background.imgtag).getContext('2d')
var pixel_ratio = preview.background.imgtag.width / bg_size;
var x = (e.offsetX - bg_pos[0]) * pixel_ratio
var y = (e.offsetY - bg_pos[1]) * pixel_ratio
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < preview.background.imgtag.width && y < preview.background.imgtag.height) {
let color = Painter.getPixelColor(ctx, x, y);
if (!data.intersects || (data.element && data.element.locked)) return;
var texture = data.element.faces[data.face].getTexture()
if (!texture || (texture.error && texture.error !== 2)) {
let offset = BarItems.slider_brush_size.get()%2 == 0 && Toolbox.selected.brushTool ? 0.5 : 0;
var x = Math.floor( data.intersects[0].uv.x * texture.img.naturalWidth + offset )
var y = Math.floor( (1-data.intersects[0].uv.y) * texture.img.naturalHeight + offset )
Painter.startPaintTool(texture, x, y, data.element.faces[data.face].uv, e, data)
if ( !== 'color_picker') {
addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', Painter.movePaintToolCanvas, false );
addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', Painter.stopPaintToolCanvas, false );
movePaintToolCanvas(event) {
var data = Canvas.raycast(event)
if (data && data.element && !data.element.locked) {
var texture = data.element.faces[data.face].getTexture()
if (texture) {
var x, y, new_face;
let offset = BarItems.slider_brush_size.get()%2 == 0 && Toolbox.selected.brushTool ? 0.5 : 0;
x = Math.floor( data.intersects[0].uv.x * texture.img.naturalWidth + offset );
y = Math.floor( (1-data.intersects[0].uv.y) * texture.img.naturalHeight + offset );
if (texture.img.naturalWidth + texture.img.naturalHeight == 0) return;
if (x === Painter.current.x && y === Painter.current.y) {
if (Painter.current.face !== data.face || Painter.current.element !== data.element) {
if ( === 'draw_shape_tool' || === 'gradient_tool') {
Painter.current.x = x
Painter.current.y = y
Painter.current.face = data.face
Painter.current.element = data.element
new_face = true
if (texture !== Painter.current.texture) {
Painter.movePaintTool(texture, x, y, event, new_face, data.element.faces[data.face].uv)
stopPaintToolCanvas() {
removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', Painter.movePaintToolCanvas, false );
removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', Painter.stopPaintToolCanvas, false );
// Paint Tool Main
startPaintTool(texture, x, y, uvTag, event, data) {
//Called directly by startPaintToolCanvas and startBrushUV
if ( === 'color_picker') {
Painter.colorPicker(texture, x, y)
} else if ( === 'draw_shape_tool' || === 'gradient_tool') {
Undo.initEdit({textures: [texture], selected_texture: true, bitmap: true});
Painter.brushChanges = false;
Painter.painting = true;
Painter.current = {
element: data && data.element,
face: data && data.face,
x, y,
clear: document.createElement('canvas'),
Painter.startPixel = [x, y];
Painter.current.clear.width = texture.width;
Painter.current.clear.height = texture.height;
Painter.current.clear.getContext('2d').drawImage(texture.img, 0, 0);
} else {
Undo.initEdit({textures: [texture], selected_texture: true, bitmap: true});
Painter.brushChanges = false;
Painter.painting = true;
if (data) {
var is_line = (event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift) && Painter.current.element == data.element && Painter.current.face == data.face
Painter.current.element = data.element;
Painter.current.face = data.face;
} else {
//uv editor
var is_line = (event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift);
if (is_line) {
Painter.drawBrushLine(texture, x, y, event, false, uvTag);
} else {
Painter.current.x = Painter.current.y = 0
Painter.useBrushlike(texture, x, y, event, uvTag)
Painter.current.x = x;
Painter.current.y = y;
movePaintTool(texture, x, y, event, new_face, uv) {
// Called directly from movePaintToolCanvas and moveBrushUV
if ( === 'draw_shape_tool') {
Painter.useShapeTool(texture, x, y, event, uv)
} else if ( === 'gradient_tool') {
Painter.useGradientTool(texture, x, y, event, uv)
} else {
Painter.drawBrushLine(texture, x, y, event, new_face, uv)
Painter.current.x = x;
Painter.current.y = y;
stopPaintTool() {
//Called directly by stopPaintToolCanvas and stopBrushUV
if (Painter.brushChanges) {
Undo.finishEdit('Paint texture');
Painter.brushChanges = false;
if ( == 'gradient_tool') {
delete Painter.current.alpha_matrix;
Painter.painting = false;
Painter.currentPixel = [-1, -1];
// Tools
setupRectFromFace(uvTag, texture) {
let rect;
let uvFactorX = texture.width / Project.texture_width;
let uvFactorY = texture.display_height / Project.texture_height;
if (uvTag) {
let anim_offset = texture.display_height * texture.currentFrame;
if (uvTag instanceof Array) {
rect = Painter.editing_area = [
uvTag[0] * uvFactorX,
uvTag[1] * uvFactorY + anim_offset,
uvTag[2] * uvFactorX,
uvTag[3] * uvFactorY + anim_offset
for (var t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
if (rect[t] > rect[t+2]) {
[rect[t], rect[t+2]] = [rect[t+2], rect[t]]
rect[t] = Math.round(rect[t])
rect[t+2] = Math.round(rect[t+2])
} else {
let min_x = Project.texture_width, min_y = Project.texture_height, max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
for (let vkey in uvTag) {
min_x = Math.min(min_x, uvTag[vkey][0]); max_x = Math.max(max_x, uvTag[vkey][0]);
min_y = Math.min(min_y, uvTag[vkey][1]); max_y = Math.max(max_y, uvTag[vkey][1]);
rect = Painter.editing_area = [
Math.floor(min_x * uvFactorX),
Math.floor(min_y * uvFactorY) + anim_offset,
Math.ceil(max_x * uvFactorX),
Math.ceil(max_y * uvFactorY) + anim_offset
} else {
rect = Painter.editing_area = [0, 0, texture.img.naturalWidth, texture.img.naturalHeight]
return rect;
useBrushlike(texture, x, y, event, uvTag, no_update, is_opposite) {
if (Painter.currentPixel[0] === x && Painter.currentPixel[1] === y) return;
Painter.currentPixel = [x, y]
Painter.brushChanges = true;
let uvFactorX = texture.width / Project.texture_width;
let uvFactorY = texture.display_height / Project.texture_height;
if (Painter.mirror_painting && !is_opposite) {
Painter.runMirrorBrush(texture, x, y, event, uvTag);
texture.edit(function(canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
let rect = Painter.setupRectFromFace(uvTag, texture);
var [w, h] = [rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]]
ctx.rect(rect[0], rect[1], w, h)
if ( === 'fill_tool') {
Painter.useFilltool(texture, ctx, x, y, { rect, uvFactorX, uvFactorY, w, h })
} else {
Painter.useBrush(texture, ctx, x, y, event)
Painter.editing_area = undefined;
}, {no_undo: true, use_cache: true, no_update});
useBrush(texture, ctx, x, y, event) {
var color = tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).toRgb();
var size = BarItems.slider_brush_size.get();
let softness = BarItems.slider_brush_softness.get()/100;
let b_opacity = BarItems.slider_brush_opacity.get()/100;
let tool =;
if (event.touches && event.touches[0] && event.touches[0].touchType == 'stylus' && event.touches[0].force) {
// Stylus
var touch = event.touches[0];
if (touch.force == 1) touch.force == Painter.current.force || 0;
Painter.current.force = touch.force;
if (settings.brush_opacity_modifier.value == 'pressure' && touch.force) {
b_opacity = Math.clamp(b_opacity * Math.clamp(touch.force*1.25, 0, 1), 0, 100);
} else if (settings.brush_opacity_modifier.value == 'tilt' && touch.altitudeAngle !== undefined) {
var modifier = Math.clamp(0.5 / (touch.altitudeAngle + 0.3), 0, 1);
b_opacity = Math.clamp(b_opacity * modifier, 0, 100);
if (settings.brush_size_modifier.value == 'pressure' && touch.force) {
size = Math.clamp(touch.force * size * 2, 1, 20);
} else if (settings.brush_size_modifier.value == 'tilt' && touch.altitudeAngle !== undefined) {
size *= Math.clamp(1.5 / (touch.altitudeAngle + 0.3), 1, 4);
if (tool === 'brush_tool') {
Painter.editCircle(ctx, x, y, size, softness, function(pxcolor, opacity, px, py) {
var a = b_opacity * opacity;
var before = Painter.getAlphaMatrix(texture, px, py)
Painter.setAlphaMatrix(texture, px, py, a);
if (a > before) {
a = (a - before) / (1 - before);
} else if (before) {
a = 0;
var result_color = Painter.combineColors(pxcolor, color, a);
if (Painter.lock_alpha) result_color.a = pxcolor.a
return result_color;
} else if (tool === 'eraser') {
Painter.editCircle(ctx, x, y, size, softness, function(pxcolor, opacity, px, py) {
if (Painter.lock_alpha) return pxcolor;
var a = b_opacity * opacity;
var before = Painter.getAlphaMatrix(texture, px, py)
Painter.setAlphaMatrix(texture, px, py, a);
if (a > before) {
a = (a - before) / (1 - before);
} else if (before) {
a = 0;
pxcolor.a = Math.clamp(pxcolor.a * (1-a), 0, 1);
return pxcolor;
useFilltool(texture, ctx, x, y, area) {
var color = tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).toRgb();
let b_opacity = BarItems.slider_brush_opacity.get()/100;
var fill_mode = BarItems.fill_mode.get()
var element = Painter.current.element;
let {rect, uvFactorX, uvFactorY, w, h} = area;
if (Painter.erase_mode && (fill_mode === 'element' || fill_mode === 'face')) {
ctx.globalAlpha = b_opacity;
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).setAlpha(b_opacity).toRgbString();
if (element instanceof Cube && fill_mode === 'element') {
for (var face in element.faces) {
var tag = element.faces[face]
if (tag.getTexture() === texture) {
var face_rect = getRectangle(
Math.floor(tag.uv[0] * uvFactorX),
Math.floor(tag.uv[1] * uvFactorY),
Math.ceil(tag.uv[2] * uvFactorX),
Math.ceil(tag.uv[3] * uvFactorY)
let animation_offset = texture.currentFrame * texture.display_height;
ctx.rect(, face_rect.ay + animation_offset, face_rect.x, face_rect.y)
} else if (element instanceof Mesh && fill_mode === 'element') {
for (var fkey in element.faces) {
var face = element.faces[fkey];
if (face.vertices.length <= 2 || face.getTexture() !== texture) continue;
let min_x = Project.texture_width;
let min_y = Project.texture_height;
let max_x = 0;
let max_y = 0;
face.vertices.forEach(vkey => {
if (!face.uv[vkey]) return;
min_x = Math.min(min_x, face.uv[vkey][0]);
min_y = Math.min(min_y, face.uv[vkey][1]);
max_x = Math.max(max_x, face.uv[vkey][0]);
max_y = Math.max(max_y, face.uv[vkey][1]);
Math.floor(min_x) * uvFactorX,
Math.floor(min_y) * uvFactorY,
(Math.ceil(max_x) - Math.floor(min_x)) * uvFactorX,
(Math.ceil(max_y) - Math.floor(min_y)) * uvFactorY,
} else if (fill_mode === 'face') {
} else {
var pxcol = [];
var map = {}
Painter.scanCanvas(ctx, x, y, 1, 1, (x, y, px) => {
px.forEach((val, i) => {
pxcol[i] = val
Painter.scanCanvas(ctx, rect[0], rect[1], w, h, (x, y, px) => {
if (pxcol.equals(px)) {
if (!map[x]) map[x] = {}
map[x][y] = true
var scan_value = true;
if (fill_mode === 'color_connected') {
function checkPx(x, y) {
if (map[x] && map[x][y]) {
map[x][y] = false;
checkPx(x+1, y)
checkPx(x-1, y)
checkPx(x, y+1)
checkPx(x, y-1)
checkPx(x, y)
scan_value = false;
Painter.scanCanvas(ctx, rect[0], rect[1], w, h, (x, y, px) => {
if (map[x] && map[x][y] === scan_value) {
var pxcolor = {
r: px[0],
g: px[1],
b: px[2],
a: px[3]/255
var result_color = pxcolor;
if (!Painter.erase_mode) {
result_color = Painter.combineColors(pxcolor, color, b_opacity);
} else if (!Painter.lock_alpha) {
if (b_opacity == 1) {
result_color.r = result_color.g = result_color.b = result_color.a = 0;
} else {
result_color.a = Math.clamp(result_color.a * (1-b_opacity), 0, 1);
px[0] = result_color.r
px[1] = result_color.g
px[2] = result_color.b
if (!Painter.lock_alpha) px[3] = result_color.a*255
ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
runMirrorBrush(texture, x, y, event, uvTag) {
if (uvTag && Painter.current.element) {
let mirror_element = Painter.getMirrorCube(Painter.current.element);
let even_brush_size = BarItems.slider_brush_size.get()%2 == 0 && Toolbox.selected.brushTool;
if (mirror_element instanceof Cube) {
let uvFactorX = 1 / Project.texture_width * texture.img.naturalWidth;
let uvFactorY = 1 / Project.texture_height * texture.img.naturalHeight;
let face = Painter.current.face;
let side_face = (face === 'west' || face === 'east')
if (side_face) face = CubeFace.opposite[face];
face = mirror_element.faces[face];
if (side_face &&
uvTag[1] === face.uv[1] && uvTag[3] === face.uv[3] &&
Math.min(uvTag[0], uvTag[2]) === Math.min(face.uv[0], face.uv[2])
//same face
) return;
//calculate original point
var point_on_uv = [
x - Math.min(uvTag[0], uvTag[2]) * uvFactorX,
y - Math.min(uvTag[1], uvTag[3]) * uvFactorY,
//calculate new point
if (face.uv[0] > face.uv[0+2] == uvTag[0] > uvTag[0+2]) {
point_on_uv[0] = Math.max(face.uv[0], face.uv[0+2]) * uvFactorX - point_on_uv[0] - 1;
if (even_brush_size) point_on_uv[0] += 1
} else {
point_on_uv[0] = Math.min(face.uv[0], face.uv[0+2]) * uvFactorX + point_on_uv[0];
if (face.uv[1] > face.uv[1+2] == uvTag[1] > uvTag[1+2]) {
point_on_uv[1] = Math.min(face.uv[1], face.uv[1+2]) * uvFactorY + point_on_uv[1];
} else {
point_on_uv[1] = Math.max(face.uv[1], face.uv[1+2]) * uvFactorY - point_on_uv[1] - 1;
let cube = Painter.current.element;
Painter.current.element = mirror_element;
Painter.useBrushlike(texture, ...point_on_uv, event, face.uv, true, true);
Painter.current.element = cube;
} else if (mirror_element instanceof Mesh) {
let mesh = mirror_element;
let clicked_face = mesh.faces[Painter.current.face];
let normal = clicked_face.getNormal(true);
let center = clicked_face.getCenter();
let e = 0.01;
let face;
for (let fkey in mesh.faces) {
let normal2 = mesh.faces[fkey].getNormal(true);
let center2 = mesh.faces[fkey].getCenter();
if (
Math.epsilon(normal[0], -normal2[0], e) && Math.epsilon(normal[1], normal2[1], e) && Math.epsilon(normal[2], normal2[2], e) &&
Math.epsilon(center[0], -center2[0], e) && Math.epsilon(center[1], center2[1], e) && Math.epsilon(center[2], center2[2], e)
) {
face = mesh.faces[fkey];
if (!face) return;
if (!even_brush_size) {
x += 0.5; y += 0.5;
let world_coord = mesh.mesh.localToWorld(clicked_face.UVToLocal([x, y]));
world_coord.x *= -1;
let point_on_uv = face.localToUV(world_coord);
if (even_brush_size) {
point_on_uv = => Math.round(v))
} else {
point_on_uv = => Math.floor(v))
console.log([x, y], point_on_uv)
let old_mesh = Painter.current.element;
Painter.current.element = mesh;
Painter.useBrushlike(texture, ...point_on_uv, event, face.uv, true, true);
Painter.current.element = old_mesh;
drawBrushLine(texture, end_x, end_y, event, new_face, uv) {
var start_x = (Painter.current.x == undefined ? end_x : Painter.current.x);
var start_y = (Painter.current.y == undefined ? end_y : Painter.current.y);
var diff_x = end_x - start_x;
var diff_y = end_y - start_y;
var length = Math.sqrt(diff_x*diff_x + diff_y*diff_y)
if (new_face && !length) {
length = 1
var i = 1;
var x, y;
while (i <= length) {
x = Math.round(start_x + diff_x / length * i)
y = Math.round(start_y + diff_y / length * i)
Painter.useBrushlike(texture, x, y, event, uv, i < length-1);
useShapeTool(texture, x, y, event, uvTag) {
Painter.brushChanges = true;
texture.edit(function(canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(Painter.current.clear, 0, 0)
let color = tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).toRgb();
let b_opacity = BarItems.slider_brush_opacity.get()/100;
var width = BarItems.slider_brush_size.get();
let shape = BarItems.draw_shape_type.get();
let hollow = shape.substr(-1) == 'h';
shape = shape.replace(/_h$/, '');
var rect = Painter.setupRectFromFace(uvTag, texture);
var [w, h] = [rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]]
let diff_x = x - Painter.startPixel[0];
let diff_y = y - Painter.startPixel[1];
if (event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift) {
let clamp = Math.floor((Math.abs(diff_x) + Math.abs(diff_y))/2);
diff_x = diff_x>0 ? clamp : -clamp;
diff_y = diff_y>0 ? clamp : -clamp;
if (Painter.erase_mode) {
ctx.globalAlpha = b_opacity;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'
if (shape === 'rectangle') {
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).setAlpha(b_opacity).toRgbString();
ctx.lineWidth = width;
var rect = getRectangle(Painter.startPixel[0], Painter.startPixel[1], Painter.startPixel[0]+diff_x, Painter.startPixel[1]+diff_y);
if (hollow) {
ctx.rect( ? 0.5 : 1), rect.ay+(width%2 ? 0.5 : 1), rect.x, rect.y);
} else {
ctx.rect(, rect.ay, rect.x+1, rect.y+1);
} else if (shape === 'ellipse') {
Painter.modifyCanvasSection(ctx, rect[0], rect[1], w, h, (changePixel) => {
//changePixel(0, 0, editPx)
function editPx(pxcolor) {
if (!Painter.erase_mode) {
return Painter.combineColors(pxcolor, color, b_opacity);
} else {
if (b_opacity == 1) {
pxcolor.r = pxcolor.g = pxcolor.b = pxcolor.a = 0;
} else {
pxcolor.a = Math.clamp(pxcolor.a * (1-b_opacity), 0, 1);
return pxcolor;
if (hollow) {
let r_min = Math.trunc(-width/2);
let r_max = Math.ceil(width/2);
for (var diff_x_m = diff_x+r_min; diff_x_m < diff_x+r_max; diff_x_m++) {
for (var diff_y_m = diff_y+r_min; diff_y_m < diff_y+r_max; diff_y_m++) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(diff_x_m); i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Painter.startPixel[0] + (j<2?1:-1) * i,
Painter.startPixel[1] + (j%2?1:-1) * Math.round(Math.cos(Math.asin(i / Math.abs(diff_x_m))) * diff_y_m),
for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(diff_y_m); i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Painter.startPixel[0] + (j<2?1:-1) * Math.round(Math.sin(Math.acos(i / Math.abs(diff_y_m))) * diff_x_m),
Painter.startPixel[1] + (j%2?1:-1) * i,
} else {
diff_x = Math.clamp(diff_x, -64, 64);
diff_y = Math.clamp(diff_y, -64, 64);
for (var i = 0; i <= Math.abs(diff_x); i++) {
let radius = Math.round(Math.cos(Math.asin(i / Math.abs(diff_x))) * Math.abs(diff_y))
for (var k = 0; k <= radius; k++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Painter.startPixel[0] + (j<2?1:-1) * i,
Painter.startPixel[1] + (j%2?1:-1) * k,
for (var i = 0; i <= Math.abs(diff_y); i++) {
let radius = Math.round(Math.sin(Math.acos(i / Math.abs(diff_y))) * Math.abs(diff_x))
for (var k = 0; k <= radius; k++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Painter.startPixel[0] + (j<2?1:-1) * k,
Painter.startPixel[1] + (j%2?1:-1) * i,
//Painter.editing_area = undefined;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
}, {no_undo: true, use_cache: true});
useGradientTool(texture, x, y, event, uvTag) {
Painter.brushChanges = true;
texture.edit(function(canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(Painter.current.clear, 0, 0)
let b_opacity = BarItems.slider_brush_opacity.get()/100;
let rect = Painter.setupRectFromFace(uvTag, texture);
var [w, h] = [rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]];
let diff_x = x - Painter.startPixel[0];
let diff_y = y - Painter.startPixel[1];
if (event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift) {
let length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(diff_x, 2) + Math.pow(diff_y, 2));
let ratio = Math.abs(diff_x) / Math.abs(diff_y);
if (ratio < 0.25) {
ratio = 0;
diff_x = 0;
diff_y = length;
} else if (ratio < 0.75) {
ratio = 0.5;
diff_x = Math.round(length / 2.2361);
diff_y = diff_x * 2;
} else if (ratio < 1.5) {
ratio = 1;
diff_x = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(length, 2) / 2));
diff_y = diff_x;
} else if (ratio < 3) {
ratio = 2;
diff_y = Math.round(length / 2.2361);
diff_x = diff_y * 2;
} else {
ratio = Infinity;
diff_x = length;
diff_y = 0;
x = Painter.startPixel[0] + diff_x * Math.sign(x - Painter.startPixel[0]);
y = Painter.startPixel[1] + diff_y * Math.sign(y - Painter.startPixel[1]);
let gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(Painter.startPixel[0], Painter.startPixel[1], x, y);
gradient.addColorStop(0, tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).setAlpha(b_opacity).toRgbString());
gradient.addColorStop(1, tinycolor(ColorPanel.get()).setAlpha(0).toRgbString());
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.rect(rect[0], rect[1], w, h);
let degrees = Math.round(Math.radToDeg(Math.atan2(diff_x, diff_y)) * 4) / 4;
Blockbench.setStatusBarText(`${Math.round(diff_x)} x ${Math.round(diff_y)}, ${degrees}°`);
}, {no_undo: true, use_cache: true});
colorPicker(texture, x, y) {
var ctx = Painter.getCanvas(texture).getContext('2d')
let color = Painter.getPixelColor(ctx, x, y);
// Util
combineColors(base, added, opacity) {
if (Math.isNumber(base)) base = Jimp.intToRGBA(base)
if (Math.isNumber(added)) added = Jimp.intToRGBA(added)
if (added.a*opacity == 1) return added
var original_a = added.a
added.a = added.a*opacity
var mix = {};
mix.a = limitNumber(1 - (1 - added.a) * (1 - base.a), 0, 1); // alpha
mix.r = Math.round((added.r * added.a / mix.a) + (base.r * base.a * (1 - added.a) / mix.a)); // red
mix.g = Math.round((added.g * added.a / mix.a) + (base.g * base.a * (1 - added.a) / mix.a)); // green
mix.b = Math.round((added.b * added.a / mix.a) + (base.b * base.a * (1 - added.a) / mix.a)); // blue
added.a = original_a
return mix;
getMirrorCube(element) {
let center = Format.centered_grid ? 0 : 8;
let e = 0.002
if (element instanceof Cube) {
if (element.from[0]-center ===[0] && !element.rotation[1] && !element.rotation[2]) {
return element;
} else {
for (var element2 of Cube.all) {
if (
element.inflate === element2.inflate &&
Math.epsilon(element.from[2], element2.from[2], e) && Math.epsilon([2],[2], e) &&
Math.epsilon(element.from[1], element2.from[1], e) && Math.epsilon([1],[1], e) &&
Math.epsilon(element.size(0), element2.size(0), e) && Math.epsilon([0]-center, center-element2.from[0], e)
) {
return element2;
return false;
} else if (element instanceof Mesh) {
if (element instanceof Mesh && element.origin[0] === center && !element.rotation[1] && !element.rotation[2]) {
return element;
} else {
for (var element2 of Mesh.all) {
if (Object.keys(element.vertices).length !== Object.keys(element2.vertices).length) continue;
return element2;
return element;
updateNslideValues() {
getCanvas(texture) {
var c = document.createElement('canvas')
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
c.width = texture.width;
c.height = texture.height;
ctx.drawImage(texture instanceof Texture ? texture.img : texture, 0, 0)
return c;
scanCanvas(ctx, x, y, w, h, cb) {
var arr = ctx.getImageData(x, y, w, h)
for (var i = 0; i <; i += 4) {
var pixel =, i+4)
var px = x + (i/4) % w
var py = y + Math.floor((i/4) / w)
if (px >= ctx.canvas.width || px < 0 || py >= ctx.canvas.height || py < 0) continue;
pixel = cb(px, py, pixel)||pixel
pixel.forEach((p, pi) => {[i+pi] = p
ctx.putImageData(arr, x, y)
getPixelColor(ctx, x, y) {
var {data} = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1)
return new tinycolor({
r: data[0],
g: data[1],
b: data[2],
a: data[3]/256
modifyCanvasSection(ctx, x, y, w, h, cb) {
var arr = ctx.getImageData(x, y, w, h)
var processed = [];
cb((px, py, editPx) => {
px = Math.floor(px)-x;
py = Math.floor(py)-y;
if (px < 0 || px >= w) return;
if (py < 0 || py >= h) return;
let start = (px + py*w) * 4;
if (processed.includes(start)) return;
var result_color = editPx({
})[start+0] = result_color.r[start+1] = result_color.g[start+2] = result_color.b[start+3] = result_color.a*255
ctx.putImageData(arr, x, y)
drawRectangle(image, color, rect) {
var color = Jimp.intToRGBA(color)
image.scan(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, function (x, y, idx) {[idx + 0] = color.r[idx + 1] = color.g[idx + 2] = color.b[idx + 3] = color.a
editCircle(ctx, x, y, r, s, editPx) {
r = Math.round(r+1)/2
Painter.scanCanvas(ctx, x-Math.ceil(r)-2, y-Math.ceil(r)-2, 2*r+3, 2*r+3, function (px, py, pixel) {
if (
settings.paint_side_restrict.value &&
Painter.editing_area &&
typeof Painter.editing_area === 'object' &&
px+0.02 < Math.floor(Painter.editing_area[0]) ||
py+0.02 < Math.floor(Painter.editing_area[1]) ||
px+0.02 >= Painter.editing_area[2] ||
py+0.02 >= Painter.editing_area[3]
) {
px -= x - r%1;
py -= y - r%1;
var distance = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py)
if (s*r != 0) {
var pos_on_gradient = (distance-(1-s)*r) / (s*r)
} else {
var pos_on_gradient = Math.floor((distance*1.2)/r)
var opacity = limitNumber(1-pos_on_gradient, 0, 1)
if (opacity > 0) {
var result_color = editPx({
r: pixel[0],
g: pixel[1],
b: pixel[2],
a: pixel[3]/255
}, opacity, px+x, py+y)
pixel[0] = result_color.r
pixel[1] = result_color.g
pixel[2] = result_color.b
pixel[3] = result_color.a*255
drawRotatedRectangle(image, color, rect, cx, cy, angle) {
var color = Jimp.intToRGBA(color)
var sin = Math.sin(-Math.degToRad(angle))
var cos = Math.cos(-Math.degToRad(angle))
function rotatePoint(px, py) {
px -= cx
py -= cy
return {
x: (px * cos - py * sin) + cx,
y: (px * sin + py * cos) + cy
image.scan(0, 0, 48, 48, function (px, py, idx) {
var rotated = rotatePoint(px, py)
if (
rotated.x > rect.x-1 && rotated.x < rect.x + rect.w+2 &&
rotated.y > rect.y-1 && rotated.y < rect.y + rect.h+2
) {
var opacity = limitNumber(rect.x - rotated.x, 0, 1) +
limitNumber(rotated.x - (rect.x + rect.w), 0, 1) +
limitNumber(rect.y - rotated.y, 0, 1) +
limitNumber(rotated.y - (rect.y + rect.h), 0, 1)
opacity = 1-limitNumber(opacity*1.61, 0, 1)
if ([idx + 3]) {
opacity = 1
}[idx + 0] = color.r[idx + 1] = color.g[idx + 2] = color.b[idx + 3] = color.a*opacity
BARS.defineActions(function() {
new Tool('brush_tool', {
icon: 'fa-paint-brush',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
brushTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
keybind: new Keybind({key: 'b'}),
modes: ['paint'],
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('fill_tool', {
icon: 'format_color_fill',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('eraser', {
icon: 'fa-eraser',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
cursor: 'crosshair',
paintTool: true,
brushTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
keybind: new Keybind({key: 'e'}),
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('color_picker', {
icon: 'colorize',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('draw_shape_tool', {
icon: 'fas.fa-shapes',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
condition: {modes: ['paint']},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 'u'}),
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('gradient_tool', {
icon: 'gradient',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
condition: {modes: ['paint']},
//keybind: new Keybind({key: 'u'}),
onCanvasClick: function(data) {
Painter.startPaintToolCanvas(data, data.event)
onSelect: function() {
new Tool('copy_paste_tool', {
icon: 'fa-vector-square',
category: 'tools',
toolbar: 'brush',
alt_tool: 'color_picker',
cursor: 'crosshair',
selectFace: true,
transformerMode: 'hidden',
paintTool: true,
allowed_view_modes: ['textured'],
modes: ['paint'],
condition: {modes: ['paint']},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 'm'}),
onCanvasClick() {
new BarSelect('draw_shape_type', {
category: 'paint',
condition: () => Toolbox && === 'draw_shape_tool',
onChange() {
icon_mode: true,
options: {
rectangle: {name: true, icon: 'fas.fa-square'},
rectangle_h: {name: true, icon: 'far.fa-square'},
ellipse: {name: true, icon: 'circle'},
ellipse_h: {name: true, icon: 'radio_button_unchecked'},
new BarSelect('fill_mode', {
category: 'paint',
condition: () => Toolbox && === 'fill_tool',
options: {
face: true,
element: true,
color_connected: true,
color: true,
new Toggle('mirror_painting', {
icon: 'flip',
category: 'paint',
condition: () => Modes.paint,
onChange: function (value) {
Painter.mirror_painting = value;
if (value) {
let size = 16*16;
var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(size, 16*2, gizmo_colors.outline);
grid.rotation.z = Math.PI/2;
grid.position.y = size/2;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
new Toggle('color_erase_mode', {
icon: 'remove_circle',
category: 'paint',
condition: {
tools: ['fill_tool', 'draw_shape_tool']
onChange: function (value) {
Painter.erase_mode = value;
new Toggle('lock_alpha', {
icon: 'fas.fa-chess-board',
category: 'paint',
condition: () => Modes.paint,
onChange: function () {
Painter.lock_alpha = !Painter.lock_alpha;
new Toggle('painting_grid', {
icon: 'grid_on',
category: 'view',
condition: () => Modes.paint,
keybind: new Keybind({key: 'g'}),
linked_setting: 'painting_grid'
new NumSlider('slider_brush_size', {
condition: () => (Toolbox && ['brush_tool', 'eraser', 'draw_shape_tool'].includes(,
tool_setting: 'brush_size',
category: 'paint',
settings: {
min: 1, max: 50, interval: 1, default: 1,
new NumSlider('slider_brush_softness', {
category: 'paint',
condition: () => (Toolbox && ['brush_tool', 'eraser'].includes(,
tool_setting: 'brush_softness',
settings: {
min: 0, max: 100, default: 0,
show_bar: true,
interval: function(event) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlOrCmd) {
return 0.25;
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
return 5;
} else if (event.ctrlOrCmd) {
return 1;
} else {
return 10;
new NumSlider('slider_brush_opacity', {
category: 'paint',
condition: () => (Toolbox && ['brush_tool', 'eraser', 'fill_tool', 'draw_shape_tool', 'gradient_tool'].includes(,
tool_setting: 'brush_opacity',
settings: {
min: 0, max: 100, default: 100,
show_bar: true,
interval: function(event) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlOrCmd) {
return 0.25;
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
return 5;
} else if (event.ctrlOrCmd) {
return 1;
} else {
return 10;