Uppercase informational markdown filenames (README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md, etc.) are simply the standard.
Yet Another Gamification Application
To Do
Use ranks to use role rewardsFigure out how to reduce the width of popupsFixed leaderboard module to support time windowsDocumentFinish inline ToDosMove badge count to user table columnTranslate every static stringCreate a badgeaward modelFix all badges page query to be rightFinish rank promotion screenAllow ranks to be permanent (don't auto promote)Rule criteria form helpAdd pager to badge settings screenConfigure guards on all reactions, badges, and ranks specific codeCreate/find reusable badge imagesAdd validation of rule criteriaRefactor reaction CSSRefactor all models to get rid of uneeded/duplicate methods
Planned Features
- Stats page on the yaga settings page
- Import/Export badges/reactions/ranks
- Best Of... Controller
- Best Of... Profile filter
- Save form inputs to cache as well as the elements in admin.badges.js
- Rework badge settings page to streamline badges of the same rule type
- Implement moving of reactions to other action IDs on delete (much like categories right now)
- Aggregate Rule Support
- Add rules vino suggested (DiscussionPageLength, DiscussionBodyLength, PostReactionCount, PostReactionComboCount, CakeDay, Necroposting, ComboDateTimes)
- Fix reaction method on profile page to show more than one page of discussion/comments ** Also show the reaction record