
162 lines
5.8 KiB

<?php if(!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
/* Copyright 2013 Zachary Doll */
* Manage actions that are available for reactions
* @since 1.0
* @package Yaga
class ActionController extends DashboardController {
* @var array These objects will be created on instantiation and available via
* $this->ObjectName
public $Uses = array('Form', 'ActionModel');
* Make this look like a dashboard page and add the resources
* @since 1.0
* @access public
public function Initialize() {
if($this->Menu) {
* Manage the available actions for reactions
* @param int $Page
public function Settings($Page = '') {
$this->Title('Manage Reactions');
// Get list of actions from the model and pass to the view
$this->SetData('Actions', $this->ActionModel->GetActions());
* Edit an existing action or add a new one
* @param int $ActionID
public function Edit($ActionID = NULL) {
$Edit = FALSE;
$this->Title('Add Action');
if($ActionID) {
$this->Action = $this->ActionModel->GetAction($ActionID);
$this->Form->AddHidden('ActionID', $ActionID);
$Edit = TRUE;
$this->Title('Edit Action');
// TODO: Autoload these, or something
$this->SetData('Icons', array('Happy', 'Happy2', 'Smiley', 'Smiley2', 'Tongue', 'Tongue2', 'Sad', 'Sad2', 'Wink', 'Wink2', 'Grin', 'Shocked', 'Confused', 'Confused2', 'Neutral', 'Neutral2', 'Wondering', 'Wondering2', 'PointUp', 'PointRight', 'PointDown', 'PointLeft', 'ThumbsUp', 'ThumbsUp2', 'Shocked2', 'Evil', 'Evil2', 'Angry', 'Angry2', 'Heart', 'Heart2', 'HeartBroken', 'Star', 'Star2', 'Grin2', 'Cool', 'Cool2', 'Question', 'Notification', 'Warning', 'Spam', 'Blocked', 'Eye', 'Eye2', 'EyeBlocked', 'Flag', 'BrightnessMedium', 'QuotesLeft', 'Music', 'Pacman', 'Bullhorn', 'Rocket', 'Fire', 'Hammer', 'Target', 'Lightning', 'Shield', 'CheckmarkCircle', 'Lab', 'Leaf', 'Dashboard', 'Droplet', 'Feed', 'Support', 'Hammer2', 'Wand', 'Cog', 'Gift', 'Trophy', 'Magnet', 'Switch', 'Globe', 'Bookmark', 'Bookmarks', 'Star3', 'Info', 'Info2', 'CancelCircle', 'Checkmark', 'Close'));
// Load up all permissions
$PermissionModel = new PermissionModel();
$Permissions = $PermissionModel->PermissionColumns();
$PermissionKeys = array_keys($Permissions);
$PermissionList = array_combine($PermissionKeys, $PermissionKeys);
$this->SetData('Permissions', $PermissionList);
if($this->Form->IsPostBack() == FALSE) {
if(property_exists($this, 'Action')) {
else {
$this->Form->SetData(array('Permission' => 'Yaga.Reactions.Add'));
else {
if($this->Form->Save()) {
if($Edit) {
$Action = $this->ActionModel->GetAction($this->Form->GetFormValue('ActionID'));
else {
$Action = $this->ActionModel->GetNewestAction();
$NewActionRow = Wrap(
Anchor(T('Edit'), 'yaga/action/edit/' . $Action->ActionID, array('class' => 'Popup SmallButton')) . Anchor(T('Delete'), 'yaga/action/delete/' . $Action->ActionID, array('class' => 'Hijack SmallButton')), 'div', array('class' => 'Tools')) .
Wrap($Action->Name, 'h4') .
Wrap($Action->Description, 'span') . ' ' .
Wrap(Plural($Action->AwardValue, '%s Point', '%s Points'), 'span'), 'div', array('class' => 'Meta')) .
Wrap('&nbsp;', 'span', array('class' => 'ReactSprite React-' . $Action->ActionID . ' ' . $Action->CssClass)) .
WrapIf(rand(0, 18), 'span', array('class' => 'Count')) .
Wrap($Action->Name, 'span', array('class' => 'ReactLabel')), 'div', array('class' => 'Preview Reactions')), 'div', array('class' => 'Action')), 'li', array('id' => 'Action_' . $Action->ActionID));
if($Edit) {
$this->JsonTarget('#Action_' . $this->Action->ActionID, $NewActionRow, 'ReplaceWith');
$this->InformMessage('Action updated successfully!');
else {
$this->JsonTarget('#Actions', $NewActionRow, 'Append');
$this->InformMessage('Action added successfully!');
* Convenience function for nice URLs
public function Add() {
* Remove the action via model.
* @todo Consider adding a confirmation page when not using JS
* @param int $ActionID
public function Delete($ActionID) {
public function Sort() {
// Check permission
// Set delivery type to true/false
$TransientKey = GetIncomingValue('TransientKey');
if (Gdn::Request()->IsPostBack()) {
$SortArray = GetValue('SortArray', $_POST);
$Saves = $this->ActionModel->SaveSort($SortArray);
$this->SetData('Result', TRUE);
$this->SetData('Saves', $Saves);
// Renders true/false rather than template