random_messages: recommend fern tubers instead of apples, also add a hightlight to the sprint hint

Milan 2018-01-01 22:32:51 +01:00
parent ff9c75e5a8
commit fb6c2804b4
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ function random_messages.read_messages()
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Chat together! Even from outside the game! Join our connected Illuna IRC room: ")..mc(highlight, "#illuna")..mc(base," on ")..mc(highlight, "Freenode"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Chat together! Even from outside the game! Join our connected ")..mc(highlight, "Telegram")..mc(base," Group: ")..mc(url,"https://t.me/illunaminetest"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: To talk to only your team, start your messages with /t. For example, /t Hello team!"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Eat apples to restore health quickly."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Steel swords do more damage than guns, but you need to be up close."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Eat ")..mc(highlight, "fern tubers ")..mc(base, "to restore health quickly."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Mithril swords do more damage than guns, but you need to be up close."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Gain more score by killing more than you die, or by capturing the flag."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: You gain more score the better the opponent you defeat."),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Be faster! Hold E to sprint!"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Be faster! Hold ")..mc(hightlight, "E")..mc(base, " to sprint!"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Ferns do drop useful food!"),
mc(base, "# Illuna-Notes: Did you know? Illuna is powered by donations, you can help letting it survive: ")..mc(url,"https://illuna.rocks/donate")..mc(base,". Each single microdonation helps a bunch. :3"),