simple encryption for secret stuff - make your programs secret so other players dont steal them and more

This commit is contained in:
rnd1 2017-07-18 14:15:53 +02:00
parent 5d6e7326b6
commit 6b955f9d63
2 changed files with 130 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -609,6 +609,9 @@ basic_robot.commands.keyboard = {
set = function(data,pos,type)
local owner = data.owner;
local spos = data.spawnpos;
local dist = math.max(math.abs(spos.x-pos.x),math.abs(spos.y-pos.y),math.abs(spos.z-pos.z));
if dist>10 then return false end
if minetest.is_protected(pos,owner) then return false end -- with fast protect checks this shouldnt be problem!
local nodename;
@ -966,4 +969,116 @@ basic_robot.commands.machine = {
return true
-- rnd 2017
-- nonlinear block stream cypher encryption with scrambling
local scramble = function(input,password,sgn) -- permutes text randomly, nice after touch to stream cypher to prevent block analysis
local n = #input;
local permute = {}
for i = 1, n do permute[i] = i end --input:sub(i, i)
for i = n,2,-1 do
local j = math.random(i-1);
local tmp = permute[j];
permute[j] = permute[i]; permute[i] = tmp;
local out = {};
if sgn>0 then -- unscramble
for i = 1,n do out[permute[i]] = string.sub(input,i,i) end
else -- scramble
for i = 1,n do out[i] = string.sub(input,permute[i],permute[i]) end
return table.concat(out,"")
local scramble_test = function()
local text = "testing scrambling 1 2 3";
local enc = scramble(text,10,1); -- scramble
local dec = scramble(enc,10,-1); -- descramble
say("SCRAMBLED--> ".. enc .. " DESCRAMBLED--> ".. dec)
local get_hash = function(s,p) -- basic modular hash, first convert string into 4*8=32 bit int
if not s then return end
local h = 0; local n = string.len(s);local m = 4; -- put 4 characters together
local r = 0;local i = 0;
while i<n do
i=i+1;r = 256*r+ string.byte(s,i);
if i%m == 0 then h=h+(r%p) r=0 end
if i%m~=0 then h=h+(r%p) end
return h%p
local encrypt_ = function(input,password,sgn) -- nonlinear stream cypher with extra block offsets
local n = 16; -- range 0-255 (for just chat can use 32 - 132)
local m = 65;
local ret = "";input = input or "";
local block_offset = 0;
local rndseed = get_hash(password, 10^30);
for i=1, string.len(input) do
local offset = math.random(n)^2+(i%n)^3; -- yay, nonlinearity is fun
offset = (offset^2)%n
if i%8 == 1 then -- every 8 characters new offset using strong hash function incorporation recent offset in nonlinear way
block_offset = get_hash(_G.minetest.get_password_hash("",i*(offset+1)..password .. (block_offset^2)),n);
if math.random(100)>50 then block_offset = block_offset*math.random(n)^2 end -- extra fun, why not
offset = offset + block_offset;
local c = string.byte(input,i)-m;
c = m+((c+offset*sgn) % n);
ret = ret .. string.char(c)
return ret
local ascii2hex = function(input) -- compress 256 char set to 16 charset range
local ret = ""
for i = 1, string.len(input) do
local c = string.byte(input,i); -- c = c2*16+c1
local c1 = c % 16;
local c2 = (c-c1)/16;
ret = ret .. (string.char(c1+65)..string.char(c2+65))
return ret;
local hex2ascii = function(input)
local ret = ""
if string.len(input)%2 == 1 then input = input .. "A" end -- padding
for i = 1, string.len(input),2 do
local c1 = string.byte(input,i)-65; -- c = c2*16+c1
local c2 = string.byte(input,i+1)-65;
ret = ret .. string.char(c2*16+c1)
return ret;
-- scheme: encrypt: (stream cypher) encrypt+scramble, decrypt: unscramble+decrypt
local encrypt = function(input, password)
local ret = encrypt_(ascii2hex(input),password,1);
local scrambleseed = get_hash(_G.minetest.get_password_hash("",password),10^30); -- strong hash from password, 10^30 possible permutes
return scramble(ret, scrambleseed, 1);
local decrypt = function(input, password)
local scrambleseed = get_hash(_G.minetest.get_password_hash("",password),10^30);
input = scramble(input, scrambleseed, -1); -- descramble
return hex2ascii(encrypt_(input,password,-1))
-- just test
local encrypt_test = function()
local text = "testing encryption 1 2 3"; local password = "hello encryptions";
local enc = encrypt(text, password);local dec = decrypt(enc, password);
say("INPUT: " .. text .. " ENC: " .. enc .. " DEC: " .. dec)
basic_robot.commands.crypto = {encrypt = encrypt, decrypt = decrypt, scramble = scramble, basic_hash = get_hash}

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@ -274,6 +274,13 @@ function getSandboxEnv (name)
transfer_power = function(amount,target) return commands.machine.transfer_power(name,amount,target) end,
crypto = {-- basic cryptography - encryption, scramble, mod hash
encrypt = commands.crypto.encrypt,
decrypt = commands.crypto.decrypt,
scramble = commands.crypto.scramble,
basic_hash = commands.crypto.basic_hash,
keyboard = {
get = function() return commands.keyboard.get(name) end,
set = function(pos,type) return commands.keyboard.set([name],pos,type) end,
@ -1165,8 +1172,13 @@ local on_receive_robot_form = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
" 1/40*(1+amount)\n"..
" grind(input) - grinds input material, requires upgrades for harder material\n"..
" compress(input) - requires upgrades - energy intensive process\n" ..
" transfer_power(amount,target_robot_name)\n";
" transfer_power(amount,target_robot_name)\n"..
"**CRYPTOGRAPHY: namespace 'crypto'\n"..
" encrypt(input,password) returns encrypted text, password is any string \n"..
" decrypt(input,password) attempts to decrypt encrypted text\n"..
" scramble(input,randomseed,sgn) (de)permutes text randomly according to sgn = -1,1\n"..
" basic_hash(input,n) returns simple mod hash from string input within range 0...n-1\n";
text = minetest.formspec_escape(text);
--local form = "size [8,7] textarea[0,0;8.5,8.5;help;HELP;".. text.."]"