And so remove the current year to ease maintenance and since it is not strictly necessary. Also remove individual copyright holders (where appropriate) and replace the name with "The Geany contributors". The detailed authorship information is still available in the GIT history. Also remove copyright notice and author names from READMEs.
461 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
461 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Geany contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
import os
import sys
import re
from lxml import etree
from optparse import OptionParser
def normalize_text(s):
Normalizes whitespace in text.
>>> normalize_text("asd xxx")
'asd xxx'
>>> normalize_text(" asd\nxxx ")
'asd xxx'
return s.replace("\n", " ").strip()
CXX_NAMESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*::')
def fix_definition(s):
Removes C++ name qualifications from some definitions.
For example:
>>> fix_definition("bool flag")
'bool flag'
>>> fix_definition("bool FooBar::flag")
'bool flag'
>>> fix_definition("void(* _GeanyObjectClass::project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)")
'void(* project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)'
return CXX_NAMESPACE_RE.sub(r"", s)
class AtDoc(object):
def __init__(self):
self.retval = None
self.since = ""
self.annot = []
def cb(self, type, str):
if (type == "param"):
words = str.split(" ", 2)
self.annot = []
elif (type == "return"):
self.annot = []
elif (type == "since"):
self.since = str.rstrip()
elif type in ("geany:nullable",
elif type in ("geany:array",
type = type.split(":")[1]
if len(str):
str = " " + str
self.annot.append("%s%s" % (type, str))
elif (type == "see"):
return "See " + str
elif type in ("a", "c") and str in ("NULL", "TRUE", "FALSE"):
# FIXME: some of Geany does @a NULL instead of @c NULL
return "%" + str
elif (type == "a"):
return "@" + str
return str
return ""
class DoxygenProcess(object):
def __init__(self):
self.at = None
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624062/get-all-text-inside-a-tag-in-lxml
def stringify_children(node):
from lxml.etree import tostring
from itertools import chain
parts = ([node.text] +
list(chain(*([c.text, tostring(c).decode("utf-8"), c.tail] for c in node.getchildren()))) +
# filter removes possible Nones in texts and tails
return "".join(filter(None, parts))
def get_program_listing(self, xml):
from lxml.etree import tostring
arr = ["", "|[<!-- language=\"C\" -->"]
for l in xml.getchildren():
if (l.tag == "codeline"):
# a codeline is of the form
# <highlight class="normal">GeanyDocument<sp/>*doc<sp/>=<sp/>...;</highlight>
# <sp/> tags must be replaced with spaces, then just use the text
h = l.find("highlight")
if h is not None:
html = tostring(h).decode("utf-8")
html = html.replace("<sp/>", " ")
arr.append(" " + tostring(etree.HTML(html), method="text").decode("utf-8"))
return "\n".join(arr)
def join_annot(self):
s = " ".join(map(lambda x: "(%s)" % x, self.at.annot))
return s + ": " if s else ""
def process_element(self, xml):
self.at = AtDoc()
s = self.__process_element(xml)
return s
def get_extra(self):
return self.join_annot()
def get_return(self):
return self.at.retval
def get_since(self):
return self.at.since
def __process_element(self, xml):
s = ""
if xml.text:
s += xml.text
for n in xml.getchildren():
if n.tag == "emphasis":
s += self.at.cb("a", self.__process_element(n))
if n.tag == "computeroutput":
s += self.at.cb("c", self.__process_element(n))
if n.tag == "itemizedlist":
s += "\n" + self.__process_element(n)
if n.tag == "listitem":
s += " - " + self.__process_element(n)
if n.tag == "para":
s += self.__process_element(n) + "\n"
if n.tag == "ref":
s += n.text if n.text else ""
if n.tag == "simplesect":
ss = self.at.cb(n.get("kind"), self.__process_element(n))
s += ss + "\n" if ss else ""
if n.tag == "programlisting":
s += self.get_program_listing(n)
if n.tag == "xrefsect":
s += self.__process_element(n)
if n.tag == "xreftitle":
s += self.__process_element(n) + ": "
if n.tag == "xrefdescription":
s += self.__process_element(n)
if n.tag == "ulink":
s += self.__process_element(n)
if n.tag == "linebreak":
s += "\n"
if n.tag == "ndash":
s += "--"
# workaround for doxygen bug #646002
if n.tag == "htmlonly":
s += ""
if n.tail:
s += n.tail
if n.tag.startswith("param"):
pass # parameters are handled separately in DoxyFunction::from_memberdef()
return s
class DoxyMember(object):
def __init__(self, name, brief, extra=""):
self.name = name
self.brief = brief
self.extra = extra
class DoxyElement(object):
def __init__(self, name, definition, **kwargs):
self.name = name
self.definition = definition
self.brief = kwargs.get('brief', "")
self.detail = kwargs.get('detail', "")
self.members = kwargs.get('members', [])
self.since = kwargs.get('since', "")
self.extra = kwargs.get('extra', "")
self.retval = kwargs.get('retval', None)
def is_documented(self):
if (normalize_text(self.brief)) != "":
return True
return False
def add_brief(self, xml):
proc = DoxygenProcess()
self.brief = proc.process_element(xml)
self.extra += proc.get_extra()
def add_detail(self, xml):
proc = DoxygenProcess()
self.detail = proc.process_element(xml)
self.extra += proc.get_extra()
self.since = proc.get_since()
def add_member(self, xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
proc = DoxygenProcess()
brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("briefdescription"))
# optional doxygen command output appears within <detaileddescription />
self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
def add_param(self, xml):
name = xml.find("parameternamelist").find("parametername").text
proc = DoxygenProcess()
brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("parameterdescription"))
self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
def add_return(self, xml):
proc = DoxygenProcess()
brief = proc.process_element(xml)
self.retval = DoxyMember("ret", normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra())
def to_gtkdoc(self):
s = []
s.append(" * %s: %s" % (self.name, self.extra))
for p in self.members:
s.append(" * @%s: %s %s" % (p.name, p.extra, p.brief))
s.append(" *")
s.append(" * %s" % self.brief.replace("\n", "\n * "))
s.append(" *")
s.append(" * %s" % self.detail.replace("\n", "\n * "))
s.append(" *")
if self.retval:
s.append(" * Returns: %s %s" % (self.retval.extra, self.retval.brief))
if self.since:
s.append(" *")
s.append(" * Since: %s" % self.since)
s.append(" */")
return "\n".join(s)
class DoxyTypedef(DoxyElement):
def from_memberdef(xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
d += ";"
return DoxyTypedef(name, d)
class DoxyEnum(DoxyElement):
def from_memberdef(xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
d = "typedef enum {\n"
for member in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
v = member.find("initializer")
d += "\t%s%s,\n" % (member.find("name").text, " "+v.text if v is not None else "")
d += "} %s;\n" % name
e = DoxyEnum(name, d)
for p in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
return e
class DoxyStruct(DoxyElement):
def from_compounddef(xml, typedefs=[]):
name = xml.find("compoundname").text
d = "struct %s {\n" % name
memberdefs = xml.xpath(".//sectiondef[@kind='public-attrib']/memberdef")
for p in memberdefs:
# workaround for struct members. g-ir-scanner can't properly map struct members
# (beginning with struct GeanyFoo) to the typedef and assigns a generic type for them
# thus we fix that up here and enforce usage of the typedef. These are written
# out first, before any struct definition, for this reason
# Exception: there are no typedefs for GeanyFooPrivate so skip those. Their exact
# type isn't needed anyway
s = fix_definition(p.find("definition").text).lstrip()
proc = DoxygenProcess()
brief = proc.process_element(p.find("briefdescription"))
private = (normalize_text(brief) == "")
words = s.split()
if (words[0] == "struct"):
if not (words[1].endswith("Private") or words[1].endswith("Private*")):
s = " ".join(words[1:])
d += "\t/*< %s >*/\n\t%s;\n" % ("private" if private else "public", s)
d += "};\n"
e = DoxyStruct(name, d)
for p in memberdefs:
return e
class DoxyFunction(DoxyElement):
def from_memberdef(xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
d += " " + xml.find("argsstring").text + ";"
d = normalize_text(d)
e = DoxyFunction(name, d)
for p in xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/parameterlist[@kind='param']/parameteritem"):
x = xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/simplesect[@kind='return']")
if (len(x) > 0):
return e
def main(args):
xml_dir = None
outfile = None
scioutfile = None
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] XML_DIR")
parser.add_option("--xmldir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
action="store", dest="xml_dir")
parser.add_option("-d", "--outdir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
action="store", dest="outdir", default=".")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="FILE", help="Write output to FILE",
action="store", dest="outfile")
parser.add_option("--sci-output", metavar="FILE", help="Write output to FILE (only sciwrappers)",
action="store", dest="scioutfile")
opts, args = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
xml_dir = args[0]
if not (os.path.exists(xml_dir)):
sys.stderr.write("invalid xml directory\n")
return 1
transform = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "combine.xslt")))
doc = etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "index.xml"))
root = transform(doc)
other = []
enums = []
typedefs = []
c_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.c']/..")
h_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.h']/..")
for f in h_files:
if not (f.find("compoundname").text.endswith("private.h")):
for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='typedef' and @prot='public']"):
if not (DoxygenProcess.stringify_children(n0.find("type")).startswith("enum")):
e = DoxyTypedef.from_memberdef(n0)
for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='enum' and @prot='public']"):
e = DoxyEnum.from_memberdef(n0)
for n0 in root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='struct' and @prot='public']"):
e = DoxyStruct.from_compounddef(n0)
for f in c_files:
for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='function' and @prot='public']"):
e = DoxyFunction.from_memberdef(n0)
if (opts.outfile):
outfile = open(opts.outfile, "w+")
except OSError as err:
sys.stderr.write("failed to open \"%s\" for writing (%s)\n" % (opts.outfile, err.strerror))
return 1
outfile = sys.stdout
if (opts.scioutfile):
scioutfile = open(opts.scioutfile, "w+")
except OSError as err:
sys.stderr.write("failed to open \"%s\" for writing (%s)\n" % (opts.scioutfile, err.strerror))
return 1
scioutfile = outfile
outfile.write("/*\n * Automatically generated file - do not edit\n */\n\n")
outfile.write("#include \"gtkcompat.h\"\n")
outfile.write("#include \"Scintilla.h\"\n")
outfile.write("#include \"ScintillaWidget.h\"\n")
if (scioutfile != outfile):
scioutfile.write("/*\n * Automatically generated file - do not edit\n */\n\n")
scioutfile.write("#include \"gtkcompat.h\"\n")
scioutfile.write("#include \"Scintilla.h\"\n")
scioutfile.write("#include \"ScintillaWidget.h\"\n")
# write enums first, so typedefs to them are valid (as forward enum declaration
# is invalid). It's fine as an enum can't contain reference to other types.
for e in filter(lambda x: x.is_documented(), enums):
# write typedefs second, they are possibly undocumented but still required (even
# if they are documented, they must be written out without gtkdoc)
for e in typedefs:
# write the rest (structures, functions, ...)
for e in filter(lambda x: x.is_documented(), other):
if (e.name.startswith("sci_")):
if (scioutfile != outfile):
except BrokenPipeError:
# probably piped to head or tail
return 0
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":