is in <codeclass="filename">~/.geany/</code> (see <ahref="ch03s02.html"title="Commandline options">the section called “Commandline options”</a> for further information about
configuration directory). Just open the desired template with an editor (ideally Geany ;-) ) and edit
the template as your needs. There are some wildcards which will be automatically replaced by
All wildcards must be enclosed by "{" and "}", e.g. {date}.
In the configuration dialog you can find a tab "Templates"(see <ahref="ch03s05.html#confdialog_templ"title="Figure3.5.Template tab in preferences dialog">Figure3.5, “Template tab in preferences dialog”</a>).
You can define the default values which will be inserted in the templates. You should restart
</p><divclass="table"><aid="id2531258"></a><pclass="title"><b>Table3.4.Template wildcards</b></p><tablesummary="Template wildcards"cellspacing="0"cellpadding="4"border="1"><colgroup><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><thead><tr><th>Wildcard</th><th>Description</th><th>Available in following templates</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>developer</td><td>The name of the developer.</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>initial</td><td>The initials of the developer name, e.g. "ET" for
Enrico Troeger or "JFD" for John Foobar Doe.</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>mail</td><td>The email address of the developer.</td><td>file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>company</td><td>The company name, the developer is working for.</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>year</td><td>The current year in the format: YYYY</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>version</td><td>The initial version of a new file.</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>date</td><td>The current date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>untitled</td><td>The string "untitled" (this will be translated to your locale),
used in filetype templates</td><td>filetypes, file header, function description, ChangeLog entry</td></tr><tr><td>datetime</td><td>The current date and time in the format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZZZ</td><td>file header, function description</td></tr><tr><td>filename</td><td>The filename of the current file. Only available for the file header template.</td><td>file header</td></tr><tr><td>gpl</td><td>This wildcard inserts a short GPL notice.</td><td>file header</td></tr><tr><td>functionname</td><td>The function name of the function at cursor position. This wildcard will only
be replaced in the function description template.</td><td>function description</td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>
If you need any other wildcards or a special date/time format, please email the author <codeclass="email"><<ahref=""></a>></code>.