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* plugindata.h - this file is part of Geany, a fast and lightweight IDE
* Copyright 2007-2008 Enrico Tröger <enrico(dot)troeger(at)uvena(dot)de>
* Copyright 2007-2008 Nick Treleaven <nick(dot)treleaven(at)btinternet(dot)com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $Id$
* @file plugindata.h
* This file defines the plugin API, the interface between Geany and its plugins.
* For detailed documentation of the plugin system please read the plugin
* API documentation.
#ifndef PLUGIN_H
#define PLUGIN_H
/* The API version should be incremented whenever any plugin data types below are
* modified or appended to. */
static const gint api_version = 50;
/* The ABI version should be incremented whenever existing fields in the plugin
* data types below have to be changed or reordered. It should stay the same if fields
* are only appended, as this doesn't affect existing fields. */
static const gint abi_version = 22;
/** This performs runtime checks that try to ensure:
* 1. Geany ABI data types are compatible with this plugin.
* 2. Geany sources provide the required API for this plugin. */
/* TODO: if possible, the API version should be checked at compile time, not runtime. */
#define VERSION_CHECK(api_required) \
gint version_check(gint abi_ver) \
{ \
if (abi_ver != abi_version) \
return -1; \
if (api_version < (api_required)) \
return (api_required); \
else return 0; \
/** Plugin info structure to hold basic information about a plugin.
* Should only be set with PLUGIN_INFO. */
typedef struct PluginInfo
/** The name of the plugin. */
gchar *name;
/** The description of the plugin. */
gchar *description;
/** The version of the plugin. */
gchar *version;
/** The author of the plugin. */
gchar *author;
/** Reserved for later use. */
gpointer reserved2;
#include <string.h>
/** Set the plugin name and some other basic information about a plugin. */
#define PLUGIN_INFO(p_name, p_description, p_version, p_author) \
PluginInfo *info(void) \
{ \
static PluginInfo p_info; \
memset(&p_info, 0, sizeof(PluginInfo)); \ = (p_name); \
p_info.description = (p_description); \
p_info.version = (p_version); \ = (p_author); \
return &p_info; \
/** Declare and initialise a keybinding group.
* @code KeyBindingGroup plugin_key_group[1]; @endcode
* You must then set the @c plugin_key_group::keys[] entries for the group in init().
* The @c plugin_key_group::label field is set by Geany after @c init()
* is called, to the name of the plugin.
* @param group_name A unique group name (without quotes) to be used in the
* configuration file, such as @c html_chars.
* @param key_count The number of keybindings the group will hold. */
#define PLUGIN_KEY_GROUP(group_name, key_count) \
static KeyBinding plugin_keys[key_count]; \
/* We have to declare plugin_key_group as a single element array.
* Declaring as a pointer to a struct doesn't work with g_module_symbol(). */ \
KeyBindingGroup plugin_key_group[1] = \
{ \
{G_STRINGIFY(group_name), NULL, key_count, plugin_keys} \
/** callback array entry */
typedef struct GeanyCallback
/** The name of signal, must be an existing signal. For a list of available signals,
* please see the @link signals Signal documentation @endlink. */
gchar *signal_name;
/** A callback function which is called when the signal is emitted. */
GCallback callback;
/** Set to TRUE to connect your handler with g_signal_connect_after(). */
gboolean after;
/** The user data passed to the signal handler. */
gpointer user_data;
/** Flags to be set by plugins in PluginFields struct. */
typedef enum
/** Whether a plugin's menu item should be disabled when there are no open documents */
/** Fields set and owned by the plugin. */
/* Note: Remember to increment api_version (and abi_version if necessary) when making changes. */
typedef struct PluginFields
/** Bitmask of PluginFlags. */
PluginFlags flags;
/** Pointer to a plugin's menu item which will be automatically enabled/disabled when there
* are no open documents and PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE is set.
* This is required if using PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE, ignored otherwise */
GtkWidget *menu_item;
/** These are fields and functions owned by Geany.
* Fields and functions will be appended when needed by plugin authors. */
/* Note: Remember to increment api_version (and abi_version if necessary) when making changes. */
typedef struct GeanyData
GeanyApp *app; /* Geany application data fields */
GtkWidget *tools_menu; /* Almost all plugins should add menu items to the Tools menu only */
GArray *doc_array; /* array of document pointers */
struct filetype **filetypes;
struct GeanyPrefs *prefs;
struct EditorPrefs *editor_prefs;
struct BuildInfo *build_info;
struct DocumentFuncs *documents;
struct ScintillaFuncs *sci;
struct TemplateFuncs *templates;
struct UtilsFuncs *utils;
struct UIUtilsFuncs *ui;
struct SupportFuncs *support;
struct DialogFuncs *dialogs;
struct MsgWinFuncs *msgwindow;
struct EncodingFuncs *encoding;
struct KeybindingFuncs *keybindings;
struct TagManagerFuncs *tm;
struct SearchFuncs *search;
struct HighlightingFuncs *highlighting;
struct FiletypeFuncs *filetype;
typedef GeanyData PluginData; /* for compatibility with API < 7 */
/* For more info about these functions, see the main source code.
* E.g. for GeanyData::document->new_file(), see document_new_file() in document.[hc]. */
typedef struct DocumentFuncs
gint (*new_file) (const gchar *filename, struct filetype *ft, const gchar *text);
gint (*get_cur_idx) (void);
gint (*get_n_idx) (guint i);
gint (*find_by_filename) (const gchar *filename, gboolean is_tm_filename);
struct document* (*get_current) (void);
gboolean (*save_file)(gint idx, gboolean force);
gint (*open_file)(const gchar *locale_filename, gboolean readonly,
struct filetype *ft, const gchar *forced_enc);
void (*open_files)(const GSList *filenames, gboolean readonly, struct filetype *ft,
const gchar *forced_enc);
gboolean (*remove)(guint page_num);
gboolean (*reload_file)(gint idx, const gchar *forced_enc);
void (*set_encoding)(gint idx, const gchar *new_encoding);
void (*set_text_changed)(gint idx);
struct _ScintillaObject;
typedef struct ScintillaFuncs
long int (*send_message) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, unsigned int iMessage,
long unsigned int wParam, long int lParam);
void (*send_command) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint cmd);
void (*start_undo_action) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
void (*end_undo_action) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
void (*set_text) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci, const gchar *text);
void (*insert_text) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci, gint pos, const gchar *text);
void (*get_text) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci, gint len, gchar* text);
gint (*get_length) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci);
gint (*get_current_position) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci);
void (*set_current_position) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint position, gboolean scroll_to_caret);
gint (*get_col_from_position) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
gint (*get_line_from_position) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
gint (*get_position_from_line) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint line);
void (*replace_sel) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, const gchar* text);
void (*get_selected_text) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gchar* text);
gint (*get_selected_text_length) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
gint (*get_selection_start) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
gint (*get_selection_end) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
gint (*get_selection_mode) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
void (*set_selection_mode) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint mode);
void (*set_selection_start) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
void (*set_selection_end) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint position);
void (*get_text_range) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint start, gint end, gchar*text);
gchar* (*get_line) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint line_num);
gint (*get_line_length) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint line);
gint (*get_line_count) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
gboolean (*get_line_is_visible) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint line);
void (*ensure_line_is_visible) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint line);
void (*scroll_caret) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci);
gint (*find_bracematch) (struct _ScintillaObject* sci, gint pos);
gint (*get_style_at) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci, gint position);
gchar (*get_char_at) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci, gint pos);
gint (*get_current_line) (struct _ScintillaObject *sci);
typedef struct TemplateFuncs
gchar* (*get_template_fileheader) (gint filetype_idx, const gchar *fname);
typedef struct UtilsFuncs
gboolean (*str_equal) (const gchar *a, const gchar *b);
gboolean (*string_replace_all) (GString *haystack, const gchar *needle,
const gchar *replacement);
GSList* (*get_file_list) (const gchar *path, guint *length, GError **error);
gint (*write_file) (const gchar *filename, const gchar *text);
gchar* (*get_locale_from_utf8) (const gchar *utf8_text);
gchar* (*get_utf8_from_locale) (const gchar *locale_text);
gchar* (*remove_ext_from_filename) (const gchar *filename);
gint (*mkdir) (const gchar *path, gboolean create_parent_dirs);
gboolean (*get_setting_boolean) (GKeyFile *config, const gchar *section, const gchar *key,
const gboolean default_value);
gint (*get_setting_integer) (GKeyFile *config, const gchar *section, const gchar *key,
const gint default_value);
gchar* (*get_setting_string) (GKeyFile *config, const gchar *section, const gchar *key,
const gchar *default_value);
gboolean (*spawn_sync) (const gchar *dir, gchar **argv, gchar **env, GSpawnFlags flags,
GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup, gpointer user_data, gchar **std_out,
gchar **std_err, gint *exit_status, GError **error);
gboolean (*spawn_async) (const gchar *dir, gchar **argv, gchar **env, GSpawnFlags flags,
GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup, gpointer user_data, GPid *child_pid,
GError **error);
typedef struct UIUtilsFuncs
GtkWidget* (*dialog_vbox_new) (GtkDialog *dialog);
GtkWidget* (*frame_new_with_alignment) (const gchar *label_text, GtkWidget **alignment);
/* set_statusbar() also appends to the message window status tab if log is TRUE. */
void (*set_statusbar) (gboolean log, const gchar *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);
void (*table_add_row) (GtkTable *table, gint row, ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
GtkWidget* (*path_box_new) (const gchar *title, GtkFileChooserAction action, GtkEntry *entry);
GtkWidget* (*button_new_with_image) (const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text);
typedef struct DialogFuncs
gboolean (*show_question) (const gchar *text, ...);
void (*show_msgbox) (gint type, const gchar *text, ...);
gboolean (*show_save_as) (void);
typedef struct SupportFuncs
GtkWidget* (*lookup_widget) (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *widget_name);
typedef struct MsgWinFuncs
/* status_add() does not set the status bar - use ui->set_statusbar() instead. */
void (*status_add) (const gchar *format, ...);
void (*compiler_add) (gint msg_color, const gchar *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);
typedef struct EncodingFuncs
gchar* (*convert_to_utf8) (const gchar *buffer, gsize size, gchar **used_encoding);
gchar* (*convert_to_utf8_from_charset) (const gchar *buffer, gsize size,
const gchar *charset, gboolean fast);
const gchar* (*get_charset_from_index) (gint idx);
struct KeyBindingGroup;
typedef void (*_KeyCallback) (guint key_id);
typedef struct KeybindingFuncs
void (*send_command) (guint group_id, guint key_id);
void (*set_item) (struct KeyBindingGroup *group, gsize key_id,
_KeyCallback callback, guint key, GdkModifierType mod,
gchar *name, gchar *label, GtkWidget *menu_item);
typedef struct HighlightingFuncs
const struct HighlightingStyle* (*get_style) (gint ft_id, gint style_id);
typedef struct FiletypeFuncs
filetype* (*detect_from_filename) (const gchar *utf8_filename);
typedef struct SearchFuncs
void (*show_find_in_files_dialog) (const gchar *dir);
typedef struct TagManagerFuncs
gchar* (*get_real_path) (const gchar *file_name);
TMWorkObject* (*source_file_new) (const char *file_name, gboolean update, const char *name);
gboolean (*workspace_add_object) (TMWorkObject *work_object);
gboolean (*source_file_update) (TMWorkObject *source_file, gboolean force,
gboolean recurse, gboolean update_parent);
void (*work_object_free) (gpointer work_object);
gboolean (*workspace_remove_object) (TMWorkObject *w, gboolean do_free, gboolean update);