2016-03-28 12:21:03 +02:00
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2015-10-08 18:42:47 +02:00
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2016-02-17 19:12:41 +01:00
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2016-03-28 12:21:03 +02:00
2016-02-17 19:12:41 +01:00
2016-02-17 19:12:41 +01:00

License: CC BY-NC-SA
Name: Diplazer
Created by: UjEdwin
Date: 2016-03-27

See the version in the init.lua or type /dihelp in game

Diplazer is a advanced build / digging tool, and it can even teleport, object teleporter and gravitygun, and more!

Rename this folder to diplazer

More info: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12395
Other info: type /dihelp in game
type /di_dropme to drop you self from mode7 and mode8 (or drop all with diplazer_admin priv /di_dropall)

You can easy toogle / functions and see all items in the init.lua

To change modes: Use while sneaking / hold shift and left click
To change modes backward: Use while sneaking and jump / hold shift+jump and left click
Dipalzer works with pipeworks:nodebreaker

Diplazer works with pipeworks:nodebreaker (make smooth doors / traps and other)
modes that are supported with nodebreakers
:com & :gun modes:1 2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14
:admin & :adminno: 1 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
place a block front of the breaker before it can use the tool

Change the amount in the init.lua file (diplazer_amount=15) admin using double

In place mode (1,3,11,13): In invetory: place stack with blocks / nodes to  left side of the tool , the tool will use all of same type of nodes from the inventory, then the stack to left.
In dig mode (2 & 4,12,15): In invetory: place stack-amout to dig.

The common version: diplazer:com (di_com) [com = common]
Limeted (toogleable) [craft with meseblock to reload]
can place / dig 7 blocks
hit takes 10hp

The common version green: diplazer:comg (di_comg)
Limeted (toogleable) [craft with meseblock to reload]
can place / dig 8 blocks
have 2x uses
hit takes 11hp

The common version cyan: diplazer:comg (di_comc)
Limeted (toogleable) [craft with meseblock to reload]
can place / dig 10 blocks
have 4x uses
hit takes 12hp

The moderator version: diplazer:gun (di_gun)
can place / dig 15 blocks
can break unbreakable nodes
teleport modes dont care about walls
takes 10hp even if pvp is off
require diplazer_gun priv to use

The admin version: diplazer:admin (di_ad)
can place/dig 30 blocks
can break unbreakable nodes
teleport modes dont care about walls
sets hp to 0 even if pvp is off
dont empty your invetory
require diplazer_admin priv to use

The admin version: diplazer:adminno  (di_adno)
same as diplazer:admin
don't keep stuff on dig, can destroy locked stuff / special nodes
require diplazer_admin priv to use

in mode: 1,3,11,13 you can use next mode if you hold right+left click instead of change

Mode1: Place front (can shoot lazer if no stack set)
Mode2: Dig nodes front
Mode3: Place up
Mode4: Dig nodes down
Mode5: Dig nodes 3x3 
Mode6: Teleport
Mode7: Teleport Objects
Mode8: Gravity gun (click to pickup, click it again to drop, click+right to throw it away [dont work on players])
Mode9: Replace: stack to left replace with stack to right
Mode10: AutoSwitch: using from all stacks in hotbar from left to right [place dipalzer to right for max use]
Mode11: Massive place: platform NxN
Mode12: Massive dig: platform NxN
Mode13: Massive place: cube NxNxN
Mode14: Massive dig: cube NxNxN

Use mode8
Use / left click		-		pick up something or a node
Use / left click again	-		drop it (pick up somthing else make you automacly drop the corrent) (if you hold a 1 stack item it will be placed as node)
Use & jump / left-click & jump		if you hold a 1 stack item it will be droped, not placed)
Place & use / hold right-click then right-left	throw it faraway (can't throw away players)

Healing orbs:
diplazer:orbc (di_orbc) slow / craftable
diplazer:orbg (di_orbg) faster
diplazer:orba (di_orba) sets full health

diplazer:box (di_box)
Change modes & reload using mese crystal / fragemnts

Gravity manipuler:
diplazer:grav (di_grav)
change your gravity on use or restore (1 / 0.5 as default)

diplazer:armholder (di_s)
Spawns a object and protect you for a few secunds from attacks.

The pickaxe:
A fast and hard pick that is ore usefull then the other tools in some cases.
diplazer:pick (di_pick)

Same pick but is unlimeted and a bit better.
Craft it by it self to to repair it.
diplazer:adpick (di_adpick)

Lazer blocks:
decoration with light

Vaccum block / anti teleportblock:
diplazer:vaccum / di_vac
Just vaccum, at same time it prevents players to teleport to inside.
The blocks are invisible, and have to place somethine on it, or dig with any diplazer to remove.

3D Transfer
diplazer:di3dt / di_3dt
left click top copy, right to place your place.
see Help-Controls.txt for more info

Service Bot:
This tool using 8 modes, only the owner can control it:
Goto somthing  (then do then nothing)
Attack object    (then do then nothing)
Protect               (will folow the object and attacks every other object around it without you
Place block:       using from your inventory [left side of the tool] (then do then nothing)
Dig a block         [you will get the stuff] (then do then nothing)
Keep digging:     [you will get the stuff] will dig any block it can find (same as the pointed)
Folow                 will folow the selected object
Destroy:             remove the bot
[it will teleport to the target if its too faraway])

The Flashlight:
use to turn off or on in darknes, it also works in default water
it turns of if you:
are inside a block (not water)
if you are in daylight
and if you chnage its possition in the inventory

The Portable chest:
the title says all, put down the blue chest, put in stuff, pick up the chest, put it somewhere else, and you stuff are there.
the chest cant save metadata / info from tools, that means it will be restored, but tool damage.

It's basically lava but will not cause any damage or on players.
just put it near unnatural darkness and it will disappear!

In tool:
based on the gbpinvisible mod, but works better, 1 use and the glitch making you 99.99% invisible.
why only 99.99? your player (mesh) and the title will disappear, but the collision box is still visible if someone point you.
people can see you if they join after you used the tool, or if you become attached to something, or die.
require kick to use.

Changes log:
Fixed:	crash in service bot
Added:	lighfix
Added:	in (Invisible) imported from the gbpinvisiable mod
Added:	setting diplazer_Enable_pick (enable the green pick)
Added:	setting diplazer_hide_stuff
Fixed:	di_sb aliases error
Fixed	shadows from lazer
Added:	portable chest (imported from pollution)
Added:	flashlight (works in default water too)
Fixed	1112access (/di_1112) removes acces when anyone leave
Added:	mode13: Massive place NxNxN
Added:	mode14: Massive dig NxNxN
Added:	mode1: support from param2 (node rotation)
Fixed:	mode8: players stuck in air (no gravity) happend when a player hold another player and selected a node
Added:     servive bot
Added:	diplazer:chip
Added:	diplazer:pick
Added:	diplazer:adpick
Added:	diplazer:armholder / di_s
Fixed:	dibox massive errors / message
Fixed:	diplazer lazers that makes annoying shadows
Added:	diplazer:3dt
Added:	in /dihelp info
Fixed:	crash in mode7
Added:	vaccumblock / anti teleportblock (diplazer:vaccum / di_vac)
Added:	/di_dropme
Added:	/di_dropall
Added:	diplazer:grav
Added:	dipalzer:comg
Added:	dipalzer:comc
Fixed:	more bugs
Fixed:	swiths modes in switcherbox
Fixed:	bug: switch to mode7
Added:	Help-Controls file
Added:	players with dipalzer:gun and have give: will not take stuff from inventory on use
Fixed:	lot of bugs
Fixed:	:com mode8 are disabled as default (glitch fix)
Added:	support for pipeworks:nodebreaker
Fixed:	crash when dig unknown blocks
Fixed:	:com cant place in water
Added:	lazerblocks
Added:	Limeted mode8 (:com)
Added:	change mode messages
Added:	/dihelp
Added:	left right+left to use next mode
Fixed:	error: mode9 repalce with empty
Fixed:	full inventory cant dig wirh no free slot
Fixed:	mode8: crash when pick up stuff
Fixed:	mode8: performance bug, shift mode while hold something
Fixed: 	:com placing over unbreakabel blocks without collision
Fixed:	warning for :com
Fixed:	com: craft recipe for mode 11 & 12
Added:	better support in dig modes
Added:	setting: diplazer_Enable_gun_limitation
Fixed:	nil crasch
Fixed:	low but powerfull sound (mode12)
Added:	security for mode 11 & 12
Added:	sounds for mode 11 & 12
Added:	alias di_ad di_adno ... try /giveme di_box
Added:	placing modes can place in none-walkable blocks / water
Added:	mode11 & mode12: place & dig platform
Fixed:	inactived :gun instand of :com (diplazer_Enable_com=false)
Added:	mode8: players can now throw stuff / mobs / items inside none-walkable blocks / water
Added:	mode8: water and lava will slowdown velocity of throwed stuff / mobs players
Added:	players using com:mode6 / 7 can now teleport into unwalkable blocks (like water)
Added:	players using com:mode7 cant cheat teleport stuff / players over other floors (bigger then 3x2) (like the problem with mode6)
Added:	diplazer:box can now reload using mese fragents (giving 10%)
Fixed:	performance (exit after use)
Fixed:	bug wont show amount of stack on chnage modes by hand
Added:	admin/gun autorepair on use
Added:	diplazer:box (repair / set modes tool)
Changed:	craft with meecrystal to load instand of meseblock
Changed:	craft tool recipe will be front of the other
Fixed: 	missing craft recipe for diplazer:com10
Fixed: 	global teleport sound
Fixed: 	limeted bug
Added:	limted use for diplazer:com (toggleable), craft with meseblock for full use
Added:	mode10: autoswitch
Fixed:	teleport sound
Fixed:	global variable errors
Fixed:	crash when throw someting & leave game
Added:	in mode 6 for diplazer:com -  cant teleport through 3x3 floor.
Added:	diplazer_admin and  diplazer_gun priv
Added:	configation toogle mode8, com, orbs
Added:	mode 1 placing backward, if a node over the pointed
Fixed:	leaving player with 0 gravity when point a node
Fixed:	crash when pick up some objects
Added:	mode 8 throwed and hitted object will be hurted (20hp) or throwed object hurts on hit a node (20hp)
Fixed:	error when trying to place none-node-stacks
Added:	healing orbs
Added:	mode 8 can drop grabed nodes (hold jump & use)
Added:	mode 8 can place graped node / item stuck (if its 1 item in the stack)
Added:	mode 8 can grap nodes
Added:	mode 8 move selected object from nodes or to your backside
Added:	mode 8 sound effects
Fixed:	long distance sounds
Fixed:	directions for mode 8
Fixed:	error message when using mode 7
Fixed:	mode 7 positions
Fixed:	mode 8 inactive by power-saving-gate
Added:	diplazer:com
Added:	Mode9 / replace
Fixed:	get error text when try to place none-nodes.
Added:	support for protect areas
Added:	diplazer:adminno (don't giving drops on dig and able to delete locked stuff)
Added:	sets full health on use.
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