Without this fix falling nodes (e.g. sand) do not work correctly. For example, placing sand on top of water the sand will drop and disappear.
295 lines
9.5 KiB
295 lines
9.5 KiB
-- caverealms v.0.3 by HeroOfTheWinds
-- original cave code modified from paramat's subterrain
-- For Minetest 0.4.8 stable
-- Depends default
-- License: code WTFPL
caverealms = {} --create a container for functions and constants
--grab a shorthand for the filepath of the mod
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
--load companion lua files
dofile(modpath.."/config.lua") --configuration file; holds various constants
dofile(modpath.."/crafting.lua") --crafting recipes
dofile(modpath.."/falling_ice.lua") --complicated function for falling icicles
dofile(modpath.."/nodes.lua") --node definitions
dofile(modpath.."/functions.lua") --function definitions
-- Parameters
local YMIN = caverealms.config.ymin -- Approximate realm limits.
local YMAX = caverealms.config.ymax
local TCAVE = caverealms.config.tcave --0.5 -- Cave threshold. 1 = small rare caves, 0.5 = 1/3rd ground volume, 0 = 1/2 ground volume
local BLEND = 128 -- Cave blend distance near YMIN, YMAX
local STAGCHA = caverealms.config.stagcha --0.002 --chance of stalagmites
local STALCHA = caverealms.config.stalcha --0.003 --chance of stalactites
local CRYSTAL = caverealms.config.crystal --0.007 --chance of glow crystal formations
local GEMCHA = caverealms.config.gemcha --0.03 --chance of small glow gems
local MUSHCHA = caverealms.config.mushcha --0.04 --chance of mushrooms
local MYCCHA = caverealms.config.myccha --0.03 --chance of mycena mushrooms
local WORMCHA = caverealms.config.wormcha --0.03 --chance of glow worms
local GIANTCHA = caverealms.config.giantcha --0.001 -- chance of giant mushrooms
local ICICHA = caverealms.config.icicha --0.035 -- chance of icicles
-- 3D noise for caves
local np_cave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=512, y=256, z=512}, -- squashed 2:1
seed = 59033,
octaves = 6,
persist = 0.63
-- 3D noise for wave
local np_wave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=256, y=256, z=256},
seed = -400000000089,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.67
-- 2D noise for biome
local np_biome = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=250, y=250, z=250},
seed = 9130,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- Stuff
subterrain = {}
local yblmin = YMIN + BLEND * 1.5
local yblmax = YMAX - BLEND * 1.5
-- On generated function
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
--if out of range of caverealms limits
if minp.y > YMAX or maxp.y < YMIN then
return --quit; otherwise, you'd have stalagmites all over the place
--easy reference to commonly used values
local t1 = os.clock()
local x1 = maxp.x
local y1 = maxp.y
local z1 = maxp.z
local x0 = minp.x
local y0 = minp.y
local z0 = minp.z
print ("[caverealms] chunk minp ("..x0.." "..y0.." "..z0..")") --tell people you are generating a chunk
local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=emin, MaxEdge=emax}
local data = vm:get_data()
--grab content IDs
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_stone = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone")
local c_water = minetest.get_content_id("default:water_source")
local c_lava = minetest.get_content_id("default:lava_source")
local c_ice = minetest.get_content_id("default:ice")
local c_thinice = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:thin_ice")
local c_crystal = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_crystal")
local c_gem1 = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem")
local c_gem2 = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem_2")
local c_gem3 = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem_3")
local c_gem4 = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem_4")
local c_gem5 = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem_5")
local c_moss = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:stone_with_moss")
local c_lichen = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:stone_with_lichen")
local c_algae = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:stone_with_algae")
local c_fungus = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:fungus")
local c_mycena = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:mycena")
local c_worm = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_worm")
local c_iciu = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:icicle_up")
local c_icid = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:icicle_down")
--mandatory values
local sidelen = x1 - x0 + 1 --length of a mapblock
local chulens = {x=sidelen, y=sidelen, z=sidelen} --table of chunk edges
local minposxyz = {x=x0, y=y0, z=z0} --bottom corner
local minposxz = {x=x0, y=z0} --2D bottom corner
local nvals_cave = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_cave, chulens):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz) --cave noise for structure
local nvals_wave = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_wave, chulens):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz) --wavy structure of cavern ceilings and floors
local nvals_biome = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_biome, chulens):get2dMap_flat({x=x0+150, y=z0+50}) --2D noise for biomes (will be 3D humidity/temp later)
local nixyz = 1 --3D node index
local nixz = 1 --2D node index
local nixyz2 = 1 --second 3D index for second loop
for z = z0, z1 do -- for each xy plane progressing northwards
--structure loop
for y = y0, y1 do -- for each x row progressing upwards
local tcave --declare variable
--determine the overal cave threshold
if y < yblmin then
tcave = TCAVE + ((yblmin - y) / BLEND) ^ 2
elseif y > yblmax then
tcave = TCAVE + ((y - yblmax) / BLEND) ^ 2
tcave = TCAVE
local vi = area:index(x0, y, z) --current node index
for x = x0, x1 do -- for each node do
if (nvals_cave[nixyz] + nvals_wave[nixyz])/2 > tcave then --if node falls within cave threshold
data[vi] = c_air --hollow it out to make the cave
--increment indices
nixyz = nixyz + 1
vi = vi + 1
--decoration loop
for y = y0, y1 do -- for each x row progressing upwards
local tcave --same as above
if y < yblmin then
tcave = TCAVE + ((yblmin - y) / BLEND) ^ 2
elseif y > yblmax then
tcave = TCAVE + ((y - yblmax) / BLEND) ^ 2
tcave = TCAVE
local vi = area:index(x0, y, z)
for x = x0, x1 do -- for each node do
--determine biome
local biome = false --preliminary declaration
n_biome = nvals_biome[nixz] --make an easier reference to the noise
--compare noise values to determine a biome
if n_biome >= 0 and n_biome < 0.5 then
biome = 1 --moss
elseif n_biome <= -0.5 then
biome = 2 --fungal
elseif n_biome >= 0.5 then
if n_biome >= 0.7 then
biome = 5 --deep glaciated
biome = 4 --glaciated
biome = 3 --algae
if math.floor(((nvals_cave[nixyz2] + nvals_wave[nixyz2])/2)*100) == math.floor(tcave*100) then
local ai = area:index(x,y+1,z) --above index
if data[ai] == c_stone and data[vi] == c_air then --ceiling
if math.random() < ICICHA and (biome == 4 or biome == 5) then
local bi = area:index(x,y-1,z)
data[bi] = c_icid
if math.random() < WORMCHA then
data[vi] = c_worm
local bi = area:index(x,y-1,z)
data[bi] = c_worm
if math.random(2) == 1 then
local bbi = area:index(x,y-2,z)
data[bbi] = c_worm
if math.random(2) ==1 then
local bbbi = area:index(x,y-3,z)
data[bbbi] = c_worm
if math.random() < STALCHA then
caverealms:stalactite(x,y,z, area, data)
if math.random() < CRYSTAL then
caverealms:crystal_stalactite(x,y,z, area, data, biome)
local bi = area:index(x,y-1,z) --below index
if data[bi] == c_stone and data[vi] == c_air then --ground
local ai = area:index(x,y+1,z)
--place floor material, add plants/decorations
if biome == 1 then
data[vi] = c_moss
if math.random() < GEMCHA then
-- gems of random size
local gems = { c_gem1, c_gem2, c_gem3, c_gem4, c_gem5 }
local gidx = math.random(1, 12)
if gidx > 5 then
gidx = 1
data[ai] = gems[gidx]
elseif biome == 2 then
data[vi] = c_lichen
if math.random() < MUSHCHA then --mushrooms
data[ai] = c_fungus
if math.random() < MYCCHA then --mycena mushrooms
data[ai] = c_mycena
if math.random() < GIANTCHA then --giant mushrooms
caverealms:giant_shroom(x, y, z, area, data)
elseif biome == 3 then
data[vi] = c_algae
elseif biome == 4 then
data[vi] = c_thinice
local bi = area:index(x,y-1,z)
data[bi] = c_thinice
if math.random() < ICICHA then --if glaciated, place icicles
data[ai] = c_iciu
elseif biome == 5 then
data[vi] = c_ice
local bi = area:index(x,y-1,z)
data[bi] = c_ice
if math.random() < ICICHA then --if glaciated, place icicles
data[ai] = c_iciu
if math.random() < STAGCHA then
caverealms:stalagmite(x,y,z, area, data)
if math.random() < CRYSTAL then
caverealms:crystal_stalagmite(x,y,z, area, data, biome)
nixyz2 = nixyz2 + 1
nixz = nixz + 1
vi = vi + 1
nixz = nixz - sidelen --shift the 2D index back
nixz = nixz + sidelen --shift the 2D index up a layer
--send data back to voxelmanip
--calc lighting
vm:set_lighting({day=0, night=0})
--write it to world
local chugent = math.ceil((os.clock() - t1) * 1000) --grab how long it took
print ("[caverealms] "..chugent.." ms") --tell people how long
print("[caverealms] loaded!")