HeroOfTheWinds 12070ef2ba Initial Commit
This ain't no Cave Story.
2014-06-13 21:29:45 -10:00

297 lines
8.7 KiB

-- caverealms 0.1.0 by HeroOfTheWinds
-- For latest stable Minetest and back to 0.4.8
-- Depends default
-- License: code WTFPL
-- Parameters
local YMIN = -33000 -- Approximate realm limits.
local YMAX = -700
local XMIN = -33000
local XMAX = 33000
local ZMIN = -33000
local ZMAX = 33000
local CHUINT = 2 -- Chunk interval for cave realms
local WAVAMP = 16 -- Structure wave amplitude
local HISCAL = 32 -- Upper structure vertical scale
local LOSCAL = 32 -- Lower structure vertical scale
local HIEXP = 0.5 -- Upper structure density gradient exponent
local LOEXP = 0.5 -- Lower structure density gradient exponent
local DIRTHR = 0.04 -- Dirt density threshold
local STOTHR = 0.08 -- Stone density threshold
local STABLE = 2 -- Minimum number of stacked stone nodes in column for dirt / sand on top
local STALAG = 0.02 --chance of stalagmites
local STALAC = 0.04 --chance of stalactites
local H_LAG = 15 --max height for stalagmites
local H_LAC = 20 --...stalactites
local CRYSTAL = 0.01 --chance of glow crystal formations
local H_CRY = 6 --max height of glow crystals
local GEMCHA = 0.03 --chance of small glow gems
-- 3D noise for caverns
local np_cave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=512, y=256, z=512},
seed = 277777979,
octaves = 6,
persist = 0.6
-- 3D noise for large scale cavern size/density variation
local np_cluster = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=2048, y=2048, z=2048},
seed = 23,
octaves = 1,
persist = 0.5
-- 2D noise for wave
local np_wave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=256, y=256, z=256},
seed = -400000000089,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.5
-- Stuff
caverealms = {}
-- Nodes
--glowing crystal
minetest.register_node("caverealms:glow_crystal", {
description = "Glow Crystal",
tiles = {"caverealms_glow_crystal.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky=3},
--sounds = "default_break_glass.1.ogg", --broken
light_source = 13,
paramtype = "light",
use_texture_alpha = true,
drawtype = "glasslike",
sunlight_propagates = true,
--embedded crystal
minetest.register_node("caverealms:glow_ore", {
description = "Glow Crystal Ore",
tiles = {"caverealms_glow_ore.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky=2},
--sounds = "default_break_glass.1.ogg", --broken
light_source = 10,
paramtype = "light",
--use_texture_alpha = true,
--drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
--glowing crystal
minetest.register_node("caverealms:glow_gem", {
description = "Glow Gem",
tiles = {"caverealms_glow_gem.png"},
inventory_image = "caverealms_glow_gem.png",
wield_image = "caverealms_glow_gem.png",
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1},
--sounds = "default_break_glass.1.ogg", --broken
light_source = 11,
paramtype = "light",
drawtype = "plantlike",
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
visual_scale = 1.0,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -5/16, 0.5},
--cave dirt_with_grass - bluish?
minetest.register_node("caverealms:dirt_with_grass", {
description = "Cave Dirt with Grass",
tiles = {"caverealms_grass.png", "default_dirt.png", "default_dirt.png^caverealms_grass_side.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {crumbly=3,soil=1},
drop = 'default:dirt',
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
footstep = {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.25},
--cave plants
--glowing crystal stalagmite spawner
function caverealms:crystal_stalagmite(x, y, z, area, data)
--content IDs
local c_crystal = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_crystal")
local c_crystore = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_ore")
for j = 0, H_CRY do --y
for k = -2, 2 do --x
for l = -2, 2 do --z
if j <= math.ceil(H_CRY / 4) then --base
if k*k + l*l <= 4 then --make a circle
local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l)
if math.random(3) == 1 then
data[vi] = c_crystal
data[vi] = c_crystore
else --top
if k >= -1 and k <= 1 then
if l >= -1 and l <= 1 then
if j <= H_CRY - 2 then
local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l)
if math.random(3) <= 2 then
data[vi] = c_crystal
data[vi] = c_crystore
local vi = area:index(x, y+j, z)
data[vi] = c_crystal
-- On generated function
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
--only continue if within the bounds for creating cave realms
if minp.x < XMIN or maxp.x > XMAX
or minp.y < YMIN or maxp.y > YMAX
or minp.z < ZMIN or maxp.z > ZMAX then
--determine if there's enough spacing between layers to start a realm
local chulay = math.floor((minp.y + 32) / 80) -- chunk layer number, 0 = surface chunk
if math.fmod(chulay, CHUINT) ~= 0 then -- if chulay / CHUINT has a remainder
--easy to reference variables for limits and time
local t1 = os.clock()
local x1 = maxp.x
local y1 = maxp.y
local z1 = maxp.z
local x0 = minp.x
local y0 = minp.y
local z0 = minp.z
--let people know you're generating a realm
print ("[caverealms] chunk minp ("..x0.." "..y0.." "..z0..")")
--fire up the LVM
local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=emin, MaxEdge=emax}
local data = vm:get_data()
--grab content IDs
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_crystal = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_crystal")
local c_gem = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:glow_gem")
local c_grass = minetest.get_content_id("caverealms:dirt_with_grass")
--some mandatory values
local sidelen = x1 - x0 + 1 --usually equals 80
local chulens = {x=sidelen, y=sidelen, z=sidelen} --position table to pass to get3dMap_flat
local minposxyz = {x=x0, y=y0, z=z0}
local minposxz = {x=x0, y=z0}
--generate the all important perlin that makes nice terrains
local nvals_cave = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_cave, chulens):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local nvals_cluster = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_cluster, chulens):get3dMap_flat(minposxyz)
local nvals_wave = minetest.get_perlin_map(np_wave, chulens):get2dMap_flat(minposxz)
--more values
local nixyz = 1 --short for node index xyz
local nixz = 1 --node index xz
local stable = {} --stability for ground
local dirt = {} --table for dirt
local chumid = y0 + sidelen / 2 --middle of the current chunk
for z = z0, z1 do --for each xy plane progressing northwards
for x = x0, x1 do
local si = x - x0 + 1 --stability index
dirt[si] = 0 --no dirt here... yet
local nodename = minetest.get_node({x=x,y=y0-1,z=z}).name --grab the name of the node just below
if nodename == "air"
or nodename == "default:water_source"
or nodename == "default:lava_source" then --if a cave or any kind of lake
stable[si] = 0 --this is not stable for plants or falling nodes above
else -- all else including ignore in ungenerated chunks
stable[si] = STABLE --stuff can safely go above
for y = y1, y0, -1 do -- for each x row progressing downwards
local vi = area:index(x0, y, z) --grab the index of the node to edit
for x = x0, x1 do -- for each node do
--here's the good part
local si = x - x0 + 1 --stability index
local cavemid = chumid + nvals_wave[nixz] * WAVAMP --grab the middle of the cave's amplitude
local grad
if y > cavemid then
grad = ((y - cavemid) / HISCAL) ^ HIEXP --for the ceiling
grad = ((cavemid - y) / LOSCAL) ^ LOEXP --for the floor
local density = nvals_cave[nixyz] - grad --how dense is the emptiness?
if density < 0 and density > -0.7 then -- if cavern "shell"
data[vi] = c_air --make emptiness
if y < cavemid and density < STOTHR and stable[si] <= STABLE then
dirt[si] = dirt[si] + 1
stable[si] = stable[si] + 1
elseif y < cavemid and dirt[si] >= 1 then -- node above surface
--place dirt on floor, add plants
data[vi] = c_grass
--on random chance, place glow crystal formations
if math.random() <= CRYSTAL then
caverealms:crystal_stalagmite(x, y, z, area, data)
--randomly place glow gems
if math.random() < GEMCHA then
local gi = area:index(x,y+1,z)
data[gi] = c_gem
dirt[si] = 0
else -- solid rock
stable[si] = 0
nixyz = nixyz + 1 --increment the 3D index
nixz = nixz + 1 --increment the 2D index
vi = vi + 1 --increment the area index
nixz = nixz - 80 --shift the 2D index down a layer
nixz = nixz + 80 --shift the 2D index up a layer
--write these changes to the world
vm:set_lighting({day=0, night=0})
local chugent = math.ceil((os.clock() - t1) * 1000) --grab how long this took
print ("[caverealms] "..chugent.." ms") --tell people how long it took