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//CS 350 - Processes Group - "CTRL+ALT+BELIEVE"
// improbabilitydrive.c - The Improbability Drive
// This program behaves in a very improbable way.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
// Create a linked list struct
typedef struct LNode LNode;
struct LNode
2016-04-13 15:42:50 -07:00
char fname[256];
LNode *next;
// Define a function to restart wait() whenever interrupted
pid_t r_wait(int *stat_loc)
int retval;
// Loop and call wait() whenever an interrupt error occurs
while (((retval = wait(stat_loc)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) ;
return retval;
// Function to construct an array of all files in the directory
// Returns number of items in the array
int makeFileList(LNode *dirlist)
// Special thanks to for info on how to get file names
// Create a new directory object (using dirent.h)
DIR *d;
// Make a dirent struct
struct dirent *dir;
// Try opening the current directory
d = opendir(".");
// Create an index variable for incrementing array indices
int i = 0;
// Make copy of the pointer to the list for preservation
LNode *dp = dirlist;
// If directory opened successfully:
if (d)
// While anything to read remains
while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL)
// Add to list of files, and increment index
LNode *newN = malloc(sizeof(LNode));
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strcpy(newN->fname, dir->d_name);
dp->next = malloc(sizeof(LNode));
dp = newN;
i += 1;
dp->next = NULL;
// No need to leave open.
return i;
// Function to take an array of file names and separate out *.sh files
int getSHFiles(LNode *fileList, int n, LNode *shList)
// Declare int to hold total number of hits
int t = 0;
// Copy the pointers to avoid overwrite
LNode *fp = fileList;
LNode *sp = shList;
// Loop over every item in the file list
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%s\n","Before printname");
puts("before string right char");
// Test if it has the .sh extention
char *dot = strrchr(fp->fname,'.');
puts("after strrchar");
if (dot && !strcmp(dot, ".sh"))
puts("before sp fname assign");
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strcpy(sp->fname, fp->fname);
t += 1;
puts("before sp->next malloc");
sp->next = malloc(sizeof(LNode));
puts("after sp->next");
sp = sp->next;
puts("after sp");
fp = fp->next;
sp->next = NULL;
return t;
// Create a list of command line commands
char *cmds[12] = {"ls", "grep", "bash", "vi", "ps", "who", "df", "fortune", "history", "date", "top", "cat"};
// Create corresponding command line argument strings
LNode *shfiles; // Files ending in .sh
LNode *files; // List of all files in directory
// Random words to grep
char *randwords[6] = {"if", "while", "time", "char", "print", "name"};
int nw = 6; // Number of words in array
// Main function
int main(void)
puts("beginning of main");
// Create vars to hold number of files and .sh files
int nf = 0;
int ns = 0;
files = malloc(sizeof(LNode));
shfiles = malloc(sizeof(LNode));
puts("intialize variables");
// Populate our lists
nf = makeFileList(files);
puts("after makeFileList");
ns = getSHFiles(files, nf, shfiles);
puts("populate directory");
// Set up a few things for using makeargv() later
char delim[] = " \t";
char **destargv;
puts("after argv stuff");
// Create a pid_t to store the pid of the child process we are making
pid_t childpid;
// Make a child process
childpid = fork();
// Check that it was successful
if (childpid == -1)
perror("Failed to fork");
// If this is the child:
if (childpid == 0)
// Generate a random number to pick a command
int rndCmd = rand() % 12;
// Check which command it is to see if an argument is needed
// 1 is grep, 2 is bash, 3 is vi
if (rndCmd == 1)
// Pick a random word to grep for
int rndW = rand() % nw;
// Execute bash
const char *cmd = cmds[rndCmd];
const char *argFile = randwords[rndW];
execlp(cmds[rndCmd], cmd, argFile, NULL);
else if (rndCmd == 2)
// Pick a random .sh file to run with bash
int rndSH = rand() % ns;
// Execute bash
const char *cmd = cmds[rndCmd];
const char *argFile;
LNode *sp = shfiles;
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
if (i == rndSH)
argFile = shfiles->fname;
sp = sp->next;
execlp(cmds[rndCmd], cmd, argFile, NULL);
else if (rndCmd == 3)
// Pick a random file to open in vi
int rndF = rand() % nf;
// Execute vi
const char *cmd = cmds[rndCmd];
const char *argFile;
LNode *fp = files;
for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++)
if (i == rndF)
argFile = files->fname;
fp = fp->next;
execlp(cmds[rndCmd], cmd, argFile, NULL);
// Just run the command
const char *cmd = cmds[rndCmd];
execlp(cmds[rndCmd], cmd, NULL);
if (childpid != r_wait(NULL))
perror("Parent failed to wait");
return 1;
return 0;