197 lines
5.5 KiB
197 lines
5.5 KiB
-- NOTE: Most of this file is a mess and is likely broken. Could use a rewrite.
-- Convert a box table to a mesh
-- All arrays in this function are flat
local function boxes_to_faces(boxes)
if not boxes then return end
if type(boxes[1]) ~= "table" then boxes = {boxes} end
local verts = {}
local faces = {}
local texcs = {}
for _, b in pairs(boxes) do
-- Box as vertices
local v = {
{b[4], b[5], b[3]}, {b[1], b[5], b[3]}, {b[1], b[5], b[6]}, {b[4], b[5], b[6]},
{b[4], b[2], b[3]}, {b[1], b[2], b[3]}, {b[1], b[2], b[6]}, {b[4], b[2], b[6]},
for _, vert in pairs(v) do
verts[#verts + 1] = vert
-- z-
-- 2 ------ 1
-- |\ |\
-- | \ | \
-- x+ | 3 ------ 4 x-
-- 6 -|---- 5 |
-- \ | \ |
-- \| \|
-- 7 ------ 8
-- z+
-- Faces constructed using vertex indices
-- Follows nodebox tile order
-- Counter-clockwise winding order is important
local f = {
{1, 2, 3, 4}, {8, 7, 6, 5}, -- y+, y-
{3, 2, 6, 7}, {1, 4, 8, 5}, -- x+, x-
{4, 3, 7, 8}, {2, 1, 5, 6}, -- z+, z-
math.sign = math.sign or function(n) return n > 0 and 1 or n < 0 and -1 or 0 end
-- Map vertex components to uv components
local tmap = {
{-1, 3}, -- y+
{-1, -3}, -- y-
{ 3, 2}, -- x+
{-3, 2}, -- x-
{ 1, 2}, -- z+
{-1, 2}, -- z-
-- Create 4 UV coordinates for each face
for i = 1, 6 do
for j = 1, 4 do
-- Using the actual vertex coordinates will make it scale properly
local vx = v[f[i][j]]
local x = tmap[i][1]
local y = tmap[i][2]
texcs[#texcs + 1] = {vx[math.abs(x)] * math.sign(x) + 0.5, vx[math.abs(y)] * math.sign(y) + 0.5}
local off = #faces
local voff = ((off / 6) * 8)
for i, face in pairs(f) do
local toff = (off * 4) + ((i - 1) * 4)
-- vertex index, uv index, normal index
faces[#faces + 1] = {
face[1] + voff, 1 + toff, i,
face[2] + voff, 2 + toff, i,
face[3] + voff, 3 + toff, i,
face[4] + voff, 4 + toff, i,
return {verts = verts, faces = faces, texcs = texcs}
local function insert(t, v)
table.insert(t, v or false)
local function nodebox_to_mesh(nodebox, filepath)
local boxes = {}
if nodebox.type == "normal" then
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces({-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}))
elseif nodebox.type == "fixed" then
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.fixed))
elseif nodebox.type == "leveled" then
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.fixed))
elseif nodebox.type == "wallmounted" then
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.wall_top))
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.wall_bottom))
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.wall_side))
elseif nodebox.type == "connected" then
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.fixed))
for _, dir in pairs({"top", "bottom", "front", "left", "back", "right"}) do
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox["connect_" .. dir]))
for _, dir in pairs({"top", "bottom", "front", "left", "back", "right"}) do
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox["disconnected_" .. dir]))
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.disconnected))
insert(boxes, boxes_to_faces(nodebox.disconnected_sides))
local mesh = io.open(filepath, "w")
local norms = {
{-1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, -- x
{0, -1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, -- y
{0, 0, -1}, {0, 0, 1}, -- z
for _, n in pairs(norms) do
mesh:write(("vn %s %s %s\n"):format(unpack(n)))
-- Each box has local offsets. These are used as a sort of "global" offset
local vcount = 0
local tcount = 0
local mcount = 0
-- Each box may be one or more cuboids
for _, box in pairs(boxes) do
if box then
for _, v in pairs(box.verts) do
mesh:write(("v %s %s %s\n"):format(unpack(v)))
for _, t in pairs(box.texcs) do
mesh:write(("vt %s %s\n"):format(unpack(t)))
for f = 1, 6 do
mcount = mcount + 1
mesh:write(("g M_%s\n"):format(mcount))
for j = 0, #box.faces / 6 - 1 do
local face = {}
for i = 1, 12, 3 do
face[i] = box.faces[f + j * 6][i] + vcount
face[i + 1] = box.faces[f + j * 6][i + 1] + tcount
face[i + 2] = box.faces[f + j * 6][i + 2]
mesh:write(("f %s/%s/%s %s/%s/%s %s/%s/%s %s/%s/%s\n"):format(unpack(face)))
vcount = vcount + #box.verts
tcount = tcount + #box.texcs
else -- Still need to increment materials
for i = 1, 6 do
mcount = mcount + 1
mesh:write(("g M_%s\n"):format(mcount))
mesh:write(("f 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1\n"))
-- Put media files in the current world folder to avoid conflicts when running
-- the mod in simultaneous servers
local path = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/lvae"
for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
if def.drawtype == "nodebox" then
local filename = ("lvae_%s.obj"):format(name:gsub(":", "_"))
nodebox_to_mesh(def.node_box, path .. "/" .. filename)
-- worldmods are loaded before other mods, so we cant write the media
-- at this point and expect it to load. Dynamic media has to be added
-- during runtime, so we use minetest.after. This runs in a globalstep,
-- which means the media shouldnt be sent until the server step starts
-- and the server is loaded.
minetest.after(0, function()
minetest.dynamic_add_media({filepath = path .. "/" .. filename}, function() end)
-- Clear out generated files since they may change later
for _, filename in pairs(minetest.get_dir_list(path, false)) do
os.remove(path .. "/" .. filename)