Add mg_villages dependency

Solebull 2018-12-14 15:58:41 +01:00
parent 0325ddf021
commit 2a826c2dc4
235 changed files with 8036 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This is a continuation of my (Sokomines) fork of Nores mg mapgen.
The fork can be found under

View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
-- helper function for mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths
-- "res" is the raw data as provided by analyze_file
-- "node_name" is the name of the node we are looking for
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes = function( res, node_name, check_place_for_standing )
local node_positions = {};
-- find out if the building contains any of the nodes we are looking for
local found = -1;
for i,n in ipairs( res.nodenames ) do
if( n == node_name ) then
found = i;
-- that node does not exist in the building
if( found == -1 ) then
return {};
for z = 1, res.size.z do
for y = 1, res.size.y do
for x = 1, res.size.x do
if( res.scm_data_cache[y]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]
and res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z][1] == found ) then
if( (check_place_for_standing==false)
) then
-- or ( mob_world_interaction.can_stand_in_node_type( TODO )
-- and mob_world_interaction.can_stand_in_node_type( TODO ))) then
table.insert( node_positions, {x=x, y=y, z=z, p2=res.scm_data_cache[y][x][z][2]});
return node_positions;
-- changes path_info and adds paths from beds and workplaces to front of building
-- path_info[ short_file_name ] contains the paths from the beds
-- path_info[ short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE" ] contains the paths from the workplaces
-- creates building_data.all_entrances
-- creates building_data.workplace_list
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths = function( file_name, building_data, path_info )
local short_file_name = string.sub(file_name, mg_villages.file_name_offset, 256);
building_data.short_file_name = short_file_name;
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( "mob_world_interaction" ))) then
return building_data;
-- identify front doors and paths to them from the beds
-- TODO: provide a more general list with beds, work places etc.
if( building_data.bed_list
and #building_data.bed_list > 0 ) then
if(not( path_info[ short_file_name ])) then
print("BEDS in "..tostring( short_file_name )..":");
path_info[ short_file_name ] = mob_world_interaction.find_all_front_doors( building_data, building_data.bed_list );
-- we are looking for the places in front of the front doors; not the front doors themshelves
building_data.all_entrances = {};
for i,e in ipairs( path_info[ short_file_name ] ) do
-- the last entry in the list for the first bed is what we are looking for
-- (provided there actually is a path)
if( e[1] and #e[1]>0 ) then
table.insert( building_data.all_entrances, e[1][ #e[1] ]);
-- some buildings (i.e. a tavern, school, shop, church, ...) contain places where a mob working
-- there will most likely be standing, awaiting his guests/doing his job. Such places can be
-- manually marked by placing mg_villages:mob_workplace_marker
-- this is diffrent information from the normal bed list
local store_as = short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE";
if(not( path_info[ store_as ] )) then
local workplace_list = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes( building_data, "mg_villages:mob_workplace_marker", false );
if( workplace_list and #workplace_list>0) then
-- store it for later use
building_data.workplace_list = workplace_list;
print("WORKPLACE: "..tostring( building_data.short_file_name )..": "..minetest.serialize( workplace_list ));
path_info[ store_as ] = mob_world_interaction.find_all_front_doors( building_data, workplace_list );
-- if no entrances are known yet, then store them now; the entrances associated with
-- beds are considered to be more important. This here is only a fallback if no beds
-- exist in the house.
if( not( building_data.all_entrances )) then
-- we are looking for the places in front of the front doors; not the front doors themshelves
building_data.all_entrances = {};
for i,e in ipairs( path_info[ store_as ] ) do
-- might just be the place outside the house instead of a door
if( e[1] and #e[1]>0 ) then
table.insert( building_data.all_entrances, e[1][ #e[1] ]);
-- else
-- print("NO workplace found in "..tostring(building_data.short_file_name ));
TODO: check if 2 nodes above the target node are air or walkable;
TODO: exceptions to that: bench (only 1 above needs to be walkable)
TODO: other exceptions: furnace, chests, washing place: place in front is wanted - not on top
TODO: search for:
local pos_list = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_search_nodes( building_data, "farming:soil_wet", true );
farming:soil farming:soil_wet
default:chest cottages:shelf cottages:chest_storage cottages:chest_private cottages:chest_work
cottages:bench (cottages:table?)
cottages:barrel (and variants); cottages:tub
default:fence_wood cottages:gate_closed cottages:gate_open
any door...
any hatch...
-- some debug information
if( mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL and mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL == mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_TIMING ) then
local str2 = " in "..short_file_name.." ["..building_data.typ.."]";
if( not( path_info[ short_file_name ] )
and not( path_info[ store_as ] )) then
str2 = "nothing of intrest (no bed, no workplace)"..str2;
elseif( path_info[ short_file_name ]
and (#path_info[ short_file_name ]<1
or #path_info[ short_file_name ][1]<1
or #path_info[ short_file_name ][1][1]<1 )) then
str2 = "BROKEN paths for beds"..str2;
elseif( path_info[ store_as ]
and (#path_info[ store_as ]<1
or #path_info[ store_as ][1]<1
or #path_info[ store_as ][1][1]<1 )) then
str2 = "BROKEN paths for workplaces"..str2;
if( path_info[ store_as ] ) then
str2 = tostring( #path_info[ store_as ][1]-1 )..
" workplaces"..str2;
str2 = "no workplaces"..str2;
if( path_info[ short_file_name ] ) then
str2 = tostring( #path_info[ short_file_name ][1]-1 )..
" beds and "..str2;
str2 = "no beds and "..str2;
print( str2 );
return building_data;
-- Calls mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths and evaluates the output:
-- * determines the position of front doors (building_data.front_door_list)
-- * position of beds (building_data.bed_list)
-- * places where mobs can stand when they got up from their bed or want
-- to go to bed (building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list)
-- * amount of usable beds in the house (building_data.bed_count)
-- * position of workplaces where a currently working mob may want to
-- stand (i.e. behind a shop's counter, next to a machine, in front
-- of the class/congregation, ..) (building_data.workplace_list)
-- Returns: Updated building_data with the values mentionned above set.
-- building_data Information about the building as gained from registration
-- and from handle_schematics.analze_file(..)
-- file_name with complete path to the schematic
-- path_info Data structure where path_info (paths from doors to beds etc.)
-- is cached.
mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs = function( building_data, file_name, path_info )
-- identify front doors, calculate paths from beds/workplaces to front of house
building_data = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs_update_paths( file_name, building_data, path_info );
-- building_data.bed_list and building_data.workspace_list are calculated withhin
-- the above function - provided they are not part of path_info yet;
-- the information stored in path_info is the relevant one for mob movement/pathfinding
-- store the front doors in extra list
building_data.front_door_list = {};
-- gain the list of beds from path_info data
building_data.bed_list = {};
-- mobs are seldom able to stand directly on or even next to the bed when getting up
building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list = {};
-- have any beds been found?
if( building_data.short_file_name
and path_info[ building_data.short_file_name ] ) then
local paths = path_info[ building_data.short_file_name];
if( paths and paths[1] ) then
-- iterate over all bed-to-first-front-door-paths (we want to identify beds)
for i,p in ipairs( paths[1] ) do
-- the last entry has a diffrent meaning
if( p and p[1] and i<#paths[1]) then
-- param2 is the 5th parameter
building_data.bed_list[i] = {p[1][1],p[1][2],p[1][3],p[1][5]};
-- also store where the mob may stand
if( p[2] ) then
building_data.stand_next_to_bed_list[i] = p[2];
-- iterate over all paths and take a look at the first bed only (we want to
-- get the doors now, not the beds)
for i,p in ipairs( paths ) do
-- paths[i]: paths from all beds to front door i
-- paths[i][1]: path from first bed to front door i
if( p and p[1] ) then
-- the place in front of the door is the last entry
local d = p[1][ #p[1] ];
building_data.front_door_list[i] = {d[1],d[2],d[3]};
-- make sure this refers to the same data as building_data.bed_list
building_data.bed_count = #building_data.bed_list;
-- gain the list of workplaces from the path_info data
building_data.workplace_list = {};
-- have any workplaces been found?
if( building_data.short_file_name
and path_info[ building_data.short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE" ] ) then
local paths = path_info[ building_data.short_file_name.."|WORKPLACE"];
if( paths and paths[1] ) then
for i,p in ipairs( paths[1] ) do
if( p and p[1] and i<#paths[1]) then
building_data.workplace_list[i] = {p[1][1],p[1][2],p[1][3],p[1][4]};
-- no front doors found through beds? then take a look if the workplaces found doors
if( #building_data.front_door_list < 1 ) then
for i,p in ipairs( paths ) do
if( p and p[1] ) then
local d = p[1][ #p[1] ];
building_data.front_door_list[i] = {d[1],d[2],d[3]};
return building_data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
-- scm="bla" Name of the file that holds the buildings' schematic. Supported types: .we and .mts (omit the extension!)
-- sizex, sizez, ysize: obsolete
-- yoff=0 how deep is the building burried?
-- pervillage=1 Never generate more than this amount of this building and this type (if set) of building per village.
-- axis=1 Building needs to be mirrored along the x-axis instead of the z-axis because it is initially rotated
-- inh=2 maximum amount of inhabitants the building may hold (usually amount of beds present)
-- if set to i.e. -1, this indicates that a mob is WORKING, but not LIVING here
-- we_origin Only needed for very old .we files (savefile format version 3) which do not start at 0,0,0 but have an offset.
-- price Stack that has to be paid in order to become owner of the plot the building stands on and the building;
-- overrides mg_villages.prices[ building_typ ].
-- guests Negative value, i.e. -2: 2 of the beds will belong to the family working here; the rest will be guests.
-- For building type "chateau", guest names the number of servants/housemaids instead of guests.
mg_villages.all_buildings_list = {}
local buildings = {
-- the houses the mod came with
{yoff= 0, scm="house_1_0", typ='house', weight={nore=1, single=2 }, inh=4},
{yoff= 0, scm="wheat_field", typ='field', weight={nore=1 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 0, scm="cotton_field", typ='field', weight={nore=1 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 1, scm="lamp", no_rotate=true, typ='lamp', weight={nore=1/5 }},
{yoff=-5, scm="well", no_rotate=true, pervillage=1, typ='well', weight={nore=1 }},
{yoff= 0, scm="fountain", pervillage=3, typ='fountain', weight={nore=1/4 }, axis=1},
{yoff= 0, scm="small_house_1_0", typ='house', weight={nore=1, single=2 }, inh=2},
{yoff= 0, scm="house_with_garden_1_0", typ='house', weight={nore=1, single=2 }, inh=3},
{yoff= 0, scm="church_1_0", pervillage=1, typ='church', weight={nore=1 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 0, scm="tower_1_0", typ='tower', weight={nore=1/7, single=1 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 0, scm="forge_1_0", pervillage=2, typ='forge', weight={nore=1, single=1/3 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 0, scm="library_1_0", pervillage=2, typ='library', weight={nore=1 }, inh=-1},
{yoff= 0, scm="inn_1_0", pervillage=4, typ='inn', weight={nore=1/2, single=1/3 }, inh=-1, guests=-2}, -- has room for 4 guests
{yoff= 0, scm="pub_1_0", pervillage=2, typ='tavern', weight={nore=1/3, single=1/3 }, inh=-1},
-- log cabins by Sokomine (requiring cottages, glasspanes)
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin1", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=2, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin2", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=2, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin3", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=3, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin4", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=3, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin5", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin6", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin7", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=2, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin8", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=2, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin9", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin10", orients={2}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, inh=3, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabin11", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1, single=1}, inh=6, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabinpub1", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1/6, single=1}, pervillage=1, typ='tavern', axis=1, inh=1, guests=-2}, -- +5 guests
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabinpub2", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1/6, single=1}, pervillage=1, typ='tavern', axis=1, inh=2, guests=-3}, -- +8 guests
{yoff= 0, scm="logcabinpub3", orients={1}, weight={logcabin=1/6, single=1}, pervillage=1, typ='tavern', axis=1, inh=2, guests=-4}, -- +12 guest
-- grass huts (requiring cottages, dryplants, cavestuff/undergrowth, plantlife)
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut1_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut2_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='townhall'}, -- community hut for meetings
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut3_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut4_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut5_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshut6_1_90", weight={ single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{yoff= 0, scm="grasshutcenter_1_90", pervillage=1, weight={grasshut=2}, nomirror=1, typ = 'tavern'}, -- open meeting place
-- for the buildings below, sizex, sizez and ysize are read from the file directly;
-- schematics from Sokomines villages mod (requires cottages)
{scm="church_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='church', weight={medieval=4 }, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
-- {scm="church_2_twoelk", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='church', weight={medieval=4}, pervillage=1},
{scm="forge_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='forge', weight={medieval=2, single=1/2}, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="mill_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='mill', weight={medieval=2 }, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="watermill_1", yoff=-3, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='mill', weight={medieval=2 }, pervillage=1, inh=-2},
{scm="hut_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='hut', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=1},
{scm="hut_2", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='hut', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=2},
{scm="farm_full_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=2},
{scm="farm_full_2", yoff= 0, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=5},
{scm="farm_full_3", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=5},
{scm="farm_full_4", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=8},
{scm="farm_full_5", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=5},
{scm="farm_full_6", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=5},
{scm="farm_tiny_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=2},
{scm="farm_tiny_2", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=6},
{scm="farm_tiny_3", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=4},
{scm="farm_tiny_4", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=4},
{scm="farm_tiny_5", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=4},
{scm="farm_tiny_6", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=4},
{scm="farm_tiny_7", yoff= 0, orients={3}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='farm_tiny', weight={medieval=1, single=1 }, inh=7},
{scm="taverne_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=1, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={medieval=1/2, single=1 }, pervillage=1, inh=6, guests=-3}, -- 19 beds: 10 guest, 3 worker, 6 family
{scm="taverne_2", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={medieval=1/2, single=1/3}, pervillage=1, inh=2}, -- no guests
{scm="taverne_3", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={medieval=1/2, single=1/3}, pervillage=1, inh=2}, -- no guests
{scm="taverne_4", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={medieval=1/2, single=1/3}, pervillage=1, inh=1}, -- no guests
{scm="well_1", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_2", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_3", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_4", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_5", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_6", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_7", yoff= -1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="well_8", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='well', typ='well', weight={medieval=1/12, single=1/2}, pervillage=4},
{scm="allmende_3_90", yoff=-2, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='allmende', weight={medieval=3,taoki=3,nore=3,logcabin=1,grasshut=1}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_1", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_2", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_3", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_4", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_5", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_6", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_7", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_8", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_9", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="tree_place_10", yoff= 1, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='village_square', weight={medieval=1/12}, pervillage=1},
{scm="wagon_1", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_2", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_3", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_4", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_5", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_6", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_7", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_8", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_9", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_10", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_11", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="wagon_12", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='wagon', weight={medieval=1/12,tent=1/3}, axis=1},
{scm="bench_1", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bench', weight={medieval=1/12}, nomirror=1},
{scm="bench_2", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bench', weight={medieval=1/12}, nomirror=1},
{scm="bench_3", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bench', weight={medieval=1/12}, nomirror=1},
{scm="bench_4", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bench', weight={medieval=1/12}, nomirror=1},
{scm="shed_1", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_2", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_3", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_5", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_6", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_7", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_8", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_9", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_10", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_11", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="shed_12", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='stable', weight={medieval=1/10}},
{scm="weide_1", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="weide_2", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="weide_3", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="weide_4", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="weide_5", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="weide_6", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='pasture', typ='pasture', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="field_1", yoff=-2, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='field', typ='field', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="field_2", yoff=-2, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='field', typ='field', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="field_3", yoff=-2, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='field', typ='field', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
{scm="field_4", yoff=-2, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='field', typ='field', weight={medieval=1/6}, pervillage=8},
-- hut and hills for charachoal burners; perhaps they could live together with lumberjacks?
{scm="charachoal_hut", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='hut', weight={charachoal=1, single=5}, inh=2, nomirror=1},
{scm="charachoal_hill", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='hut', weight={charachoal=2 }, inh=-1, nomirror=1},
-- lumberjacks; they require the cottages mod
{scm="lumberjack_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=3},
{scm="lumberjack_2", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=4},
{scm="lumberjack_3", yoff= 1, orients={1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, inh=3},
{scm="lumberjack_4", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=4},
{scm="lumberjack_5", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=9},
{scm="lumberjack_6", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=5},
{scm="lumberjack_7", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=5},
{scm="lumberjack_8", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=9},
{scm="lumberjack_9", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=5},
{scm="lumberjack_10", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="lumberjack_11", yoff= 0, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="lumberjack_12", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=3},
{scm="lumberjack_13", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=3},
{scm="lumberjack_14", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="lumberjack_15", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="lumberjack_16", yoff= 0, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='lumberjack', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="lumberjack_school", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='school', weight={lumberjack=2 }, axis=1, inh=1},
{scm="lumberjack_stable", yoff= 0, orients={3}, avoid='', typ='horsestable', weight={lumberjack=1, single=3}, axis=1, inh=-1},
{scm="lumberjack_pub_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='tavern', weight={lumberjack=3, single=1}, pervillage=1, axis=1, inh=-1},
{scm="lumberjack_church_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='church', weight={lumberjack=3}, pervillage=1, axis=1, inh=-1},
{scm="lumberjack_hotel_1", yoff= 1, orients={0}, avoid='', typ='inn', weight={lumberjack=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=16, guests=-1}, -- all but one of the 16 are guests
{scm="lumberjack_shop_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={lumberjack=1}, pervillage=1, axis=1, inh=-1},
{scm="lumberjack_sawmill_1",yoff=-7, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='sawmill', weight={lumberjack=2, single=1}, pervillage=1, axis=1, inh=-1},
-- {scm="cow_trader_1", yoff= 0, orients={4}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={lumberjack=1}},
-- clay traders depend on cottages as well
{scm="trader_clay_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={claytrader=3, single=3}, axis=1, inh=1}, -- poor guy who has to live in that small thing
{scm="trader_clay_2", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={claytrader=3, single=3}, axis=1, inh=1}, -- not that he'll live very comftable there...
{scm="trader_clay_3", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={claytrader=3, single=3}, inh=2},
{scm="trader_clay_4", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={claytrader=3, single=3}, inh=2},
{scm="trader_clay_5", yoff= 1, orients={1}, avoid='', typ='trader', weight={claytrader=3, single=3}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="clay_pit_1", yoff=-3, orients={0,1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='pit', weight={claytrader=1}},
{scm="clay_pit_2", yoff=-1, orients={0,1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='pit', weight={claytrader=1}},
{scm="clay_pit_3", yoff=-6, orients={0,1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='pit', weight={claytrader=1}},
{scm="clay_pit_4", yoff= 0, orients={0,1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='pit', weight={claytrader=1}},
{scm="clay_pit_5", yoff= 1, orients={0,1,2,3}, avoid='', typ='pit', weight={claytrader=1}},
-- Houses from Taokis Structure I/O Mod (see
{scm="default_town_farm", yoff= -1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='field', weight={taoki=1, single=1}, axis=1},
{scm="default_town_house_large_1", yoff= -4, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1/4, single=1}, axis=1, inh=10},
{scm="default_town_house_large_2", yoff= -4, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1/4, single=1}, axis=1, inh=8},
{scm="default_town_house_medium", yoff= -4, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1/2, single=1}, axis=1, inh=6},
{scm="default_town_house_small", yoff= -4, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=4},
{scm="default_town_house_tiny_1", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=3},
{scm="default_town_house_tiny_2", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=3},
{scm="default_town_house_tiny_3", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1, single=1}, axis=1, inh=2},
{scm="default_town_park", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='park', weight={taoki=1 }, axis=1},
{scm="default_town_tower", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tower', weight={taoki=1/6, single=1}, axis=1, inh=-1},
{scm="default_town_well", yoff= -6, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='well', weight={taoki=1/4 }, axis=1},
{scm="default_town_fountain", yoff= 1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='fountain',weight={taoki=1/4 }, axis=1},
-- the hotel seems to be only the middle section of the building; it's build for another spawning algorithm
-- {scm="default_town_hotel", yoff= -1, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='house', weight={taoki=1/5}},
{scm="tent_tiny_1", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}, inh=1},
{scm="tent_tiny_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}, inh=1},
{scm="tent_big_1", yoff=0, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={tent=1, single=1}}, -- no sleeping place
{scm="tent_big_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1, single=1}, inh=2},
{scm="tent_medium_1", yoff=0, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1/2, single=1}, inh=3},
{scm="tent_medium_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={tent=1/2, single=1}, inh=3},
{scm="tent_medium_3", yoff=0, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1/2, single=1}, inh=3},
{scm="tent_medium_4", yoff=0, orients={1}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tent', weight={tent=1/2, single=1}, inh=3},
{scm="tent_open_1", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='pub', weight={tent=1/5}},
{scm="tent_open_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shed', weight={tent=1/5}},
{scm="tent_open_3", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='shop', weight={tent=1/5}},
{scm="tent_open_big_1", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='pub', weight={tent=1/5}},
{scm="tent_open_big_2", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='church', weight={tent=1/5}},
{scm="tent_open_big_3", yoff=0, orients={3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='townhall', weight={tent=5}, pervillage=1},
{scm="hochsitz_1", yoff=0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tower', weight={tower=1, single=1/3}, nomirror=1},
{scm="hochsitz_2", yoff=0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tower', weight={tower=1, single=1/3}, nomirror=1},
{scm="hochsitz_3", yoff=0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tower', weight={tower=1, single=1/3}, nomirror=1},
{scm="hochsitz_4", yoff=0, orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='tower', weight={tower=1, single=1/3}, nomirror=1},
{scm="chateau_without_garden", yoff=-1,orients={0,1,2,3}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='chateau', weight={chateau=1,single=8}, pervillage=1, inh=8, guests=-6}, -- 6 family members of the landlord's family; rest are servants
{scm="baking_house_1", yoff=0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bakery', weight={medieval=1/4}, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="baking_house_2", yoff=0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bakery', weight={medieval=1/4}, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="baking_house_3", yoff=0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bakery', weight={medieval=1/4}, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="baking_house_4", yoff=0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='bakery', weight={medieval=1/4}, pervillage=1, inh=-1},
{scm="empty_1", yoff=0, typ='empty', inh=0, pervillage=4,
{scm="empty_2", yoff=0, typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
{scm="empty_3", yoff=0, typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
{scm="empty_4", yoff=0, typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
{scm="empty_5", yoff=0, typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
{scm="house_medieval_fancy_1_90", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='farm_full', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=6},
{scm="cow_shed_1_270", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='stable', weight={medieval=1/4, single=1 }, inh=-1},
{scm="shed_with_forge_v2_1_0", yoff= 0, orients={0}, farming_plus=0, avoid='', typ='forge', weight={medieval=1,single=1/2}, inh=1},
{scm="empty_16x32_2_90", typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
{scm="empty_32x32_2_90", typ='empty', inh=1, pervillage=4,
-- some new grasshut variants
{scm="grasshut7_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{scm="grasshut8_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{scm="grasshut9_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='hut'},
{scm="grasshut_pub_1_90", weight={grasshut=1/4, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='pub'},
{scm="grasshut_hotel_1_90", weight={grasshut=1/4, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='inn'},
{scm="grasshut_shop_1_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='shop'},
{scm="grasshutwell_8_90", weight={grasshut=1, single=1}, nomirror=1, typ='well'},
-- read the data files and fill in information like size and nodes that need on_construct to be called after placing;
-- skip buildings that cannot be used due to missing mods
mg_villages.add_building = function( building_data )
local file_name = building_data.mts_path .. building_data.scm;
-- a building will only be used if it is used by at least one supported village type (=mods required for that village type are installed)
local is_used = false;
for typ,weight in pairs( building_data.weight ) do
if( typ and weight and typ ~= 'single' and mg_villages.village_type_data[ typ ] and mg_villages.village_type_data[ typ ].supported ) then
is_used = true;
-- add the building to the menu list for the build chest ("single" would be too many houses)
-- the empty plots are added to each village and of no intrest here
if( build_chest and build_chest.add_entry and typ and typ ~= 'single' and (not( building_data.typ ) or building_data.typ ~= 'empty')) then
build_chest.add_entry( {'main','mg_villages', typ, building_data.scm, file_name });
-- buildings as such may have a type as well
if( build_chest and build_chest.add_entry and building_data.typ ) then
build_chest.add_entry( {'main','mg_villages', building_data.typ, building_data.scm, file_name });
if( not( is_used )) then
-- do nothing; skip this file
mg_villages.print(mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO, 'SKIPPING '..tostring( building_data.scm )..' due to village type not supported.');
-- building cannot be used
building_data.not_available = 1;
return false;
-- read the size of the building;
-- convert to .mts for later usage if necessary
-- true: no entry in the build_chest (we did that manually already)
local res = handle_schematics.analyze_file( file_name, building_data.we_origin, building_data.mts_path .. building_data.scm, building_data, true );
if( not( res )) then
mg_villages.print(mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING, 'SKIPPING '..tostring( building_data.scm )..' due to import failure.');
building_data.not_available = 1;
return false;
-- provided the file could be analyzed successfully (now covers both .mts and .we files)
elseif( res and res.size and res.size.x ) then
building_data = res;
-- identify front doors, calculate paths from beds/workplaces to front of house
building_data = mg_villages.analyze_building_for_mobs( building_data, file_name, mg_villages.path_info);
-- missing data regarding building size - do not use this building for anything
elseif( not( building_data.sizex ) or not( building_data.sizez )
or building_data.sizex == 0 or building_data.sizez==0) then
-- no village will use it
mg_villages.print( mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO, 'No schematic found for building \''..tostring( building_data.scm )..'\'. Will not use that building.');
building_data.weight = {};
building_data.not_available = 1;
return false;
-- the file has to be handled by worldedit; it is no .mts file
building_data.is_mts = 0;
if( not( building_data.weight ) or type( building_data.weight ) ~= 'table' ) then
mg_villages.print( mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING, 'SKIPPING '..tostring( building_data.scm )..' due to missing weight information.');
building_data.not_available = 1;
return false;
-- handle duplicates; make sure buildings always get the same number;
-- check if the building has been used in previous runs and got an ID there
-- create a not very unique, but for this case sufficient "id";
-- (buildings with the same size and name are considered to be drop-in-replacements
local building_id = building_data.sizex..'x'..building_data.sizez..'_'..building_data.scm;
-- if the building is new, it will get the next free id
local building_nr = #mg_villages.all_buildings_list + 1;
for i,v in ipairs( mg_villages.all_buildings_list ) do
if( v==building_id ) then
-- we found the building
building_nr = i;
-- if it is a new building, then save the list
if( building_nr == #mg_villages.all_buildings_list+1 ) then
mg_villages.all_buildings_list[ building_nr ] = building_id;
-- save information about previously imported buildings
save_restore.save_data( '', mg_villages.all_buildings_list );
-- determine the internal number for the building; this number is used as a key and can be found in the file
if( not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS )) then
mg_villages.BUILDINGS = {};
-- actually store the building data
mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ building_nr ] = minetest.deserialize( minetest.serialize( building_data ));
-- create lists for all village types containing the buildings which may be used for that village
for typ, data in pairs( mg_villages.village_type_data ) do
local total_weight = 0;
if( not( data.building_list ) or not( data.max_weight_list )) then
data.building_list = {};
data.max_weight_list = {};
elseif( #data.max_weight_list > 0 ) then
-- get the last entry - that one will determine the current total_weight
total_weight = data.max_weight_list[ #data.max_weight_list ];
if( building_data.weight[ typ ] and building_data.weight[ typ ] > 0 ) then
local index = #data.building_list+1;
data.building_list[ index ] = building_nr;
data.max_weight_list[ index ] = total_weight + building_data.weight[ typ ];
-- print it for debugging usage
--print( building_data.scm .. ': '..tostring(building_data.sizex)..' x '..tostring(building_data.sizez)..' x '..tostring(building_data.ysize)..' h');
return true;
-- this list contains some information about previously imported buildings so that they will get the same id
mg_villages.all_buildings_list = save_restore.restore_data( '' );
-- information about beds, positions to stand next to the beds, paths to the doors, and doors
--mg_villages.path_info = {};
--mg_villages.path_info = save_restore.restore_data( '' );
mg_villages.file_name_offset = string.len( minetest.get_modpath( "mg_villages" ))-11+1;
-- import all the buildings
mg_villages.BUILDINGS = {};
local mts_path = mg_villages.modpath.."/schems/";
-- determine the size of the given houses and other necessary values
for i,v in ipairs( buildings ) do
v.mts_path = mts_path;
mg_villages.add_building( v, i );
buildings = nil;
-- roads are built in a diffrent way
mg_villages.BUILDINGS["road"] = {yoff = 0, ysize = 2, scm = {}}
-- save the path data; wait a bit so that all mods may have registered their buildings
-- Note: uncomment the following line if you have added a larger amount of new buildings; then, after
-- WORLDNAME/ has been written, copy that file over to your
-- mods/mg_villages/ folder and replace the old one. Add
-- mg_villages.path_info = ..
-- at the start of the table so that a dofile can execute it.
--minetest.after( 10, save_restore.save_data, '', mg_villages.path_info );

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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
minetest.register_privilege("mg_villages", { description = "Allows to teleport to villages via /vist <nr>", give_to_singleplayer = false});
-- store per player which list of villages was offered
mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list = {};
-- list all plots of a village:
-- plot_nr, type of building, #inhabitants, occupation, name
mg_villages.list_plots_formspec = function( player, formname, fields )
if( not( player ) or fields.quit or not( fields.village_id) or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ])) then
local pname = player:get_player_name();
-- analyze the road network (this has not been done from the beginning..)
mg_villages.get_road_list( fields.village_id, false );
-- allow to click through the villages using prev/next buttons
local liste = mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list[ pname ];
local prev_next_button = "button[8.5,11.6;1,0.5;back_to_villagelist;Back]";
if( liste and #liste>1 and liste[1]~=fields.village_id ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[9.5,11.6;1,0.5;prev;Prev]';
if( liste and #liste>1 and liste[#liste]~=fields.village_id ) then
prev_next_button = prev_next_button..'button[10.5,11.6;1,0.5;next;Next]';
local formspec = 'size[12,12]'..
'field[20,20;0.1,0.1;village_id;VillageID;'..minetest.formspec_escape( fields.village_id ).."]"..
'button[9.5,1.0;3,0.5;back_to_villagelist;Back to village list]'..
'tablecolumns[' ..
'text,align=right;'.. -- plot nr
'text,align=center;'.. -- type of building
'text,align=center;'.. -- amount of inhabitants
'text,align=center;'.. -- occupation of first inhabitant
'text,align=center;'.. -- name of first inhabitat
'text,align=center]'.. -- comment
'PlotNr,Type of building,'..minetest.formspec_escape('#Inhab.')..
local bpos_list = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos;
for plot_nr,bpos in ipairs( bpos_list ) do
formspec = formspec..plot_nr..',';
if( bpos.btype and bpos.btype ~= "road" and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ]) then
formspec = formspec..mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos.btype ].typ..',';
formspec = formspec..tostring( bpos.btype )..',';
if( not( bpos.beds ) or #bpos.beds<1 ) then
if( bpos.worker and bpos.worker.lives_at and bpos_list[ bpos.worker.lives_at ]
and bpos_list[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].beds
and bpos_list[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].beds[1]) then
local btype2 = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bpos.worker.lives_at ].btype];
local worker_plot = bpos_list[ bpos.worker.lives_at ];
formspec = formspec..'-,'..
( worker_plot.beds[1].title or '-')..','..
( worker_plot.beds[1].first_name or '-')..','..
"lives in the "..tostring( btype2.typ ).." on plot "..tostring( bpos.worker.lives_at )..',';
elseif( bpos.belongs_to and bpos_list[ bpos.belongs_to ]) then
formspec = formspec..'-,-,-,';
local owner_plot = bpos_list[ bpos.belongs_to ];
if( owner_plot and owner_plot.beds and owner_plot.beds[1] ) then
formspec = formspec.."owned by "..
( owner_plot.beds[1].title or '?')..' '..
( owner_plot.beds[1].first_name or '?')..
minetest.formspec_escape(" [plot "..tostring( bpos.belongs_to )..']')..',';
formspec = formspec.."owned by "..minetest.formspec_escape(" [plot "..tostring( bpos.belongs_to )..']')..',';
elseif( bpos.btype == "road" ) then
if( not( bpos.parent_road_plot )) then
formspec = formspec..'-,-,-,road stump,';
elseif( bpos.parent_road_plot==0 ) then
formspec = formspec..'-,-,-,main road,';
formspec = formspec..'-,-,-,road nr. '..tostring( bpos.road_nr)..
minetest.formspec_escape(', sideroad of ');
if( bpos_list[ bpos.parent_road_plot ].parent_road_plot == 0 ) then
formspec = formspec..'the main road,';
formspec = formspec..'road nr. '..
tostring( bpos_list[ bpos.parent_road_plot ].road_nr)..',';
formspec = formspec..'-,-,-,-,';
formspec = formspec..tostring( #bpos.beds )..','..
( bpos.beds[1].title or '-')..','..
( bpos.beds[1].first_name or '-')..',';
if( bpos.beds[1].works_at
and bpos.beds[1].works_at ~= plot_nr
and bpos_list[ bpos.beds[1].works_at ]) then
local btype2 = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ bpos_list[ bpos.beds[1].works_at].btype];
formspec = formspec.."works at the "..tostring( btype2.typ ).." on plot "..tostring(bpos.beds[1].works_at)..",";
formspec = formspec.."-,";
formspec = formspec..';1]';
minetest.show_formspec( pname, formname, formspec );
-- list all villages withhin a certain range of the player's position:
-- village_nr, distance from player, name of village, population,
-- type (i.e. "medieval"), x, y, z, diameter, #buildings, village/single house
-- this function is only used for the chat command "/villages" currently
mg_villages.list_villages_formspec = function( player, formname, fields )
if( not( player ) or fields.quit) then
local pname = player:get_player_name();
local ppos = player:getpos();
local radius = 1000000;
-- without the special priv, players can only obtain informatoin about villages which are very close by
if( not( minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {mg_villages=true}))) then
radius = mg_villages.VILLAGE_DETECT_RANGE;
local formspec = 'size[12,12]'..
'tablecolumns[' ..
'text,align=right;'.. -- village number
'text,align=right;'.. -- distance from player
'text,align=center;'.. -- name of village
'text,align=center;'.. -- inhabitants
'text,align=center;'.. -- typ of village
'text,align=right;'.. -- x
'text,align=right;'.. -- y
'text,align=right;'.. -- z
'text,align=right;'.. -- size
'text,align=center;'.. -- #houses where inhabitants may live or work
'Nr,Dist,Name of village,Population,Type of village,_X_,_H_,_Z_,Size,'..minetest.formspec_escape('#Buildings')..',,';
mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list[ pname ] = {};
for k,v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
local dx = math.abs( v.vx - ppos.x );
local dz = math.abs( v.vz - ppos.z );
-- distance in y direction is less relevant here and may be ignored
if( dx + dz < radius ) then
local dist = math.sqrt( dx * dx + dz * dz );
local is_full_village = 'village';
if( v.is_single_house ) then
is_full_village = '';
-- count the inhabitants
if( not( v.population )) then
v.population = 0;
for _,pos in ipairs( v.to_add_data.bpos ) do
if( pos and pos.beds ) then
v.population = v.population + #pos.beds;
local show_population = v.population;
if( show_population == 0 ) then
show_population = "-";
formspec = formspec..','..
tostring( math.floor( dist ))..','..
tostring( or 'unknown' )..','..
tostring( v.vx )..','..
tostring( v.vh )..','..
tostring( v.vz )..','..
tostring( v.vs )..','..
tostring( v.anz_buildings )..','..
tostring( is_full_village )..',';
-- store which list we have shown to this particular player
table.insert( mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list[ pname ], k );
formspec = formspec..';1]';
-- 'tabheader[0.1,2.6;spalte;Nr,Dist,Name of village,Population,Type of village,_X_,_H_,_Z_,Size,'..minetest.formspec_escape('#Buildings')..';;true;true]';
minetest.show_formspec( pname, formname, formspec );
minetest.register_chatcommand( 'villages', {
description = "Shows a list of all known villages.",
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
mg_villages.list_villages_formspec( minetest.get_player_by_name( name ), "mg_villages:formspec_list_villages", {});
minetest.register_chatcommand( 'visit', {
description = "Teleports you to a known village.",
params = "<village number>",
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
if( mg_villages.REQUIRE_PRIV_FOR_TELEPORT and not( minetest.check_player_privs( name, {mg_villages=true}))) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You need the 'mg_villages' priv in order to teleport to villages using this command.");
if( not( param ) or param == "" ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Which village do you want to visit? Please provide the village number!");
local nr = tonumber( param );
for id, v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
-- we have found the village
if( v and == nr ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Initiating transfer to village no. "..tostring( )..", called "..( tostring( or 'unknown'))..".");
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name( name );
player:moveto( { x=v.vx, y=(v.vh+1), z=v.vz }, false);
-- no village found
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "There is no village with the number "..tostring( param ).." (yet?).");
minetest.register_chatcommand( 'village_mob_repopulate', {
description = "Discards old mob data and assigns beds and workplaces anew. Mobs get new names.",
params = "<village number>",
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
if( not( minetest.check_player_privs( name, {protection_bypass=true}))) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You need the 'protection_bypass' priv in order to delete all the old mob data of a village and to recalculate it anew.");
if( not( param ) or param == "" ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Which village do you want to repopulate? Please provide the village number!");
local nr = tonumber( param );
for id, v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
-- we have found the village
if( v and == nr ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Deleting information about workplaces and beds. Recalculating. Assigning new data for village no. "..tostring( )..", called "..( tostring( or 'unknown'))..".");
-- move the player to the center of the village he just changed
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name( name );
player:moveto( { x=v.vx, y=(v.vh+1), z=v.vz }, false);
local village_id = tostring( v.vx )..':'..tostring( v.vz );
-- actually do the reassigning
mg_villages.inhabitants.assign_mobs( v, village_id, true);
-- save the modified data
save_restore.save_data( '', mg_villages.all_villages );
-- adjust beds and workplaces
mg_villages.inhabitants.prepare_metadata( v, village_id, nil, nil );
-- no village found
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "There is no village with the number "..tostring( param ).." (yet?).");

mods/mg_villages/config.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
-- configuration values which you can adjust according to your liking
-- set to false if you do not want to have any villages spawning
mg_villages.ENABLE_VILLAGES = true;
-- generate one random building for each mg_villages.INVERSE_HOUSE_DENSITY th mapchunk;
-- set to 0 in order to disable spawning of these lone buildings outside villages
mg_villages.INVERSE_HOUSE_DENSITY = 4;
-- cover some villages with artificial snow; probability: 1/mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability
mg_villages.artificial_snow_probability = 10;
-- if set to true, soil around villaes will get special soil-snow instead of plant + snow cover
mg_villages.use_soil_snow = false;
-- only place roads if there are at least that many buildings in the village
-- players without the mg_villages priv can only see villages which are less than that many blocks away
-- from them when using the /vmap command
mg_villages.VILLAGE_DETECT_RANGE = 400;
-- if set to true, only players which have the mg_villages priv can use the "/visit <village nr>"
-- command which allows teleporting to the village with the given number
mg_villages.REQUIRE_PRIV_FOR_TELEPORT = false;
-- if set to true, players cannot modify spawned villages without buying the house from the village first
mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION = true;
-- the first village - the one the player spawns in - will be of this type
mg_villages.FIRST_VILLAGE_TYPE = 'medieval';
-- the mapgen will disregard mapchunks where min.y > mg_villages.MAX_HEIGHT_TREATED;
-- you can set this value to 64 if you have a slow machine and a mapgen which does not create extreme mountains
-- (or if you don't care if extreme mountains may create burried villages occasionally)
mg_villages.MAX_HEIGHT_TREATED = 200;
-- choose the debug level you want
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL = mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_TIMING
-- if set to true, a water source will be added all 2-3 blocks on a field for farming;
-- as long as you do not plan to dig up all fields, hoe them and use them manually,
-- better keep this to "false" as that is much faster
mg_villages.PLACE_WATER_FOR_FARMING = false
-- if set to true (or anything else but nil or false), highlandpools by paramat (see
-- will be created
mg_villages.CREATE_HIGHLANDPOOLS = true
-- Torches are replaced by mg_villages:torch - which does not melt snow. If you want to use the normal
-- torches from minetest_game, set this to true.:w!
mg_villages.USE_DEFAULT_3D_TORCHES = true;
-- background image for the /vmap command
-- RealTest comes with a diffrent texture
if( minetest.get_modpath('grounds') and minetest.get_modpath('joiner_table')) then
mg_villages.MAP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "default_dirt_grass.png";
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'default:dirt_with_grass'] ) then
mg_villages.MAP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "default_grass.png";
mg_villages.MAP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "";
-- if set to true, the outer buildings in medieval villages will be fields; this is not very convincing yet
-- currently not really used; does not look as good as expected
mg_villages.medieval_subtype = false;
-- set this to true if you want to use normal lava - but beware: charachoal villages may cause bushfires!
--mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava = false;
-- decrese these values slightly if you want MORE trees around your villages;
-- increase it if you want to DECREASE the amount of trees around villages
-- on average, every node inside a village area may be one of these trees - and it will be a relatively dense packed forrest
mg_villages.sapling_probability = {};
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'default:sapling' ) ] = 25; -- suitable for a relatively dense forrest of normal trees
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'default:junglesapling' ) ] = 40; -- jungletrees are a bit bigger and need more space
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'default:pinesapling' ) ] = 30;
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'mg' )) then
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'mg:savannasapling' ) ] = 30;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'mg:pinesapling' ) ] = 35;
mg_villages.moretrees_treelist = nil;
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'moretrees' )) then
mg_villages.moretrees_treelist = moretrees.treelist;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:birch_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 200;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:spruce_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 200;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:fir_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 90;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:jungletree_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 200;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:beech_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 30;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:apple_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 380;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:oak_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 380; -- ca 20x20; height: 10
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:sequoia_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 90; -- ca 10x10
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:palm_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 90;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:pine_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 200;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:willow_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 380;
mg_villages.sapling_probability[ minetest.get_content_id( 'moretrees:rubber_tree_sapling_ongen' ) ] = 380;
-- no need to change this, unless you add new farming_plus fruits
-- the schematics for buildings of type 'farm_tiny' grow cotton; the farming_plus fruits would be far more fitting
mg_villages.fruit_list = {'carrot','potatoe','orange','rhubarb','strawberry','tomato','cotton'};
-- is farming_plus available? If not, we can't use this
if( not( minetest.get_modpath("farming_plus"))) then
mg_villages.fruit_list = nil;
-- players can buy plots in villages with houses on for this price;
-- set according to your liking
-- how much does the player have to pay for a plot with a building?
mg_villages.prices = {
empty = "default:copper_ingot 1", -- plot to build on
-- building types which usually have inhabitants (and thus allow the player
-- who bought the building to modifiy the entire village area minus other
-- buildings)
tent = "default:copper_ingot 1",
hut = "default:copper_ingot 1",
farm_full = "default:gold_ingot 4",
farm_tiny = "default:gold_ingot 2",
lumberjack = "default:gold_ingot 2",
house = "default:gold_ingot 2",
house_large = "default:gold_ingot 4",
tavern = "default:gold_ingot 12",
trader = "default:gold_ingot 2",
-- more or less community buildings
well = "default:gold_ingot 1",
village_square = "default:goldblock 1",
secular = "default:goldblock 2", -- secular buildings, such as libraries ec.
church = "default:goldblock 10",
-- places for mobs to work at; usually without inhabitants
tower = "default:copper_ingot 1",
shed = "default:copper_ingot 2",
pit = "default:copper_ingot 3", -- claytrader pit
mill = "default:gold_ingot 10",
forge = "default:gold_ingot 10",
bakery = "default:gold_ingot 10",
shop = "default:gold_ingot 20",
sawmill = "default:gold_ingot 30",
-- decoration
wagon = "default:tree 10",
bench = "default:tree 4",
-- seperate fields
pasture = "default:copper_ingot 2",
field = "default:copper_ingot 2",
-- chateaus are expensive
chateau = "default:diamondblock 5",
-- one mese crystal per square meter in the spawn town :-)
empty6x12 = "default:mese_crystal 72",
empty8x8 = "default:mese_crystal 64",
-- a large plot costs mese blocks
empty16x16 = "default:mese 56",
-- this is just enough space to grow a tree
empty5x5 = "default:mese_crystal 12",
-- nobody is supposed to buy the spawn building...except for the admin
spawn = "nyancat:nyancat 99",
-- The values below seldom need adjustment; don't change them unless you
-- know exactly what you are doing.
-- if set to false, villages will not be integrated into the terrain - which looks very bad
mg_villages.ENABLE_TERRAIN_BLEND = true;
-- if set to false, holes digged by cavegen and mudflow inside the village will not be repaired; houses will be destroyed
mg_villages.UNDO_CAVEGEN_AND_MUDFLOW = true;
-- internal variables for village generation
mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHECK_RADIUS = 2
mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHECK_COUNT = 1
--mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHANCE = 28
--mg_villages.VILLAGE_MIN_SIZE = 20
--mg_villages.VILLAGE_MAX_SIZE = 40
mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHANCE = 28
-- min and max size are only used in case of them beeing not provided by the village type (see buildings.lua)
mg_villages.VILLAGE_MIN_SIZE = 25
mg_villages.VILLAGE_MAX_SIZE = 90 --55
mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE = 3
mg_villages.BIG_ROAD_CHANCE = 0
-- Enable that for really big villages (there are also really slow to generate)
--[[mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHECK_RADIUS = 3
mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHECK_COUNT = 3
mg_villages.VILLAGE_CHANCE = 28
mg_villages.VILLAGE_MIN_SIZE = 100
mg_villages.VILLAGE_MAX_SIZE = 150
mg_villages.FIRST_ROADSIZE = 5
mg_villages.BIG_ROAD_CHANCE = 50]]

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
-- provide a list of roads; function mg_villages.identify_parent_roads got lost somehow
mg_villages.extra_show_road_list = function( village_id )
if( not( village_id ) or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )) then
local str = "List of roads:\n";
local bpos_list = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].village.to_add_data.bpos;
-- find out which road branches off from which other road
mg_villages.identify_parent_roads( bpos_list );
for i,pos in ipairs( bpos_list ) do
if( pos.btype and pos.btype=="road" ) then
str = str.." Plot "..tostring(i)..": road nr. "..tostring(pos.road_nr)..
" branching off from road on plot nr "..tostring(pos.parent_road)..
"\n data: "..minetest.serialize( pos ).."\n";
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, str );
-- search the trader (who is supposed to be at the given position) and
-- spawn a new one in case he went missing
mg_villages.plotmarker_search_trader = function( trader, height )
local obj_list = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius({x=trader.x, y=height, z=trader.z}, 10 );
for i,obj in ipairs( obj_list ) do
local e = obj:get_luaentity();
if( e and e.object ) then
local p = e.object:getpos();
if( p and p.x and math.abs(p.x-trader.x)<1.5
and p.z and math.abs(p.z-trader.z)<1.5
and and"mobf_trader:trader"
and e.trader_typ and e.trader_typ==trader.typ) then
-- minetest.chat_send_player( "singleplayer", "FOUND trader "..tostring( e.trader_typ)); --TODO
-- TODO: deprecated; but may be useful in a new form for mobs that live in the house
mg_villages.plotmarker_list_traders = function( plot, formspec )
if( not( plot ) or not( plot.traders )) then
return formspec;
if( #plot.traders > 1 ) then
formspec = formspec.."label[0.3,7.0;Some traders live here. One works as a "..tostring(plot.traders[1].typ)..".]";
for i=2,#plot.traders do
formspec = formspec.."label[0.3,"..(6.0+i)..";Another trader works as a "..tostring(plot.traders[i].typ)..".]";
elseif( plot.traders[1] and plot.traders[1].typ) then
formspec = formspec..
"label[0.3,7.0;A trader lives here. He works as a "..tostring( plot.traders[1].typ )..".]";
formspec = formspec..
"label[0.3,7.0;No trader currently works at this place.]";
-- add buttons for visiting (teleport to trader), calling (teleporting trader to plot) and firing the trader
for i,trader in ipairs(plot.traders) do
local trader_entity = mg_villages.plotmarker_search_trader( trader, village.vh );
formspec = formspec..
if( fields[ "visit_trader_"..i ] ) then
player:moveto( {x=trader.x, y=(village.vh+1), z=trader.z} );
minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "You are visiting the "..tostring( trader.typ )..
" trader, who is supposed to be somewhere here. He might also be on a floor above you.");
return formspec;
if( fields[ "visit_call_"..i ] ) then
-- TODO: spawning: mob_basics.spawn_mob( {x=v.x, y=v.y, z=v.z}, v.typ, nil, nil, nil, nil, true );
-- TODO: fire mob
formspec = formspec.."button[3.75,"..(7.0+math.max(1,#plot.traders))..";3.5,0.5;hire_trader;Hire a new random trader]";
-- TODO: hire mob
return formspec;
-- provide debug information about mobs, let mobf_traders work around to some degree etc
mg_villages.mob_spanwer_on_rightclick = function( pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
if( not( clicker )) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
if( not( meta )) then
local village_id = meta:get_string( "village_id" );
local plot_nr = meta:get_int( "plot_nr" );
local bed_nr = meta:get_int( "bed_nr" );
-- direction for the mob to look at
local yaw = meta:get_int( "yaw" );
local mob_info = mg_villages.inhabitants.get_mob_data( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr );
local str = "Found: ";
local mob_pos = nil;
local mob = nil;
if( mob_info.mob_id and mob_basics) then
mob = mob_basics.find_mob_by_id( mob_info.mob_id, "trader" );
if( mob ) then
mob_pos = mob.object:getpos();
if( mob_pos and mob_pos.x == pos.x and mob_pos.z == pos.z ) then
str = str.." yes, waiting right here. ";
mob.trader_does = "stand";
-- TODO: detect "in his bed"
elseif( mob.trader_does == "sleep" and mob.trader_uses and mob.trader_uses.x ) then
str = str.." yes, sleeping in bed at "..minetest.pos_to_string( mob.trader_uses )..". ";
str = str.." yes, at "..minetest.pos_to_string( mob_pos)..". Teleporting here.";
mob.trader_does = "stand";
mob_world_interaction.stand_at( mob, pos, yaw );
str = str.." - not found -. ";
local res = mg_villages.get_plot_and_building_data( village_id, plot_nr );
if( not( res ) or not( res.bpos ) or not( mob_info.mob_id ) or not( mob ) or not( mob_world_interaction) or not( movement)) then
minetest.chat_send_player( clicker:get_player_name(), str.."Mob data: "..minetest.serialize(mob_info));
-- use door_nr 1;
local path = nil;
if( mob and mob.trader_does == "sleep" ) then
path = mg_villages.get_path_from_bed_to_outside( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, 1 );
-- get out of the bed, walk to the middle of the front of the house
if( path and #path>0 ) then
mob_world_interaction.stand_at( mob, path[1], yaw );
-- last step: go back to the mob spawner that belongs to the mob
table.insert( path, pos );
str = str.." The mob plans to get up from his bed and stand in front of his house.\n";
str = str.." FAILED to get a path from bed to outside.\n";
-- go to bed and sleep
path = mg_villages.get_path_from_outside_to_bed( village_id, plot_nr, bed_nr, 1 );
str = str.." The mob plans to go to his bed and start sleeping.\n";
-- local target_plot_nr = 9; -- just for testing..
-- path = mg_villages.get_path_from_pos_to_plot_via_roads( village_id, pos, target_plot_nr );
-- str = str.." The mob plans to go to plot nr. "..tostring(target_plot_nr).."\n";
local move_obj = movement.getControl(mob);
move_obj:walk_path( path, 1, {find_path == true});
minetest.chat_send_player( clicker:get_player_name(), str.."Mob data: "..minetest.serialize(mob_info));
-- check if all mobs have beds and paths from beds to mob spawners in front of the house can be calculated;
-- deprecated since pathfinding is now done in the blueprints
mg_villages.debug_inhabitants = function( village, plot_nr)
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( "mob_world_interaction"))) then
-- TODO: only for testing
local bpos = village.to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ];
if( bpos and bpos.beds ) then
for i,bed in ipairs( bpos.beds ) do
-- find a place next to the bed where the mob can stand
local p_next_to_bed = mob_world_interaction.find_place_next_to( bed, 0, {x=0,y=0,z=0});
if( not( p_next_to_bed ) or p_next_to_bed.iteration==99 ) then
minetest.chat_send_player("singleplayer", "Bed Nr. "..tostring(i).." at "..minetest.pos_to_string( bed )..": FAILED to find a place to stand.");
-- position in front of the building, with the building stretching equally to the right and left
-- get a diffrent one for each mob
local p_in_front = handle_schematics.get_pos_in_front_of_house( bpos, i );
local path = mob_world_interaction.find_path( p_next_to_bed, p_in_front, { collisionbox = {1,0,3,4,2}});
local str = "";
if( path ) then
str = str.."Bed Nr. "..tostring(i).." at "..minetest.pos_to_string( bed )..", standing at "..minetest.pos_to_string( p_next_to_bed )..": "..tostring( table.getn( path )).." Steps to outside.";
local front_door_pos = nil;
for j,p in ipairs( path ) do
local n = minetest.get_node( p );
if( n and and mob_world_interaction.door_type[ ]=="door_a_b") then
front_door_pos = p;
if( front_door_pos ) then
str = str.." Front door found at: "..minetest.pos_to_string( front_door_pos );
str = str.." FAILED to find a path from bed "..minetest.pos_to_string(bed )..", standing at "..minetest.pos_to_string( p_next_to_bed )..", to front of house.";
minetest.chat_send_player("singleplayer", str );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

mods/mg_villages/init.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
-- reserve namespace for the villages
mg_villages = {}
mg_villages.all_villages = {}
mg_villages.mg_generated_map = {}
mg_villages.anz_villages = 0;
mg_villages.modpath = minetest.get_modpath( "mg_villages");
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE = -1 -- -1: disable all printed messages
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NORMAL = 0 -- 0: print information about which village spawned where plus important errors
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING = 1 -- 1: warnings/errors which may not be particulary helpful for non-developers
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO = 2 -- 2: print even less important warnings
mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_TIMING = 3 -- 3: detailled performance information
mg_villages.print = function( level, msg )
if( level <= mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL ) then
print( "[mg_villages] "..msg );
-- save_restore is now part of handle_schematics
mg_villages.all_villages = save_restore.restore_data( '' ); -- read mg_villages.all_villages data saved for this world from previous runs
mg_villages.mg_generated_map = save_restore.restore_data( '' );
-- adds a special gravel node which will neither fall nor be griefed by mapgen
-- the default game no longer provides helpful tree growing code
-- fill mg_villages.all_buildings_list with precalculated paths
-- multiple diffrent village types with their own sets of houses are supported
-- The function mg_villages.add_village_type( village_type_name, village_type_data )
-- allows other mods to add new village types.
-- calls path calculation and stores front doors etc.; only called in mg_villages.add_building
-- Note: the "buildings" talbe is not in the mg_villages.* namespace
-- The function mg_villages.add_building( building_data ) allows other mods to add buildings.
-- mg_villages.init_weights() has to be called AFTER all village types and buildings have
-- been added using the functions above
-- generate village names
-- determine type of work, name, age, bed position etc. for villagers (none included!)
-- provides some extra functionality for development of mob mods etc.;
-- contains some deprecated functions
-- adds a command that allows to teleport to a known village
-- protect villages from griefing
-- allows to buy/sell/restore/.. plots and their buildings
-- create and show a map of the world
-- terrain blending for individual houses
-- the interface for the mapgen;
-- also takes care of spawning the player
-- reconstruct the connection of the roads inside a village

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- this functions needs to be called once after *all* village types and buildings have been added
mg_villages.init_weights = function()
-- create a list of all used village types
mg_villages.village_types = {};
for k,v in pairs( mg_villages.village_type_data ) do
if( not( v.only_single ) and v.supported and v.building_list ) then
table.insert( mg_villages.village_types, k );
mg_villages.print(mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NORMAL,'Will create villages of the following types: '..minetest.serialize( mg_villages.village_types ));
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types+1 ] = 'single';
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types+1 ] = 'fields';
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types+1 ] = 'tower';
for j,v in ipairs( mg_villages.village_types ) do
local total_weight = 0
for _, i in ipairs(mg_villages.BUILDINGS) do
if( not( i.max_weight )) then
i.max_weight = {};
if( i.weight and i.weight[ v ] and i.weight[ v ]>0 ) then
total_weight = total_weight+i.weight[ v ]
i.max_weight[v] = total_weight
local multiplier = 3000/total_weight
for _,i in ipairs(mg_villages.BUILDINGS) do
if( i.weight and i.weight[ v ] and i.weight[ v ]>0 ) then
i.max_weight[v] = i.max_weight[ v ]*multiplier
-- the fields do not exist as an independent type
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types ] = nil;
-- neither does the tower type
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types ] = nil;
-- and neither does the "single" type (==lone houses outside villages)
mg_villages.village_types[ #mg_villages.village_types ] = nil;

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@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
-- villages up to this many nodes in each direction are shown on the map
mg_villages.MAP_RANGE = 1000;
mg_villages.draw_tile = function( content_id, image, x, z, dx, dz, tile_nr )
if( not( image )) then
local node_name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id( content_id );
if( not( node_name )) then
return '';
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ];
if( not( node_def )) then
return '';
local tiles = node_def.tiles;
local tile = nil;
if( tiles ~= nil ) then
if( not(tile_nr) or tile_nr > #tiles or tile_nr < 1 ) then
tile_nr = 1;
tile = tiles[tile_nr];
if type(tile)=="table" then
image = tile;
if( not( image )) then
image = "unknown_object.png";
return "image["..tostring(x)..",".. tostring(z) ..";"..dx..','";" .. image .."]";
mg_villages.map_of_world = function( pname )
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name( pname );
if( not( player )) then
return '';
local ppos = player:getpos();
-- also usable: diamond_block, sand, water
local formspec = "size[14.4,10]"..
"label[10,10;x axis]"..
"label[0,0;z axis]"..
local r = mg_villages.MAP_RANGE;
local f1 = 10/(2*r);
local map_tiles_shown = math.floor( mg_villages.MAP_RANGE/80 );
local center_x = math.floor( ppos.x/80 );
local center_z = math.floor( ppos.z/80 );
for x = center_x - map_tiles_shown, center_x + map_tiles_shown do
for z = center_z - map_tiles_shown, center_z + map_tiles_shown do
if( mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ] and mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ][ z ] ) then
local surface_types = mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ][ z ];
local content_id = 0;
if( type( surface_types )=='table' ) then
content_id = surface_types[ 26 ];
content_id = surface_types;
local x1 = f1 * ((x*80) - ppos.x +r);
local z1 = f1 * ( (2*r) - ((z*80) - ppos.z + r));
local dx = f1 * 80;
local dz = f1 * 80;
formspec = formspec..mg_villages.draw_tile( content_id, nil, x1+0.5, z1-0.5, dx*1.25, dz*1.25, 1 );
-- if more detailed information is available, draw those tiles that differ from the most common tile
if( type( surface_types )=='table' and false) then -- TODO: disabled for now
dx = dx/5;
dz = dz/5;
for i,v in ipairs( surface_types ) do
if( v ~= content_id ) then
local x2 = x1+( math.floor( (i-1)/5 )*dx);
local z2 = z1+( math.floor( (i-1)%5 )*dz);
formspec = formspec..mg_villages.draw_tile( v, nil, x2+0.5, z2-0.5, dx*1.3, dz*1.3, 1);
local shown_villages = {};
r = mg_villages.MAP_RANGE;
f1 = 10/(2*r);
for name,v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
local data = v; --minetest.deserialize( v );
local x = data.vx - ppos.x;
local z = data.vz - ppos.z;
-- show only villages which are at max mg_villages.MAP_RANGE away from player
if( x and z
and mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ]
and mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ].texture
and math.abs( x ) < r
and math.abs( z ) < r ) then
-- the village size determines the texture size
local dx = f1 * (data.vs*2) *1.25;
local dz = f1 * (data.vs*2) *1.0;
-- center the village texture
x = x - (data.vs/2);
z = z + (data.vs/2);
-- calculate the position for the village texture
x = f1 * (x+r);
z = f1 * ( (2*r) -(z+r));
formspec = formspec..
"label["..x..",".. z ..";"..tostring( ).."]"..mg_villages.draw_tile( nil, mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ].texture, x, z, dx, dz, 1 );
shown_villages[ #shown_villages+1 ] = tostring( )..". "..tostring( or 'unknown' ).."]";
-- code and arrows taken from mapp mod
local yaw = player:get_look_yaw()
local rotate = 0;
if yaw ~= nil then
-- Find rotation and texture based on yaw.
yaw = math.deg(yaw)
yaw = math.fmod (yaw, 360)
if yaw<0 then yaw = 360 + yaw end
if yaw>360 then yaw = yaw - 360 end
if yaw < 90 then
rotate = 90
elseif yaw < 180 then
rotate = 180
elseif yaw < 270 then
rotate = 270
rotate = 0
yaw = math.fmod(yaw, 90)
yaw = math.floor(yaw / 10) * 10
-- show the players yaw
if rotate ~= 0 then
formspec = formspec.."image[".. 4.95 ..",".. 4.85 ..";0.4,0.4;d" .. yaw .. ".png^[transformFYR".. rotate .."]"
formspec = formspec.."image[".. 4.95 ..",".. 4.85 ..";0.4,0.4;d" .. yaw .. ".png^[transformFY]"
local i = 0.05;
formspec = formspec.."label[10,-0.4;Village types:]";
-- explain the meaning of the textures
if mg_villages.village_types ~= nil then
for _,typ in ipairs(mg_villages.village_types) do
formspec = formspec.."label[10.5,"..tostring(i)..";"..tostring( typ ).."]"..
"image[10.0,"..tostring(i+0.1)..";0.4,0.4;"..tostring( mg_villages.village_type_data[ typ ].texture ).."]";
i = i+0.45;
i = i+0.45;
formspec = formspec.."label[10.0,"..tostring(i)..";Villages shown on this map:]";
i = i+0.45;
local j = 1;
while (i<10.5 and j<=#shown_villages) do
formspec = formspec.."label[10.0,"..tostring(i)..";"..tostring( shown_villages[ j ] ).."]";
i = i+0.45;
j = j+1;
return formspec;
minetest.register_chatcommand( 'vmap', {
description = "Shows a map of all known villages withhin "..tostring( mg_villages.MAP_RANGE ).." blocks.",
privs = {},
func = function(name, param)
minetest.show_formspec( name, 'mg:world_map', mg_villages.map_of_world( name ));

mods/mg_villages/mapgen.lua Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
namegen = {};
namegen.prefixes = {'ac','ast','lang','pen','shep','ship'}
namegen.suffixes = {'beck','ey','ay','bury','burgh','brough','by','by','caster',
-- people/environmental features
namegen.silben = { 'a', 'an', 'ab', 'ac', 'am',
'be', 'ba', 'bi', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bst', 'bu',
'ca', 'ce', 'ch', 'ci', 'ck', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn', 'co', 'cv',
'da', 'de', 'df', 'di', 'dl', 'dm', 'dn', 'do', 'dr', 'ds', 'dt', 'du', 'dv',
namegen.generate_village_name = function( pr )
local anz_silben = pr:next(2,5);
local name = '';
local prefix = '';
local postfix = '';
if( pr:next(1,8)==1) then
prefix = namegen.prefixes[ #namegen.prefixes ];
anz_silben = anz_silben -1;
if( pr:next(1,4)==1) then
postfix = name..namegen.suffixes[ #namegen.suffixes ];
anz_silben = anz_silben -2;
if( anz_silben < 2 ) then
anz_silben = 2;
for i = 1, anz_silben do
name = name..namegen.silben[ pr:next( 1, #namegen.silben )];
name =;
name = string.upper( string.sub( name, 1, 1 ) )..string.sub( name, 2 );
return name;
namegen.generate_village_name_with_prefix = function( pr, village )
local name = namegen.generate_village_name( pr );
-- if a village consists of a single house, it gets a prefix depending on the house type
if( village.is_single_house and village.to_add_data and village.to_add_data.bpos ) then
-- the building got removed from mg_villages.BUILDINGS in the meantime
if( not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village.to_add_data.bpos[1].btype] )) then
return 'Abandomed building';
local btyp = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ village.to_add_data.bpos[1].btype].typ;
local bdata = mg_villages.village_type_data[ btyp ];
if( bdata and (bdata.name_prefix or bdata.name_postfix )) then
name = (bdata.name_prefix or '') or '');
name = 'House ';
return name;

mods/mg_villages/nodes.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
-- slightly lower than a normal nodes for better look
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:road", {
description = "village road",
tiles = {"default_gravel.png", "default_dirt.png"},
is_ground_content = false, -- will not be removed by the cave generator
groups = {crumbly=2}, -- does not fall
sounds = default.node_sound_gravel_defaults,
-- sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({
-- footstep = {name="default_gravel_footstep", gain=0.5},
-- dug = {name="default_gravel_footstep", gain=1.0},
-- }),
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5-2/16, 0.5}, },
mg_villages.road_node = minetest.get_content_id( 'mg_villages:road' );
-- do not drop snow on roads
if( minetest.get_modpath("moresnow")) then
moresnow.snow_cover[ mg_villages.road_node ] = moresnow.c_air;
-- special soil that does not need abms/lbms or water
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:soil", {
description = "Soil found on a field",
tiles = {"default_dirt.png^farming_soil_wet.png", "default_dirt.png"},
drop = "default:dirt",
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {crumbly=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1, grassland = 1, soil=3, wet=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults,
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:desert_sand_soil", {
description = "Desert Sand",
tiles = {"default_desert_sand.png^farming_soil_wet.png", "default_desert_sand.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
drop = "default:desert_sand",
groups = {crumbly=3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1, sand=1, desert = 1, soil=3, wet=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_sand_defaults,
-- this non-snow-melting-torch is only needed if you use the old snow mod
if( mg_villages.USE_DEFAULT_3D_TORCHES == false ) then
-- This torch is not hot. It will not melt snow and cause no floodings in villages.
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:torch", {
description = "Torch",
drawtype = "torchlike",
--tiles = {"default_torch_on_floor.png", "default_torch_on_ceiling.png", "default_torch.png"},
tiles = {
{name="default_torch_on_floor_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}},
{name="default_torch_on_ceiling_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}},
{name="default_torch_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}}
inventory_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
wield_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png",
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
light_source = LIGHT_MAX-1,
selection_box = {
type = "wallmounted",
wall_top = {-0.1, 0.5-0.6, -0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1},
wall_bottom = {-0.1, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, -0.5+0.6, 0.1},
wall_side = {-0.5, -0.3, -0.1, -0.5+0.3, 0.3, 0.1},
groups = {choppy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=1,attached_node=1},
legacy_wallmounted = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults,
drop = "default:torch",
is_ground_content = false,
-- get information about a plot, the building, its inhabitants; allow to buy the plot etc.
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:plotmarker", {
description = "Plot marker",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {"default_stone_brick.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5+2/16, -0.5, -0.5+2/16, 0.5-2/16, -0.5+3/16, 0.5-2/16},
groups = {cracky=3,stone=2},
on_rightclick = function( pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, nil, {}, clicker )
on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
return mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, formname, fields, sender );
-- protect against digging
can_dig = function( pos, player )
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
if( meta and meta:get_string( 'village_id' )~='' and meta:get_int( 'plot_nr' ) and meta:get_int( 'plot_nr' )>0) then
return false;
return true;
-- place this node where a mob that works in your building ought to stand
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:mob_workplace_marker", {
description = "Place where a mob ought to work",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {"character.png"},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5+1/16, 0.5},
groups = {crumbly=3},
-- helper node for villager/mob mods that want to spawn npc
minetest.register_node("mg_villages:mob_spawner", {
description = "Mob spawner",
tiles = {"wool_cyan.png^beds_bed_fancy.png","wool_blue.png^doors_door_wood.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1 }, -- cannot be digged by players
on_rightclick = function( pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
return mg_villages.mob_spanwer_on_rightclick( pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing);
-- default to safe lava - prevent fire
if( not( mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava )) then
local lava = minetest.registered_nodes[ "default:lava_source"];
if( lava ) then
-- a deep copy for the table would be more helpful...but, well, ...
local new_def = minetest.deserialize( minetest.serialize( lava ));
-- this lava does not cause fire to spread = nil;
new_def.groups.lava = nil; = nil;
new_def.groups.igniter = nil;
new_def.groups.lava_tamed = 3;
new_def.description = "Lava Source (tame)";
new_def.liquid_alternative_flowing = "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed";
new_def.liquid_alternative_source = "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed";
-- we create a NEW type of lava for this
minetest.register_node( "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed", new_def );
-- take care of the flowing variant as well
lava = minetest.registered_nodes[ "default:lava_flowing"];
if( lava ) then
-- a deep copy for the table would be more helpful...but, well, ...
local new_def = minetest.deserialize( minetest.serialize( lava ));
-- this lava does not cause fire to spread = nil;
new_def.groups.lava = nil; = nil;
new_def.groups.igniter = nil;
new_def.groups.lava_tamed = 3;
new_def.description = "Flowing Lava (tame)";
new_def.liquid_alternative_flowing = "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed";
new_def.liquid_alternative_source = "mg_villages:lava_source_tamed";
-- and a NEW type of flowing lava...
minetest.register_node( "mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed", new_def );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
-- used for buying plots, restoring buildings, getting information about mobs etc.
mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec = function( pos, formname, fields, player )
-- if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
-- return;
-- end
if( not( pos )) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
if( not( meta )) then
local village_id = meta:get_string('village_id');
local plot_nr = meta:get_int( 'plot_nr');
local pname = player:get_player_name();
if( not( village_id )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )
or not( plot_nr )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ] )) then
minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Error. This plot marker is not configured correctly.'..minetest.serialize({village_id,plot_nr }));
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ];
local plot = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ];
local owner_name = plot.owner;
if( not( owner_name ) or owner_name == "" ) then
if( plot.btype=="road" ) then
owner_name = "- the village community -";
owner_name = "- for sale -";
-- missing data
if( not( plot.btype ) or not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ] )
or not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ].mts_path )
or not( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ].scm )) then
minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Error. Unknown building. btype: '..tostring( plot.btype ));
local building_name = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ].mts_path..mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ].scm;
-- show coordinates of the village center to the player
local village_pos = minetest.pos_to_string( {x=village.vx, y=village.vh, z=village.vz});
-- distance from village center
local distance = math.floor( math.sqrt( (village.vx - pos.x ) * (village.vx - pos.x )
+ (village.vh - pos.y ) * (village.vh - pos.y )
+ (village.vz - pos.z ) * (village.vz - pos.z ) ));
-- show a list of who lives (or works) here at this plot
if( fields and fields.inhabitants ) then
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:plot_mob_list",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, plot_nr, village_id, pname ));
--mg_villages.debug_inhabitants( village, plot_nr);
local mirror_str = "";
if( plot.mirror ) then
mirror_str = minetest.formspec_escape(" (mirrored)");
-- create the header
local formspec = "size[13,10]"..
"label[3.3,0.0;Plot No.: "..tostring( plot_nr )..", with "..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[ plot.btype ].scm ).."]"..
"label[0.3,0.4;Located at:]" .."label[3.3,0.4;"..(minetest.pos_to_string( pos ) or '?')..", which is "..tostring( distance ).." m away]"
.."label[7.3,0.4;from the village center]"..
"label[0.3,0.8;Part of village:]" .."label[3.3,0.8;"..( or "- name unknown -").."]"
.."label[7.3,0.8;located at "..(village_pos).."]"..
"label[0.3,1.2;Owned by:]" .."label[3.3,1.2;"..(owner_name).."]"..
"label[3.3,1.6;Click on a menu entry to select it:]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
build_chest.show_size_data( building_name );
-- deprecated; adds buttons for registered mobf_traders
--formspec = mg_villages.plotmarker_list_traders( plot, formspec );
local replace_row = -1;
-- the player selected a material which ought to be replaced
if( fields.build_chest_replacements ) then
local event = minetest.explode_table_event( fields.build_chest_replacements );
if( event and event.row and event.row > 0 ) then
replace_row = event.row;
fields.show_materials = "show_materials";
-- the player provided the name of the material for the replacement of the currently selected
elseif( fields.store_replacement and fields.store_repalcement ~= ""
and fields.replace_row_with and fields.replace_row_with ~= ""
and fields.replace_row_material and fields.replace_row_material ~= "") then
build_chest.replacements_apply( pos, meta, fields.replace_row_material, fields.replace_row_with, village_id );
fields.show_materials = "show_materials";
-- group selections for easily changing several nodes at once
elseif( fields.wood_selection ) then
build_chest.replacements_apply_for_group( pos, meta, 'wood', fields.wood_selection, fields.set_wood, village_id );
fields.set_wood = nil;
fields.show_materials = "show_materials";
elseif( fields.farming_selection ) then
build_chest.replacements_apply_for_group( pos, meta, 'farming', fields.farming_selection, fields.set_farming, village_id );
fields.set_farming = nil;
fields.show_materials = "show_materials";
elseif( fields.roof_selection ) then
build_chest.replacements_apply_for_group( pos, meta, 'roof', fields.roof_selection, fields.set_roof, village_id );
fields.set_roof = nil;
fields.show_materials = "show_materials";
-- actually store the new group replacement
elseif( (fields.set_wood and fields.set_wood ~= "")
or (fields.set_farming and fields.set_farming ~= "" )
or (fields.set_roof and fields.set_roof ~= "" )) then
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker",
handle_schematics.get_formspec_group_replacement( pos, fields, formspec ));
-- show which materials (and replacements!) where used for the building
if( (fields.show_materials and fields.show_materials ~= "" )
or (fields.replace_row_with and fields.replace_row_with ~= "")
or (fields.replace_row_material and fields.replace_row_material ~= "")) then
formspec = formspec.."button[9.9,0.4;2,0.5;info;Back]";
if( not( minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {protection_bypass=true}))) then
-- do not allow any changes; just show the materials and their replacements
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker",
formspec..build_chest.replacements_get_list_formspec( pos, nil, 0, meta, village_id, building_name, replace_row ));
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker",
formspec..build_chest.replacements_get_list_formspec( pos, nil, 1, nil, village_id, building_name, replace_row ));
-- place the building again
elseif( (fields.reset_building and fields.reset_building ~= "")
or (fields.remove_building and fields.remove_building ~= "")) then
formspec = formspec.."button[9.9,0.4;2,0.5;back;Back]";
if( not( minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {protection_bypass=true}))) then
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker", formspec..
"label[3,3;You need the protection_bypass priv in order to use this functin.]" );
local selected_building = build_chest.building[ building_name ];
local start_pos = {x=plot.x, y=plot.y, z=plot.z, brotate=plot.brotate};
if( selected_building.yoff ) then
start_pos.y = start_pos.y + selected_building.yoff;
local end_pos = {x=plot.x+plot.bsizex-1,
local replacements = build_chest.replacements_get_current( meta, village_id );
if( fields.remove_building and fields.remove_building ~= "" ) then
-- clear the space above ground, put dirt below ground, but keep the
-- surface intact
handle_schematics.clear_area( start_pos, end_pos, pos.y-1);
-- also clear the meta data to avoid strange effects
handle_schematics.clear_meta( start_pos, end_pos );
formspec = formspec.."label[3,3;The plot has been cleared.]";
-- actually place it (disregarding mirroring)
local error_msg = handle_schematics.place_building_from_file(
build_chest.building[ building_name ].axis, plot.mirror, 1, true );
formspec = formspec.."label[3,3;The building has been reset.]";
if( error_msg ) then
formspec = formspec..'label[4,3;Error: '..tostring( fields.error_msg ).."]";
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker", formspec );
elseif( and ~= "" ) then
local show_material_text = "Change materials used";
if( not( minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {protection_bypass=true}))) then
show_material_text = "Show materials used";
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker",
"button[3,3;5,0.5;create_backup;Create backup of current stage]"..
"button[4,5;3,0.5;reset_building;Reset building]"..
"button[4,6;3,0.5;remove_building;Remove building]");
local owner = plot.owner;
local btype = plot.btype;
local original_formspec = "size[8,3]"..
"button[6.0,1.0;2.0,0.5;inhabitants;Who lives here]"..
"label[1.0,0.5;Plot No.: "..tostring( plot_nr ).."]"..
"label[3.5,0.5;"..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm )..mirror_str.."]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
local formspec = "";
local ifinhabit = "";
-- Get Price
local price = "default:gold_ingot 2";
if (btype ~= 'road' and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]) then
local plot_descr = 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm)
if (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price) then
price = mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].price;
elseif (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ and mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ]) then
price = mg_villages.prices[ mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].typ ];
-- Get if is inhabitant house
if (mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh > 0 ) then
ifinhabit = "label[1,1.5;Owners of this plot count as village inhabitants.]";
-- Determine price depending on building type
local price_stack= ItemStack( price );
-- If nobody owns the plot
if (not(owner) or owner=='') then
formspec = original_formspec ..
"label[1,1;You can buy this plot for]"..
"label[3.8,1;"..tostring( price_stack:get_count() ).." x ]"..
"item_image[4.3,0.8;1,1;"..( price_stack:get_name() ).."]"..
"button[2,2.5;1.5,0.5;buy;Buy plot]"..
-- On Press buy button
if (fields['buy']) then
local inv = player:get_inventory();
if not mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist then
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist = {}
-- Check if player already has a house in the village
if mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] then
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.9;Sorry. You already have a plot in this village.]";
-- Check if the price can be paid
elseif( inv and inv:contains_item( 'main', price_stack )) then
formspec = original_formspec..
"label[1,1;Congratulations! You have bought this plot.]"..
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner = pname;
if mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist then
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = true;
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = true;
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm)..' (owned by '..tostring( pname )..')');
-- save the data so that it survives server restart
-- substract the price from the players inventory
inv:remove_item( 'main', price_stack );
formspec = formspec.."label[1,1.9;Sorry. You are not able to pay the price.]";
-- If player is the owner of the plot
elseif (owner==pname) then
-- Check if inhabitant house
if(btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh > 0 ) then
ifinhabit = "label[1,1.5;You are allowed to modify the common village area.]";
formspec = original_formspec.."size[8,3]"..
"label[1,1;This is your plot. You have bought it.]"..
"button[0.75,2.5;3,0.5;add_remove;Add/Remove Players]"..
"button_exit[3.75,2.5;2.0,0.5;abandon;Abandon plot]"..
-- If Player wants to abandon plot
if(fields['abandon'] ) then
formspec = original_formspec..
"label[1,1;You have abandoned this plot.]"..
mg_villages.all_villages[village_id].ownerlist[pname] = nil;
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit = {}
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].owner = nil;
-- Return price to player
local inv = player:get_inventory();
inv:add_item( 'main', price_stack );
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Plot No. '..tostring( plot_nr ).. ' with '..tostring( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].scm) );
-- If Player wants to add/remove trusted players
if (fields['add_remove']) then
local previousTrustees = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit
local output = "";
if previousTrustees == nil then
previousTrustees = {}
for _, player in ipairs(previousTrustees) do
output = output..player.."\n"
formspec = "size[8,3]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;"..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]"..
"textarea[0.3,0.2;8,2.5;ownerplayers;Trusted Players;"..output.."]"..
-- Save trusted players
if (fields["savetrustees"] == "Save") then
if not mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit then
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit = {}
local x = 1;
for _, player in ipairs(fields.ownerplayers:split("\n")) do
mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_nr ].can_edit[x] = player
x = x + 1
-- If A different Player owns plot
formspec = original_formspec.."label[1,1;"..tostring( owner ).." owns this plot.]"..
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker", formspec );
mg_villages.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
-- mg_villages.print(mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NORMAL,minetest.serialize(fields));
if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
return false;
-- teleport to a plot or mob
if( fields[ 'teleport_to' ]
and fields[ 'pos2str' ]
and player ) then
local pname = player:get_player_name();
if( minetest.check_player_privs( pname, {teleport=true})) then
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos( fields.pos2str );
-- teleport the player to the target position
player:moveto( { x=pos.x, y=(pos.y+1), z=pos.z }, false);
minetest.chat_sned_player( pname, "Sorry. You do not have the teleport privilege.");
-- do not abort; continue with showing the formspec
-- are we supposed to show information about a particular mob?
local mob_selected = nil;
-- show previous mob that lives on the plot
if( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_one_mob" and fields["prev"] and fields["bed_nr"]) then
mob_selected = tonumber(fields.bed_nr) - 1;
-- show next mob that lives on the mob
elseif( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_one_mob" and fields["next"] and fields["bed_nr"]) then
mob_selected = tonumber(fields.bed_nr) + 1;
-- show informaton about mob selected from list of inhabitants
elseif( not( fields['back_to_houselist'])
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants']
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants']~=""
and fields['village_id']
and fields['plot_nr']) then
local selection = minetest.explode_table_event( fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants'] );
mob_selected = selection.row;
-- this index has to be a number and not a string
fields.plot_nr = tonumber( fields.plot_nr or "0");
local pname = player:get_player_name();
-- provide information about a particular mob
if( mob_selected
and fields.village_id
and fields.plot_nr
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ])then
-- and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].beds[mob_selected]) then
if( not( mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].beds)
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].beds[ mob_selected] )) then
-- allow to click at the worker
local bpos = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos;
if( bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker
and bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker.lives_at
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker.lives_at ]
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker.lives_at ].beds
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker.lives_at ].beds[1] ) then
fields.plot_nr = tonumber(bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].worker.lives_at);
mob_selected = 1;
-- allow to click at the owner
elseif( bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].belongs_to
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].belongs_to ]
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].belongs_to ].beds
and bpos[ bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].belongs_to ].beds[1] ) then
fields.plot_nr = tonumber(bpos[ fields.plot_nr ].belongs_to);
mob_selected = 1;
-- this is not a mob
mob_selected = nil;
if( mob_selected ) then
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ];
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_list_one_mob",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_mob_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, fields.plot_nr, fields.village_id, mob_selected, pname ));
return true;
-- are we supposed to show information about a particular plot?
local plot_selected = nil;
-- show previous plot of that village
if( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants" and fields["prev"] and fields["plot_nr"]) then
plot_selected = fields.plot_nr - 1;
-- show next plot of that village
elseif( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants" and fields["next"] and fields["plot_nr"]) then
plot_selected = fields.plot_nr + 1;
-- back from the list of details of a mob to the list of inhabitants of the plot where it lives
elseif( fields['back_to_houselist'] ) then
plot_selected = fields.plot_nr;
-- show informaton about plot selected from list of plots in a village
elseif( not( fields['back_to_plotlist'])
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_plots']
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_plots']~=""
and fields['village_id']) then
local selection = minetest.explode_table_event( fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_plots'] );
plot_selected = selection.row-1;
-- provide information about the inhabitants of a particular plot
if( plot_selected
and fields.village_id
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos
and mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ plot_selected ]) then
local village = mg_villages.all_villages[ fields.village_id ];
minetest.show_formspec( pname, "mg_villages:formspec_list_inhabitants",
mg_villages.inhabitants.print_house_info( village.to_add_data.bpos, plot_selected, fields.village_id, pname ));
return true;
-- are we supposed to show the plots contained in a particular village?
local village_selected = nil;
-- where are we currently in the list of villages as shown to that particular player?
local liste = mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list[ pname ];
local curr_list_pos = -1;
if( liste ) then
for i,v in ipairs( liste ) do
if( fields.village_id and v==fields.village_id ) then
curr_list_pos = i;
-- show previous village in list
if( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_plots" and fields["prev"] and curr_list_pos>1) then
village_selected = liste[ curr_list_pos - 1 ];
-- show next village
elseif( formname=="mg_villages:formspec_list_plots" and fields["next"] and curr_list_pos<#liste) then
village_selected = liste[ curr_list_pos + 1 ];
-- back from the list of inhabitants to the list of plots of a village
elseif( fields['back_to_plotlist'] and fields.village_id) then
village_selected = fields.village_id;
-- show informaton about all plots in the selected village
elseif( not( fields['back_to_villagelist'])
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_villages']
and fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_villages']~="" ) then
local selection = minetest.explode_table_event( fields['mg_villages:formspec_list_villages'] );
-- this is the village the player is intrested in
village_selected = mg_villages.tmp_player_village_list[ pname ][ selection.row-1 ];
-- the player has selected a village in the village list
if( village_selected
and mg_villages.all_villages[ village_selected ]
and mg_villages.all_villages[ village_selected ].to_add_data
and mg_villages.all_villages[ village_selected ].to_add_data.bpos ) then
fields.village_id = village_selected;
-- show the player a list of plots of the selected village
mg_villages.list_plots_formspec( player, 'mg_villages:formspec_list_plots', fields );
return true;
-- back from plotlist of a village to the list of nearby villages
-- mg_villages.list_villages_formspec can be found in chat_commands.lua
if( fields['back_to_villagelist']) then
mg_villages.list_villages_formspec( player, "mg_villages:formspec_list_villages", {});
return true;
if( (formname == "mg_villages:formspec_plotmarker") and fields.pos2str and not( fields.abort )) then
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos( fields.pos2str );
mg_villages.plotmarker_formspec( pos, formname, fields, player );
return true;
return false;
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( mg_villages.form_input_handler )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
-- get the id of the village pos lies in (or nil if outside of villages)
mg_villages.get_town_id_at_pos = function( pos )
for id, v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do
local height_diff = pos.y - v.vh;
if( height_diff < 40 and height_diff > -10 ) then
local size = v.vs * 3;
if( ( math.abs( pos.x - v.vx ) < size )
and ( math.abs( pos.z - v.vz ) < size )) then
local village_noise = minetest.get_perlin(7635, 3, 0.5, 16);
if( mg_villages.inside_village_area( pos.x, pos.z, v, village_noise)) then
local node = minetest.get_node( pos );
-- leaves can be digged in villages
if( node and ) then
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ ]
and minetest.registered_nodes[ ].groups
and minetest.registered_nodes[ ].groups.leaves ) then
return nil;
elseif('default:snow' ) then
return nil;
-- bones can be digged in villages
elseif( == 'bones:bones' ) then
return nil;
return id;
return id;
return nil;
-- checks if the plot marker is still present; places a new one if needed
-- p: plot data (position, size, orientation, owner, ..)
mg_villages.check_plot_marker = function( p, plot_nr, village_id )
-- roads cannot be bought
if( p.btype and p.btype=="road" ) then
local plot_pos = { x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z };
if( p.o==3 ) then
plot_pos = { x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z-1 };
elseif( p.o==1 ) then
plot_pos = { x=p.x+p.bsizex-1, y=p.y+1, z=p.z+p.bsizez };
elseif ( p.o==2 ) then
plot_pos = { x=p.x+p.bsizex, y=p.y+1, z=p.z };
elseif ( p.o==0 ) then
plot_pos = { x=p.x-1, y=p.y+1, z=p.z+p.bsizez-1 };
-- is the plotmarker still present?
local node = minetest.get_node( plot_pos );
if( not(node) or not( or ~= "mg_villages:plotmarker" ) then
-- place a new one if needed
minetest.set_node( plot_pos, {name="mg_villages:plotmarker", param2=p.o});
local meta = minetest.get_meta( plot_pos );
-- strange error happend; maybe we're more lucky next time...
if( not( meta )) then
meta:set_string('village_id', village_id );
meta:set_int( 'plot_nr', plot_nr );
local old_is_protected = minetest.is_protected
minetest.is_protected = function(pos, name)
if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
return old_is_protected( pos, name );
-- allow players with protection_bypass to build anyway
if( minetest.check_player_privs( name, {protection_bypass=true})) then
return false;
local village_id = mg_villages.get_town_id_at_pos( pos );
if( village_id ) then
local is_houseowner = false;
for nr, p in ipairs( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos ) do
local trustedusers = p.can_edit
local trustedUser = false
if trustedusers ~= nil then
for _,trusted in ipairs(trustedusers) do
if trusted == name then
trustedUser = true
-- we have located the right plot; the player can build here if he owns this particular plot
if( p.x <= pos.x and (p.x + p.bsizex) >= pos.x
and p.z <= pos.z and (p.z + p.bsizez) >= pos.z) then
-- place a new plot marker if necessary
mg_villages.check_plot_marker( p, nr, village_id );
-- If player has been trusted by owner, can build
if (trustedUser) then
return false;
-- If player is owner, can build
elseif( p.owner and p.owner == name ) then
return false;
-- the allmende can be used by all
elseif( mg_villages.BUILDINGS[p.btype] and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[p.btype].typ=="allmende" ) then
return false;
-- the player cannot modify other plots, even though he may be house owner of another house and be allowed to modify common ground
return true;
-- if the player just owns another plot in the village, check if it's one where villagers may live
elseif( p.owner and p.owner == name or trustedUser) then
local btype = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ nr ].btype;
if( btype ~= 'road'
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype]
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh
and mg_villages.BUILDINGS[btype].inh > 0 ) then
is_houseowner = true;
-- check the node below
local node = minetest.get_node( {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z});
-- replace the fake, inaktive village soil with real farming soil if a player diggs the plant above
if( node and and"mg_villages:soil" ) then
minetest.swap_node( {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, {name="farming:soil_wet"});
-- players who own a house in town where villagers may live (not only work!)
-- are allowed to modify common ground
if( is_houseowner ) then
return false;
return true;
return old_is_protected(pos, name);
minetest.register_on_protection_violation( function(pos, name)
if( not( mg_villages.ENABLE_PROTECTION )) then
local found = mg_villages.get_town_id_at_pos( pos );
if( not( found ) or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ found ])) then
minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Error: This area does not belong to a village.');
minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You are inside of the area of the village "..
tostring( mg_villages.all_villages[ found ].name )..
". The inhabitants do not allow you any modifications.");
end );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
-- fountains and lakes have river water, not salt water
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'default:water_source' ] = 'default:river_water_source';
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'default:water_flowing' ] = 'default:river_water_flowing';
-- always use the cheaper simulated soil that has no problem with water beeing 4 nodes away
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'farming:soil_wet' ] = 'mg_villages:soil';
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'farming:soil' ] = 'mg_villages:soil';
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'farming:desert_sand_soil_wet' ] = 'mg_villages:desert_sand_soil';
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'farming:desert_sand_soil' ] = 'mg_villages:desert_sand_soil';
-- if cottages is not installed, place "normal" beds in the chateau and wherever else needed
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( 'cottages' ))) then
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'cottages:bed_head' ] = 'beds:fancy_bed_top';
handle_schematics.global_replacement_table[ 'cottages:bed_foot' ] = 'beds:fancy_bed_bottom';
-- ethereal comes with some intresting trees
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'ethereal' )) then
mg_villages.ethereal_trees = {'acacia','willow','redwood','frost','mushroom','yellow','palm','banana'};
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'forest' )) then
mg_villages.forest_trees = {'beech','birch','cherry','fir','ginkgo','lavender','mirabelle','oak','plum','willow'};
-- we are dealing with the TinyTrees mod from Bas080
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'trees' )
and minetest.registered_nodes[ 'trees:wood_mangrove' ] ) then
mg_villages.tinytrees_trees = {'mangrove','palm','conifer'};
-- The trees modname is not unique; there are other mods which bear that name.
-- If all the other mods are present as well, it's a strong indication for realtest beeing the game.
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'trees' )
and minetest.get_modpath( 'anvil')
and minetest.get_modpath( 'joiner_table')
and minetest.get_modpath( 'scribing_table' )) then
mg_villages.realtest_trees = {'ash','aspen','birch','maple','chestnut','pine','spruce'};
--print('REALTEST trees will be used.'); else print( 'NO REALTEST trees');
-- realtest is very special as far as stairs are concerned
mg_villages.realtest_stairs = {'default:stone','default:stone_flat','default:stone_bricks',
for i,v in ipairs(metals.list) do
table.insert( mg_villages.realtest_stairs, 'metals:'..v..'_block' );
-- the list of minteral names is local; so we can't add "decorations:"..mineral[1].."_block"
-- only the function mg_villages.get_replacement_table(..) is called from outside this file
mg_villages.replace_materials = function( replacements, pr, original_materials, prefixes, materials, old_material )
local postfixes = {};
local use_realtest_stairs = false;
-- handle realtest stairs/slabs
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees
and #prefixes==3
and prefixes[1]=='stairs:stair_' and prefixes[2]=='stairs:slab_' and prefixes[3]=='default:' ) then
prefixes = {''};
materials = mg_villages.realtest_stairs;
postfixes = {''};
use_realtest_stairs = true;
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees
and #prefixes==1
and prefixes[1]=='stairs:stair_') then
for i,v in ipairs( prefixes ) do
postfixes[i] = '';
local known_materials = {};
local wood_found = false;
-- for all alternate materials
for i,m in ipairs( materials ) do
-- check if that material exists for each supplied prefix
for j,p in ipairs( prefixes ) do
-- if wood is present, later on try moretrees wood as well
if( 'default:wood' == m ) then
wood_found = true;
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ p..m..postfixes[j] ] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, m..postfixes[j] );
-- support wooden planks from moretrees
if( wood_found and mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" );
-- deco is used by BigFreakingDig; as that one lacks default nodes, it doesn't work out here
if( wood_found and minetest.get_modpath('deco')) then
local bfd_treelist = {'birch', 'cherry', 'evergreen', 'oak' };
for _,v in ipairs( bfd_treelist ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ "deco:"..v.."_plank"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "deco:"..v.."_plank" );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
-- mushroom in ethereal is a pretty decorative material; increase its probability
if( v == 'mushroom' ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:mushroom_pore" );
-- also increase probability for the decorative blueish wood
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:frost_wood" );
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:frost_wood" );
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ "ethereal:"..v.."_wood"] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.forest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.forest_trees ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'forest:'..v..'_wood'] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, 'forest:'..v..'_wood' );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'trees:wood_'..v] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, 'trees:wood_'..v );
if( wood_found and mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'trees:'..v..'_planks'] ) then
table.insert( known_materials, 'trees:'..v..'_planks' );
-- nothing found which could be used
if( #known_materials < 1 ) then
local new_material = known_materials[ pr:next( 1, #known_materials )];
if( use_realtest_stairs == true ) then
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 1 ], new_material..'_stair' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 2 ], new_material..'_slab' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 3 ], new_material } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 1 ]..'upside_down', new_material..'_stair_upside_down' } );
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ 2 ]..'upside_down', new_material..'_slab_upside_down' } );
return new_material;
-- no replacement necessary if we did choose the same material as before
if( new_material == old_material or old_material == (prefixes[1]..new_material)) then
return old_material;
for i,v in ipairs( prefixes ) do
table.insert( replacements, { original_materials[ i ], v..new_material } );
return new_material;
-- replace the tree trunk as well so that it fits to the wood type
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:jungletree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pine_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:pine_tree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:acacia_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:acacia_tree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:aspen_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'default:aspen_tree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'mg:savannatree'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', 'mg:pinetree'});
elseif( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( wood_type == "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_trunk"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:leaves', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_leaves"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:birch_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:birch_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:cherry_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:cherry_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:evergreen_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:evergreen_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:oak_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "mapgen:oak_log"});
elseif( wood_type == 'ethereal:frost_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:frost_tree"});
elseif( wood_type == "ethereal:mushroom_pore" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:mushroom_trunk"});
elseif( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "ethereal:"..v.."_trunk"});
elseif( mg_villages.forest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.forest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "forest:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "forest:"..v.."_tree"});
elseif( mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "trees:wood_"..v ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "trees:tree_"..v});
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == 'trees:'..v..'_planks' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:tree', "trees:"..v..'_log'});
-- realtest does not have most of the nodes from default, so we need to replace them as well
table.insert( replacements, {'default:wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:leaves', 'trees:'..v..'_leaves'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:ladder', 'trees:'..v..'_ladder'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:chest', 'trees:'..v..'_chest'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:chest_locked', 'trees:'..v..'_chest_locked'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:fence_wood', 'fences:'..v..'_fence'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:bookshelf', 'decorations:bookshelf_'..v});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_1', 'doors:door_'..v..'_t_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_1', 'doors:door_'..v..'_b_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_2', 'doors:door_'..v..'_t_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_2', 'doors:door_'..v..'_b_2'});
-- not really wood-realted, but needs to be replaced as well
table.insert( replacements, {'default:furnace', 'oven:oven'});
-- farming is also handled diffrently
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:soil_wet', 'farming:soil'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_1', 'farming:flax_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_2', 'farming:flax_1'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_3', 'farming:flax_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_4', 'farming:flax_2'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_5', 'farming:flax_3'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_6', 'farming:flax_3'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_7', 'farming:flax_4'});
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_8', 'farming:flax_4'});
-- stairs and slabs made out of default wood
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_stair'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_wood', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_slab'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_woodupside_down','trees:'..v..'_planks_stair_upside_down' } );
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_woodupside_down', 'trees:'..v..'_planks_slab_upside_down' } );
return nil;
return wood_type;
-- TODO if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") and moretrees.enable_stairsplus the
-- if buildings are made out of a certain wood type, people might expect trees of that type nearby
mg_villages.replace_saplings = function( replacements, wood_type )
if( wood_type == 'default:junglewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:junglesapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:pine_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:pine_sapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:acacia_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:acacia_sapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'default:aspen_wood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'default:aspen_sapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:savannawood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'mg:savannasapling'});
elseif( wood_type == 'mg:pinewood' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', 'mg:pinesapling'});
elseif( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.moretrees_treelist ) do
if( wood_type == "moretrees:"..v[1].."_planks" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "moretrees:"..v[1].."_sapling_ongen"});
elseif( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.ethereal_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "ethereal:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "ethereal:"..v.."_sapling"});
elseif( mg_villages.forest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.forest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "forest:"..v.."_wood" ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "forest:"..v.."_sapling"});
elseif( mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.tinytrees_trees ) do
if( wood_type == "trees:wood_"..v ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "trees:sapling_"..v});
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for _,v in ipairs( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) do
if( wood_type == 'trees:'..v..'_planks' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:junglesapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:pine_sapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:aspen_sapling', "trees:"..v.."_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:birch_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:birch_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:cherry_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:cherry_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:evergreen_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:evergreen_sapling"});
elseif( wood_type == 'deco:oak_plank' ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:sapling', "mapgen:oak_sapling"});
-- Note: This function is taken from the villages mod (by Sokomine)
-- at least the cottages may come in a variety of building materials
-- IMPORTANT: don't add any nodes which have on_construct here UNLESS they where in the original file already
-- on_construct will only be called for known nodes that need that treatment (see villages.analyze_mts_file and on_constr)
mg_villages.get_replacement_list = function( housetype, pr )
local replacements = {};
-- else some grass would never (re)grow (if it's below a roof)
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt', dirt_with_grass_replacement });
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt_with_grass', dirt_with_grass_replacement });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:dirt', 'default:dirt_with_grass' });
-- realtest lacks quite a lot from default
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
for i=1,8 do
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:wheat_'..i, 'farming:spelt_'..tostring( (i+(i%2))/2) });
table.insert( replacements, {'farming:cotton_'..i, 'farming:flax_' ..tostring( (i+(i%2))/2) });
for i=1,5 do
table.insert( replacements, {'default:grass_'..i, 'air' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:apple', 'air' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:cobble', 'default:stone_macadam' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:obsidian_glass', 'default:glass' });
-- the default doors from minetest game have been changed since the schematics where built
-- TODO: the door replacement function needs to be more complex; doesn't really work this way
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_1', 'doors:hidden'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_1', 'doors:door_wood_a'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_t_2', 'doors:hidden'});
table.insert( replacements, {'doors:door_wood_b_2', 'doors:door_wood_b'});
if( housetype and mg_villages.village_type_data[ housetype ] and mg_villages.village_type_data[ housetype ].replacement_function ) then
return mg_villages.village_type_data[ housetype ].replacement_function( housetype, pr, replacements );
return replacements;
-- Taokis houses from structure i/o
mg_villages.replacements_taoki = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
local wood_type = 'default:wood';
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_slab' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_stone', 'default:stone_flat_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_stone', 'default:stone_flat_slab' });
-- the main body of the houses in the .mts files is made out of wood
wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'default:pine_wood', 'default:acacia_wood', 'default:aspen_wood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:savannawood',
'default:clay', 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone',
'default:stonebrick', 'default:desert_stonebrick','default:sandstonebrick', 'default:sandstone','default:stone','default:desert_stone',
'default:coalblock','default:steelblock','default:goldblock', 'default:bronzeblock', 'default:copperblock', 'wool:white',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
'darkage:adobe', 'darkage:basalt', 'darkage:basalt_cobble', 'darkage:chalk',
'darkage:gneiss', 'darkage:gneiss_cobble', 'darkage:marble', 'darkage:marble_tile',
'darkage:mud', 'darkage:ors', 'darkage:ors_cobble',
'darkage:schist', 'darkage:serpentine', 'darkage:shale', 'darkage:silt', 'darkage:slate',
'mapgen:mese_stone', 'mapgen:soap_stone'},
-- tree trunks are seldom used in these houses; let's change them anyway
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
-- all this comes in variants for stairs and slabs as well
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'stairs:slab_stonebrick', 'default:stonebrick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble'},
-- decorative slabs above doors etc.
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stonebrick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'cobble', 'wood', 'junglewood', 'pine_wood', 'acaica_wood', 'aspen_wood' },
-- brick roofs are a bit odd; but then...
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_brick', 'stairs:slab_brick', 'default:brick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'cobble', 'stonebrick', 'wood', 'junglewood', 'pine_wood', 'acacia_wood', 'aspen_wood', 'sandstone' },
'brick' );
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_nore = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- {'default:stonebrick'},
-- {'default:'},
{'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'stairs:slab_stonebrick', 'default:stonebrick'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{'stonebrick', 'desert_stonebrick','sandstonebrick', 'sandstone','stone','desert_stone','stone_flat','desert_stone_flat','stone_bricks','desert_strone_bricks'},
-- replace the wood as well
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'default:pine_wood', 'default:acacia_wood', 'default:aspen_wood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( pr:next(1,3)==1 and not( mg_villages.realtest_trees)) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:glass', 'default:obsidian_glass'});
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_slab' });
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_lumberjack = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- replace the wood - those are lumberjacks after all
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'default:pine_wood', 'default:acacia_wood', 'default:aspen_wood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( not( minetest.get_modpath('bell' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'bell:bell', 'default:goldblock' });
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:stone_bricks_slab' });
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_logcabin = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- for logcabins, wood is the most likely type of roof material
local roof_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble' },
{'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_' },
{'straw', 'wood', 'wood', 'wood', 'reet', 'slate', 'red', 'brown', 'black'},
'' );
-- some houses have junglewood roofs
if( roof_type ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'cottages:roof_connector_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'cottages:roof_flat_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:roof_connector_wood', 'cottages:roof_connector_'..roof_type });
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:roof_flat_wood', 'cottages:roof_flat_'..roof_type });
-- realtest does not have normal stairs
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'trees:aspen_planks_stair' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'trees:aspen_planks_slab' });
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'default:stonebrick', 'default:stone_bricks' }); -- used for chimneys
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_stonebrick', 'default:stone_bricks_stair' });
-- table.insert( replacements, {'default:junglewood', wood_type }); -- replace the floor
-- replace the floor with another type of wood (looks better than the same type as above)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_chateau = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
if( minetest.get_modpath( 'cottages' )) then
-- straw is the most likely building material for roofs for historical buildings
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'cottages:roof_', 'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_'},
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_'},
{'cobble', 'stonebrick', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick', 'stone'},
table.insert( replacements, { 'cottages:glass_pane', 'default:glass' });
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'default:pine_wood', 'default:acacia_wood', 'default:aspen_wood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood'}, --, 'default:brick', 'default:sandstone', 'default:desert_cobble' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
-- replace the floor with another type of wood (looks better than the same type as above)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_junglewood', 'stairs:slab_junglewood', 'default:junglewood'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'default:wood' },
'wood' );
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'cobble', 'brick', 'clay', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stone', 'desert_stonebrick', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'stonebrick' },
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_tent = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
table.insert( replacements, { "glasspanes:wool_pane", "cottages:wool_tent" });
table.insert( replacements, { "default:gravel", "default:sand" });
-- realtest needs diffrent fence posts and doors
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_grasshut = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:fence_jungle_wood', 'default:fence' });
if( pr:next( 1, 4) == 1 ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:reed_roof', 'cottages:roof_straw'});
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:reed_slab', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof', 'cottages:roof_reet' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_slab', 'cottages:roof_flat_reet' });
else -- replace the straw and cobble one of the huts uses
table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:straw', 'dryplants:wetreed' });
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'dryplants:reed_slab' });
--[[ does not look nice
if( pr:next( 1, 4) == 1 ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof_corner', 'default:wood' });
table.insert( replacements, {'dryplants:wetreed_roof_corner_2', 'default:junglewood' });
if( not( minetest.get_modpath( 'cavestuff' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'cavestuff:desert_pebble_2', 'default:slab_desert_stone' });
table.insert( replacements, {'default:desert_sand', 'default:dirt_with_grass' });
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_claytrader = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- the walls of the clay trader houses are made out of brick
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'stairs:stair_brick', 'stairs:slab_brick', 'default:brick' }, -- default_materials
{ 'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' }, -- prefixes (for new materials)
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick' }, -- new materials
'brick' ); -- original material
-- material for the floor
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'brick', 'stone', 'sandstone', 'sandstonebrick', 'clay', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble', 'desert_stonebrick',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
-- the clay trader homes come with stone stair roofs; slabs are used in other places as well (but those replacements here are ok)
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_stone', 'stairs:slab_stone' },
{'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_' },
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
-- hills and pits that contain the materials clay traders dig for
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'sand', 'sandstone', 'clay'},
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'default:clay', 'default:dirt_with_clay'});
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_charachoal = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_loam', 'cottages:loam'});
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:stair_loam', 'cottages:loam'});
return replacements;
-- wells can get the same replacements as the sourrounding village; they'll get a fitting roof that way
mg_villages.replacements_medieval = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
if( not( minetest.get_modpath('bell' ))) then
table.insert( replacements, {'bell:bell', 'default:goldblock' });
-- glass that served as a marker got copied accidently; there's usually no glass in cottages
table.insert( replacements, {'default:glass', 'air'});
-- some plants started growing while the buildings where saved - eliminate them
table.insert( replacements, {'junglegrass:medium', 'air'});
table.insert( replacements, {'junglegrass:short', 'air'});
table.insert( replacements, {'poisonivy:seedling', 'air'});
-- TODO: sometimes, half_door/half_door_inverted gets rotated wrong
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:half_door', 'cottages:half_door_inverted'});
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:half_door_inverted', 'cottages:half_door'});
-- some poor cottage owners cannot afford glass
if( pr:next( 1, 2 ) == 2 ) then
-- table.insert( replacements, {'cottages:glass_pane', 'default:fence_wood'});
local gp = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'xpanes:pane', 'default:glass', 'default:obsidian_glass', 'default:fence_wood',
'darkage:medieval_glass', 'darkage:iron_bars', 'darkage:iron_grille', 'darkage:wood_bars',
'darkage:wood_frame', 'darkage:wood_grille'},
-- 'glass' is admittedly debatable; yet it may represent modernized old houses where only the tree-part was left standing
-- loam and clay are mentioned multiple times because those are the most likely building materials in reality
local materials = {'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam', 'cottages:loam',
'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay', 'default:clay',
'default:wood','default:junglewood', 'default:pine_wood', 'default:acacia_wood', 'default:aspen_wood', 'default:sandstone',
'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:savannawood',
'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood', 'mg:pinewood',
'default:stone_flat', 'default:desert_stone_flat', -- realtest
'darkage:adobe', 'darkage:basalt', 'darkage:basalt_cobble', 'darkage:chalk',
'darkage:gneiss', 'darkage:gneiss_cobble', 'darkage:marble', 'darkage:marble_tile',
'darkage:mud', 'darkage:ors', 'darkage:ors_cobble', 'darkage:reinforced_chalk',
'darkage:reinforced_wood', 'darkage:reinforced_wood_left', 'darkage:reinforced_wood_right',
'darkage:schist', 'darkage:serpentine', 'darkage:shale', 'darkage:silt', 'darkage:slate',
'darkage:slate_cobble', 'darkage:slate_tile', 'darkage:stone_brick',
'mapgen:mese_stone', 'mapgen:soap_stone'};
-- what is sandstone (the floor) may be turned into something else
local mfs = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'default:stone_slab'});
local mfs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_sandstone', 'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'default:sandstone'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
elseif( mfs and mfs ~= 'default:sandstone' ) then
if( mfs == 'cottages:loam' or mfs == 'default:clay' or mfs == 'mg:savannawood' or mfs == 'mg:pinewood') then
mfs = 'default:wood';
elseif( mfs =='default:sandstonebrick' or mfs == 'default:desert_stone' or mfs == 'default:desert_stonebrick'
or not( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'stairs:slab_'..string.sub( mfs, 9 )] )) then
mfs = '';
if( mfs and mfs ~= '' ) then
-- realtest needs special treatment
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_sandstone', 'stairs:slab_'..string.sub( mfs, 9 )});
-- except for the floor, everything else may be glass
table.insert( materials, 'default:glass' );
local uses_wood = false;
-- bottom part of the house (usually ground floor from outside)
local replace_clay = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
if( replace_clay and replace_clay ~= 'default:clay' ) then
uses_wood = mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, replace_clay );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, replace_clay );
-- upper part of the house (may be the same as the material for the lower part)
local replace_loam = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- if the bottom was not replaced by wood, perhaps the top is
if( not( uses_wood ) and replace_loam ) then
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, replace_loam );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, replace_loam );
elseif( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
-- replace cobble; for these nodes, a stony material is needed (used in wells as well)
-- mossycobble is fine here as well
local mcs = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'sandstone', 'desert_stone', 'desert_cobble',
'cobble', 'cobble',
'stonebrick', 'stonebrick', 'stonebrick', -- more common than other materials
'mossycobble', 'mossycobble','mossycobble',
'stone', 'stone',
-- set a fitting material for the slabs; mossycobble uses the default cobble slabs
if( mg_villages.realtest_trees ) then
local mcs2 = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{ 'stone' }, -- will be replaced by mg_villages.realtest_stairs
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'default:'..mcs..'_slab'});
elseif( mcs ~= 'mossycobble' and mcs ~= 'cobble') then
-- if no slab exists, use sandstone slabs
if( not( mcs ) or not( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'stairs:slab_'..mcs ])) then
mcs = 'sandstone';
table.insert( replacements, {'stairs:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
table.insert( replacements, {'moreblocks:slab_cobble', 'stairs:slab_'..mcs});
-- straw is the most likely building material for roofs for historical buildings
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
-- all three shapes of roof parts have to fit together
{ 'cottages:roof_straw', 'cottages:roof_connector_straw', 'cottages:roof_flat_straw' },
{ 'cottages:roof_', 'cottages:roof_connector_', 'cottages:roof_flat_'},
{'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw', 'straw',
'reet', 'reet', 'reet',
'slate', 'slate',
'wood', 'wood',
--print('REPLACEMENTS used: '..minetest.serialize( replacements ));
return replacements;
mg_villages.replacements_tower = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
-- replace the wood - this is needed in particular for the fences
local wood_type = mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{ 'default:wood', 'default:junglewood', 'mg:savannawood', 'mg:pinewood' },
mg_villages.replace_tree_trunk( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_saplings( replacements, wood_type );
mg_villages.replace_materials( replacements, pr,
{'stairs:stair_cobble', 'stairs:slab_cobble', 'default:cobble'},
{'stairs:stair_', 'stairs:slab_', 'default:' },
{'stonebrick', 'desert_stonebrick','sandstonebrick', 'sandstone','stone','desert_stone','stone_flat','desert_stone_flat','stone_bricks','desert_strone_bricks'},
return replacements;
-- Translate replacement function from above (which aims at place_schematic) for the villages in Nores mapgen
mg_villages.get_replacement_ids = function( housetype, pr )
local replace = {};
local replacements = mg_villages.get_replacement_list( housetype, pr );
for i,v in ipairs( replacements ) do
if( v and #v == 2 ) then
replace[ minetest.get_content_id( v[1] )] = minetest.get_content_id( v[2] );
return replace;
-- mapgen based replacements work best using a table, while minetest.place_schematic(..) based spawning needs a list
mg_villages.get_replacement_table = function( housetype, pr, replacements )
local rtable = {};
local ids = {};
if( not( replacements )) then
replacements = mg_villages.get_replacement_list( housetype, pr );
-- it is very problematic if the torches on houses melt snow and cause flooding; thus, we use a torch that is not hot
if( mg_villages.USE_DEFAULT_3D_TORCHES == false ) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:torch', 'mg_villages:torch'});
-- make charachoal villages safe from spreading fire
if( not( mg_villages.use_normal_unsafe_lava )) then
table.insert( replacements, {'default:lava_source', 'mg_villages:lava_source_tamed'});
table.insert( replacements, {'default:lava_flowing', 'mg_villages:lava_flowing_tamed'});
for i,v in ipairs( replacements ) do
if( v and #v == 2 ) then
rtable[ v[1] ] = v[2];
ids[ minetest.get_content_id( v[1] )] = minetest.get_content_id( v[2] );
return { table = rtable, list = replacements, ids = ids };
mg_villages.get_content_id_replaced = function( node_name, replacements )
if( not( node_name ) or not( replacements ) or not(replacements.table )) then
return minetest.get_content_id( 'ignore' );
if( replacements.table[ node_name ]) then
return minetest.get_content_id( replacements.table[ node_name ] );
return minetest.get_content_id( node_name );
-- they don't all grow cotton; farming_plus fruits are far more intresting!
-- Note: This function modifies replacements.ids and replacements.table for each building
-- as far as fruits are concerned. It needs to be called before placing a building
-- which contains fruits.
-- The function might as well be a local one.
mg_villages.get_fruit_replacements = function( replacements, fruit)
if( not( fruit )) then
for i=1,8 do
local old_name = '';
local new_name = '';
-- farming_plus plants sometimes come in 3 or 4 variants, but not in 8 as cotton does
if( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming_plus:'..fruit..'_'..i ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming_plus:'..fruit..'_'..i;
-- "surplus" cotton variants will be replaced with the full grown fruit
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming_plus:'..fruit ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming_plus:'..fruit;
-- and plants from farming: are supported as well
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming:'..fruit..'_'..i ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming:'..fruit..'_'..i;
elseif( minetest.registered_nodes[ 'farming:'..fruit ]) then
old_name = "farming:cotton_"..i;
new_name = 'farming:'..fruit;
if( old_name ~= '' and new_name ~= '' ) then
-- this is mostly used by the voxelmanip based spawning of .we files
replacements.ids[ minetest.get_content_id( old_name )] = minetest.get_content_id( new_name );
-- this is used by the place_schematic based spawning
replacements.table[ old_name ] = new_name;

mods/mg_villages/roads.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
-- helper function for get_path_from_pos_to_plot
mg_villages.next_step_on_road_path = function( p, this_road_xdir, following_road )
if( this_road_xdir == true ) then
if( p.x < following_road.x ) then
p.x = following_road.x;
p.x = following_road.x + following_road.bsizex -1;
if( p.z < following_road.z ) then
p.z = following_road.z;
p.z = following_road.z + following_road.bsizez -1;
return p;
-- pos needs to be a position either on a road or at max 1 node away from a road
mg_villages.get_path_from_pos_to_plot_via_roads = function( village_id, pos, target_plot_nr )
if( not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )
or not( target_plot_nr )
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ target_plot_nr ])
or not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos[ target_plot_nr ].road_nr)) then
return {};
local bpos_list = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos;
-- find out which road is the one next to pos
local standing_on_road = nil;
local roads = mg_villages.get_road_list( village_id, false );
for i,road in ipairs( roads ) do
local r = bpos_list[ road ]; -- road data
-- if this is really a road, and if a parent road exists (or is 0)
if( r and r.btype == "road" and r.parent_road_plot
-- ..and pos is in the area of the road or next to it
and pos.x >= r.x-1 and pos.x <= r.x + r.bsizex + 1
and pos.z >= r.z-1 and pos.z <= r.z + r.bsizez + 1
and pos.y >= r.y-4 and pos.y <= r.y + 4 ) then
standing_on_road = i;
-- nothing found
if( not( standing_on_road )) then
-- walk from pos up to the main road
local start_to_main_road = {};
local next_road_plot = roads[ standing_on_road ];
while( next_road_plot and bpos_list[ next_road_plot ] and bpos_list[ next_road_plot ].btype=="road" ) do
table.insert( start_to_main_road, next_road_plot );
next_road_plot = bpos_list[ next_road_plot ].parent_road_plot;
-- walk from the target road up to the main road - until we find a road that is
-- already part of the path from pos to the main road
local target_to_main_road = {};
local next_road_plot = roads[ bpos_list[ target_plot_nr ].road_nr ];
local match_found = -1;
while( next_road_plot and bpos_list[ next_road_plot ] and bpos_list[ next_road_plot ].btype=="road" and match_found==-1) do
-- it may not be necessary to go all the way back to the main road
for i,r in ipairs( start_to_main_road ) do
if( r == next_road_plot ) then
match_found = i;
if( match_found == -1) then
table.insert( target_to_main_road, next_road_plot );
next_road_plot = bpos_list[ next_road_plot ].parent_road_plot;
if( match_found == -1 ) then
match_found = #start_to_main_road;
-- we may have gone too far up and can take a turn much earlier
local start_to_target = {};
for i=1,match_found do
table.insert( start_to_target, start_to_main_road[i] );
-- combine the full walk through the tree-like road structure into one list of roads
for i=#target_to_main_road,1,-1 do
table.insert( start_to_target, target_to_main_road[i] );
-- generate a path for travelling on these roads
local path = {};
-- let the mob take the first step onto the road
local first_road = bpos_list[ start_to_target[1] ];
local p = {x=pos.x, y=first_road.y+1, z=pos.z};
p = mg_villages.next_step_on_road_path( p, not(first_road.xdir), first_road );
table.insert( path, {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z} );
-- travel using all the given roads
for i=1,#start_to_target-1 do
local this_road = bpos_list[ start_to_target[i] ];
local following_road = bpos_list[ start_to_target[i+1]];
-- walk on the inside in curves instead of taking longer paths
p = mg_villages.next_step_on_road_path( p, this_road.xdir, following_road );
table.insert( path, {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z} );
-- walk on the last road to the target plot
local last_road = bpos_list[ start_to_target[ #start_to_target ] ];
local target = {x=bpos_list[ target_plot_nr ].x + math.floor(bpos_list[ target_plot_nr ].bsizex/2),
y = p.y,
z=bpos_list[ target_plot_nr ].z + math.floor(bpos_list[ target_plot_nr ].bsizez/2),
bsizex = 2, bsizez = 2};
p = mg_villages.next_step_on_road_path( p, last_road.xdir, target);
table.insert( path, {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z} );
-- take the very last step and leave the road
p = mg_villages.next_step_on_road_path( p, not(last_road.xdir), target);
-- make sure we do not walk further than one step into the plot
if( p.x < last_road.x ) then
p.x = last_road.x - 1;
elseif( p.x >= last_road.x + last_road.bsizex ) then
p.x = last_road.x + last_road.bsizex + 1;
elseif( p.z < last_road.z ) then
p.z = last_road.z - 1;
elseif( p.z >= last_road.z + last_road.bsizez ) then
p.z = last_road.z + last_road.bsizez + 1;
table.insert( path, {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z} );
-- if you want to visualize the path with yellow wool blocks for debugging, uncomment this
local str = " path: ";
for i,p in ipairs( path ) do
minetest.set_node( p, {name="wool:yellow"});
str = str.." "..minetest.pos_to_string( p );
minetest.chat_send_player("singleplayer","roads to walk on: "..minetest.serialize( start_to_target)..str);
return path;
-- try to reconstruct the tree-like road network structure (the data was
-- not saved completely from the beginning)
mg_villages.get_road_list = function( village_id, force_check )
if( not( mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ] )) then
return {};
local bpos_list = mg_villages.all_villages[ village_id ].to_add_data.bpos;
local roads = {};
for i,pos in ipairs( bpos_list ) do
if( pos.btype and pos.btype=="road" ) then
-- store the plot nr for each road nr
roads[ pos.road_nr ] = i;
-- store weather the road streches in x- or z-direction
if( pos.bsizex >= pos.bsizez) then
pos.xdir = true;
pos.xdir = false;
-- a village without roads (i.e. a single house)
if( not( roads[1])) then
return {};
-- the parent roads have already been identified
if( not( force_check ) and bpos_list[ roads[ 1 ]].parent_road_plot == 0 ) then
return roads;
-- assume that road nr. 1 is the main road (which it is due to the way villages are constructed)
bpos_list[ roads[ 1 ]].parent_road_plot = 0;
-- identify all parent roads
for i=1,#roads do
if( bpos_list[ roads[i] ].parent_road_plot ) then
mg_villages.mark_roads_that_branch_off( bpos_list, roads, roads[i] );
return roads;
-- changes bpos_list and sets bpos_list[ road ].parent_road_plot = plot_nr for those roads where
-- plot_nr contains the road from which road branches off
mg_villages.mark_roads_that_branch_off = function( bpos_list, roads, plot_nr )
-- see which roads branch off from this parent road
local parent_road = bpos_list[ plot_nr ];
for i,road in ipairs( roads ) do
local r = bpos_list[ road ]; -- road data
-- if the road is not yet connected to another one
if( r.parent_road_plot == nil
-- and if it is 90 degree rotated compared to the potential parent road
and( r.xdir ~= parent_road.xdir )
-- and if one end lies inside the parent road
and( (r.x >= parent_road.x and r.x <= parent_road.x + parent_road.bsizex)
or(r.x+r.bsizex >= parent_road.x and r.x+r.bsizex <= parent_road.x + parent_road.bsizex))
and( (r.z >= parent_road.z and r.z <= parent_road.z + parent_road.bsizez)
or(r.z+r.bsizez >= parent_road.z and r.z+r.bsizez <= parent_road.z + parent_road.bsizez))) then
-- store plot_nr instead of road_nr as that is more useful
bpos_list[ road ].parent_road_plot = plot_nr;

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