475 lines
22 KiB
475 lines
22 KiB
package mods.tinker.tconstruct.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import mods.tinker.tconstruct.TConstruct;
import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration;
public class PHConstruct
public static void initProps ()
/* Here we will set up the config file for the mod
* First: Create a folder inside the config folder
* Second: Create the actual config file
* Note: Configs are a pain, but absolutely necessary for every mod.
File file = new File(TConstruct.proxy.getLocation() + "/config");
File newFile = new File(TConstruct.proxy.getLocation() + "/config/TinkersWorkshop.txt");
/* Some basic debugging will go a long way */
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Could not create configuration file for TConstruct. Reason:");
/* [Forge] Configuration class, used as config method */
Configuration config = new Configuration(newFile);
/* Load the configuration file */
/* Define the mod's IDs.
* Avoid values below 4096 for items and in the 250-450 range for blocks
//removeToolRecipes = config.get("Diffuclty Changes", "Remove vanilla tool recipes", false).getBoolean(false);
keepHunger = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Keep hunger on death", true).getBoolean(true);
keepLevels = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Keep levels on death", true).getBoolean(true);
beginnerBook = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Spawn beginner book", true).getBoolean(true);
superfunWorld = config.get("Superfun", "All the world is Superfun", false).getBoolean(false);
/*disableWoodTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Disable vanilla wooden tools", false).getBoolean(false);
disableStoneTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Disable vanilla stone tools", true).getBoolean(true);
disableIronTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Disable vanilla iron tools", true).getBoolean(true);
disableDiamondTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Disable vanilla diamond tools", true).getBoolean(true);
disableGoldTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Disable vanilla gold tools", true).getBoolean(true);*/
enableTWood = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Enable mod wooden tools", true).getBoolean(true);
enableTStone = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Enable mod stone tools", true).getBoolean(true);
enableTCactus = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Enable mod cactus tools", true).getBoolean(true);
enableTBone = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Enable mod bone tools", true).getBoolean(true);
craftMetalTools = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Craft metals with Wood Patterns", false).getBoolean(false);
vanillaMetalBlocks = config.get("Difficulty Changes", "Craft vanilla metal blocks", true).getBoolean(true);
blueSlime = config.get("Mob Spawning", "Activate Blue Slime Spawns", true).getBoolean(true);
blueSlimeWeight = config.get("Mob Spawning", "Spawn Weight for Blue Slime", 7).getInt(7);
woodCrafter = config.getBlock("Wood Tool Station", 1471).getInt(1471);
heldItemBlock = config.getBlock("Held Item Block", 1472).getInt(1472);
lavaTank = config.getBlock("Lava Tank", 1473).getInt(1473);
smeltery = config.getBlock("Smeltery", 1474).getInt(1474);
oreSlag = config.getBlock("Ores Slag", 1475).getInt(1475);
craftedSoil = config.getBlock("Special Soil", 1476).getInt(1476);
searedTable = config.getBlock("Seared Table", 1477).getInt(1477);
metalBlock = config.getBlock("Metal Storage", 1478).getInt(1478);
metalFlowing = config.getBlock("Liquid Metal Flowing", 1479).getInt(1479);
metalStill = config.getBlock("Liquid Metal Still", 1480).getInt(1480);
multiBrick = config.getBlock("Multi Brick", 1481).getInt(1481);
stoneTorch = config.getBlock("Stone Torch", 1484).getInt(1484);
oreBerry = config.getBlock("Ore Berry One", 1485).getInt(1485);
oreBerrySecond = config.getBlock("Ore Berry Two", 1486).getInt(1486);
oreGravel = config.getBlock("Ores Gravel", 1488).getInt(1488);
speedBlock = config.getBlock("Speed Block", 1489).getInt(1489);
landmine = config.getBlock("Landmine", 1470).getInt(1470);
barricade = config.getBlock("Barricade", 1469).getInt(1469);
toolForge = config.getBlock("Tool Forge", 1468).getInt(1468);
multiBrickFancy = config.getBlock("Multi Brick Fancy", 1467).getInt(1467);
aggregator = config.getBlock("Aggregator", 3221).getInt(3221);
/*golemCore = config.getBlock("Golem Core", 1481).getInt(1481);
golemHead = config.getBlock("Golem Head", 1482).getInt(1482);*/
//golemPedestal = config.getBlock("Golem Pedestal", 1483).getInt(1483);
//redstoneBallRepeater = config.getBlock("Redstone Ball Repeater", 1483).getInt(1483);
//netherOreBerry = config.getBlock("Ore Berry Nether", 1487).getInt(1487);
manual = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Tinker's Manual", 14018).getInt(14018);
blankPattern = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Blank Patterns", 14019).getInt(14019);
materials = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Materials", 14020).getInt(14020);
toolRod = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Tool Rod", 14021).getInt(14021);
toolShard = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Tool Shard", 14022).getInt(14022);
woodPattern = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Wood Pattern", 14023).getInt(14023);
metalPattern = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Metal Pattern", 14024).getInt(14024);
pickaxeHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Pickaxe Head", 14026).getInt(14026);
shovelHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Shovel Head", 14027).getInt(14027);
axeHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Axe Head", 14028).getInt(14028);
hoeHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Hoe Head", 14029).getInt(14029);
swordBlade = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Sword Blade", 14030).getInt(14030);
largeGuard = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Large Guard", 14031).getInt(14031);
medGuard = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Medium Guard", 14032).getInt(14032);
crossbar = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Crossbar", 14033).getInt(14033);
binding = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Tool Binding", 14034).getInt(14034);
frypanHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Frypan Head", 14035).getInt(14035);
signHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Sign Head", 14036).getInt(14036);
lumberHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Lumber Axe Head", 14037).getInt(14037);
knifeBlade = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Knife Blade", 14038).getInt(14038);
chiselHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Chisel Head", 14039).getInt(14039);
scytheBlade = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Scythe Head", 14040).getInt(14040);
toughBinding = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Tough Binding", 14041).getInt(14041);
toughRod = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Tough Rod", 14042).getInt(14042);
largeSwordBlade = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Large Sword Blade", 14043).getInt(14043);
largePlate = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Large Plate", 14044).getInt(14044);
excavatorHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Excavator Head", 14045).getInt(14045);
hammerHead = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Hammer Head", 14046).getInt(14046);
fullGuard = config.getItem("Tool Parts", "Full Guard", 14047).getInt(14047);
pickaxe = config.getItem("Tools", "Pickaxe", 14051).getInt(14051);
shovel = config.getItem("Tools", "Shovel", 14052).getInt(14052);
axe = config.getItem("Tools", "Axe", 14053).getInt(14053);
hoe = config.getItem("Tools", "Hoe", 14054).getInt(14054);
broadsword = config.getItem("Tools", "Broadsword", 14055).getInt(14055);
rapier = config.getItem("Tools", "Rapier", 14057).getInt(14057);
longsword = config.getItem("Tools", "Longsword", 14056).getInt(14056);
dagger = config.getItem("Tools", "Dagger", 14065).getInt(14065);
frypan = config.getItem("Tools", "Frying Pan", 14058).getInt(14058);
battlesign = config.getItem("Tools", "Battlesign", 14059).getInt(14059);
mattock = config.getItem("Tools", "Mattock", 14060).getInt(14060);
lumberaxe = config.getItem("Tools", "Lumber Axe", 14061).getInt(14061);
longbow = config.getItem("Tools", "Longbow", 14062).getInt(14062);
shortbow = config.getItem("Tools", "Shortbow", 14063).getInt(14063);
potionLauncher = config.getItem("Tools", "Potion Launcher", 14064).getInt(14064);
chisel = config.getItem("Tools", "Chisel", 14066).getInt(14066);
scythe = config.getItem("Tools", "Scythe", 14067).getInt(14067);
cleaver = config.getItem("Tools", "Cleaver", 14068).getInt(14068);
excavator = config.getItem("Tools", "Excavator", 14069).getInt(14069);
hammer = config.getItem("Tools", "Hammer", 14070).getInt(14070);
battleaxe = config.getItem("Tools", "Battleaxe", 14071).getInt(14071);
cutlass = config.getItem("Tools", "Cutlass", 14072).getInt(14072);
buckets = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Buckets", 14101).getInt(14101);
uselessItem = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Title Icon", 14102).getInt(14102);
slimefood = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Strange Food", 14103).getInt(14103);
oreChunks = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Ore Chunks", 14104).getInt(14104);
heartCanister = config.getItem("Equipables", "Heart Canister", 14105).getInt(14105);
heavyHelmet = config.getItem("Equipables", "Heavy Helmet", 14106).getInt(14106);
diamondApple = config.getItem("Patterns and Misc", "Jeweled Apple", 14107).getInt(14107);
heavyChestplate = config.getItem("Equipables", "Heavy Chestplate", 14108).getInt(14108);
heavyPants = config.getItem("Equipables", "Heavy Pants", 14109).getInt(14109);
heavyBoots = config.getItem("Equipables", "Heavy Boots", 14110).getInt(14110);
glove = config.getItem("Equipables", "Gloves", 14111).getInt(14111);
knapsack = config.getItem("Equipables", "Knapsack", 14112).getInt(14112);
boolean ic2 = true;
boolean xycraft = true;
Class c = Class.forName("ic2.core.IC2");
ic2 = false;
catch (Exception e)
Class c = Class.forName("soaryn.xycraft.core.XyCraft");
xycraft = false;
catch (Exception e)
generateCopper = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Copper", ic2).getBoolean(ic2);
generateTin = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Tin", ic2).getBoolean(ic2);
generateAluminum = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Aluminum", xycraft).getBoolean(xycraft);
generateNetherOres = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Cobalt and Ardite", true).getBoolean(true);
generateIronSurface = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Surface Iron", true).getBoolean(true);
generateGoldSurface = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Surface Gold", true).getBoolean(true);
generateCopperSurface = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Surface Copper", true).getBoolean(true);
generateTinSurface = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Surface Tin", true).getBoolean(true);
generateAluminumSurface = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Surface Aluminum", true).getBoolean(true);
generateIronBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Iron Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
generateGoldBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Gold Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
generateCopperBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Copper Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
generateTinBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Tin Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
generateAluminumBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Aluminum Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
generateSilverBush = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Generate Silver Bushes", true).getBoolean(true);
addToVillages = config.get("Worldgen Disabler", "Add Village Generation", true).getBoolean(true);
copperuDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Underground Density", 2).getInt(2);
tinuDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Underground Density", 2).getInt(2);
aluminumuDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Underground Density", 3).getInt(3);
netherDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Nether Ores Density", 8).getInt(8);
copperuMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Underground Min Y", 20).getInt(20);
copperuMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Underground Max Y", 60).getInt(60);
tinuMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Underground Min Y", 0).getInt(0);
tinuMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Underground Max Y", 40).getInt(40);
aluminumuMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Underground Min Y", 0).getInt(0);
aluminumuMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Underground Max Y", 64).getInt(64);
ironsRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Iron Surface Rarity", 400).getInt(400);
goldsRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Gold Surface Rarity", 900).getInt(900);
coppersRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Surface Rarity", 100).getInt(100);
tinsRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Surface Rarity", 100).getInt(100);
aluminumsRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Surface Rarity", 50).getInt(50);
cobaltsRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Cobalt Surface Rarity", 2000).getInt(2000);
ironBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Iron Bush Density", 1).getInt(1);
goldBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Gold Bush Density", 1).getInt(1);
copperBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Bush Density", 2).getInt(2);
tinBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Bush Density", 2).getInt(2);
aluminumBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Bush Density", 2).getInt(2);
silverBushDensity = config.get("Worldgen", "Silver Bush Density", 1).getInt(1);
ironBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Iron Bush Rarity", 5).getInt(5);
goldBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Gold Bush Rarity", 8).getInt(8);
copperBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Bush Rarity", 3).getInt(3);
tinBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Bush Rarity", 3).getInt(3);
aluminumBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Bush Rarity", 2).getInt(2);
silverBushRarity = config.get("Worldgen", "Silver Bush Rarity", 8).getInt(8);
copperBushMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Bush Min Y", 20).getInt(20);
copperBushMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Copper Bush Max Y", 60).getInt(60);
tinBushMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Bush Min Y", 0).getInt(0);
tinBushMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Tin Bush Max Y", 40).getInt(40);
aluminumBushMinY = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Bush Min Y", 0).getInt(0);
aluminumBushMaxY = config.get("Worldgen", "Aluminum Bush Max Y", 60).getInt(60);
seaLevel = config.get("general", "Sea level", 64).getInt(64);
/* Save the configuration file */
public static int woodCrafter;
public static int toolForge;
public static int heldItemBlock;
public static int ores;
public static int lavaTank;
public static int smeltery;
public static int searedTable;
public static int craftedSoil;
public static int oreSlag;
public static int oreGravel;
public static int metalBlock;
//public static int axle;
public static int golemCore;
public static int golemHead;
public static int golemPedestal;
public static int oreBerry;
public static int oreBerrySecond;
public static int netherOreBerry;
public static int landmine;
public static int barricade;
public static int speedBlock;
public static int aggregator;
public static int metalFlowing;
public static int metalStill;
public static int stoneTorch;
public static int multiBrick;
public static int multiBrickFancy;
public static int redstoneBallRepeater;
//Patterns and misc
public static int blankPattern;
public static int materials;
public static int toolRod;
public static int toolShard;
public static int woodPattern;
public static int metalPattern;
public static int manual;
public static int buckets;
public static int uselessItem;
public static int oreChunks;
public static int diamondApple;
public static int slimefood;
public static int pickaxe;
public static int shovel;
public static int axe;
public static int hoe;
public static int broadsword;
public static int longsword;
public static int rapier;
public static int dagger;
public static int cutlass;
public static int frypan;
public static int battlesign;
public static int longbow;
public static int shortbow;
public static int potionLauncher;
public static int mattock;
public static int lumberaxe;
public static int scythe;
public static int cleaver;
public static int excavator;
public static int hammer;
public static int battleaxe;
public static int chisel;
//Tool parts
public static int swordBlade;
public static int largeGuard;
public static int medGuard;
public static int crossbar;
public static int knifeBlade;
public static int fullGuard;
public static int pickaxeHead;
public static int axeHead;
public static int shovelHead;
public static int hoeHead;
public static int frypanHead;
public static int signHead;
public static int chiselHead;
public static int scytheBlade;
public static int lumberHead;
public static int largeSwordBlade;
public static int excavatorHead;
public static int hammerHead;
public static int binding;
public static int toughBinding;
public static int toughRod;
public static int largePlate;
public static int heavyHelmet;
public static int heavyChestplate;
public static int heavyPants;
public static int heavyBoots;
public static int glove;
public static int knapsack;
public static int heartCanister;
//Ore values
public static boolean generateCopper;
public static boolean generateTin;
public static boolean generateAluminum;
public static boolean generateNetherOres;
public static boolean generateIronSurface;
public static boolean generateGoldSurface;
public static boolean generateCopperSurface;
public static boolean generateTinSurface;
public static boolean generateAluminumSurface;
public static boolean generateCobaltSurface;
public static boolean generateIronBush;
public static boolean generateGoldBush;
public static boolean generateCopperBush;
public static boolean generateTinBush;
public static boolean generateAluminumBush;
public static boolean generateSilverBush;
public static boolean addToVillages;
public static int copperuDensity;
public static int tinuDensity;
public static int aluminumuDensity;
public static int netherDensity;
public static int ironsRarity;
public static int goldsRarity;
public static int coppersRarity;
public static int tinsRarity;
public static int aluminumsRarity;
public static int cobaltsRarity;
public static int ironBushDensity;
public static int goldBushDensity;
public static int copperBushDensity;
public static int tinBushDensity;
public static int aluminumBushDensity;
public static int silverBushDensity;
public static int ironBushRarity;
public static int goldBushRarity;
public static int copperBushRarity;
public static int tinBushRarity;
public static int aluminumBushRarity;
public static int silverBushRarity;
public static int copperuMinY;
public static int copperuMaxY;
public static int tinuMinY;
public static int tinuMaxY;
public static int aluminumuMinY;
public static int aluminumuMaxY;
public static int copperBushMinY;
public static int copperBushMaxY;
public static int tinBushMinY;
public static int tinBushMaxY;
public static int aluminumBushMinY;
public static int aluminumBushMaxY;
public static int seaLevel;
public static boolean blueSlime;
public static int blueSlimeWeight;
//Difficulty modifiers
public static boolean keepHunger;
public static boolean keepLevels;
public static boolean clearWater;
public static boolean voidFog;
public static boolean disableWoodTools;
public static boolean disableStoneTools;
public static boolean disableIronTools;
public static boolean disableDiamondTools;
public static boolean disableGoldTools;
public static boolean enableTWood;
public static boolean enableTStone;
public static boolean enableTCactus;
public static boolean enableTBone;
public static boolean craftMetalTools;
public static boolean vanillaMetalBlocks;
public static boolean superfunWorld;
public static boolean beginnerBook;
} |