
370 lines
7.4 KiB

// Screen coordinate based targeting system. Maintains a list of on screen objects
// and provides various functions for aquiring targets from this list.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "frame.h"
#include "gtime.h"
#include "animobj.h"
#include "statsdef.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "featuredef.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "structuredef.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "visibility.h"
#include "objectdef.h"
#include "droid.h"
#include "geo.h"
#include "imd.h"
#include "vid.h"
#include "target.h"
extern UDWORD selectedPlayer;
#define TARGET_RESOURCES // Allow targeting of resources.
#define TARGET_WALLS // Allow targeting of walls.
#define MAX_TARGETS 32
typedef struct {
static BOOL FoundCurrent;
static UWORD NumTargets;
static UWORD TargetCurrent;
static UDWORD TargetCurrentID;
static TARGET TargetList[MAX_TARGETS];
static UDWORD TargetEndTime;
static BASE_OBJECT *TargetingObject;
static UWORD TargetingType;
extern UDWORD currentGameFrame;
// Initialise the targeting system.
void targetInitialise(void)
TargetCurrent = 0;
TargetCurrentID = UDWORD_MAX;
// Reset the target list, call once per frame.
void targetOpenList(BASE_OBJECT *psTargeting)
NumTargets = 0;
FoundCurrent = FALSE;
TargetingObject = psTargeting;
void targetCloseList(void)
if(!FoundCurrent) {
// targetAquireNew();
//DBPRINTF(("%d %d %d\n",NumTargets,TargetCurrent,TargetCurrentID);
//// Aquire a new target.
//BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNew(void)
// BASE_OBJECT *psObj;
// // First try and target the nearest threat.
// if( (psObj=targetAquireNearestObj(TargetingObject,TARGET_TYPE_THREAT)) != NULL) {
// DBPRINTF(("Targeting threat\n"));
// return psObj;
// }
// // if that failed then attempt to target the nearest object.
// if( (psObj=targetAquireNearestObj(TargetingObject,TARGET_TYPE_ANY)) != NULL) {
// DBPRINTF(("Targeting any\n"));
// return psObj;
// }
// TargetCurrent = 0;
// TargetCurrentID = UDWORD_MAX;
// return NULL;
DROID_WEAPON, // Weapon droid
DROID_SENSOR, // Sensor droid
DROID_ECM, // ECM droid
DROID_CONSTRUCT, // Constructor droid
DROID_PERSON, // person
DROID_CYBORG, // cyborg-type thang
DROID_TRANSPORTER, // guess what this is!
DROID_COMMAND, // Command droid
DROID_REPAIR, // Repair droid
DROID_DEFAULT, // Default droid
DROID_ANY, // Any droid, Only used as a parameter for intGotoNextDroidType(droidtype).
// Tell the targeting system what type of droid is doing the targeting.
void targetSetTargetable(UWORD DroidType)
TargetingType = DroidType;
void targetAdd(BASE_OBJECT *psObj)
// Call whenever an object is removed. probably don't need this as
// the list is rebuilt every frame any way.
void targetKilledObject(BASE_OBJECT *psObj)
//// Aquire the target nearest to the specified screen coords.
//BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNearestScreen(SWORD x,SWORD y,UWORD TargetType)
// UWORD i;
// UWORD Nearesti = 0;
// UDWORD NearestDsq = UDWORD_MAX;
// UDWORD dx,dy;
// UDWORD Dsq;
// BASE_OBJECT *NearestObj = NULL;
// BASE_OBJECT *psObj;
// for(i=0; i<NumTargets; i++) {
// psObj = TargetList[i].psObj;
// dx = abs(psObj->sDisplay.screenX - x);
// dy = abs(psObj->sDisplay.screenY - y);
// Dsq = dx*dx+dy*dy;
// if(Dsq < NearestDsq) {
// if(TargetList[i].Type & TargetType) {
// NearestDsq = Dsq;
// Nearesti = i;
// NearestObj = psObj;
// }
// }
// }
// if(NearestObj != NULL) {
// TargetCurrent = Nearesti;
// if(TargetCurrentID != NearestObj->id) {
// TargetCurrentID = NearestObj->id;
// targetStartAnim();
// }
// }
// return NearestObj;
// Aquire the target nearest the vector from x,y to the top of the screen.
BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNearestView(SWORD x,SWORD y,UWORD TargetType)
UWORD Nearesti = 0;
// UDWORD NearestDsq = UDWORD_MAX;
UDWORD dx,dy;
// UDWORD Dsq;
for(i=0; i<NumTargets; i++) {
psObj = TargetList[i].psObj;
dx = abs(psObj->sDisplay.screenX - x);
dy = abs(psObj->sDisplay.screenY - y);
// Dsq = dx*dx+dy*dy*4;
dx += dy/2;
if(dx < NearestDx) {
if(TargetList[i].Type & TargetType) {
NearestDx = dx;
Nearesti = i;
NearestObj = psObj;
// if(Dsq < NearestDsq) {
// if(TargetList[i].Type & TargetType) {
// NearestDsq = Dsq;
// Nearesti = i;
// NearestObj = psObj;
// }
// }
if(NearestObj != NULL) {
TargetCurrent = Nearesti;
if(TargetCurrentID != NearestObj->id) {
//printf("set1 %d\n",TargetCurrentID);
TargetCurrentID = NearestObj->id;
} else {
TargetCurrentID = UDWORD_MAX;
return NearestObj;
//// Aquire the target nearest to the specified object.
//BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNearestObj(BASE_OBJECT *psObj,UWORD TargetType)
// if(psObj != NULL) {
// return targetAquireNearestScreen(psObj->sDisplay.screenX,psObj->sDisplay.screenY,TargetType);
// } else {
// return NULL;
// }
// Aquire the target nearest to the specified object.
BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNearestObjView(BASE_OBJECT *psObj,UWORD TargetType)
if(psObj != NULL) {
return targetAquireNearestView((SWORD)(psObj->sDisplay.screenX),
} else {
return NULL;
//// Aquire the next target in the target list.
//BASE_OBJECT *targetAquireNext(UWORD TargetType)
// BASE_OBJECT *Target = NULL;
// if(NumTargets) {
// UWORD OldCurrent = TargetCurrent;
// TargetCurrent++;
// while( (Target == NULL) && (TargetCurrent < NumTargets) ) {
// // Target is of required type?
// if(TargetList[TargetCurrent].Type & TargetType) {
// Target = TargetList[TargetCurrent].psObj;
// }
// TargetCurrent++;
// }
// if(Target == NULL) {
// TargetCurrent = 0;
// while( (Target == NULL) && (TargetCurrent < OldCurrent) ) {
// // Target is of required type?
// if(TargetList[TargetCurrent].Type & TargetType) {
// Target = TargetList[TargetCurrent].psObj;
// }
// TargetCurrent++;
// }
// }
// if(TargetCurrent >= NumTargets) {
// TargetCurrent = 0;
// }
// }
// if(Target != NULL) {
// if(TargetCurrentID != Target->id) {
// TargetCurrentID = Target->id;
// targetStartAnim();
// }
// }
// return Target;
// Get the currently targeted object.
BASE_OBJECT *targetGetCurrent(void)
if(TargetCurrentID != UDWORD_MAX) {
return TargetList[TargetCurrent].psObj;
return NULL;
// Start the box zoom animation.
void targetStartAnim(void)
TargetEndTime = gameTime+GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC/2;
// Display a marker over the current target.
void targetMarkCurrent(void)
SWORD x,y;
SWORD Offset;
SWORD x0,y0,x1,y1;
if(TargetCurrentID == UDWORD_MAX) {
x = (SWORD)(TargetList[TargetCurrent].psObj->sDisplay.screenX);
y = (SWORD)(TargetList[TargetCurrent].psObj->sDisplay.screenY);
// Make it zoom in.
if(TargetEndTime > gameTime) {
Offset =(SWORD)(16+(TargetEndTime-gameTime)/2);
} else {
Offset = 16;
x0 = (SWORD)(x-Offset);
y0 = (SWORD)(y-Offset);
x1 = (SWORD)(x+Offset);
y1 = (SWORD)(y+Offset);