
195 lines
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* piedef.h
* type defines for all pumpkin image library functions.
#ifndef _piedef_h
#define _piedef_h
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include "ivisdef.h"
#include "ivispatch.h"
* Global Definitions (CONSTANTS)
#define DEG_360 65536
#define DEG_1 (DEG_360/360)
#define DEG_2 (DEG_360/180)
#define DEG_60 (DEG_360/6)
#define DEG(X) (DEG_1 * (X))
#define FP12_SHIFT 12
#define FP12_MULTIPLIER (1<<12)
#define STRETCHED_Z_SHIFT 10 //stretchs z range for (1000 to 4000) to (8000 to 32000)
#define MAX_Z (32000.0f) //raised to 32000 from 6000 when stretched
#define INV_MAX_Z (0.00003125f) //1/32000
#define MIN_STRETCHED_Z 256
#define LONG_WAY (1<<15)
#define LONG_TEST (1<<14)
#define INTERFACE_DEPTH (MAX_Z - 1.0f)
#define INTERFACE_DEPTH_3DFX (65535)
#define INV_INTERFACE_DEPTH_3DFX (1.0f/65535.0f)
#define BUTTON_DEPTH (2000) //will be stretched to 16000
#define TEXTURE_SIZE (256.0f)
#define INV_TEX_SIZE (0.00390625f)
#define MAX_FILE_PATH 256
#define pie_MAX_POLY_SIZE 16
#define pie_MAX_BRIGHT_LEVEL 255
#define pie_BRIGHT_LEVEL_200 200
#define pie_BRIGHT_LEVEL_180 180
#define pie_DROID_BRIGHT_LEVEL 192
//Render style flags for all pie draw functions
#define pie_FLAG_MASK 0xffff
#define pie_FLAT 0x1
#define pie_TRANSLUCENT 0x2
#define pie_ADDITIVE 0x4
#define pie_NO_BILINEAR 0x8
#define pie_HEIGHT_SCALED 0x10
#define pie_RAISE 0x20
#define pie_BUTTON 0x40
#define pie_RAISE_SCALE 256
#define pie_BAND 0x80
#define pie_BAND_RED 0x90
#define pie_BAND_GREEN 0xa0
#define pie_BAND_YELLOW 0xb0
#define pie_BAND_BLUE 0xc0
#define pie_DRAW_DISC 0x800
#define pie_DRAW_DISC_RED 0x900
#define pie_DRAW_DISC_GREEN 0xa00
#define pie_DRAW_DISC_YELLOW 0xb00
#define pie_DRAW_DISC_BLUE 0xc00
#define pie_GLOW 0x8000
#define pie_GLOW_RED 0x9000
#define pie_GLOW_GREEN 0xa000
#define pie_GLOW_YELLOW 0xb000
#define pie_GLOW_BLUE 0xc000
#define pie_GLOW_STRENGTH 63
#define pie_MAX_POINTS 512
#define pie_MAX_POLYS 512
#define pie_MAX_POLY_VERTS 10
#define pie_FILLRED 16
#define pie_FILLGREEN 16
#define pie_FILLBLUE 128
#define pie_FILLTRANS 128
#define MAX_UB_LIGHT ((UBYTE)255)
#define MIN_UB_LIGHT ((UBYTE)0)
#define MAX_LIGHT 0xffffffff
* Global Definitions (MACROS)
#define pie_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define pie_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define pie_ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? (-(a)) : (a))
#define pie_ADDLIGHT(l,x) \
(((l)->byte.r > (MAX_UB_LIGHT - (x))) ? ((l)->byte.r = MAX_UB_LIGHT) : ((l)->byte.r +=(x))); \
(((l)->byte.g > (MAX_UB_LIGHT - (x))) ? ((l)->byte.g = MAX_UB_LIGHT) : ((l)->byte.g +=(x))); \
(((l)->byte.b > (MAX_UB_LIGHT - (x))) ? ((l)->byte.b = MAX_UB_LIGHT) : ((l)->byte.b +=(x)));
#define pie_SUBTRACTLIGHT(l,x) \
(((l->byte.r) < (x)) ? ((l->byte.r) = MIN_UB_LIGHT) : ((l->byte.r) -=(x))); \
(((l->byte.g) < (x)) ? ((l->byte.g) = MIN_UB_LIGHT) : ((l->byte.g) -=(x))); \
(((l->byte.b) < (x)) ? ((l->byte.b) = MIN_UB_LIGHT) : ((l->byte.b) -=(x)));
* Global Definitions (STRUCTURES)
typedef struct {UBYTE b, g, r, a;} PIELIGHTBYTES; //for byte fields in a DWORD
typedef union {PIELIGHTBYTES byte; UDWORD argb;} PIELIGHT;
typedef struct {UBYTE r, g, b, a;} PIEVERTLIGHT;
typedef struct {SDWORD sx, sy, sz; UWORD tu, tv; PIELIGHT light, specular;} PIEVERTEX;
typedef struct {float d3dx, d3dy, d3dz;} PIEPIXEL;
typedef struct {SWORD x, y, w, h;} PIERECT; //screen rectangle
typedef struct {SDWORD texPage; SWORD tu, tv, tw, th;} PIEIMAGE; //an area of texture
typedef struct {UDWORD pieFlag; PIELIGHT colour, specular; UBYTE light, trans, scale, height;} PIESTYLE; //render style for pie draw functions
typedef struct {long n; char msge[240];} iError;
typedef int32 fixed;
// This is the new resource loaded structure (TEXPAGE)
typedef struct
iSprite *Texture;
iPalette *Palette;
typedef struct {
UDWORD flags;
iTexAnim *pTexAnim;
* Global Variables
* Global ProtoTypes
extern void pie_Draw3DShape(iIMDShape *shape, int frame, int team, UDWORD colour, UDWORD specular, int pieFlag, int pieData);
extern void pie_DrawImage(PIEIMAGE *image, PIERECT *dest, PIESTYLE *style);
extern void pie_DrawImage270(PIEIMAGE *image, PIERECT *dest, PIESTYLE *style);
//PIEVERTEX line draw for all hardware modes
extern void pie_DrawLine(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1, UDWORD colour, BOOL bclip);
//iVetrex triangle draw for software modes
extern void pie_DrawTriangle(iVertex *pv, iTexture* texPage, UDWORD renderFlags, iPoint *offset);
//PIEVERTEX poly draw for all hardware modes
extern void pie_DrawPoly(SDWORD numVrts, PIEVERTEX *aVrts, SDWORD texPage, void* psEffects);
extern void pie_GetResetCounts(SDWORD* pPieCount, SDWORD* pTileCount, SDWORD* pPolyCount, SDWORD* pStateCount);
extern void SetBSPObjectPos(SDWORD x,SDWORD y,SDWORD z);
extern void SetBSPCameraPos(SDWORD x,SDWORD y,SDWORD z);
// PNG
BOOL pie_PNGLoadMem(char *pngimage, iSprite *s, iColour *pal);
void SetBSPObjectRot(SDWORD Yaw, SDWORD Pitch);
void pie_BeginLighting(float x, float y, float z);
void pie_EndLighting(void);
void pie_RemainingPasses(void);
void pie_CleanUp( void );
#endif // _piedef_h