
478 lines
12 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
void printUsage(char const *programName)
"\t%s split data/base/images/intfac\n"
"\t%s join data/base/images/intfac src/intfac.h\n"
"\t%s split data/base/images/frontend\n"
"\t%s join data/base/images/frontend src/frend.h\n"
"\t\t--no-crush: Don't crush modified png files.\n"
"The header file argument is optional. After splitting data/base/images/X,\n"
"you may edit one or more of resulting data/base/images/X/*.png files, and\n"
"then join. After splitting, you may also add files. If adding a file\n"
"called image_my_file.png, you should add a dummy entry such as\n"
"3,0,0,0,0,0,0,\"image my file\"\n"
"which will result in the file being placed on page 3 if possible, or any\n"
"page with room, if there isn't room on page 3. The last two numbers give\n"
"the offset. The remaining numbers are ignored.\n"
"\n", programName, programName, programName, programName);
bool shouldCrush = true;
void crushPng(std::string const &pngFilename)
if (!shouldCrush)
system(("pngcrush -o9 " + pngFilename + " TEMPORARY_FILE.png > /dev/null 2> /dev/null").c_str());
system( "advpng -z4 TEMPORARY_FILE.png > /dev/null 2> /dev/null");
system(("mv TEMPORARY_FILE.png " + pngFilename + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null").c_str());
system(("optipng -o7 " + pngFilename + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null").c_str());
system(("advpng -z4 " + pngFilename + " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null").c_str());
char upper(char ch)
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
return ch + 'A' - 'a';
return ch;
char lower(char ch)
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
return ch + 'a' - 'A';
return ch;
std::string filter(std::string const &in, bool lowerCase = false)
std::string out;
for (std::string::const_iterator i = in.begin(); i != in.end(); ++i)
char ch = '_';
char up = upper(*i);
if ((up >= '0' && up <= '9') ||
(up >= 'A' && up <= 'Z'))
ch = lowerCase? lower(up) : up;
return out;
static const unsigned DEFAULT_PAGEX = 256, DEFAULT_PAGEY = 256;
struct ImgEntry
ImgEntry() : tPage(0), tx(0), ty(0), sx(0), sy(0), ox(0), oy(0), dirty(true) {}
//bool isValid() const { return tx < PAGEX && sx <= PAGEX - tx && ty < PAGEY && sy <= PAGEY - ty && tPage < 1000; }
unsigned tPage; // Page index.
unsigned tx, ty; // Location of top left corner on page.
unsigned sx, sy; // Width and height.
int ox, oy; // Offset, used when blitting.
std::string name; // Name of image. Capital letters only.
QImage data;
bool dirty; // If true, tPage, tx and ty are arbitrary.
struct ImgPage
QImage data; // Pixel data.
bool dirty; // If true, image data has changed, and the page file needs saving.
struct ImgFile
typedef std::vector<ImgEntry> Entries;
typedef std::vector<ImgPage> Pages;
Entries entries;
Pages pages;
void arrangeEntryOnPage(ImgFile &img, ImgEntry &entry, unsigned page)
unsigned PAGEX = img.pages[page].data.width();
unsigned PAGEY = img.pages[page].data.height();
!(entry.sx > DEFAULT_PAGEX ||
entry.sy > DEFAULT_PAGEY))
//printf("Skip page %u = (%u,%u), need (%u,%u)\n", page, PAGEX, PAGEY, entry.sx, entry.sy);
return; // This page is special...
std::vector<bool> pageMap(PAGEX*PAGEY, false);
for (unsigned e = 0; e < img.entries.size(); ++e)
if (img.entries[e].tPage == page && !img.entries[e].dirty)
for (unsigned y = img.entries[e].ty; y < std::min(PAGEY, img.entries[e].ty + img.entries[e].sy); ++y)
for (unsigned x = img.entries[e].tx; x < std::min(PAGEX, img.entries[e].tx + img.entries[e].sx); ++x)
pageMap[x + y*PAGEX] = true;
std::vector<int> cy(PAGEX, entry.sy - 1);
for (unsigned y = 0; y < PAGEY; ++y)
int cx = entry.sx - 1;
for (unsigned x = 0; x < PAGEX; ++x)
if (pageMap[x + y*PAGEX])
cx = entry.sx;
pageMap[x + y*PAGEX] = --cx >= 0 || pageMap[x + y*PAGEX];
if (pageMap[x + y*PAGEX])
cy[x] = entry.sy;
pageMap[x + y*PAGEX] = --cy[x] >= 0 || pageMap[x + y*PAGEX];
for (unsigned y = 0; y != PAGEY; ++y)
for (unsigned x = 0; x != PAGEX; ++x)
if (!pageMap[x + y*PAGEX])
entry.tPage = page;
entry.tx = x + 1 - entry.sx;
entry.ty = y + 1 - entry.sy;
entry.dirty = false;
img.pages[entry.tPage].dirty = true;
void arrangeEntry(ImgFile &img, ImgEntry &entry)
if (entry.tPage < img.pages.size())
arrangeEntryOnPage(img, entry, entry.tPage);
for (unsigned page = 0; page < img.pages.size() && entry.dirty; ++page)
arrangeEntryOnPage(img, entry, page);
if (!entry.dirty)
return; // Done.
ImgPage newPage;
newPage.data = QImage(DEFAULT_PAGEX, DEFAULT_PAGEY, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
arrangeEntryOnPage(img, entry, img.pages.size() - 1);
if (entry.dirty)
printf("Couldn't find room for entry on a blank page, entry (%u, %u) too big?\n", entry.sx, entry.sy);
void arrangeEntries(ImgFile &img)
std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, unsigned> > dirtyEntries;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.entries.size(); ++i)
if (img.entries[i].dirty)
int sx = img.entries[i].sx;
int sy = img.entries[i].sy;
dirtyEntries.push_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(-std::max(sx, sy), -std::min(sx, sy)), i));
std::sort(dirtyEntries.begin(), dirtyEntries.end()); // Sort by width and then by height.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dirtyEntries.size(); ++i)
arrangeEntry(img, img.entries[dirtyEntries[i].second]);
void writeEntry(ImgFile &img, ImgEntry const &entry)
QPainter paint(&img.pages[entry.tPage].data);
paint.drawImage(entry.tx, entry.ty, entry.data);
void writePages(ImgFile &img)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.pages.size(); ++i)
//img.pages[i].data.fill(0x80FF0080); // Make empty areas pink semitransparent.
img.pages[i].data.fill(0x00FFFFFF); // Make empty areas white transparent.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.entries.size(); ++i)
writeEntry(img, img.entries[i]);
ImgFile parseImgFile(std::string const &fName)
ImgFile img;
FILE *f = fopen((fName + ".img").c_str(), "rb");
if (f == NULL)
printf("Couldn't read file \"%s\".\n", (fName + ".img").c_str());
char buf[101];
ImgEntry e;
while (fscanf(f, "%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%d,%d,\"%100[0-9A-Z _]\"\n", &e.tPage, &e.tx, &e.ty, &e.sx, &e.sy, &e.ox, &e.oy, buf) == 8)
e.name = buf;
e.dirty = false;
if (e.tPage > 100 || img.entries.size() > 100000)
printf("Invalid entry \"%s\" in file \"%s\".\n", buf, (fName + ".img").c_str());
if (e.tPage >= img.pages.size())
img.pages.resize(e.tPage + 1);
if (!feof(f))
printf("Invalid entry in file \"%s\".\n", (fName + ".img").c_str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.pages.size(); ++i)
char index[100];
sprintf(index, "%u.png", i);
img.pages[i].data = QImage((fName + index).c_str()).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
img.pages[i].dirty = false;
if (img.pages[i].data.isNull())
printf("Error loading file \"%s\".\n", (fName + index).c_str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.entries.size(); ++i)
ImgEntry &e = img.entries[i];
e.data = img.pages[e.tPage].data.copy(e.tx, e.ty, e.sx, e.sy);
return img;
void writeImgFile(std::string const &fName, ImgFile const &img)
FILE *f = fopen((fName + ".img").c_str(), "wb");
if (f == NULL)
printf("Couldn't write file \"%s\".\n", (fName + ".img").c_str());
for (ImgFile::Entries::const_iterator i = img.entries.begin(); i != img.entries.end(); ++i)
fprintf(f, "%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%d,%d,\"%s\"\n", i->tPage, i->tx, i->ty, i->sx, i->sy, i->ox, i->oy, i->name.c_str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.pages.size(); ++i)
if (!img.pages[i].dirty)
continue; // Image not changed, no need to resave.
char index[100];
sprintf(index, "%u.png", i);
std::string pageFilename = fName + index;
if (!img.pages[i].data.save(pageFilename.c_str()))
printf("Error saving file \"%s\".\n", pageFilename.c_str());
void readSplitFiles(std::string const &fName, ImgFile &img)
std::string dir = fName + "/";
for (ImgFile::Entries::iterator i = img.entries.begin(); i != img.entries.end(); ++i)
std::string png = dir + filter(i->name, true) + ".png";
QImage newData = QImage(png.c_str()).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
if (newData.isNull())
printf("Error loading file \"%s\".\n", png.c_str());
if (i->data == newData)
continue; // Nothing changed.
i->data = newData;
if (i->sx != (unsigned)i->data.width() ||
i->sy != (unsigned)i->data.height())
// Image size changed, mark it dirty, since it probably needs to be moved.
i->sx = i->data.width();
i->sy = i->data.height();
i->dirty = true;
// Image size did not change, so can just write it where it was.
img.pages[i->tPage].dirty = true;
void writeSplitFiles(std::string const &fName, ImgFile const &img)
std::string dir = fName + "/";
mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0755);
for (ImgFile::Entries::const_iterator i = img.entries.begin(); i != img.entries.end(); ++i)
std::string png = dir + filter(i->name, true) + ".png";
void writeHeaderFile(std::string const &fName, ImgFile const &img)
FILE *f = fopen(fName.c_str(), "wb");
if (f == NULL)
printf("Couldn't write file \"%s\".\n", fName.c_str());
fprintf(f, "// THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED HEADER! DO NOT EDIT (since your changes would be lost, anyway)!\n"
"#ifndef __INCLUDED_%s__\n"
"#define __INCLUDED_%s__\n"
"{\n", filter(fName).c_str(), filter(fName).c_str());
for (ImgFile::Entries::const_iterator i = img.entries.begin(); i != img.entries.end(); ++i)
fprintf(f, "\t%s,\n", filter(i->name).c_str());
fprintf(f, "};\n"
"#endif //__INCLUDED_%s__\n", filter(fName).c_str());
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char const *programName = argv[0];
if (argc >= 2 && std::string(argv[1]) == "--no-crush")
shouldCrush = false;
if (argc != 3 && argc != 4)
return 1;
std::string action = argv[1];
std::string base = argv[2];
std::string header;
if (argc == 4)
header = argv[3];
if (action == "split")
ImgFile img = parseImgFile(base);
writeSplitFiles(base, img);
/*for (ImgFile::Entries::const_iterator i = img.entries.begin(); i != img.entries.end(); ++i)
printf("%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%d,%d,\"%s\"\n", i->tPage, i->tx, i->ty, i->sx, i->sy, i->ox, i->oy, i->name.c_str());
else if (action == "join" || action == "repack")
ImgFile img = parseImgFile(base);
readSplitFiles(base, img);
if (action == "repack")
for (unsigned i = 0; i < img.entries.size(); ++i)
img.entries[i].tPage = 0;
img.entries[i].dirty = true;
writeImgFile(base, img);
if (!header.empty())
writeHeaderFile(header, img);
return 1;