
359 lines
8.6 KiB

This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Debug.c
* Various debugging output functions.
#include "frame.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "frameint.h"
#include "strnlen1.h"
#define MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE 512
char last_called_script_event[MAX_EVENT_NAME_LEN];
static debug_callback * callbackRegistry = NULL;
BOOL enabled_debug[LOG_LAST]; // global
* This list _must_ match the enum in debug.h!
* Names must be 8 chars long at max!
static const char *code_part_names[] = {
static char inputBuffer[2][MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE];
static BOOL useInputBuffer1 = FALSE;
* Convert code_part names to enum. Case insensitive.
* \return Codepart number or LOG_LAST if can't match.
static code_part code_part_from_str(const char *str)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < LOG_LAST; i++) {
if (strcasecmp(code_part_names[i], str) == 0) {
return i;
return LOG_LAST;
* Callback for outputing to stderr
* \param data Ignored. Use NULL.
* \param outputBuffer Buffer containing the preprocessed text to output.
void debug_callback_stderr( WZ_DECL_UNUSED void ** data, const char * outputBuffer )
if ( !strchr( outputBuffer, '\n' ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", outputBuffer );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "%s", outputBuffer );
* Callback for outputting to a win32 debugger
* \param data Ignored. Use NULL.
* \param outputBuffer Buffer containing the preprocessed text to output.
#if defined WIN32 && defined DEBUG
void debug_callback_win32debug( void ** data, const char * outputBuffer )
char tmpStr[MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE];
strlcpy(tmpStr, outputBuffer, sizeof(tmpStr));
if (!strchr(tmpStr, '\n'))
strlcat(tmpStr, "\n", sizeof(tmpStr));
OutputDebugStringA( tmpStr );
#endif // WIN32
* Callback for outputing to a file
* \param data Filehandle to output to.
* \param outputBuffer Buffer containing the preprocessed text to output.
void debug_callback_file( void ** data, const char * outputBuffer )
FILE * logfile = (FILE*)*data;
if ( !strchr( outputBuffer, '\n' ) ) {
fprintf( logfile, "%s\n", outputBuffer );
} else {
fprintf( logfile, "%s", outputBuffer );
* Setup the file callback
* Sets data to the filehandle opened for the filename found in data.
* \param[in,out] data In: The filename to output to.
* Out: The filehandle.
void debug_callback_file_init( void ** data )
const char * filename = (const char *)*data;
FILE * logfile = NULL;
logfile = fopen( filename, "w" );
if (!logfile) {
fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for appending!\n", filename );
} else {
setbuf( logfile, NULL );
fprintf( logfile, "\n--- Starting log ---\n" );
*data = logfile;
* Shutdown the file callback
* Closes the logfile.
* \param data The filehandle to close.
void debug_callback_file_exit( void ** data )
FILE * logfile = (FILE*)*data;
fclose( logfile );
*data = NULL;
void debug_init(void)
/*** Initialize the debug subsystem ***/
#if defined(WZ_CC_MSVC) && defined(DEBUG)
int tmpDbgFlag;
_CrtSetReportMode( _CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG ); // Output CRT info to debugger
tmpDbgFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ); // Grab current flags
# if defined(DEBUG_MEMORY)
tmpDbgFlag |= _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF; // Check every (de)allocation
# endif // DEBUG_MEMORY
tmpDbgFlag |= _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF; // Check allocations
tmpDbgFlag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; // Check for memleaks
_CrtSetDbgFlag( tmpDbgFlag );
#endif // WZ_CC_MSVC && DEBUG
STATIC_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(code_part_names) - 1 == LOG_LAST); // enums start at 0
memset( enabled_debug, FALSE, sizeof(enabled_debug) );
enabled_debug[LOG_ERROR] = TRUE;
inputBuffer[0][0] = '\0';
inputBuffer[1][0] = '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
enabled_debug[LOG_WARNING] = TRUE;
void debug_exit(void)
debug_callback * curCallback = callbackRegistry, * tmpCallback = NULL;
while ( curCallback )
if ( curCallback->exit )
curCallback->exit( &curCallback->data );
tmpCallback = curCallback->next;
free( curCallback );
curCallback = tmpCallback;
callbackRegistry = NULL;
void debug_register_callback( debug_callback_fn callback, debug_callback_init init, debug_callback_exit exit, void * data )
debug_callback * curCallback = callbackRegistry, * tmpCallback = NULL;
tmpCallback = (debug_callback*)malloc(sizeof(debug_callback));
tmpCallback->next = NULL;
tmpCallback->callback = callback;
tmpCallback->init = init;
tmpCallback->exit = exit;
tmpCallback->data = data;
if ( tmpCallback->init )
tmpCallback->init( &tmpCallback->data );
if ( !curCallback )
callbackRegistry = tmpCallback;
while ( curCallback->next )
curCallback = curCallback->next;
curCallback->next = tmpCallback;
BOOL debug_enable_switch(const char *str)
code_part part = code_part_from_str(str);
if (part != LOG_LAST) {
enabled_debug[part] = !enabled_debug[part];
if (part == LOG_ALL) {
memset(enabled_debug, TRUE, sizeof(enabled_debug));
return (part != LOG_LAST);
/* Dump last two debug log calls into file descriptor. For exception handler. */
#define dumpstr(desc, str) write(desc, str, strnlen1(str, MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE) - 1)
void dumpLog(int filedesc)
dumpstr(filedesc, "Log message 1:");
dumpstr(filedesc, inputBuffer[0]);
dumpstr(filedesc, "\nLog message 2:");
dumpstr(filedesc, inputBuffer[1]);
dumpstr(filedesc, "\n\n");
void _debug( code_part part, const char *str, ... )
va_list ap;
static char outputBuffer[MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE];
debug_callback * curCallback = callbackRegistry;
static unsigned int repeated = 0; /* times current message repeated */
static unsigned int next = 2; /* next total to print update */
static unsigned int prev = 0; /* total on last update */
va_start(ap, str);
vsnprintf(inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0], MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE, str, ap);
// Guarantee to nul-terminate
inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0][MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE - 1] = '\0';
if ( strncmp( inputBuffer[0], inputBuffer[1], MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE - 1 ) == 0 ) {
// Received again the same line
if (repeated == next) {
if (repeated > 2) {
snprintf( outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer), "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated );
} else {
snprintf( outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer), "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev );
while (curCallback) {
curCallback->callback( &curCallback->data, outputBuffer );
curCallback = curCallback->next;
curCallback = callbackRegistry;
prev = repeated;
next *= 2;
} else {
// Received another line, cleanup the old
if (repeated > 0 && repeated != prev && repeated != 1) {
/* just repeat the previous message when only one repeat occurred */
if (repeated > 2) {
snprintf( outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer), "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated );
} else {
snprintf( outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer), "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev );
while (curCallback)
curCallback->callback( &curCallback->data, outputBuffer );
curCallback = curCallback->next;
curCallback = callbackRegistry;
repeated = 0;
next = 2;
prev = 0;
if (!repeated)
// Assemble the outputBuffer:
snprintf( outputBuffer, MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE, "%-8s: %s", code_part_names[part], useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0] );
while (curCallback) {
curCallback->callback( &curCallback->data, outputBuffer );
curCallback = curCallback->next;
useInputBuffer1 = !useInputBuffer1; // Swap buffers
bool debugPartEnabled(code_part codePart)
return enabled_debug[codePart];